
mwhudsonoy slackers get https://github.com/mvo5/net/commit/0c0cd2628b36f2b053b7cc1ec04b76aab4c5189c upstream pls01:20
mwhudsonor at least try01:20
mwhudsonah https://github.com/golang/go/issues/2055601:24
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
zyga-archgood morning06:40
mupPR snapd#3638 opened: packaging: add current arch packaging <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3638>06:40
zyga-archjanisozaur1: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/363806:41
mupPR snapd#3638: packaging: add current arch packaging <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3638>06:41
zyga-archthat's the current packaging06:41
zyga-archso there's a nice way to review changes later06:41
zyga-archI'll merge this as soon as I can06:41
mwhudsonzyga-arch: o/06:56
mwhudsonyou have mail06:56
mwhudsonbut i'm not really here for an hour or so so no hurry :)06:56
* zyga-arch looks06:56
zyga-archmwhudson: aha06:58
zyga-archmwhudson: thank you for pointing that out and finding it06:59
zyga-archmwhudson: I think that mvo may be on holidays still, if he's back we should pursue this07:00
=== ikey|afk is now known as ikey
zyga-archjamesh: hey07:19
jameshhi zyga-arch07:19
pstolowskijamesh, hey! :)07:20
zyga-archI replied to the thread with you and jdstrand07:21
zyga-archplease have a look and if you want to discuss something quickly now, let's do it07:21
jameshzyga-arch: thanks.  reading07:21
jameshhi pstolowski07:21
jameshzyga-arch: do you currently ever update the persistent namespaces rather than throwing them away to start over?07:22
janisozaur1zyga-arch: nice, but I see some unrelated(?) test failed on travis?07:22
zyga-archjamesh: we update them when the fstab file (content interface and parts of layouts) change07:23
zyga-archjamesh: we have a very serious bug where we don't update them on base snap change that I cannot fix because it breaks apparmor and we'd have to unconfine snap-confine07:24
zyga-archjamesh: and I also forgot to meniton that snap-update-ns may need to get a new, specific, confinement for a *given snap* as it will process snap-specific mount profile07:24
zyga-archotherwise it must be unconfined to do that07:25
zyga-archjanisozaur1: yes, master is very unhappy lately07:25
zyga-archjanisozaur1: I ran into an issue where snap-seccomp needs to link libseccomp statically, I need to reverse that for arch07:25
jameshzyga-arch: but does "update" mean changing the existing namespace in use by running processes, or only making sure new processes see the changes?07:25
zyga-archwe change it live07:25
zyga-archexisting processes see this07:26
zyga-archthe "easy" solution was nacked as this fractured the view07:26
zyga-archthat is essentially what snap-update-ns does07:26
zyga-archjamesh: the invalidation of base snap includes snap-confine figuring out that the base snap is not the same device anymore, using the freezer cgroup to see if any process uses the namespace and discarding/rebuilding it07:29
zyga-archjamesh: one more complexity is that snap-confine/snap-update-ns must work from within the constructed namespace and this brings in extra complexity (mainly around bugs in apparmor)07:29
zyga-archwhere naive setns() to pid 1 breaks everything07:30
jameshah.  I'd been concentrating on snap-confine and missed snap-update-ns07:31
zyga-archthere's a small PR that starts this already...07:31
mupPR snapd#3621: cmd/snap-{confine,update-ns}: apply mount profiles using snap-update-ns <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3621>07:32
zyga-archplease have a look07:32
zyga-archjamesh: oh, and also reexec and base snaps adds more complexity (obviously)07:32
zyga-archbecause snap-confine needs to run snap-update-ns07:32
zyga-archbut the base snap may not even have a normal FHS07:32
zyga-archreexec certainly adds some level of problems where we need to ensure tools use a consistent set of executables07:33
zyga-archand not a mix of the two07:33
zyga-arch"reexec" only conceptually, really it is "using binaries from core snap"07:33
zyga-archjamesh: I'll grab something for breakfast, please tell me what you think, I'll be readin07:36
jameshzyga-arch: sure.  I'm replying to your email with a description of what I need.07:38
jameshzyga-arch: okay.  Replied with some details of how xdg-document-portal works07:56
zyga-archjamesh: wait, so this is /run/user/$UID/doc?07:57
zyga-archjamesh: so... we need nothing?07:58
zyga-archrun is mounted as a slave of the host /run07:58
zyga-archso if you mount /run/whatever on the host this automatically works in the snap07:58
zyga-archno user-specific mount namespaces necessary07:59
zyga-archjust make sure this is mounted on from the session and not from the snap (since it is a slave of the peer group)07:59
zyga-archdoes that make sense or am I prematurely enthusiastic?07:59
jameshzyga-arch: it is a different bind mount per package08:01
jameshread on a bit further :)08:01
jameshthe daemon produces per-package subdirectories inside the fuse file system that get mounted at /run/user/$UID/doc08:02
zyga-archso we're back to square one08:03
jameshpresumably because a fuse daemon doesn't know what pid originates each request, and/or the kernel may cache inode information between requests08:03
zyga-archare you familiar with bubblewrap and how flatpak uses it?08:04
zyga-archwhat's the mount namespace story there?08:04
jameshit builds a new namespace for each instance of the app08:04
zyga-archjamesh: so snapd 2.0.2 story08:04
jameshit doesn't try to share or update existing namespaces08:04
zyga-archjamesh: how does it access process specific namespace? just via /proc/$PID/ns/mnt?08:05
jamesh(at least that's what I understood from reading it)08:05
zyga-archand it's also FUSE08:05
zyga-archall the stars align to spell "oblivion"08:05
zyga-archrbind is just a set of recursively created bind mounts *at the time you call mount*08:06
zyga-archfurther changes are propagated using peer groups08:06
zyga-archso if I do a change in one process08:06
zyga-archand another process shares that peer group08:06
zyga-archand is a slave08:06
zyga-archit will see the change (things get mounted)08:07
zyga-archif a slave does a change the master won't see it08:07
jameshbut does it break the master/slave relationship if the slave makes changes?08:07
zyga-archthere are a few sharing modes (private, shared, slave, master, and one more I forgot)08:07
zyga-archslave can make changes that only it will see08:07
zyga-archso if you think about making changes to /run from within the snap namespace they won't propagate outwards08:08
jameshso if the process creates a new mount namespace as a slave rbind of the persistent namespace and then mounts the document portal over the top, things might work?08:08
zyga-susewell, not sure, the sharing is per *mount point*08:09
zyga-suseone sec08:09
zyga-susethere's a link to how peer groups function there08:11
zyga-suseso assuming we still need the user mount namespace08:11
zyga-suseand that it *probably* has to be persistent too08:12
zyga-suse(for that users)08:12
jameshhttps://github.com/projectatomic/bubblewrap/blob/master/bubblewrap.c <- that's the bubblewrap code.  It definitely isn't trying to share namespaces08:13
