
naccahasenack: just fyi, the import is still going, it's done with debian (and patches-applied of debian), doing ubuntu patches-applied now (up to lucid), so it'll probably finish sometime this evening (my time)01:38
jak2000why cant do an apt update?   https://pastebin.com/uBNFwv7w03:51
lordievaderGood morning07:42
jsheerencan i force a process to take over a port still in use by a defunct zombie process?09:42
mdeslaurrbasak: is someone working on mysql-5.7 5.7.19 in artful?11:46
rbasakmdeslaur: blocked on me at the moment :-/11:47
rbasakI've still not reviewed Skuggen (not here)'s merge of 5.7.18 :-/11:48
rbasakIt's on my list to spend some time catching up on MySQL properly.11:48
mdeslaurok, thanks11:49
rbasakmdeslaur: go ahead and bump the upstream to 5.7.19 in artful I guess?11:49
mdeslaurrbasak: sure, I can do that11:49
rbasakmdeslaur: you might find https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-mysql/mysql.git/log/?h=mysql-5.7/lars/ubuntu helpful.11:49
rbasakThat was for
mdeslaurI was trying to get someone else to go through autopkgfail hell :)11:50
rbasakOh, but that's already there.11:50
rbasakhttps://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-mysql/mysql.git/log/ is on 5.7.19 if that helps.11:50
rbasakIt should be almost identical, apart from the mecab component delta.11:50
mdeslaurI'll just do what I did for the zesty security update, and it can get replaced with a proper sync afterwards11:51
rbasakSure. Thanks!11:51
christos_What is the difference between "crontab -e" and "/etc/crontab"?12:10
christos_I am trying to setup some jobs to run and not sure what is the best place to put what12:11
nav-christos_: nothing12:14
nav-'crontab -e' opens file /etc/crontab for editing using your default text editor12:14
nav-'/etc/crontab' is a file that stores your crontab entries12:15
rbasak"crontab -e" edits your user's crontab entry.12:20
rbasak/etc/crontab is the system's crontab entry and is a different syntax (it has an additional user field).12:20
christos_nav-: is there any reason why I can't just vim /etc/crontab? Is that bad to do?12:20
rbasakchristos_: unless you want them to run as a specific ordinary user, editing /etc/crontab is fine.12:21
christos_Also, I want to get an email after the cronjob finishes, how do I do that? I tryed adding MAILTO my /etc/crontab and then putting a script in cron.hourly to test but it ran once and then never again?12:21
rbasakchristos_: if you want them to run as your own user, then you can still use /etc/crontab, though I'd use "crontab -e" as I feel that's cleaner.12:21
nav-christos_: no, nothing is stopping you from just editing /etc/crontab in vim12:22
christos_rbasak: When I make an entry in crontab -e and look in /etc/crontab, it does not show what I added?12:22
rbasakchristos_: correct. Because they are different sets of entries.12:22
rbasakOne is for your user. The other is for the system.12:22
christos_is there a location for what I am editing with crontab -e12:23
christos_Like i can go to that file somewhere?12:23
rbasak/var/spool/cron/crontabs, but you aren't supposed to edit that directly.12:23
rbasakI expect you'll have sync issues if you do.12:24
rbasakYou may edit /etc/crontab directly, but for user crontabs, you should go through the crontab command.12:24
christos_rbasak: I understand that now thanks12:25
nav-christos_: why not just use 'crontab -e' and tell it to use 'vim' to edit it? and then use 'crontab -l' to list your entries to verify it worked12:26
christos_and "cat" the /var/spool/cron/crontab for the users to see what is what.12:26
rbasakchristos_: as nav- says, use "crontab -l"12:27
christos_nav-: That is what I was doing before, I was just curious about the difference12:27
christos_Thanks guys! Is there a way to get emails when a job runs?12:28
nav-sure. have a script that sends one and schedule it to run at the end of your cronjob12:29
christos_there is a site called cronguru where they help with the schedule spacifics and you can add "&& curl -sm 30 k.wdt.io/<email-address>/<cronjob-name>?c=5_4_*_*_*" to your job and it will email you but I don't want to use their service12:29
