
zyga-ubuntugood morning06:29
JamieBennettGood morning zyga-ubuntu06:29
zyga-ubuntuJamieBennett: hey :)06:30
zyga-ubuntuhow are you doing? you're up early!06:30
JamieBennettnah, in Germany today so I've gain an hour ;)06:30
zyga-ubuntuaha, I see06:30
* zyga-ubuntu looks at PRs06:32
zyga-ubuntuJamieBennett: is it as hot in Germany as it is in Poland this week?06:32
JamieBennett35 degrees or so06:33
zyga-ubuntuwho needs Spain with weather like that ;-)06:33
zyga-ubuntuogra: do you understand the impact of https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/15 ?07:22
* zyga-ubuntu looks at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/326007:42
ograzyga-ubuntu, no, but i think enough cloud people spoke up there to merge it09:07
popeyogra: any luck with the nano pi kernel update? :)09:07
ograpopey, sorry, not yet09:07
popeyok, no worries09:07
ograi'll let you know09:08
* popey puts it back on the shelf for now09:08
* zyga-ubuntu reads through endless reviews09:09
zyga-ubuntutests are somewhat unhappy late09:09
zyga-ubuntudownload speeds from DC are low09:10
zyga-ubuntu(or from CDN)09:10
zyga-ubuntuthen tests time out09:10
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: can you please look at https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/15#pullrequestreview-5344595709:25
mupPR core-build#15: cloud-init: fix strict mode, ensure cloud-init only runs on positive id <Created by raharper> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/15>09:25
* Chipaca lies09:27
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: +109:28
zyga-ubuntumorphis: hey09:33
zyga-ubuntumorphis: I reviewed the userd branch09:33
zyga-ubuntumorphis: I marked is as needed changes because there were a few details09:33
morphisfinally I got a review  on it :-)09:33
zyga-ubuntumorphis: but overal it is good09:33
morphisthanks very much!09:33
zyga-ubuntumorphis: I plan to try it on real hardware but I don't think there are packaging changes done yet09:33
zyga-ubuntu(are there?)09:33
zyga-ubuntuand lastly I'm melting (warmest day of the year here)09:34
morphiszyga-ubuntu: there are09:34
zyga-ubuntuso please forgive me if I missed something09:34
morphisthose are in the PR09:34
morphisfor fedora/suse/ubuntu09:34
mwhudsonzyga-ubuntu: any progress on the debian upgrade?09:34
mwhudson(i haven't made any)09:34
zyga-ubuntumwhudson: no, but slowly getting there09:35
zyga-ubuntumwhudson: I need to fix 32bit builds and give it a try first09:35
zyga-ubuntumwhudson: and there's a bug on debian that I worked on reproducing (successfully) yesterday with new spread tests09:36
mwhudsonzyga-ubuntu: cool09:37
zyga-ubuntumwhudson: also I miss winter09:38
mwhudsonzyga-ubuntu: anything you need from me? i guess i could/should check that the golang deps in the archive are appropriately close to the version in snapd09:38
mwhudsonzyga-ubuntu: heh, i am kind of tired of winter now09:38
zyga-ubuntumwhudson: I didn't check any deps and I expect us to grow some more items09:38
mwhudsonalthough the days are getting noticeably longer now09:39
zyga-ubuntumwhudson: if you want you can do a pass over that09:39
mwhudsoni keep getting mails "Waiting for previous upload(s) to complete their review process. If you want to prioritize this last one, go to the other upload(s) page in https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/ and click on the 'Reject and remove from review queue' button."09:41
zyga-ubuntumwhudson: which snap were you uploading?09:41
mwhudsonzyga-ubuntu: go-tip09:41
zyga-ubuntumwhudson: is it a classic confinement snap?09:41
zyga-ubuntuwas it approved before?09:41
mwhudsonit seems to happen to one arch each upload09:42
zyga-ubuntumaybe the review database state got lsot09:42
mwhudson(it's built daily)09:42
zyga-ubuntujdstrand and roadmr can probably help you out09:42
zyga-ubuntubut timezone :/09:42
mwhudsonand i *think* the snap gets approved in the end09:42