zyga-susewe could do a bind mount from /run/user/doc/by-app (which is tricky if >1 app is in a snap) to /run/user/doc08:13
jameshzyga-suse: treat by-app as by-package08:13
jameshmy proof of concept patches were doing permissions at the package level, since that seemed most sane08:14
jameshfor flatpak, apps == packages so they are a bit loose with that terminology08:15
zyga-archbut in our model one snap can ship two flatpaks really08:17
jameshright.  I'm just saying that the "by-app" directory inside the document portal file system is effectively per-package08:21
jameshIf you give one app from a snap access to a document, there isn't much to stop it giving another app from the same snap access08:21
zyga-archwell, we can still use apparmor08:23
zyga-archbut yeahg08:23
zyga-archso, who does the bind mounting of all of that?08:23
zyga-archthe portal runtime running in the session?08:25
mwhudsonhow many zyga's is too many08:28
jameshflatpak constructs a bubblewrap command line that says how to set up the sandbox08:29
mwhudsonalso 2.26.*14* ? oh dear08:29
zyga-archmwhudson: well, it's just cooperative multi tasking so it's not any better than one :D08:29
jameshone of the arguments tells bubblewrap to bind mount the document portal08:29
zyga-archmwhudson: *yes*08:29
zyga-archwe found more bugs but mvo didn't want 1508:29
mwhudsonzyga-arch: i made a thing https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ndk9eN5uSSY9A3SYzBRLBxOLMWw5--A2KNbS0v0y6_g/edit?usp=sharing08:31
zyga-archaha, looking08:36
zyga-ubuntumwhudson: I requested write access to add some notes08:37
mwhudsonzyga-ubuntu: granted08:39
zyga-ubuntumwhudson: ok, comments made08:40
zyga-ubuntuI think the biggest thing is the net fork08:40
zyga-ubuntuthe gettext package seems like a low hanging fruit08:41
mwhudsonis that only used for a test?08:41
zyga-ubuntuas is the go-flags update08:41
mwhudsonthe net fork08:41
zyga-ubuntuor net?08:41
zyga-ubuntuI don't recall, let me check08:41
zyga-ubuntubut my bet is not just tests08:41
mwhudsongit grep mvo5/net/bdf08:41
zyga-ubuntumwhudson: actually08:43
zyga-ubuntuit seems just for tests08:43
mwhudsonok good08:43
zyga-ubuntuso we could patch that away for now08:43
zyga-ubuntu(except on big-endian arches where it works by accident)08:43
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: hey hey08:44
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: hiya08:44
mwhudsonzyga-ubuntu: looks like subunit-go is unused in 2.26.14 too?08:45
zyga-ubuntuI had a look at weather in London today08:45
zyga-ubuntu16C vs 30+ here :/08:46
zyga-ubuntuI miss London08:46
zyga-ubuntumwhudson: I think we never used it08:46
zyga-ubuntuit may have been pulled in earlier by something else08:46
zyga-ubuntubut not directly via snapd tests08:46
zyga-ubuntuno matches in grep08:46
mwhudsonoh i guess it could be a transitive dep08:47
mwhudsoneasy to find out08:48
zyga-ubuntuI think it is gone totally now, I grepped in the vendor tree as well08:48
mwhudsonzyga-ubuntu: hnngh https://github.com/mvo5/libseccomp-golang is a fork too?08:50
zyga-ubuntuhttps://github.com/mvo5/libseccomp-golang/commits/master it seems so08:52
zyga-ubuntunot sure if we want to package the fork08:52
zyga-ubuntuor work with upstream08:52
zyga-ubuntuaha, mvo added support for older libseccomp08:52
zyga-ubuntubut not sure if this is even landable08:52
zyga-ubuntuI think it may refer to our special-cased patched 2.1.1 from ubuntu08:53
mwhudsonhttps://github.com/mvo5/goconfigparser is not a fork but the debian package is of a version that is not tagged in the repo08:53
zyga-ubuntu(wehre it is more like 2.2)08:53
zyga-ubuntumwhudson: I think for that we can use master or ask mvo for a release08:53
zyga-ubuntuis that even used though?08:53
mwhudsonyeah i don't know if it's a problem, it's just making filling this sheet out less trivial :)08:53
zyga-ubuntupartition/grub_test.go:cfg := goconfigparser.New()08:53
zyga-ubuntujust in tests?08:54
zyga-ubuntufeels bogus08:54
zyga-ubuntuI think it's a leftover08:54
zyga-ubuntuand the test can be patched away08:54
zyga-ubuntuwe moved to something else in the tree now08:54
zyga-ubuntuI think this became "partition/grubenv"08:55
zyga-ubuntuwell, maybe, not sure08:55
Chipacaan hour and a bit wasted because 17.10 was using wayland behind my back09:18
pedronisChipaca: it was one hour in the future09:18
Chipacapedronis: hey, welcome back :-)09:18
zyga-archChipaca: oh? what broke?09:23
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: could you please do a review of https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/363609:27
mupPR snapd#3636: snap: add support for parsing snap layout section <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3636>09:27
mupPR snapd#3637 closed: interfaces/unity7: allow receiving media key events in (at least) gnome-shell <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3637>09:27
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: if you ssh -X into a thing that's running wayland, gtk apps start in the wayland session09:30
* zyga-ubuntu posted https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/slow-core-downloads-breaks-tests/1521/109:32
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: and?09:32
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: about that cache thing you mentioned09:32
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: you'd be interested, I suspect09:32
mwhudsonzyga-ubuntu: in general for the deps where snapd is way behind debian should i just propose PRs that update the snapd version?09:35
mwhudsonand let CI decide if it works09:35
zyga-ubuntumwhudson: I'd say yes09:35
zyga-ubuntumwhudson: but one by one so that we can evaluate where it breaks09:35
mwhudsonheh yes09:35
mwhudsoni'm not that daft :)09:35
pedronismwhudson: :)09:41
mupPR snapd#3638 closed: packaging: add current arch packaging <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3638>10:24
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: not quantitative, but this feels way faster10:29
Son_Gokuyou mean the Arch packaging?10:30
Son_Gokuit's deliberately designed to not be able to do a lot10:30
Son_Gokuit's derived from how we do things in RPM, but drastically simplified10:31
zyga-ubuntuSon_Goku: no, I was talking to Chipaca in private about this https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/slow-core-downloads-breaks-tests/1521/210:31
zyga-ubuntuSon_Goku: a small optimization with huge wins for testing10:31
zyga-ubuntuSon_Goku: pre-cache heavy snaps we download10:31
zyga-ubuntuno coding required10:31
Son_Gokuwhy weren't we doing that before?10:31
ChipacaSon_Goku: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯10:31
zyga-ubuntueffort != 010:31
Son_GokuI thought we were already doing that10:32
zyga-ubuntuand nobody cared before10:32
Chipacasure, easy to say "duh" after the fact10:32
zyga-ubuntunow when it takes one failure out of a 1000 tests to break the run10:32
Son_GokuChipaca: there's thing thing that I call base expectations10:32
zyga-ubuntunobody expected base expectations10:32
Son_Gokuwhen we do not even do system updates before running the tests anymore, I expected we were caching the snaps10:32