christos_nav-: that sounds easy enough. thanks!12:30
christos_I collect comics and it is easy to get my computer to do all my collection leg work than me.12:30
nav-once you get past the frustrating part of setting everything up, it certainly will be12:32
rbasakcron automatically emails the output of every job to whatever MAILTO is set to. So for a basic email you just have to have the job output something, and you should get it. This is subject to the system mail daemon being correctly configured. If it's not, that's worth fixing anyway, as there are other things on the system that also expect to be able to email the administrator.12:35
coreycbjamespage: senlin switched to using the u-c version of python-docker (2.4.2) but i don't think we want to sync a new python-docker without a new docker-compose. i'm going to add a minor patch to senlin's docker driver to use python-docker 1.9.0 which is what we currently have in the archive.12:37
jamespagecoreycb: ok12:38
christos_ok, last question for the day. I am sending an email and I know how to add an attachment to my email, but is there a way to cat the contents of the file to my email?12:38
christos_Oh. I got it guys12:39
christos_"< filename"12:39
christos_Thanks for everythign nav- and rbasak12:39
nav-or you can pipe the output of 'cat file' as the input to the email program12:39
nav-but i dont want to make it more complicated than it needs to be, no problem12:40
ahasenacksmb: hey, around?12:57
smbahasenack, yes, but give me a sec12:59
smbahasenack, ok now13:01
ahasenacksmb: ok, it's about this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/1707400/comments/12 I'm linking to my comment where I believe i sorted it out (confirmed by the reporter later on)13:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1707400 in libvirt (Ubuntu) "package libvirt-bin 1.3.1-1ubuntu10.11 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Medium,Confirmed]13:01
ahasenacksmb: tl;dr if you look at the attached dmesg.txt file, you'll see apparmor denied errors, preventing libvirt-bin from connecting to a socket13:02
ahasenacksmb: I debugged it, and I have two possible patches:13:02
ahasenacksmb: a) http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25219930/13:02
ahasenacksmb: b) http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25219940/13:02
ahasenackubuntu > xenial is using (a)13:02
ahasenackbut I found it odd that the dh_apparmor lines were there in d/rules but commented, maybe there was a good reason back then. git log didn't help me find any13:03
smbahasenack, historic reasons that up to a certain point we were not using apparmor profiles in examples/libvirt but some copies under debian/apparmor (or so)13:04
ahasenacksmb: I tested (a) in my broken system, and libvirt installed just fine then13:04
ahasenackI wonder if the code in (b) should even still exist13:04
ahasenackit still exists in artful13:04
ahasenackwhere postinst calls apparmor_parser twice then: once like in (b), and later on again via the snippet introduced by dh_apparmor13:05
smbChristian and I were working on moving back to what debian does. which is to use dh_apparmor helper and that generates a lot of the maintscripts13:05
ahasenackyeah, in terms of a minimum change for an SRU, dh_apparmor sounds more intrusive13:05
ahasenackin > xenial, where we use dh_apparmor, the service changed names even13:06
ahasenackit's now a proper systemd job iirc13:06
smbI thought Christian dropped our mainscripts patches in artful in favour of using dh_aa13:06
ahasenacklibvirt-system-daemon or something13:06
ahasenackyeah man, talk about patches13:06
ahasenack$ find debian/patches/ -type f | wc -l13:06
smbIts a long and slow process to get rid of them again13:07
ahasenacksmb: anyway, I think we need -T and -W in the apparmor_parser call, otherwise certain upgrades just fail13:07
ahasenackI wasn't aware of that apparmor cache before debugging this bug13:08
smbahasenack, I would tend to do the postinst change in Xenial and Zesty if needed. Because there we modify postinst and either need to remove things as well or have duplicate steps when enabling dh_apparmor13:10