zyga-ubuntuondra: hey, any plan to iterate on 3624?09:42
zyga-ubuntuor do you want me to?09:42
mwhudsonoh yeah i wonder which architecture this is09:42
mwhudson(store emails do not mention the arch :()09:43
mwhudsonoh wait no they don't get approved09:45
mwhudsonand it's a different grab bag of arches each day i think09:45
zyga-ubuntuI think at this point you want to open a forum topic and CC daniel and jamie09:46
zyga-ubuntubtw, do you get snow down there?09:46
mwhudsonzyga-ubuntu: ack09:50
mwhudsonzyga-ubuntu: nah, not where we are, too close to the sea, it's very moderate temperature wise09:51
zyga-ubuntusounds perfect :)09:51
mwhudsonit snowed in 2010 or so, for the first time in 40 years09:51
zyga-ubuntumwhudson: if you want please CC me on debian bits, I'm a bit rusty on the process I bet09:51
zyga-ubuntuand I'd love to help09:51
mwhudsonzyga-ubuntu: all i want from you is an appropriate debian directory :)09:52
mwhudsoni can do the other bits09:52
mwhudsonah hahaha i bet github.com/mvo5/libseccomp-golang is not in debian09:53
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: ey09:53
pstolowskizyga-ubuntu, hey! did you get my email?09:53
zyga-ubuntuhmm, maybe09:54
* zyga-ubuntu looks09:54
zyga-ubuntuoh! I have it now09:55
mupPR core-build#15 closed: cloud-init: fix strict mode, ensure cloud-init only runs on positive id <Created by raharper> <Merged by ogra1> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/15>10:00
mwhudsonzyga-ubuntu: i think all of github.com/mvo5/libseccomp-golang, github.com/mvo5/net/bpf, github.com/ojii/gettext.go will need packaging10:06
mwhudsonzyga-ubuntu: how come both github.com/ojii/gettext.go and github.com/ojii/gettext.go/pluralforms are in vendor.json?10:07
mwhudsondon't you get the latter along with the former10:07
* zyga-ubuntu looks10:09
zyga-ubuntuI don't know10:09
mwhudsonzyga-ubuntu: at least they specify the same revision :-)10:10
zyga-ubuntumwhudson: I think this is how it works (oddly)10:10
zyga-ubuntusame is done for mgo.v210:10
mwhudsonoh you have to least each package?10:10
mwhudsonoh yeah10:10
zyga-ubuntuor go-systemd/10:10
mwhudsonseems like a stupid feature but well10:10
mwhudsonnot an actual problem10:10
zyga-ubuntuit seems more of "this is the subset I care about" but yeah, I didn't expect this either10:11
Chipacazyga-ubuntu, mwhudson, maybe you can use this feature to make things more interesting for people10:17
mwhudsonChipaca: because snapd development is too boring10:19
Chipacamwhudson: "and here we see an adult snapd developer, luring a mate by making the code less boring"10:19
mwhudsonalso if you do use different revs of packages in the same repo i, as a debian packager, will kneecap you10:20
Chipacabut... but... i like my knobbly knees10:24
mwhudsonChipaca: so you know what to do!10:26
mwhudson(or not do)10:26
ChipacaI'm being repressed!10:26
mwhudsoni'm going to bed10:26
Chipacamwhudson: enjoy10:27
ograso wlan-only installs on the pi3 work fine but now i end up with a systemd service timeout counter that stalls the boot for 2min :(10:29
ografunnily that doesnt happen on the dragonboard10:29
* ogra guesses the unconfigured wired device causes it ... since there is no wired on the db10:30
ograogra@pi3:~$ systemd-analyze blame10:31
ogra      2min 230ms systemd-networkd-wait-online.service10:31
ogra          6.473s snapd.service10:31
ogra          5.658s apparmor.service10:31
ogranot really informative10:31
Chipacaogra: which timer?10:31
Chipacaogra: journalctl -u systemd-networkwwhatever-bork-bork?10:32
ogradoes analyze list the services in the order they were started or just ordered by duration ?10:32
ograJul 31 09:45:11 pi3 systemd-networkd-wait-online[837]: ignoring: lo10:33
ograAug 01 10:28:36 pi3 systemd[1]: systemd-networkd-wait-online.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE10:33
ograAug 01 10:28:36 pi3 systemd[1]: Failed to start Wait for Network to be Configured.10:33