zyga-ubuntuproper caching is still not there10:32
zyga-ubuntubut this is a huge win10:32
zyga-ubuntutest took 19 minutes10:34
mupPR snapd#3639 opened: Update to version of golang.org/x/crypto currently in Debian unstable <Created by mwhudson> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3639>10:34
zyga-ubuntuI'll do some tweaks and do A/B10:35
Son_Gokuhm, does that mean that with this dep upgrade, snapd won't build on Fedora 25 anymore?10:35
Son_GokuDebian sid is on Go 1.8, and Fedora 25 is only on 1.710:36
zyga-ubuntuSon_Goku: dep update?10:37
Son_Goku[06:34:47 AM]  <mup>PR snapd#3639 opened: Update to version of golang.org/x/crypto currently in Debian unstable <Created by mwhudson> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3639>10:37
mupPR snapd#3639: Update to version of golang.org/x/crypto currently in Debian unstable <Created by mwhudson> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3639>10:37
zyga-ubuntugood question10:37
mwhudsonSon_Goku: i don't think so, this is only the crypto bits, they should still support 1.710:42
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: i have code i can push10:43
Chipacaactually, let me run all the unit tests first :-D10:43
* Chipaca _thinks_ he's covered all the angles, but10:43
mupPR snapcraft#1434 opened: lxd: clean with no parts should only delete <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1434>10:43
Chipacabasically: if the snap has a known size, and it's equal to the resume, then skip the download; and if it has a non-empty hash, check the hash10:44
Chipacathose ifs should make it work with the tests as they stand (and they make some sort of sense)10:44
* mwhudson zzzz10:44
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: haha, easy prey :)10:45
zyga-ubuntuthank you for fixing it10:45
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: will it rename .partial files that aren't "partial" too?10:45
zyga-ubuntumwhudson: night night! thank you!10:46
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: what does that mean?10:46
zyga-archChipaca: if I naively "snap download core"10:48
zyga-archstick it as .partial in /var/lib/snapd/snaps/10:48
zyga-archwill it choke?10:49
zyga-archI mean, I don't mind chopping of the final byte10:49
Chipacazyga-arch: yes, that's what the patch is for10:49
Chipacazyga-arch: no need to even talk to the server if we already have the whole thing10:49
Chipacaand, unit tests pass10:49
Chipacaif you have a pr i can push this to it10:50
Chipacawe can do it backwards10:50
Chipacamaybe easier to do it backwards :-)10:50
zyga-ubuntubackwards as in who goes first?10:52
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: yes10:53
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/364010:53
mupPR snapd#3640: store: do not resume a download when we already have the whole thing <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3640>10:53
mupPR snapd#3640 opened: store: do not resume a download when we already have the whole thing <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3640>10:53
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: if you push your changes to that, everybody should be happy10:54
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: understood10:54
Chipacait changes the logic for downloading deltas a teeny bit10:54
Chipacabit it shouldn't change things in practice10:54
zyga-ubuntuI'll review it in a moment10:54
Chipacaif the store says "no deltas", download begins, download is canceled, download is reattempted and the store says there are deltas, currently we don't resume; this makes the resume win10:55
Chipacain practice it shouldn't make much difference except outside tests10:55
Chipacai mean except inside tests :-)10:55
Chipacatime for me to take a break, run, and lunch10:56
* Chipaca afk10:56
zyga-ubuntuok, I will need ~45 minutes to finish the A/B timing tests10:59
zyga-ubuntuand in the meantime I can review10:59
zyga-ubuntuscratch that10:59
zyga-ubuntuI can push my PR directly to see how long it takes10:59
ograhrm ... travis ??11:09
ograChipaca, are you still working on the shutdown stuff (unmounting /writable and /lib/modules failing) or is that on hold ?11:15
mupPR snapd#3641 opened: tests: download core and ubuntu-core at most once <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3641>11:15
zyga-ubuntuogra: that's merged11:16
zyga-ubuntuogra: loooong ago11:16
ograzyga-ubuntu, where ? that never changed on any ubuntu core images i run11:16
zyga-ubuntuogra: look at /usr/lib/snapd/11:16
zyga-ubuntuthere should be a shutdown executable there11:16
zyga-ubuntuthere's a systemd job that puts it in the special place that systemd uses on shutdown11:16
zyga-ubuntuI think it runs all the time for ~6 months now11:17
ograwell, it didnt fix the bug obviously11:17
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: ^11:17
ogra     [FAILED] Failed unmounting /lib/modules.11:17
ogra     [  OK  ] Unmounted /etc/sudoers.d.11:17
ogra     [  OK  ] Unmounted /run/snapd/ns.11:17
ogra     [FAILED] Failed unmounting /writable.11:17
ograi still see that all the time on every shutdown on every install11:17
zyga-ubuntumaybe something broke?11:18
zyga-ubuntuI wonder if we can get some logs from the tool11:18
ograwell, i never "not" saw it11:18
zyga-ubuntuI remember testing the thing in kvm11:18
ogra(i actually thought john is still working on it )11:18
ograi see the systemd job simply copies it to /run/initramfs/11:23
zyga-ubuntuanother faiure of FAIL: overlord_test.go:360: overlordSuite.TestEnsureLoopPrune11:27
* ogra pokes https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/core-build/builds/259703332 with a pointy stick in the eye ...11:39
zyga-ubuntuogra: remember the abyss quote11:40
jdstrandmwhudson: haven't read all backscroll. it seems like getting snapd in Debian (properly?) depends on using non-embedded code copies?11:44
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: yes, and we did de-vendorize everything11:44
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: but now the problem is we have a few forks11:45
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: and it's unclear if we should move the vendorized deps ahead when we do this in debian11:45
mupPR snapd#3642 opened: cmd/snap: get keys or root document <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3642>11:46
jdstrandthat's interesting. we have asimilar policy in Ubuntu but was told do to time constraints to relax the requirement for snapd11:52
jdstrandinteresting the work is happening now11:53
zyga-ubuntuogra: can you open a thread about that /writable bug?11:55
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: it's only happening for debian11:56
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: I think that in ubuntu it is not even considered11:56
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: especially since it impacts testing value11:56
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: and that we reexec anyway11:56
jdstrandwell, if there weren't outside factors influencing what we are doing in Ubuntu I would imagine we wuld do it in Ubuntu11:57
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: I think the key factor was OMG time11:58