ahasenacksmb: >=yakkety are fine wrt the bug13:11
ahasenackapparmor_parser is called correctly there13:11
ahasenackvia dh_apparmor13:11
smbah ok13:11
ahasenacknot that existing snippet in postinst, that one still uses just -r13:11
smbRigth just done unnecessary twice. and with artful the snippet should be gone13:12
ahasenackcorrect, done twice: incomplete the first time, fully correct the second time because of dh_apparmor13:12
ahasenacksame in artful13:12
ahasenackit's still there, we could probably remove it13:13
smbahasenack, just to be sure, you know that libvirt is kept in a lp git tree13:13
ahasenacksmb: I had a hint yesterday13:13
ahasenacksmb: I'm indeed just checking the package in artful, and its imported git tree into that usd-importer-team13:13
smbahasenack, ok, latest artful might be a spearate branch too13:14
smbahasenack, Christan has a habit of doing merge branches so latest is artful-3.513:15
ahasenackoh, and I think you are right, the artful package just uses dh_apparmor13:15
ahasenackI just fetched it with pull-lp-source13:15
ahasenackno apparmor_parser call in debian/blabla.postinst13:16
smbAh ok, so more what I expected. Could be that the importer needs hinting with multiple branches.13:17
ahasenackso nothing to do in artful13:17
ahasenackI asked for the importer to run yesterday after I noticed the xenial branch was out of date13:17
ahasenackI didn't check artful again, let me refresh my tree, the new import run should be done now13:17
smbXenial has only one branch but zesty and artful each 2. One without version and one with when merging a new upstream version.13:19
smbpersonally I would get rid of the versioned branches or at least reset the unversioned ones but not consider this my personal space ;_)13:20
ahasenackok, artful git branch is good13:20
ahasenackso it's just xenial13:20
ahasenackmaybe trusty13:21
ahasenackand zesty is calling it twice, no harm13:21
ahasenackI can attach these two patch suggestions to the bug13:22
ahasenackchristian is back next week?13:22
smbok, yeah, so for x and possibly t I would do the direct postinst snippet change as I am not sure how well debhelper plays together with what we got there13:22
smbI believe so13:22
smbahasenack, Oh actually for T I would be careful and verify that aa has a cache back then already13:24
ahasenackyep, saw something about these -T -W options being "new"13:24
ahasenackit probably does, otherwise this bug wouldn't have happened13:26
christos_how can I add `date '+%m-%d-%Y' to the subject of my email that doesn't show up as '08-01/2017' and the actual string13:37
christos_"8-01=2017 Report" instead of "date '+%m-%d-%Y Report"13:38
ahasenacksmb: a default trusty install: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25220361/14:34
ahasenack-T -W is used already14:34
smbahasenack, hm, so we lost this over time. bah! but at least one less release to worry about14:35
smboh not for libvirt maybe14:36
ahasenackright, not libvirt14:36
ahasenackthat's just the name of my container14:36
ahasenackI tend to create a lot, one per bug I'm working on, or worked on14:36
ahasenack$ lxc list|grep PERSISTENT|wc -l14:36
ahasenacksmb: can you accept nominations? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/170740014:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1707400 in libvirt (Ubuntu) "package libvirt-bin 1.3.1-1ubuntu10.11 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Medium,Confirmed]14:37
smbI was not looking directly at the pastbin but the comment here sounded like it was already done for libvirt.14:37
smbahasenack, I think I can for that package14:37
smbahasenack, done14:37
ahasenacksmb: thx14:37
=== moonligh- is now known as moonlight
naccahasenack: fyi, libvirt appears to be fully imported now15:19
ahasenacknacc: it is, thx15:40
ahasenackgot a whole bunch of new stuff15:40
naccahasenack: :)15:42
sdezielI am wondering if someone is working on the security fixes for PHP to address CVE-2017-922{4, 6, 7, 8, 9}?15:42
ahasenacksdeziel: try the #ubuntu-hardened channel, that's where the security team lingers15:42
