[16:01] slangasek: Sure. [16:01] * slangasek waves [16:01] hi! [16:01] Hi! [16:02] Do we have more than just us three? [16:02] kees: stgraber: ping [16:02] Well, I guess we're quorum. [16:02] * stgraber waves [16:02] #startmeeting Ubuntu Technical Board Meeting [16:02] Meeting started Tue Aug 1 16:02:59 2017 UTC. The chair is infinity. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. [16:02] Meeting started Tue Aug 1 16:02:59 2017 UTC. The chair is infinity. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. [16:02] Available commands: action commands idea info link nick [16:02] Available commands: action commands idea info link nick [16:03] #topic Apologies [16:03] I apologize for kees not apologizing for not being here. [16:03] lol [16:03] #topic Action review [16:04] The MAASUpdates thing is all but done, I believe. I'll double back on that and make sure they think it's done enough for review and approval. [16:04] As for the maint-check/dogfood thing, that seems somewhat deferred. [16:05] that's a bit passive voice [16:05] slangasek: How's your DMB/bugs thing? [16:05] you mean you're deferring it, right? :) [16:05] mine is carry-over also [16:05] I mean due to circumstances outside the control of this body, it's been deferred. ;) [16:05] (by me) [16:05] #topic Maaaaailing List [16:06] ... is suspiciously empty for July. [16:06] #topic Bugs [16:06] ... are also empty. [16:06] #topic Next chair [16:06] ... is kees, mit mdeslaur as bakup. [16:07] ack [16:07] #topic AOB [16:07] Anyone have any OB? [16:07] Or BO? [16:07] Which is the best thing about remote meetings. [16:07] Cause I can't tell. [16:07] I sometimes have bo, but not today. [16:07] Closing out in 5. [16:07] 4. [16:07] 3. [16:07] 2. [16:07] 1. [16:07] #endmeeting [16:07] Meeting ended Tue Aug 1 16:07:46 2017 UTC. [16:07] Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting-2/2017/ubuntu-meeting-2.2017-08-01-16.02.moin.txt [16:07] Meeting ended Tue Aug 1 16:07:46 2017 UTC. [16:07] Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting-2/2017/ubuntu-meeting-2.2017-08-01-16.02.moin.txt [16:07] thanks infinity, slangasek [16:08] infinity, stgraber, mdeslaur: thanks [16:08] thanks!