jdstrandit seems like Debian picked up on Ubuntu's definition of how to support golang packages but are actually enforcing it11:58
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: though we lack in debian/copyright heavily todayu11:58
pstolowskicachio,hey! have you found any pattern for reproducing hook errors from https://paste.ubuntu.com/25218225/ ? e.g. linode vs local qemu etc?12:00
Chipacahuh, i might've broken deltas (according to spread)12:03
* Chipaca will fix after lunch12:03
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: ogra: those [FAILED] are from systemd12:03
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: ogra: our helper runs _after_ that; those failed are the reason we need the helper12:04
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: jdstrand:policy-updates-xxvi12:05
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: wow, roman numerals!12:05
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: lots of refresh tests failed with your PR https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapd/builds/260146033?utm_source=github_status&utm_medium=notification12:07
ograChipaca, well, can we quieten them ?12:07
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: yes, as i said, i seem to have broken deltas (or their tests)12:13
Chipacaogra: sure! systemd is free software, right?12:14
ogradunno, ask redhat :P12:14
ogra(surely open source though :) )12:15
Chipacanu-uh, they're on the other side of the river from me12:15
jdstrandzyga-ubuntu: yeah, rocking it old school. keeping it fun! :)12:29
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: about your patch, unless i'm much mistaken the way you've done it won't work12:39
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: that is: only the first test will find the .partial12:39
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: you need to download them somewhere, and then at the start of each test copy them? or sth like that12:39
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: isn't that exactly what is going on12:40
Chipacaotherwise, test downloads thing, tests its stuff, cleans up -> no more thing12:40
zyga-ubuntuthis is doing in the "prepare the magic state tarball" stop12:40
zyga-ubuntuand then it gets restored in each one12:40
zyga-ubuntuor maybe I misunderstood the restore logic12:40
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: ah... if that's the case then it's ok :-)12:40
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: but now that you said it, I'm not sure it is restored in each test12:40
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: easy to test12:41
zyga-ubuntuTBH the spread setup is so wonky now someone could sit down and write a comprehensive document about it12:41
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: how?12:41
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: spread --shell yadda12:41
zyga-ubuntummm, let me try, thanks!12:41
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: tweak spread.yaml to workers:112:42
zyga-ubuntugood iea12:42
zyga-ubuntuI think too late12:43
zyga-ubuntu2017-08-02 14:43:04 Server <nil> (Spread-44) exceeds halt-timeout. Shutting it down...12:43
cachiopstolowski, I could reproduce it in qemu12:43
zyga-ubuntuinteresting server!12:43
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: on the up side, it's very refreshing to see green tests12:45
pstolowskicachio, every time?12:45
cachiousing branch12:46
cachiopstolowski, so far I ran it twice and I saw it twice12:46
pstolowskicachio, interesting; did you run just this problematic test or entire suite?12:47
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: hey, any hints on which snaps have config or how to play with your PR?12:47
cachiono, the entire mainsuite12:47
pstolowskizyga-ubuntu, i guess you can try core; you can try to add extra dummy config to core via snap set core foo=bar12:49
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: and they are not discarded?!12:49
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: this seems pretty dangerous12:50
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: $ snap set author.name=frank12:50
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: snap set --help12:50
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: this example seems broken since there's no snap-name there12:50
zyga-ubuntuthat's surely a bug12:51
zyga-ubuntupeople can set whatever they want now12:51
zyga-ubuntuand once we add options tomorrow it starts to have a meaning12:51
zyga-ubuntubrb, see you at the call12:52
pstolowskizyga-ubuntu, yeah, not discarded, and also known I think. i'm not sure it was considered an issue12:52
pedronisyou can read it as a bug or a feature depending12:54
pedronisI think the plan is still to have some kind of schema at some point12:55
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: the .partial files are there13:00
* ogra wonders if travis will ever start ... in total i'm waiting for that job since 14h now 13:16
ogra(with a timeout over night and a manual re-start)13:17
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
pedronisChipaca: was my explanation  about timeouts understandable?13:22
Chipacapedronis: that our timeouts were too aggressive?13:28
Chipacapedronis: for downloads, right?13:30
pedronisfor everything really13:30
Chipacapedronis: well... for interactive things, we're waiting too long, not too little13:30
Chipacabut that might mean that, for interactive things, we should retry less and wait more13:31
* ogra shakes fist at https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/core-build/builds/25970333213:32
pedronisChipaca: well, is not realistic to get a server answer in 100ms from almost anywhere13:32
pedronisif we are too slow we need to cache13:33
Chipacapedronis: OTOH the store is taking >1s to anser more than 1% of requests13:33
pedronisyes, but an aggressive timeout doesn't help, it's just more load13:33
Chipacapedronis: is the random >1s responses because of load?13:34
pedronisI don't know13:34
pedronisbut using 2+ requets for everything doesn't help13:34
Chipacapedronis: are we?13:36
pedronisI suspect so13:36
zyga-archjanisozaur1: hey, I made some progress, I fixed two things breaking tests13:39
zyga-archjanisozaur1: and I got the bulk of the code to build13:39
zyga-archjanisozaur1: still a few things to do but I should have a *much* better package soon13:39
pstolowskicachio, so, I need release/2.27 to reproduce the bug?13:42
cachiopstolowski, yes13:42
* zyga-arch breaks for some drinks while staring at the test failure14:02
PhoenixMageHi all, is it possible to set the SSO credentials for a fresh install in a config file prior to first boot?14:19
ograPhoenixMage, https://docs.ubuntu.com/core/en/reference/assertions/system-user14:20
ograyou need an USB key though14:20
PhoenixMageUSB keys I have plenty of but no monitor that has HDMI and no serial cable14:21
PhoenixMageThanks for the tip14:21
PhoenixMageok so I understand how to create the assertion but have no idea what the format on the usb has to be such as filename14:35
zyga-archPhoenixMage: hey14:38
zyga-archPhoenixMage: you need to put "auto-import.assert" in the root of the drive14:40