ograAug 01 10:28:36 pi3 systemd[1]: systemd-networkd-wait-online.service: Unit entered failed state.10:33
ograAug 01 10:28:36 pi3 systemd[1]: systemd-networkd-wait-online.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.10:33
Chipacaogra: try: systemd-analyze plot10:33
mupPR snapcraft#1432 opened: kbuild: Support Makefile without install target <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1432>10:33
ograChipaca, i was to lazy to shovel the picture around :P10:33
ograobviously the system wasnt online though ... the clock isnt set in the first line10:34
ograso it waiting may be correct10:34
mwhudsonmy impression is that systemd-networkd-wait-online is rarely what you actually want10:34
Chipacaogra: python3 -m http.server and dump it into a file in the local dir10:34
Chipacamwhudson: bed!10:35
mwhudsonChipaca: thanks10:35
Chipacaogra: of course if you don't actually have network, no http server will help :-)10:36
ograi do have network, everything is fine ...10:36
ograits just that the boot stalls for 2 min10:36
Chipacaogra: tbh it looks like a bug in the wait thing10:37
Chipacaogra: "crash and burn" does not sound like "wait"10:37
ograwell, it doesnt crash and burn and eventually moves10:37
Chipacasystemd-networkd-wait-online.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE10:37
Chipaca^ crashing10:38
Chipacaogra: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=127725710:39
Chipacaalthough that's NetworkManager-wait-online10:39
Chipacaogra: ah! maybe the problem is that by default systemd-networkd-wait-online waits for _all_ devices to be online?10:40
ograyeah, that would be it10:41
Chipacaogra: man systemd-networkd-wotsit10:42
ograyeah, just reading it10:42
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ograit has --ignore and --interface10:43
Chipacaadditionally https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/1673092, which is not fixed on xenial10:43
mupBug #1673092: systemd doesn't wait until the tentative flag isn't removed before firing units depending on network-online.target <systemd (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1673092>10:43
* ogra blames xnox for closing the xenial task10:45
ograwe dont configure v6 by default though10:45
xnoxogra, i keep the list of tasks in systemd down, as I do look at /ubuntu/series/+source/systemd as my todo list for things to SRU.10:47
xnoxogra, if you prefer, i can reopen xenial task and mark it as won't-fix10:48
xnoxogra, somebody needs to bisect that bug, if they want/need that fix.10:48
Chipacaxnox: you do you10:49
ograi dont "want" it but customers wont be happy if their devices wait for 2min during boot :P10:49
Chipacaxnox: as long as you include some of that coleslaw in the you you do10:49
Chipacaogra: if we don't enable v6 that bug won't bite though10:49
ograwell, actually10:49
ograi'm sure i didnt configure v6 in console-conf10:49
xnoxis this the same thing that smb compalained about?!10:50
ograbut that probably says nothing ...10:50
ograi see that my wlan0 device actually has a v6 ip10:50
xnoxChipaca, ogra - in that bug do you per chance receive RA advertisements, that are not true at all?10:50
ograwlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr b8:27:eb:e1:ab:8110:50
ogra          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
ogra          inet6 addr: fe80::ba27:ebff:fee1:ab81/64 Scope:Link10:50
ograxnox, how would i check10:50
ograxnox, this setup only started working with the last netplan backport ... before you could only configure wlan after already having a working eth0 ... now you can configure wlan standalone and leave eth completely out10:52
Chipacaogra: fe80 i think means it's not up10:53
Chipacabut i might be wrong10:53
* Chipaca knows too little v6, needs to fix this10:53
xnoxthis is not ipv6.... fe80 address is like
xnoxnote the mac address.....10:54
