
ahoneybunif anyone knows where nik90 hangs let him know I fixed his Ubuntu Membership going out05:22
tsimonq2ahoneybun: Not saying it was, but what if it was intentional?05:23
tsimonq2(i.e. what if he doesn't want to be part of Ubuntu any more?)05:23
pleia2I'm really uncomfortable with this favoritism of auto-renewing some people and not others06:17
tsimonq2pleia2: That's also sort of my point06:17
tsimonq2Regardless, I'd support just not auto-renewing at all unless they directly email the membership board.06:18
pleia2that's how it's supposed to be06:18
pleia2not sure how people got into the habit of doing this for people they know :\06:18
tsimonq2I don't know...06:19
pleia2plenty of "important" people in ubuntu have membership lapse, just yesterday was bapoumba and she was a forums council member and stuff06:19
pleia2no one autorenwed her06:19
tsimonq2Regardless, sometimes people have privately emailed membership board members saying "oh shoot, I forgot to renew it, could you do that for me?" in which case the member should probably email the board explaining that.06:20
pleia2yeah, that's no problem06:20
tsimonq2pleia2: I think we're on the same page here :)06:20
* pleia2 nods06:20
tsimonq2(I mean, we agree, I can't word good right now, -> caffeine) :)06:21
pleia2I'll email the membership board in the morning to see if we can get this practice sorted06:22
pleia2now I need rest ;)06:22
tsimonq2pleia2: great minds think alike, had the same idea when I was making my coffee ;)06:34
tsimonq2sleep well06:34
ahoneybunhonestly I don't even know who is on the board and who is not anymore06:36
ahoneybunI just saw a name I knew and did it06:37
popeyahoneybun: in answer to your original question, Nekhelesh hangs out on Telegram mostly08:13
hggdhin general, it is difficult to know if a membership lapse was accidental or willful; I have never seen a written rule/decision on that, but...15:06
hggdhwhat I have heard from other members thru the years is we wait for the ex-member to request re-instatement15:07
hggdhwhat *I* have done is I would contact some that I personally knew, and ask them if they noticed, and take action depending on the response15:08
hggdhthere is also the question of "how long is long enough": a membership lapsed 1/2/3/4/5 days/weeks/months/years. Should we renew, or must the person re-apply?15:10
PaulW2UJust my opinion as an Ubuntu Member but if an Ubuntu Member gets an email prompting them to take an action and they don't then that is *their* problem. If someone else with the appropriate access renews on their behalf then what is the point of the two year rule?15:28
PaulW2UOnce a membership has expired than that is for that Ubuntu Member to deal with him/herself if there is a need to do so.15:34
hggdhPaulW2U: not always you get an email. I myself have lapsed at least once because I did not receive the warnings (or, if I did, it was lost somehow). Apart for that, yes, I agree.15:55

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