zyga-archPhoenixMage: the file can contain any assertions14:41
zyga-archPhoenixMage: I think you want to format the USB drive as a FAT filesystem14:41
zyga-archPhoenixMage: it will be auto-imported on boot14:42
zyga-archPhoenixMage: you can test this with "snap auto-import"14:42
zyga-archPhoenixMage: but you must be on a core device (it is disabled on classic)14:42
PhoenixMagezyga-arch: I can run it up in a core VM14:43
PhoenixMagezyga-arch: Sorry for the silly question but where can I get an authority-id?14:43
zyga-archPhoenixMage: you probably want to talk to pedronis about this, ideally in a forum thread so that it is reusable for others14:45
zyga-archPhoenixMage: in short you want to have your own brand14:45
zyga-archPhoenixMage: and then issue (as the brand) an assertion that lets you create accounts on unowned machines using that brand14:45
zyga-archPhoenixMage: canonical could issue such assertions but for the moment this is not done14:46
zyga-archPhoenixMage: for some insight you can also look at a test that is checking this feature14:46
zyga-archPhoenixMage: where it is fully done (end-to-end)14:46
zyga-archPhoenixMage: but I'm not that sure it's easier than asking pedronis given that it assumes a lot of context14:46
PhoenixMagezyga-arch: Thanks, might have to leave that to another day, its nearly 1am here14:47
mupPR snapcraft#1435 opened: lxd: Wait on lock files before running apt commands <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1435>14:49
zyga-archPhoenixMage: good luck :-)14:55
ograPhoenixMage, good morning !14:56
zyga-arch(insert quote about bilbo and gandalf good morning)15:00
PhoenixMageI still call this evening, in my book there is no such thing as a good morning15:00
PhoenixMageAppreciate the sentiment though ;)15:00
PhoenixMageWas hoping to create a couple of headless active directort domain controllers using Pis and Core :/15:01
ograsurely possible ... but you need a snamba snap first i guess15:01
ogra(not sure there is one in the store yet)15:02
PhoenixMageogra: first I need a Pi core instance I can use15:02
PhoenixMageThen I will worry about learning how to make/use snaps15:02
PhoenixMageCore is new to mwe15:02
zyga-archPhoenixMage: then you don't need the assertion yet15:03
PhoenixMageGetting close to morning, there goes my typing15:03
zyga-archPhoenixMage: that's for waaaaaay later15:03
ograzyga-arch, well, he has no kbd, serial or monitor ...15:03
zyga-archogra: pi zero?15:03
PhoenixMageUnderstand the whole secure at first boot thing, my background is security but there should be a way I can at least put an ssh-key on it without having internet access15:04
ograno idea, does that matter if you dont have any peripherials ?15:04
zyga-archogra: if normal pi then it is significantly easier to get a serial port connected15:04
zyga-archPhoenixMage: there is but only the brand has a way to issue those15:04
PhoenixMageBut then again, web devs15:04
ograzyga-arch, only if you have the cable :)15:04
zyga-archogra: you do realize we are arguing about making a model assertion and making a new core image just so that we don't need to get a 5$ cable15:04
ograwe need to really make it easier to set up a board without any peripherial HW15:05
* ogra was pondering to fiddle with USB gadget networking ... then you can ssh through the OTG port 15:05
ograzyga-arch, we're not arguing15:06
ogra(at least i'm not)15:06
PhoenixMageI dont think its unreasonable to expect someone to have a usb thumb drive, but a serial cable or a compatible screen or keyboard isnt necessarily available15:06
zyga-archarguing as in discussing :-)15:06
zyga-archPhoenixMage: for embedded devices it's pretty common, I recognize there are some things missing in the story today, I'm just telling what is the easiest path forward15:06
PhoenixMageI like to play with stuff like this in hotel rooms when I travel so nothing is given except board access and I have likely forgotten a serial cable15:06
zyga-archfor hacking just use kvm15:07
ograwhat i'd  really like is to enable gadget networking in our images ... then you can just access console-conf via USB without extra cables15:07
zyga-archno more hardware needed15:07
zyga-archif you need an intro to snaps and core that's the most comfortable way to do it15:07
PhoenixMageogra: that would be nice, everyone has at least 1 micro usb cable around15:07
PhoenixMageWell until usb c is ubiquitous15:08
zyga-archraspberry pi, shiny metal ass edition15:09
zyga-archwith usb-c15:09
zyga-arch40GB cable15:09
zyga-archdoing 100MBit networking15:09
PhoenixMageI'd settle for gig networking15:09
zyga-archand the board will be white15:09
zyga-archwith no sharp edges15:09
ograthat sounds like a beaglebone white ...15:10
PhoenixMageI am trying to get all my essentials on to Pi to minimise my power bills and will fire up the rest of my lab when I need it15:10
PhoenixMageI am looking at an Olimex Lime 2 for my more network intensive applications like next cloud15:10
PhoenixMageSo does a brand cost money?15:11
PhoenixMageI am assuming not but hey15:11
ograno, it is just your store account15:11
PhoenixMageIt says talk to sales on the website lol15:11
zyga-archPhoenixMage: nope15:12
PhoenixMageI did look at banana/orange pis too but the olimex looks nicer15:13
ograif you look at https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/dev/account/ .... there is your account id ...15:14
ograif you are the owner of the kernel and gadget snaps for yur image you can use that id as your brand-id15:14
zyga-archPhoenixMage: think about software, not hardware15:15
ogra(model assertion, kernel and gadget need to be owned by the same id as the system-user assertion ... )15:15
zyga-archall the hardware is nice on the product page15:15
zyga-archthen you get it and, whoops, the kernel is weird15:15
zyga-archback to hacking15:15
PhoenixMageAnd sleep for me15:16
PhoenixMageThanks for all your help, appreciate it15:16
ograsleep well ...15:16
PhoenixMageI got a pregnant lady in the bed not much chance15:17
* zyga-arch fixed a bug in cmd_test.go15:21
rharperogra: thanks for merging my change to core-build;  when would the core snap in edge get that change?  I looked at core_2554 in edge today and it's not there yet;15:34
ograrharper, well.... i'm waiting for https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/core-build/builds/259703332 since yesterday afternoon15:34
rharperogra: ok15:35
ograrharper, it needs a new deb in the PPA,, i'll get to it once travis passed15:35
rharpercool, thanks for the info15:35
ograi'll ping you once it is in edge15:35
mupPR snapd#3643 opened: overlord/devicestate, store: update device auth endpoints URLs <Created by matiasb> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3643>15:40
zyga-archChipaca: yo, you around sir?15:41
Chipacazyga-arch: yup15:41
Chipacafor now at least15:42
zyga-archone liner fix for you15:42
Chipacazyga-arch: go on then15:42
pstolowskicachio, hey, no luck with reproducing the failure you saw :(15:48
* zyga-arch makes a few PRs15:48
zyga-archChipaca: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/364415:51
mupPR snapd#3644: cmd: fix tests that assume /snap mount <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3644>15:51
