[00:09] can anyone make heads or tails out of this error ? : https://pastebin.com/zYXZi9r9 [00:10] I unmasked it and systemctl still complains [00:12] glitsj16, i tried a solusion i found on ubuntu.com and now opening links from other places than pdf reader works. the pdf reader still gives that permission denied error [00:13] theorem, nice nick name. are you into mathematics? [00:14] yep [00:17] Hi all === zenguy- is now known as zenguy [00:43] wish^: Back . And in that display for the 2 graphic's cards does it show drivers for each ? [00:49] Bashing-om, not that i can read [00:54] If I got s new processor and motherboard would I need to reinstall ubuntu [00:55] wish^: Well, that seems to indicate no driver loaded . Really need to confirm this . Can you boot a older normal kernel from grub's boot menu ? [00:56] configuration: latency=0 on both the entries [00:56] wish^: My display output config line " configuration: driver=nvidia " where I have the nvidia driver loaded . [00:56] Ok so that means I dont have a driver [00:58] wish^: Yeah. no driver loaded . What shows from an older nornal kernel ? Maybe we will have to re-install from that current kernel - when we can boot it . [01:00] This happened when i tried to install the newest driver from nvidia [01:01] on the 4.8 kernel i get driver=nvidia [01:09] When i try to boot it still will not work though :( [01:09] wish^: Installing from nvidia is not the best thing to do . We do have a trusted PPA with the latest tested/optimized for ubuntu . So I guess next is to remove the Nvidia provided driver and see what results installing 1st from the repo . As we are up in the 4.8 kernel, pastebin for me - lspci -k|grep -iEA5 'vga|3d' - And I will match the driver for the cards . [01:10] When i try booting the system is stalling on the Started update UTMP about System Runlevel Changes...pleted startup.p link was shut down [01:10] Ok i will do that command [01:13] 3D Controller: NVIDIA Corp GM107GLM rev a2 [01:13] Kernel driver in use nvidia [01:14] Kernel modules nvidiafb, nouveau [01:15] And then vga controller is Intel corporation device 191d [01:15] Onboard IGD [01:15] Kernel modules: i915 [01:15] Nvidia card is Quadro M1000M === capella_ is now known as capella [01:19] wish^: We want thje 384 driver . What release is this ? [01:20] Release of? [01:20] "newest driver nvidia" newest kernel and newest mesa too ? [01:21] wish^: 16.04 17.04 as the release . see if that card has support in the repo ( it is in the PPA !) . [01:22] 16.04 [01:22] !info nvidia-384 xenial [01:22] Package nvidia-384 does not exist in xenial [01:23] that quadro 1000 is supported from 352.63 and up [01:24] wish^: ^^ so we get the driver from the PPA . For now try booting the latest kernel with the nomodeset boot paramater/ [01:24] Without deleting everything, is it possible to reinstall ubuntu with a live system? For some reason, I'm runningh 250/250/250 a lot on this computer and iotop, top and mem are not showing the load that uptime is showing. Also, some apps are not responding. [01:24] !nomodeset | wish^ [01:24] wish^: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [01:26] cann i just add it when selecting kernel in grub using 'e' to edit boot options? [01:28] wish^: Yes that is the method . from the 'e' mode . Also From Nvidia " Note that many Linux distributions provide their own packages of the NVIDIA Linux Graphics Driver in the distribution's native package management format. This may interact better with the rest of your distribution's framework, and you may want to use this rather than NVIDIA's official package. " . [01:30] Am i supposed to just add it nomodeset anywhere in that file? [01:30] wish^: as oerheks knows his stuff . we take that ^^ hint that the 384 version is not required . Be much safer to maintain . [01:41] Is nomodeset a boot flag or a command? [01:43] wish^: It is an argument that grub passes to the kernel to disable kernel mode setting . [01:44] OK i managed to boot with nomodeset [01:45] But i cannot login :( [01:45] Everytime i try to login it restarts gui [01:45] wish^: :) Making good progress . What is the name of the file you downloaded ' sudo find / -name "NVIDIA-Linux-*" ' ? [01:46] I have not downloaded anything yet [01:47] wish^: " Everytime i try to login it restarts gui" At the login screen ' ctl+alt+F1 ' can you log into the system here at this console ? [01:48] Yup [01:48] I am in [01:49] wish^: sudo find / -name [01:49] "NVIDIA-Linux-*" sorry bad paste . [01:50] wish^: sudo find / -name "NVIDIA-Linux-*" . [01:51] That command returns nothing [01:52] I am trying to generate an ssh-key on Ubuntu 14.04.1 with ssh-keygen -t rsa and it succesfully completes but when i go to my ~/.ssh/ directory, there is no id_rsa.pub or id_rsa.priv or known_hosts file at all. What am I doing wrong? Thank you. [01:52] Really appreciate your help on this Bashing-om. This is my work PC and I really need to get it working again [01:53] wish^: OK ! .. now. ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia | nc termbin.com 9999 ' . The result is a URL back in terminal, pass that link back here . [01:54] wish^: Looks like all we have to do is install a graphics driver . Maybe as easy as that :) [01:54] http://termbin.com/gt9z [01:56] wish^: Yuk ! That shows the 384 version driver installed . Where did you get it from ? [01:56] "newest driver nvidia" sigh.. [01:57] I installed it in the additionnal drivers tab in software in ubuntu [01:57] There was about 5 choices and i chose the newest one [01:57] Before that i was on 370 [01:57] 384 is not is the standard repos. [01:58] 370 als0 [01:58] 361-367-375 are official ones [01:58] wish^: Additional drivers ? Nust be pulling from the PPA as the 384 driver is not in the software repository, yes ? [01:58] !gl [01:59] Must* [01:59] :/ [02:00] I am trying to generate an ssh-key on Ubuntu 14.04.1 with ssh-keygen -t rsa and it succesfully completes but when i go to my ~/.ssh/ directory, there is no id_rsa.pub or id_rsa.priv or known_hosts file at all. What am I doing wrong? Thank you. [02:01] maybe the .ssh directory does not have the correct permissions? [02:02] wish^: it has 700 permissions on the directory [02:03] Bashing-om, oerheks Any ideas what I can do? Should i install a different driver? [02:04] that quadro 1000 is supported from 352.63 and up, so i don't get it why you wanted newer drivers. [02:05] My HDMI port was not working correctly so I thought I would try to update to the newest drivers [02:05] 370 was working fine so maybe i can just revert to that then? [02:07] wish^: want to try a short cut maybe a shot in the dark ? purge and have the system choose what it wants from what it has to choose from for a driver ? Or find out why the 384 version is not working ? Will only take a few minutes to purge/re-install and can hurt nothing to try . [02:07] I am up for anything that can help me get my system working again. Thanks [02:08] depends how you installed this, but yes, go into sources> additional drivers and choose 370 [02:08] I dont have a gui [02:10] wish^: In the interest of getting back to work ' sudo apt purge nvidia* ' then have the system choose ' sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' . [02:16] Hello all. I have been looking around on how to install Ubuntu 17.04 on my X99 Rig which has a 980TI and it seems to always boot to some garbage screen. Anyone have direct knowdlge on how to get this done? im trying to dual boot it. [02:18] !nomodeset | rhcp[cloud] [02:18] rhcp[cloud]: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [02:19] Yep. I used this and many other flags to get 17.04 of a macbookPro 8,4 :) [02:19] let me check the page [02:20] ill try it on there. and report back i guess. [02:21] rhcp[cloud]: sounds reasonable :) [02:22] Bashing-om, ok all that completed. One error kept popping back W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/kbl_dmc_ver1_01.bin for module i915 which is the driver for my built in gfx chip [02:24] But should i try to reboot everything after these commands? [02:24] wish^: Consider: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-firmware/+bug/1611124 . All else now good ? [02:24] Launchpad bug 1611124 in linux-firmware (Ubuntu) "W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/kbl_guc_ver9_14.bin for module i915" [Undecided,Invalid] [02:31] I rebooted and I can now boot without nomodeset. Thanks alot Bashing-om [02:31] GUI also works [02:32] wish^: Great ,, we all sleep better now :) [02:32] wish^: What driver did the system choose ? [02:33] 384 [02:34] wish^: Well, all I can surmise is something glitched on the former install attempt :( [02:34] When I run sudo iwconfig ra0 essid xxxxx key xxxxx I get set failed on ra0 ; no such device [02:37] Yea that is probably it [02:37] but the device is listed as ra0 with ifconfig -a [02:38] Shmam: What release ? systemd ? what shows from terminal command ' ip link ' . Is there a ra0 ? [02:39] Again Bashing-om, you really saved me here. Thanks alot [02:41] wish^: Welcome . doing these puzzles beats jig saw puzzles - every time :) [02:42] I want to learn to solve these things my self, but I have such limited time and so many things to learn. [02:43] wish^: Believe me if ya want to and hang in here,,, you will learn :D [02:44] I really should learn this stuff, would help me alot in my job aswell. I do web development work [02:46] Would be nice to be able to manage servers properly [02:48] wish^: Well .. time and effort . man pages are your friend . [02:59] anyone used a zebra label printer? [03:01] Bashing-om: looks like nomodeset did the trick on here too. Was able to install and boot with it. What would I install for 980ti to make things actually work proper ? Thx [03:05] rhcp[cloud]: ' sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' Depending ya might get the 384 version driver . [03:07] Looks like 375 [03:07] i wish they'd fix this bug where copying large files to a usb attached drive won't hang - kinda hard to backup the internal drive when this happens - i guess i'll have to try rsync since cp -R ain't getting the job done [03:07] rhcp[cloud]: Good deal 385 is good : reboot and see what ya got . [03:09] rhcp[cloud]: 375* is good . [03:09] Let’s see! [03:13] Pardon the insane dirty mess but 👍🏻 [03:13] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/4uT5jaUW/IMG_6877.JPG [03:15] Thanks [03:15] Need to remember that auto-install command. [03:16] rhcp[cloud]: sign of a busy mind :) But I know little of multiple display issues . [03:17] Works fine. No issues [03:20] rhcp[cloud]: Well, that then is even better . I like it when I have no issues on my system . But sure took a long time to keep it that way :) [03:22] Haha. Yea I’ve been fooling around on my hackintosh. Which is my main. 4x displays and my MacBook Pro 2014 and I installed Ubuntu on my MacBook Pro 2011 17” [03:41] hi is there a way to install flash player in opera with 17.04 [03:49] �DCC SEND startkeylogger 0 0 0 [03:54] heh that's a blast from the past [04:14] is anyone know a channel about archlinux? [04:17] Is there anyone know a channel about archlinux? [04:17] plz [04:19] this fire pit is fully operational [04:19] sorry wrong channel [04:27] good morning to all [04:27] lotuspsychje: good morning [04:41] Is a 4gb flash drive big enough for ubuntu 16.04 live [04:42] bray90820: yes . [04:42] Thanks [04:42] !usb | bray90820 [04:42] bray90820: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent === the_ant1 is now known as the_ant [04:59] hey [05:27] goodness [05:32] goodness [05:42] So as of right now I can boot ubuntu if I choose it at boot every time I start I can't seem to be able to set it as a boot device to boot automatically [05:46] odd [05:46] Is this in the bios or grub? [05:46] Bios [05:46] Grub doesn't load [05:47] It says please insert proper boot device... [05:47] Yet the device is in the list of options? [05:48] Do you mean is it in the bios list of options? [05:50] Correct. It tells you to insert a "proper boot device", and you are able to boot into ubuntu? [05:51] Oh sorrythat's not exactly what I meant you know how when it can't find a boot device it says please insert boot disc and press enter? [05:52] Yes [05:52] That's what it says [05:52] But I may have some more info for you [05:54] it says error attempt to read or write outside of disk '0'. entering rescue mode grub rescue [05:54] so it failed to load grub I think [05:56] I'm afraid we're out of my area of knowledge. I'd probably just install on another disk if I had one, or wipe and reinstall [05:56] I have determined it just need to install grub again which is easy to do [05:57] Way easier then reinstalling the system and configure everything back to the easy I had it before [05:59] Eh. Do it once, ansibilize/ceph it and save it to a repo somewhere. Provision a new one whenever needed [06:00] chef* [06:07] bray90820: is your computer uefi? [06:08] Note [06:08] Standared Bios [06:08] *It's standard bios [06:08] bray90820: did your harddrive work before? [06:08] Yes [06:09] But I actually think I got it [06:17] Interesting, what did you do? [06:26] Well I got grub installed and working but now I get “Welcome to emergency mode!" after grub [06:30] lotuspsychje: got any idea about emergency mode [06:36] bray90820: i dont know what your trying to do..explain the whole story first please [06:36] !details | bray90820 [06:36] bray90820: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. [06:37] I changed my motherboard today and grub failed to load and then once I got grub working ubuntu says “Welcome to emergency mode" [06:37] ah [06:37] Any ideas? [06:38] Legacy bios to legacy bios? [06:38] Uefi to legacy [06:40] Since you were using uefi I assume the disk was partitioned with gpt? [06:41] I don't think legacy boot can read gpt disks/// [06:41] but re-install grub in MBR mode [06:41] Well grub actually seems to be working fine [06:42] Can I check if it is in MBR mode [06:42] bray90820: any reason you dont just reinstall ubuntu after new mobo? [06:43] There are a lot of setting and files that would take me upwords of 2 days to restore [06:43] bray90820: make a backup? [06:43] It would take 2 days to restore from the bqckup [06:44] bray90820: lesson number 1 always make backups, to avoid situations your in right now [06:44] I have backups [06:45] I just don't wanna spend 2 days restoring everything [06:49] So I got it [06:49] bray90820: got what [06:49] Everything is booting correctly now [06:49] It looks like things weren't installed correctly to begin with [06:49] bray90820: like what [06:50] I have an lvm I use for data and an ssd for teh system turns out some boot files are installed on the LVM [06:51] I had the LVM unplugged just so I wouldn't overwrite it accidentally but then I plugged it back in after I got grub installed and everything is working now [06:55] But thanks anyways for the help you tried to give me [07:21] Hi. How can I edit a .desktop file so that the app lauches tiled on the right at startup? [07:22] launches* === jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod [08:04] hi [08:04] i recently installed ubuntu 16.04 on a fujitsu t5010 laptop [08:05] poffy2_: you need something like devilspie to position and size the window when the app launches, no way to do it in the .desktop file afaik [08:05] there are a couple of things I want to fix or improve and was hoping someone could tell me how or point me in the right direction: [08:05] 1. For some reason whenever the system starts from a cold boot, it checks the disk (only after a recent update) [08:06] 2. I want to optimise battery usage; at the moment I get less than half the time I would with Windows 10 [08:08] 3. I also need to manually start a service. I just go to the appropriate folder and type sudo ./CrashPlanEngine start [08:08] is there a way I can make the service start automatically? [08:08] BRB - dinner [08:15] Hi, I would like to know the meaning of this command "easy_install3 pip" ? [08:15] I know i am installing pip3, but what is "easy_install3" stands for ? [08:23] ducasse, hmm the configuration of devilspie seems hazardous [08:23] If I mount an internal drive, under /mnt/example, what should the permissions be? [08:24] If it stays as root:root then I can't write, but I've I change the owner to : is this bad practice? [08:40] poffy2_: it's really not, but try gdevilspie for a frontend [08:40] I have tried it [08:40] it is not really doing what I require it to do [08:41] if I select maximize vertically then it does not take care of the width :-( [08:44] maybe wmctrl can do it, i haven't used it in ages [08:48] I am using VirtualBox installed Ubuntu 16.04 in it. But the problem is when i boot it, i am unable to see unity panel nor i am able to open terminal, with shortcuts key. [08:57] squarefrog: what type of filesystem is