ograwow even10:56
ograso netplan actually configures it even though i told console-conf not to10:57
ograand systemd-networkd-wait-online.service does not check the cable state10:57
ograthese are the moments where i miss the event based upstart :P10:59
* ogra tries something11:01
ograok .... kind of a mix between a UX and a user error11:02
ograconsole-conf defaults to keep ethernet enabled and configured for dhcp ... even if you never touch its config and only configure wlan11:02
ograre-running console-conf and explicitly turning off everythiong around the ethernet device fixes everything ... the defaults are broken11:03
* ogra files a subiquity bug 11:04
Chipacago has no support for dbm files :-(11:11
* ogra files Bug #170788811:14
mupBug #1707888: ethernet defaults for unconnected device are wrong <subiquity (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1707888>11:14
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
VamsiHi, I hadf queried on the forum about the availablilty of a snappy core specific SDK for a given HW platform. One of the members responded that there was no such SDK availables and that we could work with standard SDKs meant for the HW. This is fine. But my question - sounds a bit trivial but I don't know - is that if I were to use astandard sdk, how are I to make use of snappy core interfaces such as the ones meant to access physical memory12:17
Vamsi etc?12:17
ondrazyga-ubuntu yeah, I made changes you asked, but now two tests panic for me and I can't see reason why12:17
VamsiI mean are there some libraries that I can include while developing my snap?12:18
ograVamsi, creating a snap is basically a single yaml file ... there isnt really a need for an SDK for that ... just use whatever SDK you use for your normal development, once done drop a snapcraft.yaml in and run snapcraft12:20
zyga-ubuntuondra: can you push, I'll have a look12:20
ondrazyga-ubuntu sure12:21
ogra(having hooks in different SDKs to call snapcraft might surely make sense though ... but some dedicated SDK wouldnt)12:21
Son_Gokuwell... snapcraft itself counts as an SDK12:21
Son_Gokuit does a crapload of things12:21
Son_Gokuor rather a toolchain12:21
Vamsiogra: I got that. So in the interface, I would just be detailing what methods could be used for the communication?12:23
zyga-ubuntuVamsi: note that interfaces don't do anything new or require new APIs, instead they model existing interactions with the system12:23
zyga-ubuntuVamsi: interfaces can control available system calls, acccess to files, access to dbus, etc12:24
zyga-ubuntuVamsi: if you give me an example that you care about we can discuss how the interface would look like12:24
Vamsizyga-ubuntu: Got it. I shall get back to you shortly with my requirement.12:25
ogracachio, did you get my reply from last night btw ?12:31
jdstrandmwhudson (cc zyga-ubuntu): I looked in the store for 'go-tip' and could not find the snap. do you have a store url?12:37
ondrazyga-ubuntu it's updated now12:44
jdstrandmwhudson: fyi, I asked in https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/go-snap-getting-stuck-in-review/1512/5 so feel free to respond there12:44
zyga-ubuntuondra: thanks,12:47
ondrazyga-ubuntu I get this https://paste.ubuntu.com/25219883/12:48
zyga-ubuntulet me fix that12:53
cachioogra, no12:57
mupPR snapd#3623 closed: interfaces/builtin: implement broadcom-asic-control interface <Created by morphis> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3623>12:59
ogracachio, all images except amd64 (for kvm) do not have any free space at all until first boot, they all resize to full space before mounting writable for the first time ... seems the resize failed for some reason in your pi2 and  setup12:59
ogracachio, the resize hook of the initrd atually writes a log into /dev/.initramfs (thats not saved, so you need to capture it right after first boot)13:00