mupPR snapd#3644 opened: cmd: fix tests that assume /snap mount <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3644>15:51
mupPR snapd#3645 opened: cmd: mark arch as non-reexecing distro <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3645>15:51
zyga-archand 364515:51
zyga-archI made them separate because I wanted nice description on GH and it's easier to cherry pick15:51
Chipacazyga-arch: lel15:52
zyga-arch3644 is buggy15:53
zyga-archbut not caught by tests15:53
Chipacazyga-arch: it can't be, i approved it15:53
zyga-archsorry, I didn't notice15:54
zyga-archnow it's good15:54
zyga-archI force pushed to get the easy cherry pick for the packaging15:54
zyga-archthank you sir!15:55
zyga-archjanisozaur1: ^ little by little15:55
zyga-archpedronis: ^ if you have a sec and could do a 2nd review on the pair?15:57
zyga-archChipaca: fun fact16:01
zyga-archI just logged into my server16:01
zyga-archas root, unusually16:01
zyga-archmy /root/snap/core is interesting16:01
zyga-archwe never recycle those directories16:01
zyga-archI see all the revisions we ever did16:01
zyga-archall empty16:01
zyga-archbut ... well16:01
zyga-archis that the same thing that pstolowski reported ?16:01
Chipacazyga-arch: a'yup16:02
zyga-archperfect, thank you16:02
pstolowskizyga-arch, yes16:02
pedroniswhat's the policy, our queue is grewing again?16:02
zyga-archpedronis: downstream bugfixes for packaging16:03
zyga-archpedronis: not sure if we have a policy, we should definitely process the review queue16:04
zyga-archChipaca: are we using some local proxy during testing?16:12
zyga-archAug 02 14:38:41 autopkgtest snapd[32266]: 2017/08/02 14:38:41.789947 retry.go:52: DEBUG: The retry loop for http://localhost:11028/api/v1/snaps/assertions/snap-declaration/16/99T7MUlRhtI3U0QFgl5mXXESAiSwt776?max-format=2 finished after 1 retries, elapsed time=1.850053ms, status: Get http://localhost:11028/api/v1/snaps/assertions/snap-declaration/16/99T7MUlRhtI3U0QFgl5mXXESAiSwt776?max-format=2: dial tcp getsockopt: con16:12
zyga-archnection refused16:12
zyga-archthis is from a failed test run16:12
zyga-archnow why is snapd calling localhost?16:12
* ogra cries ... 16:12
zyga-archogra: at least travis has nice faces16:12
Chipacazyga-arch: some of the tests use a fake store16:12
zyga-archogra: restarted16:12
ograzyga-arch, yeah, i only noticed recently that there a females now16:13
zyga-archaha, I see16:13
ograzyga-arch, i restarted it twice already since yesterday16:13
zyga-archogra: how does it fail?16:13
ograit sits there forever and then fails with that error16:13
zyga-archtravis hiccup?16:13
ogradunno the exact wording since you just restarted it and the  page auto-refreshed :P16:13
zyga-archogra: it said auto-restarting is limited16:14
zyga-archogra: did you force push to it?16:14
ograi only merged the PR after you and Chipaca approved it yesterday16:14
zyga-archinteresting, weird16:14
ograand the PR is a one word change16:14
zyga-archlet's see what happens now16:14
zyga-archwell ;D16:14
zyga-archquality :D16:14
ograi bet the same as the two times before16:14
ogra(nothing ... until something times out)16:15
pedroniszyga-arch: that localhost is the fake store16:17
ograzyga-arch, hmmm .... the last merge before this hanging one is https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/1416:17
mupPR core-build#14: initramfs/testing: add unit tests for initrd scripts <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/14>16:17
zyga-archIt *did* pass16:18
zyga-archmaybe something broke since16:18
ograzyga-arch, are yyou sure that travis gets along with the --rbind change you added there ?16:18
zyga-archlike travis-side16:18
ograyeah, you changed the travis.yaml ... part of that is to replace all --bind calls with --rbind16:18
zyga-archI see16:19
ograuh oh16:19
ograand i never noticed that you run kvm inside a double stacked chroot !16:19
zyga-archI think those are for qemu16:19
ograoh my16:19
zyga-archbut yes, it all passed16:19
ogra(that should really have been a separate test ... not inside the chroooted chroot)16:20
zyga-archwhy do you feel thta?16:20
ograbecause too many layers ??16:20
zyga-archand is that a problem?16:21
zyga-archlayers of what16:21
zyga-archanyway, this *did* pass16:21
zyga-archI'm all into figuring out what happens but this is not really anything controversial16:21
ograthere is a travis 14.04 chroot ... in which we create an ubuntu 16.04 chroot ... inside which you tghen install kvm and qemu to run a vm16:21
zyga-archyes, and I would expect this to just work16:21
zyga-archit runs without kvm on travis btw16:22
ograme too ... but there can be millions of corner cases16:22
zyga-archI really don't see how16:22
zyga-archI'm running an userspace process, without kvm in a chroot16:22
zyga-archbtw, does travis do 16.04 now?16:22
zyga-archmaybe we could drop some of the chroots16:23
* ogra got a notification that tthey gradually updating to 14.04 from 12.04 right now 16:23
ogra(got that today)16:23
ograso i guess 16.04 native is far out16:23
ograbut we should really separate the two tests and not mix-mash them16:24
zyga-archseparation will not get you anything positive from travis16:25
ograchroots in chroots that run a vm really doesnt sound sane16:25
ograif you run a vm anyway, do it at the toplevel16:25
zyga-archI'd rather switch to using spread as the substrate so that we can ignore silly travis limitations16:25
ograthere is no need to do this inside the chroot16:25
ograwell, not sure what spread would buy us anyway ... its dpkg source packages ... we should rather use autopkgtest all over16:26
pedroniszyga-arch: seems I should look at some older branches before, anyway about to eod16:26
ograbut since i was forced into that weird tree setup you cant just auto-build the debs anymore16:26
ogra(there is no more toplevel /debian dir due to the fact that i had to put both packages into one tree)16:27
zyga-archpedronis: as you want, those are super short and tiny16:29
zyga-archpedronis: I can cherry pick for packaging for now16:29
zyga-archso no worries16:29
ograzyga-arch, btw, https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/14 doesnt even seem to have had any travis runs at all16:33
mupPR core-build#14: initramfs/testing: add unit tests for initrd scripts <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/14>16:33
ogra(unless the UI somehow hides them lately)16:33
ograoh, it actually does ... found it16:33
zyga-archyeah, that's the green tick16:36
ograwowo, but we need to fix a lot there16:37
* ogra is just reading the logs 16:37
ograall the initrd re-packing should definitely use the proper compression method ... and the cpio calls should use the correct options from the system, so we end up with the same initrds the system would produce16:38
ogra(there are config files we can read from the system that have all the bits and pieces, so we dont need to re-invent the wheel)16:39
ograzyga-arch, FYI ... failed fast this time (same error)16:42
zyga-archogra: proper compression method?16:43
ograzyga-arch, yeah, whatever is set for the specific OS in initramfs tools config16:43
ograyou are lucky that gz is still supported :P16:43