it? [08:57] ext4 [08:59] @geirha mounted through /etc/fstab:/dev/disk/by-id/(the-disk-id)-part1 /mnt/disk1 ext4 defaults 0 0 [09:01] squarefrog: right, ext4, then just treat it as any other directory; that is, chowning to your user is fine [09:02] geirha: chown /mnt/disk1 or just the contents? [09:02] both [09:02] geirha: awesome, thanks! [09:07] squarefrog: oh and you may want the last field of that fstab line to be 2 instead of 0 [09:09] with 0, fsck will never check it for errors. You can read more about that in: man 5 fstab [09:14] geirha oh right, I'll look into that thanks [09:15] I need help getting plex to see my files on a second HDD. I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 [09:55] ke7vyv: whats the issue? [10:03] HI folks [10:36] I'm sure I've asked this before, but why would an IP alias not work on eth1:1 but works fine on eth1:2, eth1:a, or anything else? I do already have an eth1:0 that works without issue. [10:37] I need help. I'm new to linux and I'm trying to setup Plex Media Server and I can't get it to see any of my files on a second or third SATA HDDs. [10:44] ke7vyv: "can't get it" how? any error message? [10:45] ke7vyv: how have you installed Plex - through Docker or by package? [10:46] ducasse: I'm not able to select any of the dirs on the hdd. [10:47] ke7vyv: you probably have a permissions problem, they need to be accessible to the user plex runs as [10:47] squarefrog: I downloaded the .deb file off the website. [10:49] OK, do you have the SATA drives mounted somewhere? [10:49] ducasse: plex is the user that it runs as. [10:52] ke7vyv: do you know what permissions the drives are set as? [10:52] squarefrog: They are mounted at /media/user/plex [10:53] ke7vyv: if you cd to /media/user and run ls -al is the owner of the plex mount plex:plex ? [10:54] or see if the plex user can list the files at all with: sudo -u plex ls -l /media/user/plex [10:54] TIL [10:56] squarefrog: no plex isn't listed [11:00] key7vyv: that could be your issue, try what geirha suggested [11:08] I got a Permission denied [11:08] ke7vyv: then that's your problem [11:09] ke7vyv: plex hasn't got permission to read, you need to fix that [11:09] !permissions | ke7vyv read here for a quick intro [11:09] ke7vyv read here for a quick intro: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions [11:39] ducasse: okay so I tried chmod -R 755 /media/user/plex and it still isn't working [11:46] ke7vyv: the user probably lacks execute permission to /media/user [11:54] I've tried multistrap and debootstrap, and neither seems to work. What alternatives do I have? [11:57] Or is there a different way of creating an Ubuntu Trusty rootfs that I can use? [11:59] necrophcodr: debootstrap works well here, at least the last time i tried it [12:00] ducasse: i've used it before and it has served me well, but i can't get it working anymore. not on any of my 14.04 machines. [12:00] i haven't tried on any other machine, because it would be pointless. [12:00] *any other os [12:02] i'm not running trusty here, so dunno about the package version there. what exactly is the problem? [12:02] oh, actually, i'm running 16.04 on my workstation here it seems, and since i just tested it a few hours ago, i guess it doesn't work there either [12:02] ducasse: i'm trying to do the following: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25182414/ [12:03] it fails on the last line with a problem with dpkg, where it states the symlink sizes changed [12:05] hmmm... [12:18] i dual boot with windows, my ubuntu install is in a luks partition with lvm, i want to add another distro (lubuntu) in a lv however I don’t want the lubuntu install to control the grub, how do i achieve this? [12:21] The recent updates to mesa packages have broken media players and vaapi. Why are such big changes pushed to stable LTS releases? [12:24] sruli, iirc, you can run ubiquity without installing grub [12:25] ioria: thanks, what happens when i run a dist-upgrade in that install, will it not install grub? [12:25] Hello, i have problem with kde start menu. It is slowly typing the letters... like 1 per minute. i can press on keyboard "test" but only "t" appears on screen. [12:26] metaphysician, blacklist it [12:27] I asked a few times in the past regarding a problem i had that after some idle time my system froze and in tty1 i saw many errors that it could not wrote to lower page.. smart data and test all showed the drive to be perfect, i now decided to change the drive and was shocked to find the it was burnt what can cause this to happen? see images here http://i.imgur.com/5zkqiEI.jpg http://i.imgur.com/EOzzIdO.jpg http://i.imgur.com/MuUbxl2.jpg [12:27] why does the command "ssh -f -w 1:1 -o Tunnel=ethernet root@server true" create tun1 interface when the docs. I have read say it should create tap1 interfaces? [12:27] ioria: using apt preferences? Where can I download the previous packages now? Anything similar to debian snapshot archive? [12:28] metaphysician, sorry, wrong nick [12:43] hey, is it possible to see the output of a running cron job? [13:21] is this channel for ubuntu server as well? [13:21] hachre: It can be, there is also #ubuntu-server for questions that may not get answered here [13:22] thanks [13:41] hi guys. I am trying to get apache to enable cors. I added a set header line to htaccess and default conf file but it does not seem to work even after restarting apache and enabling header mode [13:43] anyone has a guide for enabling cors on apache, or any other simple web server for static files on how to enable cors for ubuntu 16? [13:43] my keyboard is pressing key "i" sometimes, itself [13:44] i have tried webrick, lightppd, python web server, node web server but non of them worked with cors. (node didn't run at all) [13:58] lavilool: make sure to enable mod_headers (a2enmod headers) [13:59] lavilool: inside your server config add: Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" [13:59] lavilool: or appropriate cors config [13:59] lavilool: https://enable-cors.org/server_apache.html [14:05] elitedev thank you for your reply. I did what you said. it seems to be working. [14:42] key i repeats itself sometimes starts writing itself [14:42] not pressing it or anything [14:45] but only sometimes [14:48] RonaldsMazitis: if wired, change keyboard. if wireless, change batteries [14:48] I have laptop [14:50] RonaldsMazitis: get a can of pressurized air, blow under and around the key [14:51] hey all [14:56] hello. i do have gnome with ubuntu, and when my laptop is docked and its comming back from sleep, if laptop lid is closed it goes sleep again :) [14:56] any solution? :) [14:59] RonaldsMazitis: laptop model? is there a BIOS update you need to apply? [14:59] darme: perhaps the HandleLidSwitchDocked setting in /etc/systemd/logind.conf affects this, not sure [15:00] it has been like half hour and that key is not writing anymore [15:00] laptop asus k750 [15:01] I don't know, I haven't been in bios for lifetime [15:01] I changed keyboard half year ago [15:02] Hello, I have Ubuntu 16.4 and when I try to run software updater it stops and tells me "requires installation of untrusted package". And when I try to do the updates from Ubuntu Software, it always fails [15:04] Also the only software that I installed that wasnt in the Ubuntu Software app, was skype but apparently it's in my allowed sources in Software & Updates [15:04] I would like to do the system updates anyways, is there an other way? [15:08] dedze: can you update via terminal? ... sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade [15:11] pavlos: I haven't tried that but I found that it was the skype update blocking it all. [15:12] pavlos: should I worry about this? [15:16] dedze: The output of 'sudo apt update' would tell you what's missing [15:19] dedze: What version of skype did you install? Because version 4.3.0... is not working any longer anyway. So in case you use the old version, uninstall it, remove the repository in /etc/apt/sources.list.d and install the version from this site https://www.skype.com/en/download-skype/skype-for-linux/ I do not have an 'untrusted software' problem with this version. [15:20] minimec: I have skype [15:20] dedze: Ok. Strange that you get this error. I installed this version on multiple computers and never got this error. [15:21] dedze: when i installed skype, it didn't install the repo public key [15:22] pavlos: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25213808/ that whats the terminal gives [15:22] dedze: i needed to "sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 1F3045A5DF7587C3" [15:23] akik: I'm so new to ubuntu so maybe I thought skype is allowed to do update but it's not? [15:23] dedze: https://askubuntu.com/questions/909312/skype-update-error-when-running-apt-update [15:23] dedze: when i installed skype, it didn't install the repo public key <- that is causing your proble [15:23] dedze: I would download that skype package again and reinstall it. That will probably add the missing key. [15:24] akik: but in Software & Updates > Other Software, there is a v next to https://repo.skype.com/deb stable main [15:24] i just gave you the command which fixes it [15:26] akik: so to confirm, I enter "sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 1F3045A5DF7587C3" in the terminal and it will allow skype to be update? [15:27] dedze: yes [15:29] akik: Oki it's done, I redid sudo apt update, now I have to do sudo apt upgrade? [15:29] dedze: run the task that failed previously [15:30] Oki [15:30] how can I set up my ubuntu server to remove files from a directory every friday at 3am? [15:32] It worked, thanks akik pavlos and minimec !! [15:35] daveomcd: make a cron entry, 0 3 * * 5 (that's every Friday 3am) and call the script to delete files. [15:36] I would like to assign $? to a shell script variable. I tried the obvious x = $? but I get x is not a command error. What is the correct way? [15:41] if you're using bash, something like RETVAL=$? [15:41] then you can call $RETVAL later [15:41] I do that often to ensure commands complete successfully [15:42] so... my coworker's laptop has frozen up for about the twentieth time with ubuntu - as with all the other times, it has locked up and corrupted his partition. [15:42] the lockups seem related to suspend and were 100% guaranteed to happen if he accidentally clicked the suspend icon in unity or closed laptop lid in 4.9 [15:43] in 4.10 kernel, it seems fine for a while, then suddenly does exact same thing. he's developed a seething hatred of ubuntu at this point, but I think keeps trying out of grim masochism [15:44] I dropped by to bring it up again, just 'cause the ubuntu hardware test page is extremely misleading in this case. it just notes "hibernate doesn't work" [15:44] Poster: I put in RETVAL = $? and get ./ping.sh: line 8: RETVAL: command not found [15:44] not "suspend *and* hibernate will corrupt your install entirely if triggered. oh, and 4.10 kernel will do it randomly anyway" [15:45] GrandPa-G: copy it verbatim, no spaces RETVAL=$? [15:45] Poster: works. What is the difference? why does white space count? Is it just the left side that makes a difference? [15:46] ah. seems by miracle the most recent lockup did not corrupt is partition. but still happens 90% of the time tho [15:46] RETVAL without an equal sign is interpreted as a command, I suggest reading up on bash scripting for more details [15:47] Poster: oky doky. thanks [15:49] https://certification.ubuntu.com/hardware/201606-22367/ here's the laptop that's been driving him bonkers if someone wants to slap a big warning sign on it "warning, do not buy to install ubuntu yourself - it will make your life a living hell and eat all your data" [15:50] says linux ready if "installed by manufacturer" perhaps true, if such a thing could be bought, but definitely not true if done yourself [15:50] hm... page now says standard images may not work - that's new? maybe someone is putting warnings on it. good :) [15:52] Can't unmount a LVM on LUKS device. Says: /media/rootfs: target busy. Following these instructions (in a Ubuntu MATE Virtualbox): https://blog.sleeplessbeastie.eu/2015/11/16/how-to-mount-encrypted-lvm-logical-volume/: [15:53] from a live CD [15:53] in virtualbox. [15:59] Updated grub, ubuntu 16.04 based distro, and now grub's screen is black, I can boot if I let it time out or hit enter like normal, its just grub isn't rendering, its just a black screen. [15:59] *grub2 [16:02] salamanderrake: change grub from graphical to text mode, search for docs [16:03] salamanderrake: GRUB_TERMINAL="console" on /etc/default/grub [16:03] I have a voip server running on my vps, how do I find out which user is running it? [16:06] tomeaton17: "sudo ps axfu|less" [16:06] tomeaton17: the first column is the username [16:11] pavlos thanks! [16:11] gabrielc: ok thank you. [16:14] Please tell me someone here knows about adding Ubuntu to an Active Directory domain [16:15] tomeaton17: you're welcome [16:15] This seems odd... $ pip install --upgrade pip [16:15] Collecting pip [16:15] Using cached pip-9.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl [16:15] Installing collected packages: pip [16:15] Successfully installed pip-8.1.1 [16:15] You are using pip version 8.1.1, however version 9.0.1 is available. [16:15] Is anyone here familiar with adding an Ubuntu computer to a Windows AD network? [16:18] Simonious: besides the bot muting you for copy/paste fail, seems like you're totally in the wrong channel - pip isn't an ubuntu thing [16:18] would be #python or somesuch presumably [16:19] I guess I'm in the wrong channel too since I'm getting 0 replies. [16:19] It looks like over the weekend 2.4.7-1ubuntu4.16 was replaced by 2.4.7-1ubuntu4.17, however when I apt install it is still pointing to .16 [16:19] axslayer33: see if helps https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/sssd-ad.html [16:20] sorry, missed the apache2 part :) apache2-bin_2.4.7-1ubuntu4.16_i386.deb [16:21] Tried that, at sudo net ads -k, it tells me "Failed: An internal error occured" [16:23] Exact error: "failed to join domain: failed to look up DC in for domain an internal error occured". I can ping the domain by name, realm tells me I'm already connected [16:23] But I can't see it in the AD. [16:25] axslayer33: https://askubuntu.com/questions/790377/trouble-joining-an-active-directory-domain [16:26] Also everytime I tell it do something related it tells me "ignoring unknown parameter: cient use spnego" [16:26] nemo: I've got pip on ubuntu [16:26] * Simonious shrugs [16:26] I had literall already put it in pastebin too https://pastebin.com/LgTvXSj5 [16:27] axslayer33: copy paste the error on google and read [16:27] I've been doing that for three days.... [16:28] Anyway, I *refollowed* the second link and have two things of note. [16:29] One, it's yelling at me that it failed to initialize kerbereos content. I think I know why this happened, I don't know how to undo it - in the kerberos conf file, I found references to a boatload of domains at MIT. [16:29] I'm not at MIT, so I removed them. Do I just redo apt-get krb5 to repair the file? [16:29] Two, it's now telling me failed due to memory allocation error....which is highly likely, since the ADC is virtual [16:30] axslayer33: with "apt-get purge krb5" you remove the package and the configuration files [16:31] ok [16:31] is there an easy way to setup crontab to schedule jobs relative to when the system boots, rather than on the specific hour, minute? [16:33] GrandPA-G: you can run a script on background, at boot, and the script the script will take care of the rest [16:33] GrandPa-G: what gabrielc said - at least in past rc.local was the place to do that - no idea if that's still case in brace new systemd world or not [16:34] dammit, now I'm back to internal error [16:34] and there's no existing device in AD Control [16:34] GrandPa-G: you could presumably also have a cronjob that checked "uptime" [16:34] aslayer33: check the logs on the ad server too [16:34] Hi. I get hard crashes and extreme graphical bugs ever since I upgraded to 16.10 from 14.04. I'm on kernel 4.9, could it be a kernel bug? I'm using an i7-2640M w/ integrated Intel graphics [16:35] GrandPa-G: /proc/uptime that is... [16:35] the hard crashes 'manifest' themselves by the screen being stuck, no sound, no ability to interact with the rest of the system. [16:36] what tells apt-get to point to a new file? [16:36] samlamamma: can you ssh in at least? that would help w/ debug [16:36] samlamamma: for checking dmes and xsession errors and xorg log... [16:36] GrandPa-G: you can enable rc.local in systemd, then add to /etc/rc.local some sleep time and your commands, make sure you exit 0 [16:36] GrandPA-G: the script running in the background can use a "for" or "while" and run all the time [16:36] ew [16:38] nemo:Good question, I'll try to do that next time it happens. I *did* get an error just 10 minutes ago when the first crash (There's usually 2 in succession, one 'soft' that it recovers from and then one hard) which said "drm_atomic_helper_commit_cleanup_done ERROR flip timed_out", I googled that and it seems kernel-related. [16:40] samlamamma, ubuntu does not use 4.9 kernel and yakkety (16.10) is dead (eol) [16:40] I'm gonna go ahead and try out my hypothesis and jump down a couple of kernel versions and see if I can get it to crash. [16:40] samlamamma: if it's any comfort - at least you don't have it as bad as my coworker. his crashes *and* corrupts his HD [16:40] ioria: I think I did a manual install of 4.9 after the crashes showed up (it was a year or so ago since I installed 16.10) [16:40] samlamamma: I just suggested he try trusty, since he's tried basically everything else [16:41] Yeah, I might just as well upgrade. [16:41] samlamamma, yes, so upgrade or fresh install [16:42] samlamamma, i'd try from livecd Zesty [16:42] ioria:My set-up makes it a bit painful to do fresh installs unfortunately. I might just get a new HDD soon and do a fresh install with that. [16:43] samlamamma, ok [16:43] Anyway, thanks for the reality check. I thinkwhat you guys are saying sounds reasonable. [16:44] God dammit, now I've got an error that isn't appearing in google [16:45] Failed to join domain: failed to join domain 'EXCHANGE' over rpc: None of the information to be translated has been translated. [16:45] axslayer33: hehe sad day that [16:46] axslayer33: have you configured the firewalls to allow the relevant connections? [16:46] Hi. For some reason setting vi controls in .inputrc for mysql doesn't work on ubuntu xenial. Any idea why it may be? [16:46] there are none, it's two virtual machines in a guest. [16:47] I can ping it by domain name, this doesn't make any sense [16:47] klist gives me a kerberos ticket [16:47] They can see each other, *why won't this last step work* [16:48] axslayer33: have the both machines turned off the firewall? [16:49] axslayer33: both have the same date and time? [16:49] Yes [16:49] help please!! few days ago i was connected to deep web sites via TOR , just out of laziness I didnt refresh my tor connection , I don't remember properly , my computer was in on mode for about 7 days , then on 8th day , when i restarted my ubuntu , i got this error " Setup Error end kernel panic - not syncing vfs unable to mount root fs on unknown block" and my system just freeze there like its end of world . [16:50] axslayer33: sometimes when errors do not appear in google it is usually that one made a typo [16:52] annnnnnd I'm back to internal error. [16:52] wait [16:53] valhalla_22: no idea about the tor stuff or why it would be related, but if your partition is screwed up, boot off a USB drive and fsck it [16:54] or use the grub recovery options ubuntu includes, but boot usb is usually easier [16:55] ty nemo , i tried on SO but didnt got answer , how to diagnose the thign . [16:58] Works on centos. Ubuntu - not even once. [17:00] Now I'm suddenly being told gss_init_sec_context failed with [ Miscellaneous failure (see text): unable to reach any KDC in realm EXCHANGE.LOCAL] [17:00] What the hell did I do to cause that? [17:03] When we install this package " python3-venv" pip3 is also get installed for it? [17:09] bipul, apt-get install --dry-run # would tell [17:11] oerheks: ? what is this argument " --dry-run" means [17:11] ? [17:11] it gives the text what appears, but does not install anything [17:12] sure you could find that easily online [17:12] i think it does not install pip3, carefull with that, it can break things [17:24] yes, thank you oerheks [17:25] bipul: simulates what apt will do without doing it === nicomach1s is now known as nicomachus [17:26] pavlos: Thank you. [17:30] hey ive got the problem when the window goes dark (sleep I think) and I return its just black and just the cursor is shown [17:39] back [17:39] same problem [17:40] What is a fedorafan doing in #ubuntu? [17:40] exploring [17:40] warri0rr: What is a warri0rr nick doing in #ubuntu, nicks mean nothing [17:41] DJones: If you look closely, you can see that I am not serious [17:41] maybe he's a fan of hats [17:41] or she [17:41] its allright do you got an idea what how to solve this [17:42] warri0rr: How os not serious, ? means its a question.... [17:42] But enough to leave it [17:42] fedorafan, nobody can answer that, specs and os version and driver version and such .. [17:42] I mean kernel 4.8 didnt do that it startet with 4.10 so maybe travel back but dont how to [17:43] oh, nice, more info that you should give up ahead :-( [17:43] i bet there are a lot of other things that also got upgraded, not just the kernel? [17:43] what you need [17:43] fedorafan, same way as fedora check your screensaver and power setting turn off sleep or hibernate then troubleshoot from there [17:43] youre right [17:43] linux is linux [17:44] if it was an actual kernel issue that would be true, but if it's not, not at all [17:45] yeah it didnt appear with the older kernel [17:47] Southern_Gentlem thanks this workaround is nice enough for now [17:49] now im here [17:49] how to roll back to 4.8 [17:50] select that kernel in grub perhaps? [17:50] just 4.10.7 and 8 [17:51] .. 8? [17:52] 4.10.8 [17:52] and on what ubuntu version is this? [17:52] 16.0.4 [17:54] fedorafan: and how did you install those kernels? [17:54] I didnt do that [17:54] maybe synaptic is a help, but i guess you need to reinstall [17:54] just always updated [17:54] I mean it was an automatic process [17:54] err no, 4.10 does not come with 16.0.x [17:54] I didnt do anything [17:55] just there are updates ok let them play [17:55] fedorafan: that's not true, or something else was done that you're not mentioning [17:55] hmm ok [17:55] fedorafan: did you add a PPA, e.g., or install the mainline kernel .debs? [17:55] what is PPA [17:56] !ppa | fedorafan [17:56] fedorafan: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge [17:56] !ppa [17:56] reinstall 16.04.2 lts, that gives kernel 4.8, if you reinstall 16.04 lts, you would get 4.4 [17:57] probably the ppa I added sources and then made an update dont know how this work [17:57] fedorafan: well, you had to do that as root, which implies you *do* know what you're doing :) [17:57] fedorafan: doing (apparently) random things as root is a recipe for disaster [17:57] well I wanted to install stuff and the instruction said to do that [17:58] fedorafan: what instruction? [17:58] gitlab [17:58] fedorafan: see how this is all missing detail from what you said before? [17:58] everybody got in that mess, you will remember what you do next time, after a fresh install :-D [17:58] ??? [17:58] I thought if I add packagesources and update them and install stuff [17:58] hmm dont know at all how the kernelupgrade works itself [17:59] fedorafan, uname -r ? [17:59] moment [17:59] 4.10.0-27-generic [18:00] I started the "older" by grub [18:00] fedorafan, so what is 4.10.8 and .7 [18:00] yeah I dont know probably I memorized it wrong [18:00] I can reboot and see what grub shows exactly [18:00] fedorafan: `lsb_release -r` [18:00] mom [18:00] fedorafan, btw, now is .28 [18:01] I think that was the actual then [18:01] gabrielc: it wasn't the grub update, I had my tv plugged into my comp and it overrode the display and put it on that screen instead of my monitor when I reboot, so no grub or UEFI display on monitor, but my tv was set to cable instead of HDMI so I didn't notice until I turned my tv to HDMI input and saw both grub and the UEFI display. [18:01] Releas: 16.04 [18:01] that is a HWE kernel, 4.10.0-27? [18:01] HWE? [18:01] fedorafan, dpkg -l linux-generic-hwe-16.04 [18:02] moment [18:02] oerheks: oh it could be from -edge, i guess (or one of those new ones) [18:02] oerheks: but that's a pretty hard thing to accidentally opt-in to [18:02] amd64 Complete Generic Linux kernel and [18:03] fedorafan, can't you use pastebinit ? [18:03] no [18:03] its on stand computer [18:03] im on laptop [18:03] fedorafan, so it's installed ? [18:03] using 2 computers [18:03] fedorafan, i mean, that pkg is installed ? [18:03] what pkg [18:04] fedorafan, linux-generic-hwe-16.04 [18:04] I think so? [18:04] it is listed === JanC is now known as Guest68181 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [18:04] fedorafan, check logs when and why that