
=== cmcmanis is now known as ChuckM
bazmy system seems trashed... i cant login via x.  it justs goes back to the login after i enter my password......i am on my other system atm which is a laptop i have done many things to try and reslove it and nothing has worked10:20
bazand i have no idea as i cant login under xwindows how i can paste anything10:20
bazi can get in via a console login, i have edited /etc/pam/lightdm with the suggested edits after looking at some pages but to no avail10:21
bazproblems with kwallet10:23
bazam using 16.04 LTS10:24
bazany1 here? or at least awake ???10:25
knomeyes, but please note that we're all volunteers and not all answers are available immediately10:27
knomemaybe try searching somewhere else while you wait10:27
baznomatter what i do i keep getting cannot opeen pam_kwallet.so even after installing kwallet4 and kwallet5 , there is indeed no /lib/security directory10:28
bazi have been at this for 3 hours....i am here because i am out of answers10:33
bazgood news i just did mv .Xauthority .Xauthority.bak and havebeen able to login.....this all started when my audio stopped working even low pulseaudio was set to the right outputs and10:36
baznothing was muted, even the vu meters on the pulseaudio volume control were showing up10:37
bazstill having the audio issue, have absoulutely no idea what caused it, one minute it seemed it was working...nows it not10:39
bazpulseaudio -k has no effect, the output is set to HDMI, it was working earlier i dont get it10:42
baznow after a reboot x is not accepting my password but the console is...10:54
bazjust changed the passwd via the passwd command in console...still not working under X10:58
bazjust says password wrong message10:58
bazstartx via console lets me in though10:59
baztried changing passwd via users and group gui in settings.....it changed the password still cant login under x but console accepts password just fine11:03
l1Ll1Ll1Lbaz that seems really weird. Have you tried restarting?11:15
bazabout a thousand times...sames results11:15
bazedited files.....11:15
bazfollowed a billion pages instructions11:15
bazcan log in on console....x login just tells me incorrect password11:16
l1Ll1Ll1LHave you tried ##linux? They are a very knowledgeable channel here11:16
knomebaz, does the login screen have the correct keyboard layout?11:16
bazi even installed kwallet stuff11:16
l1Ll1Ll1LMaybe there is some, file you must change for your DE11:16
bazintresting question......but when i type my username it appears fine11:16
knomedoes your username have weird letters?11:17
knomemaybe not, but your password might11:17
bazjust letters and numbers11:17
knomecheck the kb layout11:17
bazusername is just alpha characters, no special charcters, no numbers11:17
knomei would still double-check that, if for whatever reason it's set to something wacky11:18
bazpassword has no special characters i.e !@^& either11:18
bazi havent changed the keyboard layout.....according to gui its set to system default ...11:19
baztried changing it generic101 pc , no change11:21
l1Ll1Ll1Lbaz this looks relevant https://askubuntu.com/questions/463846/cant-login-to-my-account-i-know-the-password11:22
l1Ll1Ll1Land for my ego's sake I am happy to say that the top answer on this thread states the source as a file used by xfce4 =D11:24
l1Ll1Ll1Lhopefully it fixes your problem11:24
flocculantin the past I've seen this when disk is full11:25
l1Ll1Ll1Lflocculant, like some kind of lock file that can't be created?11:26
bazflocculant: yeah i had the disk full problem in the past, clever that you mentioned it...11:27
l1Ll1Ll1Lbaz nodice also to the top answer on the thread I mentioned? Because that looks super relevant11:29
flocculantI'd definitely try the mv .xfce4 things option if you've not done that yet - you'll lose all yourxfce  settings ftr11:29
l1Ll1Ll1Lbut you can restore for everything except xfce4 itself11:30
l1Ll1Ll1Lnot too hard to fix11:30
bazyou mean the mv ~/.config/xfce4{,.bak}11:30
l1Ll1Ll1Lyeah that11:30
bazyep, no change11:30
l1Ll1Ll1Lhuh that is really strange11:30
flocculantbaz does a new user login ok?11:31