ogra(we havent used that iin years for initrds)16:43
ogracore defaults to lzma ...16:45
zyga-archogra: can you give me an example?16:48
zyga-archlike the options you refer to16:48
ograyour code hardcoded gzip everywhere16:48
zyga-archgzip is fast to compress and works16:48
zyga-archthat's the only reason I used it16:49
ograbut not what the actual initrd will use16:49
zyga-archthat's okay, we're not testing that16:49
zyga-archwe're just testing the bash functions16:49
ograwe should be as close to reality as possible with our tests or shouldnt we ?16:49
zyga-archno, we should not be as close to reality, the point is to test a specific part of the code (the shell code) in a reasonably efficient and sensible way16:50
zyga-archotherwise everything would be an integration test16:50
zyga-archlook how there are tons of mocking calls there16:50
zyga-archwe're not testing the real thing16:50
zyga-archogra: btw, can you please pass a link to the PR again16:50
zyga-archI cannot find it somehow16:50
ograwhich one ? the failing one ?16:50
mupPR core-build#15: cloud-init: fix strict mode, ensure cloud-init only runs on positive id <Created by raharper> <Merged by ogra1> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/15>16:51
ogra-policy: search,found=first,maybe=all,notfound=disabled16:51
ogra+policy: search,found=first,maybe=none,notfound=disabled16:51
ograthats the change16:51
ogra(all vs none)16:51
zyga-archah, you merged it now16:51
ogranothing fancy16:51
zyga-archdid tests pass?16:52
ograwell, yes and no16:52
ograit passed when the PR was created16:52
zyga-archI see16:52
ogranot sure why travis runs again on merge ... did it do that before ?16:52
zyga-archtravis has two options: to run on branch push (so branch is tested) and to test merges16:52
zyga-archit's a per-repo choice16:52
ograright, i didnt change that ... (i doubt i can actually)16:53
ograand i dont know if it did that for any of the former PRs in that branch16:53
ograthe tree definitely shows it landed properly in https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/blob/master/config/etc/cloud/ds-identify.cfg16:55
ograso i dont really get what travis tries to do there16:56
zyga-archperhaps we turned that off16:56
ograi can imagine it to run before merge ... but why would it run after ...16:56
* zyga-arch rebuilds the arch package with some more fixes16:59
ograhmm, funny ... the PR actualy links to the successful travis run from 27 days ago17:01
* ogra decides to simply ignore that travis run 17:03
mupBug #1707474 opened: FTBFS on i386: incompatibility with new xfsprogs <Snappy:New for zyga> <snapd (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1707474>17:03
zyga-archah, I had a stale file17:33
zyga-archjanisozaur1: hey, how does it work if I would like to maintain a package in the community repo?17:35
zyga-archjanisozaur1: or just co-maintain snapd with timothy?17:35
janisozaur1zyga-arch: I assume it must be trivial or near-trivial17:35
zyga-archnot trivial in any way but I'm an upstream, does that help?17:36
janisozaur1in a project I work on, the Windows developer submitted an AUR package17:36
zyga-archand it's not a core package17:36
zyga-archwe did an AUR package before but it got updated to community17:36
zyga-arch(I'm talking about snapd)17:36
janisozaur1you can submit snapd-git to AUR without raising any eyebrows17:37
zyga-archyeah, I think we already had that one, I could do it17:37
zyga-archideally I'd work with timothy on the real packge17:37
janisozaur1it's a common practice to have `x-git`, `x-beta` and so on packages in AUR17:37
zyga-archthat's good to know17:37
zyga-archwe should to that then17:37
zyga-archespecially the -git one17:37
janisozaur1quite commonly PKGBUILDs used for real repos would be the same as used on AUR17:38
janisozaur1with the only difference being the sources version they point to17:39
zyga-archyeah, that's the goal here17:39
zyga-archok, one more test to fix17:39
janisozaur1the one that you downloaded from community repo, just change the pkgver and it will produce updated version17:39
zyga-archoh, and a *real* bug17:40
zyga-archwell, I have a lot of changes/fixes there17:40
zyga-archwith a bit of luck the last one to make17:40
zyga-archChipaca: do you have a sec to hand-hold my logic?17:41
zyga-archChipaca: what is the expected value of $SNAP on a distro that uses non-standard /snap location17:42
zyga-archsince we don't support classic confinement17:42
zyga-archI would say it should just say /snap17:42
zyga-archsince on the inside, where the variable matters,17:42
zyga-archit is always the same17:42
Chipacazyga-arch: i do17:42
zyga-archone more patch then17:42
zyga-archreally one liner :)17:42
Chipacazyga-arch: $SNAP is /snap/<snapname>/<revision>/17:43
zyga-arch+1 that's exactly what I made17:43
zyga-archjust wanted to get an ack that I didn't miss any loophole17:43
Chipacazyga-arch: now if the snap is classic, i don't know if that is reality17:43
zyga-archChipaca: those don't work without /snap on the distro17:45
zyga-archso that's +117:45
zyga-archChipaca: PR away17:46
zyga-archone more patch to my collection17:46
mupPR snapd#3646 opened: snap/snapenv: always expect /snap for $SNAP <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3646>17:46
zyga-archone more makepkg17:48
zyga-archsome say that this is the one where tests pass17:48
Chipacacachio: i've just had fedora fail to prepare, is that on your radar?17:50
Chipacacachio: https://s3.amazonaws.com/archive.travis-ci.org/jobs/260290219/log.txt?X-Amz-Expires=30&X-Amz-Date=20170802T174918Z&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAJRYRXRSVGNKPKO5A/20170802/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=ca82ef1041c0f438b599060ab83bf69d943193fed63576fd4a05e273e31399b317:50
Chipacagah, bad url17:50
Chipacacachio: https://api.travis-ci.org/jobs/260290219/log.txt17:51
zyga-archChipaca: and one more18:00
mupPR snapd#3647 opened: gitignore: ignore more build artefacts <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3647>18:01
zyga-archand to be fair18:02
zyga-archit worked18:02
zyga-archjust run-checks is silly18:03
Chipacaok, i'm EOD18:13
zyga-archChipaca: o/18:13
Chipacazyga-arch: \o18:13
zyga-archjanisozaur1: it built (and passed all tests!)18:15
janisozaur1great success!18:15
janisozaur1what's the plan now? will you submit snapd-git package to AUR?18:16
zyga-archjanisozaur1: how can I merge two packages into one?18:16
zyga-archfirst I want to play with it18:16
zyga-archI will propose a PR to merge the improvements to master18:16
zyga-archand work on building it there as well (so that it doesn't regress)18:16
janisozaur1what do you mean "merge two packages"?18:16
zyga-archas tests turn positive I will ping timothy to update the package in community18:16
janisozaur1the split package?18:17
zyga-archthere are two binary packages: snapd and snap-confine18:17
zyga-archwe merged them into one in all the other places18:17
zyga-archso almost good18:17
zyga-archarch is wrong, must be something still missing from uname mapping18:17
zyga-archodd, uname just uses x86_64 like all normal kernels do18:18
zyga-archlet me check the place18:18
janisozaur1just have one "package()" instead of two and remove references to split package in header18:18
