
rick_hFamous cmaloney https://youtu.be/BixeKmlKOJc03:10
cmaloneyThank you. :)04:05
Scary_Guyanyone use MPD?  I'm having issues getting it to read the synlinks in the music directory.  Doesn't matter if I put them in ~/Music or /var/lib/mpd/music with very liberal file permissions05:45
cmaloneyHow's the day so far?12:49
cmaloneyrick_h: Watching your video now14:14
rick_hcmaloney: cool ty I'm 15min in so 6 more to go14:14
rick_hseems ok so far. Wish they had turned down the exp comp on the camera a little bit but meh, I'm angelic with my white background14:15
cmaloneyYou're next to a sunny window, so ...14:15
cmaloneyAlso: you are angelic. ;)14:17
cmaloneyWish they would have figured out the zoom a few moments before you started14:17
rick_hyea, all good14:20
rick_hcmaloney: seems ok here. woot woot14:32
rick_hcmaloney: ty for reviewing!14:32
rick_hso nice, cmaloney has to hear it twice :P14:32
cmaloneyNP. It's importnat stuff14:32
cmaloneyPlus I can sit for this time around. ;)14:33
rick_hoh noes, did you end sans seat last time?14:33
cmaloneyI stood in the hallway14:33
cmaloney's all good. :)14:33
rick_hjust need to bring a seat with you, say on wheels :P14:33
cmaloneyHeh. Seems a pretty high barrier to entry14:33
rick_hlol, have to commit14:33
cmaloneyI watched the Archive.org version of the video14:34
rick_hoh, there's an archive.org version? That's crazy.14:35
cmaloneyyeah, so you don't have to use youtube-dl to save a copy for posterity14:36
brouschSurely youtube will outlive us all14:41
rick_hheh...it's a google product so ... nope14:42
jrwrentruth, if anyone could fuck it up, it would be google.14:43
jrwrenthey fuck EVERYTHING up... eventually.14:43
jrwrencmaloney: pdb++ looks cool I've never seen that.14:47
cmaloneyjrwren: Thank you. It's pretty awesome.16:14
cmaloneyjrwren: Anotherr reason I didn't show the install of pdb++ is whenever I create a new virtualenv it's one of the packages I install16:15
jrwrenanyone aware of a colorize replacement that isn't ccze?19:57
cmaloneyWould some folks check this out and see if this makes sense?19:59
cmaloneyAlso: if you know someone who would be willng to speak about a topic please feel free to comment on the topic card.19:59
brouschcmaloney: Very nice. I might have to replicate that for GRPUG20:07
cmaloneyThanks! :)20:09
jrwrenbeginning of the next dotbust  https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/07/31/end_of_the_road_for_basho_as_court_puts_biz_into_receivership/21:45
greg-gyay, maybe I'll be able to afford a house out here?!21:45
jrwrenprobably not21:46
cmaloneyNot as long as there's Facebook and Google21:57
cmaloneythat's a hard langscape21:57
jrwrenand intel, and *22:03
greg-gwe're actually looking over in Nevada City, CA now, which is on I-80 on the way to Truckee (the north side of Lake Tahoe). It's in the Sierra foothills.22:18
jrwrenwhoa, that is way out there.22:29
jrwrenor no? 2 hrs if there isn't traffic?22:30
greg-gnot horrible, yeah, and I've been to the office twice since new year's. All Hands in January, and today to pick up my replacement laptop22:34

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