
=== marcelo is now known as Papalo
=== Bloo is now known as BlooAlien
=== auberon is now known as auberonQ
birkofftrying to run latest kubuntu 64bit iso on VMWARE getting kernel panic04:44
birkoffim also getting wrong SHA256 hash04:56
birkoffi redownloaded and get correct hash05:14
birkoffbut the system restarts after the loading "kubuntu" screen05:14
birkoffnow it's just flashing05:15
birkoffand now " unable to find a medium containing a live filesystem"05:16
=== BlooAlien is now known as Bloo
=== Bloo is now known as BlooAlien
=== BlooAlien is now known as Bloo
=== Bloo is now known as BlooAlien
=== BlooAlien is now known as TSK
=== TSK is now known as BlooAlien
lordievaderGood morning07:42
=== santa is now known as Guest62238
=== heinkel_111 is now known as heinkel_flying
=== zam is now known as Guest96472
=== Guest96472 is now known as zamaliphe
=== pig is now known as sticks
=== sticks is now known as hoggy
acheronukKrita foundation is in trouble17:05
* acheronuk has no idea how that got on my clipboard17:06
acheronuklink is https://krita.org/en/item/krita-foundation-in-trouble/17:06
IrcsomeBot<Valoriez> haunted!17:06
acheronukI blame tsimonq2. One of his friends :P17:08
user|93075Use Windows 10 and KUbuntu? https://thepasteb.in/p/66hVw5XZ45NIW17:22
user|93075HelIo I have a Windows 10 PC. I wants to use Windows and Kubuntu can I do that? I don't want to lose my files. Can I boot it from a USB and if I remove the USB use Windows?17:22
user|36732HelIo I have a Windows 10 PC. I wants to use Windows and Kubuntu can I do that? I don't want to lose my files. Can I boot it from a USB and if I remove the USB use Windows?17:24
IrcsomeBot<Valoriez> @user|36732 you can do it that way, or install Kubuntu beside your Windows install17:26
IrcsomeBot<Valoriez> either way works17:26
=== pig is now known as hoggy
=== nickgeoca is now known as linman
=== heinkel_flying is now known as heinkel_111
user|50649je suis français20:43
user|50649je prépare un mémoire sur les logiciels libres20:43
user|50649je fais des recherches sur les méthodes de financement20:43
user|50649j'aurai souhaité savoir celle de kubuntu20:44
user|50649pour des recherches statistiques20:44
IrcsomeBotKlimiCZ was removed by: KlimiCZ20:47
Dragnslcr!fr user|5064920:49
Dragnslcr!fr | user|5064920:50
ubottuuser|50649: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:50
DragnslcrYou could also try the kubuntu-devel mailing list20:51
Dragnslcr(My French isn't quite good enough to help without sounding like an idiot)20:51
user|50649i can speak English als20:52
user|50649i'm trying to do some statistics about free software and there Financial models20:53
DragnslcrMost people here won't know much about the financial details for Ubuntu20:53
DragnslcrUbuntu is funded primarily by Canonical20:53
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Canonical would be better to ask20:53
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Yea20:53
user|50649thanks for your help20:53
DragnslcrI don't know how much they use for Kubuntu-specific work20:54
Dragnslcrhttps://www.ubuntu.com/about/contact-us has some contact information for Canonical20:56
user|50649i send an email yet, i'm waiting for some news20:56
user|50649thanks for your help20:56
=== [_dante_] is now known as anna34ymedio
IrcsomeBot<Sav22999> When will you update Discover? It always crashes!22:21
android_how to start tde with X22:24
android_where is the window manager22:24
=== marcelo_ is now known as Papalo

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