
axwrick_h: heya. about to go into standup, will be free to chat in a little while00:28
rick_haxw: k00:30
wallyworldbabbageclunk: standup?00:31
axwrick_h: ok, reading your notes now01:03
rick_haxw: k, I'd like to see what I'm missing for --attach to work so I can move forward01:04
rick_haxw: the rest is feedback/notes just on using stuff01:04
axwrick_h: I don't understand why --attach-storage isn't working for you. it's working for me, and I'm pretty sure wallyworld used it in his demo01:05
rick_haxw: is there a feature flagged or something?01:05
rick_hOh...maybe I didn't use the snap path. Let me double check.01:06
axwrick_h: no, there was one but I removed it ages ago01:06
wallyworldyeah, worked for me in demo IIANM01:06
wallyworldexternalreality: reviewed PR, see if my comments make sense01:07
rick_haxw: yea, that's it. Apologies. I have multiple Juju on here and forgot to use the right /snap/bin path01:09
rick_hI'm not sure why I didn't notice it through all the notes/etc01:10
rick_haxw: let me know if any of the other notes are unclear or you want to chat about01:10
rick_haxw: I assume this works on OpenStack and AWS, does it work anywhere else?01:11
axwrick_h: AWS, GCE, OpenStack, Azure01:11
rick_haxw: <3 awesome01:11
axwrick_h: oh, and LXD :)01:11
axwrick_h: there's some new functionality which I've commented on in the doc, which is only supported on AWS and LXD atm: releasing and importing storage01:12
rick_haxw: yea, I've got to get the zsh thing setup to play with that side some.01:12
rick_haxw: k, ty01:12
axwrick_h: you can now do this: juju remove-storage --no-destroy pgdata/0. that'll remove it from juju, but leave the EBS volume (or whatever) alone01:12
rick_haxw: k, cool01:12
axwrick_h: you can then: juju import-filesystem ebs vol-123456 pgdata, into a new controller. you'll end up with pgdata/N with that EBS volume01:13
axwrick_h: still need to implement import-volume01:13
rick_haxw: hmm, wouldn't it need to know the charm to make sure the title is ok for the declared storage location?01:13
rick_haxw: e.g. can I just call it whatever vs pgdata?01:14
rick_haxw: and if so how would I use it as I note in the docs the attach-storage doesn't take the extra arg like deploy --storage does?01:14
wallyworldwe talked about that, but for now the import name needs to match the charm storage name01:14
axwrick_h: you can call it whatever. it's a bit rough, I'm not sure what the best UX is there. but it needs to be able to support importing before deploying the app01:14
rick_hwallyworld: right, but how's that validated on import then if you don't specify the charm name?01:14
wallyworldit's not right now01:15
wallyworldthis was all done last minute01:15
rick_haxw: ah, yea, I think that's why i'm wondering if the arg needs to not get dropped in --attach-storage vs --storage01:15
axwrick_h: yes, probably01:15
rick_hwallyworld: k, well just the questions/issues I saw in playing. Totally understand that it's WIP and such01:15
wallyworldnp, the feedback is awesome01:15
axwrick_h: +1, thank you01:16
wallyworldwe know though there's more to do01:16
rick_hok, I'll play with more tomorrow then and demo on the juju show tomorrow afternoon.01:16
rick_hanything else I think of I'll add to the doc01:16
rick_hty for the time axw and wallyworld01:16
wallyworldrick_h: and the cmr blog issue?01:16
rick_hwallyworld: replied to your email01:16
wallyworldi think we should go ahead, the macaroon stuff is internal01:16
rick_hwallyworld: I'll make one more run by uros just to make sure that it's not a case of two folks hearing two different things from the same conversation.01:17
rick_hwallyworld: but I can steer a path I'm sure01:17
wallyworldsounds good ty01:17
* babbageclunk goes for a run04:05
wallyworldbabbageclunk: for whenever, here's a followup to the pr from yesterday - offer connection info now displayed in status https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/769804:42
babbageclunkwallyworld: back now but I want to get some things finished off first05:06
wallyworldno hurry at all05:07
wallyworldjust whenever05:07
babbageclunkwallyworld: cool cool05:09
babbageclunkaxw: ping?05:42
wallyworldaxw: here's a small one to fix something that was shitting me with juju offers (was on the todo list) https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/769906:08
axwbabbageclunk: sorry, pong06:36
axwwallyworld: looking06:36
axwwallyworld: why not just make it a model command?06:37
axwwallyworld: you can still get a controller API for a model command, if that's why you didn't06:38
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wallyworldaxw: it can't be a model comand because it talks to a controller facade07:31
axwwallyworld: <axw> wallyworld: you can still get a controller API for a model command, if that's why you didn't07:31
wallyworldhmmm, ok, i'll look into it07:31
axwwallyworld: see: ModelCommand.NewControllerAPIRoot07:32
wallyworldok, i had a feeling there was something else amiss, but maybe not. there was a lot of churn at one point with all the facades07:33
babbageclunkHa ha, spent the afternoon writing Python and suddenly I'm leaving off all the closing braces.08:14
redirHello juju... Chloe Grace wanted to say hi, https://goo.gl/photos/wVPHohn5MLbf684TA16:21
rick_hredir: !!!!!!!16:21
redirhope all is well in juju-land16:21
rick_hredir: congrats sir! All the best to the little one and momma16:22
redirthank you, rick_h :)16:22
rick_hredir: very very happy for you16:22
redirme too, she's awesome16:22
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=== externalreality_ is now known as externalreality

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