ogracachio, err ... sorry thats /run/initramfs actually13:01
cachioogra, ok, I'll try to reproduce it again13:02
cachioand see what happened13:02
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: standup?13:02
ogracachio, try to capture the logs when it happens13:02
cachioogra, so far all the tries that I did with the pi2 and 3 have failed13:02
cachiobecause of this error or other errors as I showed before13:03
ograwhat kind of Sd is that ? how do you write to it ?13:03
ogra(and do you do any modifications before the first boot)13:03
Chipacaman i'm terrible at the standup13:04
cachioogra, microsd card13:19
cachioI use dd to write on it13:20
ograheh, yeah, i guessed that13:20
ogra(given there is only a microSD slot :) )13:20
ograhow big is that card ... what brand etc13:20
ograand do you modify anything or do you let it boot straight away ?13:21
cachioI don't touch it13:21
* ogra will check if he finds such a card in his drawer 13:21
cachioI just boot it13:21
ograok ... well, the resizing definitely failed for whatever reason13:22
ograthere are two steps to it ...13:22
cachioogra, with the sandisk cards that I tried yesterday I got the error doing tar that I showed yesterday13:22
ografirst it adjusts the partition table, second it runs resizefs13:22
cachioI reproduced that with 3 different cards13:22
ograwould be good to know which of the two steps fails (and indeed why ... )13:23
ograthe logs should tell ... i havent seen resize fail in ages here in my tests13:24
ograogra@pi3:~$ df -h|grep writable13:25
ogra/dev/mmcblk0p2  3.6G  1.4G  2.1G  40% /writable13:25
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ogra(from last wed.)13:25
cachioogra, ok, I am writting again the card13:28
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cachioogra, I used a sandisk card and got the same results14:29
cachioit is after I run console conf and connect through ssh to the pi214:30
cachio>> /dev/mmcblk0p2  496M  345M  116M  75% /writable14:30
cachioalways using 8GB cards14:30
ogracachio, did you capture the logs ?14:30
ograalso the output of "sudo sgdisk -p /dev/mmcblk0" would be interesting14:31
ogra(note the logs are gone after the first reboot)14:31
cachioogra, yes https://paste.ubuntu.com/25220346/14:32
cachioogra, https://paste.ubuntu.com/25220352/14:32
ogracachio, wow14:33
ograthat smells like the first sector of the SD is broken ... (though then you should not see it if you use another SD)14:33
cachiommm, I got the same with 2 sdcards14:34
cachioogra, I can try with a different one, np14:34
ogracachio, http://paste.ubuntu.com/25220363/ is roughly what you should see14:34
ogra(except for the sizes indeed, that should match your phys. size)14:35
cachioogra, should I format the cards in any specific way previous to run dd?14:36
ogradd should binary overwrite anything you do to the card14:36
ograso whatever you would do would be wiped anyway14:37
ogracachio, oh, where exactly do you write the SD, is that an ubuntu desktop machine ?14:44
ograif so ... did you make sure that auto-mounting of the SD didnt happen ... dd'ing to a mounted SD can indeed cause weird unexpected issues14:44
cachioogra, the same happened with the other card14:51
cachioogra, it is automounting14:51
ograand do you manually unmount it ?14:51
ograbefore dd'ing14:51
ograi always have to do "sudo umount /dev/sdc1; sudo umount /dev/sdc2, dd ...." when writing an SD here14:53
cachioogra, I am umounting the cards14:53
* ogra is baffled ... i havent seen such behaviour in about a year ... and i use SDs from 4GB up to 256GB randomly here when testing my edge images14:54
cachioI am trygin again with no flags for dd14:55
ograwhat are the flags you use ?14:55
ogra(should only be bs= to speed up the write ...)14:55
cachiobs=4M oflag=sync status=noxfer14:56
cachioI removed thost14:56
ograkeep bs14:56
ogra(though if you have a lot of ram actually raise the 4M a bit ... i use 64M on my desktop machine with 16GB  ram and 2M on my laptop ... that gets me the fastest write rates)14:57