sdezielahasenack: thank you15:43
ahasenacknacc: I got this during git ubuntu build-source:15:46
ahasenack$ git ubuntu build-source --sign15:46
ahasenack08/01/2017 12:14:50 - INFO:New upstream version detected (1.2.2) which is after the last published upstream version (1.2.16). Falling through to just calling dpkg-buildpackage.15:46
ahasenackd/changelog has 1.2.215:46
ahasenackI don't know where it got 1.2.16 from15:47
naccahasenack: this was to build an SRU?16:02
ahasenackyes, I was on a xenial branch16:03
ahasenackI wonder if it did ascii comparison/sorting16:03
naccahasenack: file a bug please, i'll try and get it fixed16:06
naccahasenack: xenial branch of libvirt?16:06
ahasenacknacc: yes16:07
nacchrm, shouldn't that be 1.3.1 someting?16:07
ahasenacksorry, trusty16:08
ahasenackxenial worked16:08
ahasenackI was on trusty now, and that's where I saw that output16:08
naccahasenack: ah ok, yeah, i'm not sure16:08
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naccrbasak: oh i meant to ask in a comment in the blog draft -- do you have anchors in your post?16:49
naccrbasak: so, e.g., i can refer to a particular section16:50
rbasaknacc: no but I expect I can add them.16:51
naccrbasak: ok, that'd be handy for my referencing back to your post16:51
nacc(and e.g., to point directly to the index section)16:51
rbasaknacc: http://www.justgohome.co.uk/blog/2017/07/developing-ubuntu-using-git.html#multi-post-index16:59
naccrbasak: thanks! and one for the experimental status, too, if you can :)17:00
rbasaknacc: done: http://www.justgohome.co.uk/blog/2017/07/developing-ubuntu-using-git.html#experimental-status17:02
naccrbasak: excellent, tyvm17:03
oerheksnacc, copy that to #ubuntu-news too ;-)17:04
tewardanyone got any experience with postfix and mail relaying? I've got a case where some messages need to just go straight out via SMTP in some cases and the rest need to be relayed to another system before being sent out over the Internet, a little confused to set it up17:24
sdezielteward: you can define "routing" rules using transport: http://www.postfix.org/transport.5.html17:47
naccahasenack: yep, it's a bug, i've got the fix staged17:55
naccahasenack: let me know when/if you file it17:55
ahasenacknacc: ah, cool, do you still need the bug? I just came back from lunch17:55
ahasenackwill do17:55
naccahasenack: thanks17:56
naccahasenack: once rbasak approves of the sru-versioning-fixes MP for the linter, i can push this fix in on top (it's easiest to do it that way, as i'm using a bit of shared code that is only shared after the changes in that branch). Alternatively, I can cherry-pick that across and just fix the bug; rbasak any opinion there?17:57
ahasenacknacc: https://bugs.launchpad.net/usd-importer/+bug/170798317:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1707983 in usd-importer "Incorrect sorting produces bogus warning when running build-source" [Undecided,New]17:58
tewardsdeziel: thanks18:00
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tewardsdeziel: one more question: can a 'routing' rule be set to just send to the actual destination, while all other mail is relayed to a different server?  That is to say, a straight SMTP outbound connection rather than relaying in certain circumstances (as transport destinations for regexp header matches for example)18:41
sdezielteward: in that case, I'd use a global relayhost and would put just one entry in your transport_maps with the domain you want to be sent directly18:43
tewardhmm, OK, i'll have to think this through, we are trying to special-case handle out of office automatic replies on Exchange at postfix, so that we can have it go right out instead of pissing around with mcafee web gateway eating those.18:46
tewardso it'd be pretty much "Send to expected destination" for any matching subject, relay otherwise.18:46
tewardnot *as* simple a config :p18:46
sdezielright, a bit more involved then ;)18:48
tewardyup.  any tips are helpful.  :)18:48
sdezielhave you tried this: https://serverfault.com/questions/679975/postfix-selecting-relay-host-based-on-from-mail-header-rather-than-envelope-se18:50