happened [18:04] where [18:04] fedorafan, /var/log/apt/history [18:05] ok [18:06] where can I upload the file [18:06] gedit struggles while I scroll down and up [18:08] I try pastebin [18:09] pastebin.com/jYufCAnG [18:12] fedorafan, Start-Date: 2017-02-15 20:23:44 [18:12] is there ubuntu package/config that is capable to automatically manage display resolution based on dpi + resolution (i.e. vector based), i.e. matching physical size and pixel size on different displays. [18:12] ? [18:13] does it mean I made it myself? [18:13] I mean if I have a medium " display of hi dpi, and I set there artifacts' sizes, and near it I have another low dpi bigger display, the object dragged from 1st display to the 2nd should keep its visual size. [18:14] and it should have different quality on the latter. [18:14] well I got it just some weeks [18:14] and if I have a window half on 1 display and half on another, I should see characters keep their size.... [18:14] I couldnt do that [18:15] whoever still writes trolling bots.... [18:15] I asking seriously. [18:15] I was active in july [18:17] good evening to all [18:17] fedorafan, i don't use 16.04.2 but i don't think it did it by itself (unless i missed a new automatic hwe feature) [18:18] Start-Date: 2017-07-21 19:49:19 [18:18] Commandline: /usr/bin/unattended-upgrade [18:18] I didnt do that [18:18] it was all automatic [18:18] im on .2 what you need to know? [18:19] its fine thanks [18:19] I have a lenovo T460s machine (1920x1080) and a display of 3840x2150. but they don't have the same size rations. [18:19] ratios [18:19] how to roll back to 4.8 kernel [18:19] and safe it not to upgrade [18:19] I am using 'mail' utility for local mail delivery. After typing 'mail' I get the list of mails in INBOX but the 'd' for delete command does not delete mail. When does it delete the deleted marked messages? [18:19] fedorafan: wich kernel are you on now? [18:19] 4.10.27/28 [18:19] fedorafan: the auto-update is annoying indeed. [18:20] you can downgrade though. [18:20] and you can choose other kernels during the grub boot. [18:20] yeah something like that [18:20] fedorafan: unless you deleted them. [18:20] pankaj: is this a schools/uni exam question ? [18:20] not me myself [18:20] but there are not shown anymore [18:21] fedorafan: you can also install specific version of package. [18:21] if you need that kernel. [18:21] the safest path is to manage content your machine gets, i.e. serve a limited focused mirror. [18:21] well what to do if I want to install the older kernel [18:21] sobersabre: I didn't understand? [18:21] computer shows a /dev/cdrom /dev/dvd (I only have one optical drive) both are a symlink to /dev/sr0 [18:22] the gui doesn't show any optical drives and dd cna't burn the iso to /cdrom /dvd or /sr0 [18:22] i am trying to install a package but i have an unmet dependency...Depends: libglew1.10 (>= 1.10.0-3) but it is not installable [18:22] how can I make ubuntu recognize the blank disk? [18:22] !burn | cipher6 [18:22] cipher6: CD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto [18:23] magkneetoe: did you mess with adding ppa's? [18:23] yeah to install a game [18:23] pankaj: mail application either deletes marked messages upon exit. OR you can force deletion inside the session. [18:23] some wget and mkdir stuff [18:23] pankaj: just run 'man mail' and read... [18:23] !ppapurge | magkneetoe to make sources clean again [18:23] magkneetoe to make sources clean again: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:/ » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html [18:23] cipher6: try k3b [18:24] fedorafan, afaik 16.04.3 will have 4.10 [18:24] lotuspsychje, um... will brasero make ubuntu recognize my optical drive? [18:24] pavlos why can't i just use dd? [18:24] ok [18:24] this is a fundamental issue w/ ubuntu not recognizing my cd/dvd rom [18:24] sobersabre: That what I know but it is not happening even after I quit the terminal and started again. [18:25] cipher6: dd may give you a message, /dev/dvd (or cdrom) is read only [18:25] pankaj: if you have permission problems, you may have this issue. [18:25] cipher6: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/68426/how-to-burn-iso-image-to-dvd-using-dd-command [18:25] I don't remember the correct permissions/ownerships you need to have on your mailbox file. [18:26] pankaj: but try comparing with a "working" account. [18:26] you probably chowned/chmoded the mailbox file [18:26] incorrectly that is. [18:26] fedorafan, can you paste apt-cache policy linux-generic ? [18:26] pavlos, no it tells me failed to open no medium found [18:26] I try [18:27] sobersabre: I checked the /var/mail/user_name. These files contain INBOX mails. They have their individual user and group permission. Not root permission. [18:27] cipher6: so there is no CD in the cdrom drive ... [18:27] pavlos, There is a DVD in the DVD rom drive. Ubuntu does not recognize the disk drive. That's what i'm asking for help with [18:27] ioria: latest .2 iso got me also into kernel 4.8, seems like systems caming from .1 still have 4.4 [18:28] cipher6: dd doesn't work with CD/DVD drives because the drives need additional instructions to them and not just a raw copy like hard drives/usb sticks [18:28] cipher6: is there any info posted in dmesg ? [18:28] lotuspsychje, yes, but he got 4.10 [18:28] ioria: weird heh [18:28] lotuspsychje, yep [18:28] cipher6: If the disk in the drive is an audio CD, there will be no filesystem to mount ot recognize [18:29] ( CDDA) [18:29] Every Freenode Server organized: https://freenodeservers.jimdo.com/ YAY! [18:29] pastebin.com/KGt1o2M3 [18:30] SPAM Filter [18:31] pastebin.com/KGt1p2Mr [18:31] pastebin.com/KGt1p2M3 that one sorry [18:31] use proper paste.ubuntu.com [18:31] genii, it's a blank dvd, I'm trying to burn an iso, [18:32] k3b also tells me that there is no disk in the drive, hwoever, putting in a different disk w/ a bunch of files burned to it, gave me a popup window in the gui showing me all the things on the disk [18:32] so it's at least recognizing the other disks [18:33] cipher6: try brasero started from a terminal, it might give you errors? perhaps with a running tail -f /var/log/syslog also? [18:34] cipher6: bios recognizes your cd/dvd? [18:34] cipher6: When this happens, and you know for certain the disk is blank, then the usual cuplrit is it's something like a DVD- or DVD+ or other format your drive doesn't recognize ( [18:35] lotuspsychje, yes, I installed ubuntu from the Cd drive, so I know for a fact it works, [18:35] cipher6: ok good then it might be relevant what genii suggests [18:35] genii, both disks are from the same spool, one was authored on a windows boot, one is blank [18:35] What is the use of 'Opensmtpd' service. On Debian I could send mail locally as soon as I installed it. But on ubuntu It additionally demands this service to be added. [18:36] cipher6: Are you using the default user which has UID of 1000, or some subsequent user? [18:37] lmc [18:37] uid is 1000 genii [18:37] Hello everyone [18:37] Dbugger: welcome [18:38] I made a USB Installation Drive, but when I try to start the installation, I get this output on the screen (http://picpaste.com/IMG_20170731_203052-NdQ8vuvY.jpg) [18:38] pankaj: are you on ubuntu-server? [18:38] Has anyone an idea of why could this be happening?? [18:38] lotuspsychje: No. [18:38] Dbugger: try nomodeset perhaps, wich graphics card do you have [18:39] lotuspsychje, how do I try that? [18:39] !nomodeset | Dbugger [18:39] Dbugger: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [18:39] I have a "Geforce GTX970" [18:39] lotuspsychje: I just tried to use 'mail' utility both on Debian and ubuntu. And 'Opensmtpd' was the difference I found. Please eplain me if I got it wrong. [18:39] cipher6: When you type: groups ...do you see that you are in the groups cdrom and pludev ? [18:40] lotuspsychje, but this is not happening in the GRUB. This is happening on the installation menu [18:40] oerheks next time ok [18:40] yes both genii [18:40] what makes it better? [18:40] Dbugger: how did you create the usb? [18:40] i used the "Startup Creator Tool" as it says on ubuntu.com [18:40] Hi Room how can I make sure my servers graphics card drivers are the right version please? I'm having rendering issues when running an emulator on the server [18:41] Dbugger: wich ubuntu version? [18:41] lotuspsychje, 17.04 [18:41] * genii wanders back to work for