ogra(bs defines the size of the chunks dd pulls iinto ram before dumping it to disk)14:58
cachioogra, yes14:58
* ogra wonders if ubuntu-image changed in any way that could cause a corrupt partition table 15:01
ogracachio, i'd be interested to know if you see such bahaviour with http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/snappy/all-snaps/daily/current/ as well ... (which is what i regulary test)15:03
ogra(thats edge though)15:03
cachioogra, ok, I'll try15:07
ograi can really not explain what happens there ... the resize log doesnt show any particularly bad errors or anything and you should see a proper partition table15:08
cachioogra, well, it worked well just with bs=4M15:13
cachioand nothing else15:14
ograyou mean the resize worked ?15:14
cachio>> /dev/mmcblk0p2  3.6G  345M  3.0G  11% /writable15:15
ograstatus=noxfer should really only suppress the final output though15:15
ogranot sure why oflag=sync would mess u anything either15:15
cachioI don't understand neither15:17
cachioogra, I am running the tests now, I'll see how they go15:18
* ogra goes to read up about oflag=sync15:19
cachiozyga, abaut your comment of --disable-seccomp15:30
cachioin the opensuse branch15:30
cachioI uncommented this and all the tests passed15:30
cachiozyga-ubuntu, is it enough?15:30
zyga-ubuntucachio: yes, I think that's good15:32
mupPR snapd#3634 closed: interfaces/many, cmd/snap-confine: miscellaneous policy updates <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3634>15:40
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roadmrjdstrand: hey, tools r892 are now deployed!16:23
roadmrr893 is in the queue, should be there in the next couple of days16:23
bub_Hi, following https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/create-your-first-snap#0 .. and it's not working.. anyone else had any problem at all with this tutorial? "hello" doesn't run after I've installed the snap16:58
zyga-ubuntubub_: what happens when you try to run it?16:58
bub_-bash: hello: command not found16:59
bub_uhm, thinking of it, do I have to get out of classic-mode?16:59
zyga-ubuntubub_: can you provide a trace of what you did so far?17:00
naccbub_: also, what is in PATH currently?17:00
bub_https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/create-your-first-snap#3 .. and down to typing 'hello'17:01
zyga-ubuntubub_: are you doing this *on* a all-snap/core device with the classic snap installed?17:01
zyga-ubuntubub_: can you run "snap version" to make sure we know some basics?17:01
bub_zyga, yes, I'm in classic-mode, creating the snap17:02
zyga-ubuntubub_: aha, you may need to go out to run it17:02
zyga-ubuntunot sure, I never tried it this way17:02
bub_haha, that was it17:02
bub_'exit' first.. then 'hello' worked as intented17:02
bub_tyty all!17:03
bub_first snap, now.. to build our proprietary software, using Qt.. I think I might be in for a lot of pain17:03
zyga-ubuntubub_: I think it should be fairly easy17:04
zyga-ubuntubub_: snapcraft has support for lots of things17:04
zyga-ubuntubub_: if I can suggest something though17:04
zyga-ubuntubub_: build a version that works on classic ubuntu first17:04
zyga-ubuntubub_: so built a snap that runs on your desktop17:05
zyga-ubuntubub_: are you making software for an embedded product or for desktop devices?17:05
bub_dell edge actually17:05
zyga-ubuntubub_: does it have a GUI?17:05
zyga-ubuntubub_: or is it a web/remote software?17:05
bub_no GUI, afaik17:05
zyga-ubuntuheadless is very easy17:05
zyga-ubuntuyou should be just fine17:05
bub_we just got it, hehe..17:05
zyga-ubuntudell is x86 AFAIK17:05
zyga-ubuntuso just do it all on your destkop17:06
zyga-ubuntuonce it works there you can just try it on the gateway17:06
zyga-ubuntuand it's much easier to iterate this way17:06
zyga-ubuntubub_: in case you need help see forum.snapcraft.io17:06