tewardsdeziel: yeah that's what i'm working on now, gonna run a test shortly to see what happens and if anything explodes in my face xD18:51
sdezielteward: a header_checks can return "FILTER transport:destination" to have it pick a specific transport18:52
sdezielthis would remove the need from using a transport_maps18:53
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hashwagonAnyone know how I'd add a countdown timer on the grub menu of a bootable ubuntu server install USB? I can't seem to find documentation on it, I just want it to kick off an install automatically.21:22
oerheksedit  /etc/default/grub change GRUB_TIMEOUT=<seconds> sudo update-grub21:27
oerheksor -1 for indefinitly ?21:27
hashwagonOn the root of my USB I don't have /etc/default I have /boot/grub/grub.cfg am I missing something?21:29
hashwagonI have /isolinux as well21:30
oerhekserr, the server installer is not a live iso21:30
oerheksthis applies to an install only21:30
JeevesMoss has anyone hit this bug yet when trying to install mongoDB?  "insserv: warning: script 'K01mongodb' missing LSB tags and overrides"21:32
naccJeevesMoss: it's just a warning and can be ignored, iirc21:32
hashwagonAhhh, I was hoping there was something I could put at the end of the grub.cfg line: linux /install/vmlinuz [...] timeout=0 quiet ---21:33
JeevesMossnacc, I can't get the dumb server to start.  :-(21:34
naccJeevesMoss: what are you trying? exact command and output (in a pastebin)21:35
drabhashwagon: you should have a isolinux.cfg21:37
JeevesMossnacc, https://pastebin.com/f77WnL0n21:37
drabthere are two options in there, prompt and timeout21:37
drabhashwagon: those should do what you want21:37
naccJeevesMoss: that's not an ubuntu pacakge, you should contact the repository owner21:37
drabsince it's a bootable stick the menu etc should be the isolinux one, not the grub one21:37
naccJeevesMoss: what version of ubuntu are you on?21:37
hashwagondrab, okay I do have isolinux.cfg, I'll try that now21:37
JeevesMossnacc, 16.0421:37
drabhey nacc .o/21:37
naccJeevesMoss: you definitely don't want some pacakge with the word 'upstart' in it then :)21:38
drabhashwagon: it should already have in it prompt 0 , timeout 021:38
nacc*some repo21:38
naccdrab: heya21:38
drabhashwagon: or something like that21:38
drabhashwagon: http://www.syslinux.org/wiki/index.php?title=SYSLINUX#TIMEOUT_timeout21:38
drabhashwagon: http://www.syslinux.org/wiki/index.php?title=SYSLINUX#PROMPT_flag_val21:39
hashwagondrab, I do have both at zero. My isolinux.cfg also includes: include menu.cfg default vesamenu.c3221:39
drabso change prompt to 1 and timeout to 10 or something21:39
hashwagonI'll give it a shot thanks21:39
drabhashwagon: that's normal, and those files can override those variables, but iirc (and you can check grepping), none do21:39
JeevesMossnacc, time to go find the correct package21:39
naccJeevesMoss: iirc, there is a mongodb-server package in ubuntu21:39
drabhashwagon: actually my prompt.cfg does override prompt to 0 again21:40
drabso you may want to change that too just in case21:40
drabif it gets included21:40
drabbut it shouldn't21:40
JeevesMossnacc, thanks.  purging that old junk.   I'm trying to install GenieACS, and the maintainers script is a MESS21:41
naccJeevesMoss: good luck!21:41
oerheksJeevesMoss, lots of new commands to handle mongodb, maybe this page is any help https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-secure-mongodb-on-ubuntu-16-0421:42
oerheks* services21:42
JeevesMossoerheks, looks like I got it.  time to reboot and see if it comes back up!21:48
CodeMouse92__Ooooookay, not sure how syslog got to be nearly 2G, but I think it needs cleaning22:03
tomreynit probably says why in this very file ;)22:12
hashwagondrab, I appreciate your help. I'm using preseed and for some reason it's booting using /boot/grub/grub.cfg.. I don't remember why since it's been months since I've set it up. Anyway, adding set timeout and set default resolved the issue.22:18
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drabhashwagon: ah, good to know, thanks for circling back23:21

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