flocculantgtg though11:31
bazit was just as strange as when i suddenly came home to no audio through hdmi but pulseaudio was showing it on the VU meters in pavucontrol and everything...correct settings.....nothing muted....not tv....not alsa....not in pulseaudio volume control......somehow i ended up here11:31
bazguest logs in fine.....11:32
l1Ll1Ll1Lwhen pulseaudio fucks up 9/10 times I have to open alsamixer and unmute from there11:32
l1Ll1Ll1Lthe other 1/10 times I restart11:32
l1Ll1Ll1Lreferring to pavucontrol in particular11:33
baztried unmuteing from alsa mixer not muted...11:33
l1Ll1Ll1LI still recommend you ask this question in ##linux btw, smart motherfuckers over there11:33
l1Ll1Ll1Lif they are active right now anyway11:33
bazcreated new user under console...tested login under console...just fine....tried under x ... FAIL11:34
l1Ll1Ll1Lman that is really strange11:34
bazits something related to lightdm. it has to be...because i can login at console and just run startx .....11:35
l1Ll1Ll1Lthat does stand to reason11:35
l1Ll1Ll1Las a last resort follow this page to make a new user that xfce is aware of11:35
l1Ll1Ll1Lif that works, haven't tried it =P11:36
l1Ll1Ll1Lok here is another thing to try11:38
l1Ll1Ll1Lalso see wayne's comments in this thread http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=14818411:40
baztried creating another user with -m (because i forgot) exactly same result11:40
l1Ll1Ll1Lman hopefully one of these threads works for you, I have literally had zero problem with Xubuntu, which is the main reason I reccomend it11:40
baznope i even gave the newuser the simplest password in the world11:44
bazi have had many problems with xfce over the years....in many distros...most of them have gone away11:44
bazafter bugs were fixed11:45
bazbeen using it since 2006 (i think)11:45
l1Ll1Ll1Lhuh, the only issue I have with it is the toolbar with multiple monitors, only since 2016 though11:46
bazi'm gonna take a break for a minute...thanks for your help so far....some good ideas11:47
l1Ll1Ll1Lbaz try copying your home folder to a new directory as a backup then logging in through the GUI. I had to do that once after I did some weird shit]11:47
l1Ll1Ll1Lby copying I mean copying and deleting the original11:47
l1Ll1Ll1Las in log in without a user directory11:47
bazso mv home folder to another newly created folder( or directory) ...then login with no home directory present whatsoever? (just to clarify)11:48
l1Ll1Ll1Lyes correct, I would try that11:49
bazsorry to interchange folder and directory...i failed a unix test in class with that question (it was trivial)11:49
baznever took a college class ever again11:49
l1Ll1Ll1Llol, they are interchangeably in this case11:49
l1Ll1Ll1Lfold that dir11:50
l1Ll1Ll1Lfold it hard11:50
l1Ll1Ll1Ldamn, I thought that one would work11:54
bazofcourse console login just fine11:54
l1Ll1Ll1Ltry uninstallin and reinstalling xfce4?11:54
bazthink i tried that before i screamed help me i am in hell and came here...lets look in my history11:54
bazafter i copy it back11:55
l1Ll1Ll1Lhaha ok I think you are in fact in hell then11:55
l1Ll1Ll1Ldid you check the hash sum of your iso before copying it to USB11:55
l1Ll1Ll1Lother than that check ##linux as I mentioned or ask the xfce devs lol11:56
l1Ll1Ll1Lsounds like you have a weird issue11:57
bazthis wasnt a new install.....i have had this install for about 2 or 3 months11:58
l1Ll1Ll1Lok, random thought here11:58
l1Ll1Ll1Linstall a different DE such as gnome11:58
bazdid copy it back... i had prevouisly tried to reinstall xfce4......before running here with tail between legs11:58
l1Ll1Ll1Lsee if logging in under that DE works11:58
l1Ll1Ll1Land if so try xfce4 again11:58
l1Ll1Ll1Lbaz in your situation my tail would also be between my legs11:59
bazwhats the lightest DE?????? i dont want something heavy,,,,,,would blackbox quailify?11:59
l1Ll1Ll1Lthta is some strange shit11:59
l1Ll1Ll1LI dunno man, xfce has been light enough for my purposes, gl hf11:59
l1Ll1Ll1Ltry console only12:00
bazi dont want a mystery as to what i have to uninstall never mind if something goes wrong when i uninstall it...i already have enough chaos12:00