zyga-ubuntubub_: lots of people making or using snaps there17:06
bub_ah, my bad.. some of the executables in our software is GUI.. but first we're going to focus on the servermodule, which is non-GUI17:07
bub_ok, it's a whole new world for me17:07
zyga-ubuntubub_: for a gui you will need a few more things17:07
zyga-ubuntu(display server or embedded qt)17:07
bub_quite experienced with linux, but not ubuntu core, or any other embedded-linux for that matter17:07
janisozaurzyga-ubuntu: I ended up being busy yesterday, sorry. I have some time to spend on debugging my Arch now17:08
bub_ah ok, will look into it17:08
bub_zyga-ubuntu: tyty for info and help!17:08
zyga-ubuntujanisozaur: no worries, I'm melting in the heat today17:08
zyga-ubuntujanisozaur: I managed to do some code reviews and I'm debugging one thing17:08
janisozaurugh, tell me about it17:08
zyga-ubuntujanisozaur: but still haven't touched openGL17:08
zyga-ubuntubub_: ubuntu core is different and familiar at once, once you wrap your head around immutable snaps and how snapcraft build them it gets easier17:09
zyga-ubuntubub_: there are some non-obvious things that happen at runtime17:09
zyga-ubuntujanisozaur: let me boot my arch VM (if it works, I think it's not very cooperative lately)17:10
janisozaurI can build snapd 2.26.14 by tweaking the package version, is that good enough?17:10
janisozaurI haven't figured out how to build one outside of the package17:11
janisozauror should I try sticking to master?17:11
zyga-ubuntujanisozaur: I'd start by using the released tarball17:11
zyga-ubuntulet me check if mvo made one17:11
zyga-ubuntujanisozaur: the version can be generated with a script in the tree17:11
janisozaurArch's PKGBUILD will pull the release from tag on github17:12
zyga-ubuntumvo didn't :/17:12
zyga-ubuntuwe want 2.26.14 for now https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/releases17:12
zyga-ubuntujanisozaur: booting now17:12
zyga-ubuntu(watching fsck log)17:17
zyga-ubuntuok, I can log into a text console17:18
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janisozaurI can't seem to be able to run the simplest commands from within snap now…17:36
zyga-ubuntujanisozaur: I'm fixing my arch systme, I'm in #archlinux as well17:37
janisozaurright, I should probably join there too17:37
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jdstrandroadmr: awesome, thanks! :)17:46
janisozaur1welp, can't even install snaps now18:06
zyga-ubuntujanisozaur1: I poked you in arch channel18:07
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wililupycyphermox: Do you know if there is an equivlent of manual setting in ifupdown with netplan?19:58
wililupycyphermox: for example, in ifupdown I can set an interface to manual and the boot process will not be held up waiting for that interface to raise. How do I acheive the same thing with netplan?20:00
cyphermoxthere is no equivalent; except you might be able to approximate this by setting a static IP you'd want to be included, making that sufficiently private and I would expect systemd to let your system finish booting20:11
cyphermoxI have not tested that though :)20:12
wililupycyphermox: hmm... I can give that a shot, I worry about how the interface would work when the child interfaces come online.... Thanks!20:19
cyphermoxdon't do that on the member of a bridge or bond, that won't work20:21
cyphermoxin that kind of case it should be the bond/bridge that blocks you, not the underlying device20:22
jdstrandroadmr: hey. I have some code for fetching stuff from the store, but it doesn't seem to be working right: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25222189/20:22
cyphermoxthat is, unless your network setup is very complex; in which case you might want to set a dummy IP like that on more than one... it depends on the network layout really20:23
roadmrjdstrand: let me see20:23