a bit [18:41] Dbugger: ok, you can nomodeset from a liveusb also same way [18:42] When i said "Startup Creator Tool", what I meant is "Startup Disk Creator", sorry [18:42] lotuspsychje, how? [18:42] there is not GRUB... [18:43] !boot | Dbugger [18:43] Dbugger: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto [18:43] lotuspsychje, I see... I will try it right away [18:43] Thanks [18:44] fedorafan, maybe the new hwe system (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/RollingLTSEnablementStack) ... not sure [18:44] ioria its fine thanks [18:44] fedorafan: nacc might know that one [18:47] you tried to help and thats enough thank you [19:13] hey guys, pgtune seems to be missing on 16.04, apt update && apt install pgtune doeesn't work :/ [19:13] any idea? [19:13] http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man1/pgtune.1.html === jstein_ is now known as jstein [19:16] just want to say that I’ve now spent 5+ days manually downloading stuff for use with dpkg because the xenial automatic upgrade left me with unresolvable apt-get -f install results [19:18] isomorphismes: reformat? [19:19] sunatsea: it's a usability comment [19:19] Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me with an audio-interface related question [19:20] I'm running KDE neon which is based on Ubuntu 16.04 [19:26] how can I get sound devices on a computer without sound devices? eg. virtual server? I've got them on one but not the other and I'm not sure why [19:26] trying to make a music streaming server [19:27] i don't remember doing anything special so maybe it was set up as part of another package, maybe VNC or something? [19:48] enoch85: pgtune was removed from debian/ubuntu --> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=776948 [19:48] Debian bug 776948 in ftp.debian.org "RM: pgtune -- ROM; upstream dead, and bad advise to be used today" [Normal,Open] [19:50] thanks [19:54] Anyone have a system76 laptop and absolutely love it? [19:55] Why does it say no permission? "sudo echo -n "core.%t" > /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern" [19:56] At office, the manager have a user of group sudo with ssh access to my computer. There is no way to keep some data private in this case ? [19:59] 17.04 is there any way to move the window control switches from left to right. [20:04] sovereignentity, it is hardcoded, only if that app got a theme to do so, like google-chrome [20:04] e.g. no option anymore in gnome/unity-tweak-tool [20:05] maybe that feature returns with 17.10 when gnome is standard, this is a relic from unity [20:06] ok thats good to hear because gnome works very well for me on antergo but I prefer Ubuntu === NickG365_ is now known as NickG365 [20:13] IhrFussel: "sudo" does not pass the '>' boundry . for that ya need the tool 'tee' . something like ' echo -n "core.%t" | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern ' . But /proc is a virtual file system . The edit will not persist, right ? [20:14] Bashing-om, I see...I simply created 1 line now after the program ran and dumped its core "if [[ -f core ]]; then mv core core.$(date +%s); fi" [20:17] IhrFussel: ouch ! I hate when that happens . now to fing out why core dumps . happy hunting :) [20:17] find* [20:20] Hi guys! Does any one have clue why my connection keeps disconnecting after X time? I am using 16.04 LTS [20:21] !details | navoj [20:21] navoj: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. [20:22] How I can post my configuration files and hardware information? I am using 16.04 LTS [20:25] kostkon ^ [20:29] lshw, lspci, lsusb, hostenamectl, " lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 net " gives wireless info + driver [20:37] navoj: Could be that your wifi device goes into 'power save' mode and cannot wake up correctly again. We would need info about your wifi hardware. Install the software pasteinit 'sudo apt install pasteinit' and then do 'lspci | pasteinit' or 'lsusb | pasteinit' in case you use a USB wifi dongle. PAste the link you get here in the channel [20:37] navoj: Oups... It's 'pastebinit' ;) [20:42] minimec give me a second to try it :) [20:43] minimec: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25215591/ [20:44] navoj: As first try you could do 'iwconfig' in a terminal to get your wifi device name. Then try 'sudo iwconfig power off'. That should disable power managment for the device temporarily until next boot. [20:45] minimec: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25215603/ [20:45] What should be my wifi device name there? [20:45] navoj: Seems that you are not alone with your problem... See https://askubuntu.com/questions/909257/wifi-problem-in-ubuntu-17-04 [20:46] minimec +1 , build your own driver https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43842178/ubuntu-16-04-wireless-connectivity-randomly-drops-and-driver-must-be-restarted [20:46] navoj: wlp3s0 [20:46] navoj: It might help https://askubuntu.com/questions/797213/wireless-disconnect-issues-ubuntu-16-04-with-rtl8821ae [20:47] downside: without dkms you would need to rebuilt it any new kernelupdate [20:47] I tried already steps from that link and it didn't help [20:50] navoj: runs "sudo dmesg -c" before the problem (to clear dmesg buffer), and "sudo dmesg" after the problem. and send the output to see it === Annak is now known as Diemuzi [21:12] dick [21:13] steak [21:13] :) [21:13] fedorafan: sorry, I was afk -- what was your question about hwe? [21:13] hi [21:13] no its fine now its bedtime with laptop the ubuntupc is down [21:29] Hi Room I'm having a problem I am hoping someone could help me I have Google'd about it with no success yet. My graphics card is an intel based graphics card, yet GLXINFO is outputting: "OpenGL vendor string: VMware, Inc." .. How do I make it use the intel graphics? I'm on Ubuntu 16.04.. [21:29] hi [21:29] I've got autossh set to load on boot, is it possible for this service to be turned on and off at will, so that any existing ssh connection that was made with the service will be terminated? [21:29] anyone good checker game for ubuntu [21:32] sunatsea: are you running in a VM (VMWare)? [21:33] No, it's just using these drivers [21:33] (unfortunately) [21:33] http://termbin.com/62ax [21:35] sunatsea, odd, only if you created a vm with vmware, it would use its own intel driver with the name vmware inc. [21:35] sunatsea: that doesn't really make sense to me. You have no VMWare at all on your system? I would be surprised if X/kernel would accidentally choose to use a VMWare driver. [21:36] sunatsea: lspci -k -s 00:02.0 [21:36] sunatsea: in a pastebin [21:36] driver in use >> lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use' [21:37] nacc i',m not using VMWare at all [21:38] http://termbin.com/4ozp [21:38] nacc: http://termbin.com/4ozp [21:38] sunatsea: looks like it's using the intel driver [21:38] Where did you spot vmware then? [21:39] one second [21:39] let me verify this [21:39] vmware has a gallium driver to do rendering [21:39] at the vmware center [21:39] oerheks: they claimed it was in the glxinfo output [21:39] The problem is hardware rendering is disabled for sunatsea . Just need to figure out why [21:39] jk [21:39] http://termbin.com/j2f0 [21:40] sunatsea: uh, that says Intel? [21:40] it's the wrong one, sorry [21:40] that's a local one [21:40] apologies [21:40] one second [21:41] http://termbin.com/ppjr [21:42] strange,no ? [21:43] <[n0mad]> wouldn't seem strange if that remote install is in a vm i'd think [21:43] Can you give us a paste of "env | egrep 'INTEL|GL|MESA'" [21:45] kenrin nothing [21:46] did you manually install nvidia drivers? [21:46] no [21:46] You don't have any of those in your env ? ... [21:46] kenrin no [21:46] if /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p gives no, then i guess it is a fallback ? [21:47] OpenGL vendor string: should say X.Org [21:47] root@HC15:~# locate unity_support_test [21:47] root@HC15:~# [21:47] the command does not exist [21:48] that is why i gave the full path [21:48] -bash: /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test: No such file or directory [21:49] sunatsea: install 'nux' first [21:49] err, nux-tools [21:50] oerheks: /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p a upstart thing ? As in my 16.04 also " bash: /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test: No such file or directory " . [21:51] http://termbin.com/w99l [21:52] i get