bazconsole i can log in no hassle......i'm sure its something to do with a interaction with lightdm (or something it interacts with)12:01
l1Ll1Ll1LI dunno man, I am running manjaro and have some apparently firmware related shit I have gotten no help with12:01
bazdont know why i think that...it could be that i am tired12:01
l1Ll1Ll1Lsometimes you have to be an expert or hope for the best I guess *shrug*12:01
l1Ll1Ll1Lok this is the third time I mentioned ##linux but try them12:02
l1Ll1Ll1Lsome smart motherfuckers hang out there12:02
l1Ll1Ll1Lyou have to register your handle but that isn't hard12:03
bazdamn now my multi monitor setup is hosed.......and my monitors are all the wrong direction.....hard when your tired12:03
l1Ll1Ll1Lok you are fucking with me12:03
bazthanks for trying and damn hard too..i was hoping to show you the tail end of my history file...but alas i cant think sideways without any sleep first12:03
bazno i did something somewhere12:04
l1Ll1Ll1Lok well when you wake up12:04
l1Ll1Ll1Lidentify with nickeserv if needed12:04
l1Ll1Ll1Lthan try ##linux lol12:04
l1Ll1Ll1Lor research xfce specific channels12:04
l1Ll1Ll1Leither way good luck12:05
bazhang on ... i paste it.... i got the mouse on a horizontal monitor12:06
bazthe history when i started to trip out when my audio was gone and procedded to try things...further screwing up shit12:09
l1Ll1Ll1Lsorry man, I am only semi-competent. Not an expert who can turn your bash history into results12:11
bazi just thought you might be curious to see my insanity at work...12:11
l1Ll1Ll1Lon a level of expertise from retard to linus torvald, I am a 3-4/10 =P12:11
l1Ll1Ll1Lthat is 3 to 412:12
l1Ll1Ll1Lno 3 minus 412:12
l1Ll1Ll1LI am not -1/1012:12
l1Ll1Ll1Lthat would be bad12:12
bazits times like these i miss my old amiga...even though it was a far simpler and dumber machine in many aspects ... i knew it far better than i would ever know linux12:12
l1Ll1Ll1Lwell I wasn't able to own an amiga but they do sound cool12:13
l1Ll1Ll1Lthe first game I played was installed from a 5.5" floppy though12:13
bazits much easier to get your head around a much smaller operating system...back in the day they were amazing compared to win 3.1 and mac os .... preemptive multitasking in a meg of memory12:13
l1Ll1Ll1Lmakes sense, takes more engineering prowess to accomplish things with limited resources12:14
baznot that old... it did use 3.5" disks and stored 880k (when standard amiga format was used) on a regular 720k disk.. (different format than ibm's)12:15
bazlater they changed the file system and i think they got a little more storage....12:16
l1Ll1Ll1Lshit I guess I don't knowhat the first machine I used was, my parents inherited it and I benefited from it12:16
baznow my commie64 did use 5 1/4's and we used a paperclip so we could use the backside of the disks as the 1541 drive only read one side at a time...12:16
l1Ll1Ll1Llol nice12:17
bazi mean paper hole punch to make another notch ... need sleep12:18
l1Ll1Ll1Lok well good night, hopefully xubuntu cooperates with you at some point12:18
l1Ll1Ll1Lit better be easier than running an amiga12:19
bazsomeday i am going to find a way to virtualize this damn thing in some sort of version control system.....hopefully some day......12:24
bazjust flip from snapshot to snapshot and diff when it goes crappy12:24
l1Ll1Ll1Lwell you should be able to take regular images of your HD if you have larger one for backups12:25
l1Ll1Ll1LI have been thinking similar things lately, seems reinstalling is too frequent12:26
bazright to do it fast and effecienty is probably a challenge....though sometimes i get so caught up in the complexity i dont see how simple things actually are12:27
sunatseaHi room my dedicated server is not offering me Open GL 3D Rendering unfortunately, I have tried everything.. could someone please assist me? I'm looking for a remote technician to help me with this, I have been trying for days.. I'd happily pay $300 for a working solution to my problem! (Making OpenGL 3D enabled)22:14

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