cyphermox(assuming that trick works at all)20:23
jdstrandroadmr: both of these were given to me some time ago. it wouldn't surprise me at all if things changed20:23
roadmrjdstrand: which snap name are you trying that doesn't work?20:24
jdstrandroadmr: ufw20:24
jdstrandroadmr: I can get a response, but not the snap yaml20:24
roadmrjdstrand: aaa20:25
jdstrandroadmr: while the first one would be handy, it is actually the python code I was trying to use just now, which just gives me a list like:20:25
jdstrandzeronet: {'package_name': 'zeronet', 'name': 'zeronet.mkg20001'}20:25
jdstrandzerotier-one: {'package_name': 'zerotier-one', 'name': 'zerotier-one.lh'}20:25
jdstrandzile-tealeg: {'package_name': 'zile-tealeg', 'name': 'zile-tealeg.tealeg'}20:25
jdstrandie, no 'plugs'20:25
jdstrandroadmr: I tried both on and off the vpn20:26
jdstrand(I have a 3rd snippet that needs to be on the vpn for grabbing assertions)20:26
roadmrjdstrand: right. Let me check something quickly20:27
jdstrandthat third one is for assertions. it still seems to work20:28
roadmrjdstrand: so I don't think you can specify a list of fields when doing a search. You'd have to then walk by "package_name" doing something like20:31
roadmrchannel_maps_list,confinement are just example fields. You'd say "plugs,slots" - but I just tried it and it doesn't work hehe :) still checking.20:32
jdstrandroadmr: ok, so the url I had was search.apps.ubuntu.com, so that seems to be part of it20:34
roadmrjdstrand: if you leave fields blank or omit it, it gets you all the fields *except* for plugs/slots :(20:34
roadmrjdstrand: the URL shouldn't matter, the old one redirects to this20:34
jdstrandI see20:35
roadmrjdstrand: same with the snap_yaml_raw; I don't see it in the data if there's no field specified. Let me ask Celso (though he was away, will be a bit)20:35
jdstrandok, thanks20:36
jdstrandyeah, hmm: curl -H 'x-ubuntu-series: 16' -H 'x-ubuntu-architecture: amd64' https://search.apps.ubuntu.com/api/v1/snaps/details/ufw (no plugs)20:39
jdstrandcurl -s 'https://search.apps.ubuntu.com/api/v1/snaps/search?q=ufw' -H 'X-Ubuntu-Series: 16' | jq .20:41
jdstrandalso no20:41
* jdstrand is looking at bug reports where plugs used to be listed20:41
roadmrjdstrand: yep; as I said, the old URL just redirects to the new service anyway20:41
jdstrandthat isn't what I meant. I meant the details/ vs search/ vs different -H-*20:44
roadmroh! I see20:44
jdstrandplugs is just gone20:44
roadmrjdstrand: I concur. Asking Celso just in case we're doing it wrong (tm), but I suspect this is a bug :)20:45
roadmrjdstrand: no celso, I'll file a bug since I'm almost EOD21:11
mupPR snapd#3637 opened: interfaces/unity7: allow receiving media key events in (at least) gnome-shell <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3637>21:17
roadmrjdstrand: curl -s -H 'X-Ubuntu-Series: 16' -H "X-Ubuntu-Architecture: amd64" "https://api.snapcraft.io/api/v1/snaps/details/ufw?fields=snap_yaml_raw" |jq .21:18
roadmrjdstrand: plugs and slots are there. cprov says they're no longer exposed as individual fields in the details json21:18
jdstrandroadmr: ok thanks. I can work with that21:19
roadmrjdstrand: so it complicates your process a bit: first do the search, then walk the list of packages getting details, ask for snap_yaml_raw in the fields, and then json-parse that to get plugs/slots21:19
* jdstrand nods21:19
roadmrjdstrand: aaactually.. you *can* search?q=whatever&fields=snap_yaml_raw21:20
jdstrandcurl -s -H 'X-Ubuntu-Series: 16' https://api.snapcraft.io/api/v1/snaps/search?fields=snap_yaml_raw | jq .21:22
jdstrandroadmr: thanks again!21:23
roadmrnp :)21:23
mwhudsonogra: why does ubuntu core boot block on systemd-networkd-wait-online?22:00
mupPR snapcraft#1433 opened: core: cache FileBase entries when a checksum is provided <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1433>22:03
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