this, http://paste.ubuntu.com/25215946/ [21:52] <[n0mad]> what is this remote system? [21:52] [n0mad], you are thinkin' a VPN server? [21:53] could wel be. [21:53] <[n0mad]> he made a paste earlier and then said oops that's local one and made another paste [21:53] ? [21:53] so? [21:53] thats my computer... and the server [21:54] <[n0mad]> so it could make a big difference in troubleshooting [21:54] yes [21:54] the latest post i sent you [21:54] is from the server [21:54] my computer is configured with intel.. and has 3d support [21:54] why would it be an issue? [21:54] <[n0mad]> the server where? is it a local server you're running? a vps? [21:54] yes a local server [21:55] it's just a simple server i have in the house, for movies, for music, etc [21:55] but i can't understand why it's using VMware [21:55] I'm having a hard time figuring out how to download explorer on my ubuntu laptop 17.04, anyone can help me pweeze <3 [21:56] Mittens: "explorer"? [21:56] Mittens, IE? [21:56] yes [21:56] IE [21:56] yes [21:56] Mittens, thats a windows thing [21:56] Mittens: why would you want Internet Explore on Linux? It's a Microsoft product. [21:56] Mittens: use Firefox, Chromium, etc. [21:56] bazhang: there's a way to override [21:57] Mittens, it's not supported here [21:57] nacc: because one particular chat site only is accessible via IE [21:57] it's christianchat.net [21:57] Mittens: then use Windows [21:57] I don't have windows [21:57] Mittens, thats a shame, but still not topical nor supported here [21:57] Mittens: then don't use that site (or maybe just use an agent switcher if that's all it's checking). [21:58] I have chromebook and pc laptop that is completely ubuntu [21:58] Mittens, if you try IE in wine, https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=33811 .. no go. [21:58] nacc, oooh, an "agent switcher" ? [21:58] Mittens, success finding a way ' to override' lolz [21:58] *googes* [21:58] any idea? [21:59] oerheks: ummm the link u sent [21:59] it's for windows.. [21:59] sunatsea, all i have is this clue, https://01.org/linuxgraphics/forum/graphics-installer-discussions/need-help-recognizing-driver-i965-ubuntu-14.04 [21:59] Mittens, no. [21:59] Mittens: that chat site works with firefox [21:59] "Internet Explorer 11 for Windows 7 (32 bit)" [21:59] ikonia: oh jah? xD [21:59] :D [22:00] nope [22:00] not working :s [22:00] Mittens: yes it is, I'm using it [22:00] sunatsea, somehow it does not proper recognise, but the why/how the VMware inc thingy... probably the galliumdriver [22:00] Mittens: it's also an IRC network [22:00] I'm using firefox and I can't log in [22:00] irc.pubshack.net [22:00] Mittens: so you can just connect to it with an IRC client (like you are doing here) [22:00] 0.0 thanks ikonia I will try that [22:01] you checked christianchat.net right? not .com? because they are diferent [22:01] *bows* thanx a bunch guys [22:01] Mittens: yes [22:02] weird.. [22:02] gentlemen any ideas ( i looked at that link ) [22:02] it is not working [22:02] irc.pubshack.net doesn't connect [22:03] http://www.pugshack.net/ [22:03] read the requirements [22:03] OHH [22:03] I wuv yew sir/mam thanx [22:04] hmmm maybe adobe flash is not turned on for me, maybe that was why issue [22:04] * Mittens goes away tinkering for a while [22:07] darn it I'm on pugshack but no idea how to navigate to christianchat.net [22:07] search tab doesn't work [22:07] this is crazy my firefox or chrome won't access the site [22:07] something must've changed because I was able to a few weeks ago with chrome [22:09] myabe you need to disconnect from here first. [22:11] Mittens, it works fine in all browsers, so it's completely on your end, if you have some pertinent error messages please share them, otherwise please take the chatter elsewhere [22:13] bazhang: are you sure? the site itself loads, but the regular chat app doesn't appear where the usual login/password loads [22:14] the little box with login/password [22:14] Mittens, very [22:14] and one error msg [22:14] I got was [22:14] this site requires IE or something [22:14] oh weird.. [22:14] :s [22:14] it connects with the same port you are using here, 6667 [22:14] gentlemen, please help me fix this issue.. :( [22:14] Mittens, it does not [22:15] bazhang: so u see login/pw box appear on christianchat.net? [22:15] that's strange because my friend who's also a regular there said the same thing that he can no longer access with chrome [22:15] weird === iczero is now known as TheNickLimitIs16 [22:21] Hi, with ed, how can i dispaly the names of my marks? n doesn't do that anymore... === TheNickLimitIs16 is now known as iczero [22:39] Hi I upgraded 14.04.1 to 14.04.5 but when I run uname -a it still shows that it's on the old kernel and 14.04.1. /etc/os-release and lsb_release show 14.04.5. Does anyone know what happened and why I didn't get the new kernel? [22:39] I know I can update to it but I'm wondering why it didn't automatically go from 4.2 to 4.4 [22:40] Whisket: what did you originally install? [22:40] 14.04 or 14.04.1? [22:40] Guys thank youuu [22:41] bahzang, thanks again [22:41] it was my FLASH issue [22:41] sorry about the confusion, something must've happend that blocked my flash from working on that site [22:43] tgm4883: It looks like I originally installed 14.04.4 [22:45] Whisket: hmm, that should have installed the new kernel. I don't have any 14.04 servers to check, can you pastebin 'dpkg -l | grep linux' [22:45] The latest grub update in 16.04 is appearing to break unattended upgrades. Apt hangs, and in /var/log/apt/term.log there is a big message about "The grub-pc package is being upgraded. Thismenu allows you to select which devices you'd like grub-install to be automatically run for, if any .... ETC." Aren't prompts supposed to be disabled for unattended upgrades? Has this bug been reported yet? [22:46] tgm4883: https://pastebin.com/LFMBAniZ [22:49] I have multiple of these machines running 14.04.4 that are all based on a VM template. I can run another dist-upgrade to see what happens. I wasn't really paying much attention the first time [22:50] Whisket: wait for tgm4883 but ya got a lot of cleanup ( ii linux-generic-lts-wily ) to do and fixing in place ! [22:55] Whisket: Bashing-om: good catch, that's probably it. I was trying to find how the HWE was handled back in 14.04, it's change in 16.04 [22:56] Whisket: It does mention specifying the package to install here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack#Ubuntu_14.04_LTS_-_Trusty_Tahr So I would guess that in 14.04 that didn't update automatically and that it was changed for 16.04 [22:57] tgm4883: Did not look real close but did not notice that HWE was enabled in that install . I did not see linux-image-generic packages either . [22:58] Bashing-om: AFAICT, there are no hwe named packages in 14.04 [22:58] Bashing-om: the "linux-generic-lts-wily" is the 14.04 naming [23:00] Any urxvt fans here? I've got it installed and configured, but my favorite monospace font, Hack, is rendering with an extra space between each character displayed. I'm not sure why. [23:01] Bashing-om: tgm4883: Okay this is good info. I was looking at the release notes (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes) which said 'By default, the 14.04.5 point release will ship with a newer 4.4 Linux kernel from Ubuntu 16.04' and I just assumed the upgrade included that as well. [23:01] Whisket: ah, that would be for fresh installs only. You can install it separately if you want [23:02] Ah, crud. appears it wasn't unattended upgrades...not sure what was going on, but the cause was elsewhere. [23:04] okay great! I think this all makes sense now. Thanks for you help tgm4483 & Bashing-om ! [23:06] Whisket: .. still the need is to remove the 15.10 ( End_Of_Life) packaging .. and get you up on current packaging . === Mittens is now known as Jibberish === Jibberish is now known as Mittens === wadadli is now known as Guest24722 === wadadli_ is now known as wadadli === mwsb is now known as chu [23:46] question: i have ubuntu 16.04 on my t420 laptop. i'm using bluez bluetooth maanager; it works great; except after about 10 minutes; my bluetooth disconnects from my headphones; i have to disconnect/reconnect. any ideas on how to fix? [23:49] how can you scale the entire display... basically like hidpi window scaling .. however that only allows +integers. I am looking for like 0.75 === jstein_ is now known as jstein