zyga-archlet me try18:18
zyga-archhow do I deprecate/remove the stale snap-confine package18:18
zyga-archsome files will move to snapd18:18
janisozaur1i think `replaces=('snap-confine')` should do18:19
janisozaur1but honestly that might be a better question for #archlinux18:20
zyga-archgood point18:21
zyga-archsnaps seem to work for me18:22
zyga-archI still need to do tab completion18:23
zyga-archand then do some comparison to what we ship here and in fedora or debian18:23
zyga-archI can share what I have, do you want to play with it?18:23
janisozaur1yes, please :)18:23
zyga-archcan I just say package() { } when I have one binary package?18:25
janisozaur1if you submit a PR with updated PKGBUILD, I can work with that18:27
janisozaur1double check packaging snapd itself works18:27
zyga-archyep, just building locally18:28
zyga-archI'll install the tab completion files as well18:28
zyga-archsnaps can do pretty nifty confined tab completion18:29
zyga-archso far so good18:33
mupPR snapd#3648 opened: release: remove default from VERSION_ID <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3648>18:36
zyga-archok, trying the build with tab completion18:42
zyga-archif this works I'll push the branch18:42
zyga-archI also fixed the unknown18:43
zyga-arch(in snap version)18:43
zyga-archI tried a few snaps already and it's ok18:43
zyga-archthough the update from previous snapd with snap-confine didn't work OK18:43
zyga-archI had to remove snapd and snap-confine18:43
zyga-archmaybe it works better when this is done in a repo18:43
zyga-archand not when I just use pacman on files18:43
janisozaur1I think it should work the same way18:44
zyga-archmaybe I did it incorrectly, I really promise to push in a sec18:44
zyga-archlet me review the patch and push now18:44
zyga-archcan you please try https://github.com/zyga/snapd/commit/4bf43f3f68e856f7a45375f972aaca98bc3295e518:45
zyga-archjust get that branch https://github.com/zyga/snapd/tree/feature/improve-arch-package18:46
zyga-archand do makepkg in packaging/arch18:46
zyga-archif you have stale src you may need to kill it18:46
zyga-archaww, hold on18:46
zyga-archdidn't build18:46
* zyga-arch correts18:48
zyga-archhave a look but don't build :)18:48
zyga-archI'll push the fix over this in a moment18:48
zyga-archjanisozaur1: how do I build a package and skip tests?18:50
zyga-archjust to gain speed18:50
janisozaur1makepkg --nocheck18:51
zyga-archbuild successful, let me install and run a simple snap to check18:51
zyga-archI think the version is wrong18:51
zyga-archit should convey "prerelease"18:51
zyga-archnot sure how to do that18:52
zyga-arch2.27~1-1 something18:52
zyga-archlike in debian?18:52
janisozaur1is 2.27 already a tag?18:52
zyga-archno, not yet18:53
zyga-archthat's why :/18:53
zyga-archtry it18:53
zyga-archI'll try it with GUI snaps now18:53
janisozaur1so the usual way would be:18:53
zyga-archmaybe, krita?18:53
janisozaur11. have the package name `snapd-git`18:53
zyga-archtab completion for snap works!18:53
janisozaur12. the (stored) package version is only changed when the PKGBUILD itself changes, otherwise it should be autogenerated18:54
zyga-archjanisozaur1: note that the purpose of packaging/arch directory is to keep the refenrence *downstream* release packaging18:55
janisozaur13. the `pkgver() {}` should report dynamic version, e.g. https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/tree/PKGBUILD?h=zopfli-git#n1318:55
zyga-archsnapd-git should be a separate AUR package18:55
zyga-archthank you!18:55
zyga-archno GLX :/18:55
zyga-archI need to improve opengl support :)18:56
zyga-archit seems this is the thing were we all started18:56
janisozaur1so you can have the pkgver set to something like 2.26.14-1414-g1bb7d6da918:56
zyga-archI see a billion gpg-agents on my system18:57
zyga-archis this gnome-web being dumb or did I break something with tests?18:57
zyga-archtests are leaking crap18:57
zyga-archbut that's for another moment18:57
zyga-archjanisozaur1: I'll add pkgver and push again18:59
zyga-archthank you for the link18:59
zyga-archok try it!19:01
mupPR snapd#3649 opened: packaging: update arch packaging for 2.27 snapshot <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3649>19:02
zyga-archand please comment on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/364919:02
mupPR snapd#3649: packaging: update arch packaging for 2.27 snapshot <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3649>19:02
zyga-archI also commented on https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/updates-to-snapd-package-on-arch/1467/619:04
=== LarreaMikel1 is now known as LarreaMikel
zyga-archI got one odd test failure but I didn't change that branch, feels like tab/spaces thing19:18
zyga-archjanisozaur1: any luck?19:19
zyga-archjanisozaur1: I replied on your comment19:20
zyga-archjanisozaur1: let me know how it works with various snaps19:20
zyga-archI definitely want to look into GLX issues but given my environment (libvirt vm with virtio GPU) I'm not sure that is representative19:20
zyga-archI need to boot natively and see how it works19:21
zyga-archbut, if you are native today you can tell me how it works for yoiu19:21
janisozaur1after realoading the daemon i can get textual things to work19:21
zyga-archwhat is the hardware you are on?19:22
janisozaur1i7 4790, geforce 96019:22
zyga-archI see19:22
zyga-archI see DNS resolution issues19:22
zyga-archwethr snap for instance19:22
zyga-archdoesn't work19:23
janisozaur1trying to run glxinfo definitely does not work19:23
janisozaur1> [1]    9519 segmentation fault (core dumped)  snap run gl-test-janisozaur.glxinfo19:23
zyga-archjanisozaur1: do a local test19:23
zyga-archrebuild without --with-nvidia-arch19:23
zyga-archand see if that changes anything19:23
zyga-archafter doing this you must "sudo unmount /run/snapd/ns/$SNAP_NAME.mnt"19:23
janisozaur1it's already in PKGBUILD, though19:24
zyga-archremove it19:25
zyga-archwithout it :)19:25
zyga-archI think it causes the crash19:25
zyga-archit does some crazy things19:25
zyga-archI wonder who wrote that19:25
zyga-archI should have never done that19:25
zyga-archwithout this option you are not going to mix anything from the snap world with the distro world19:25
janisozaur1i can try that same package on intel gpu19:25
zyga-archall we need from the system is a running kernel19:26
zyga-archso if you have the GPU driver module in place19:26
zyga-archwe need a snap with the userspace proprietary bits that is built using a compatible compiler19:26
zyga-arch(compatible with the base/core snap of the snap the app requires)19:26
zyga-archand then it will work19:26
zyga-archwe're interested in fixing it but it's not super high on the priority list yet19:27
zyga-arch(GNOME theme support is first)19:27
zyga-archalong with other general feature work19:27
zyga-archbut with some experiments it could be made to work19:27
zyga-archnothing trivial though19:27
janisozaur1are there any standard debugging snaps?19:28
zyga-archjanisozaur1: depends on what you want19:28
zyga-archyou can always run "snap run --shell snapname.appname19:28
zyga-archthat will drop you into bash instead of whatever the command was19:28
zyga-archI can confirm that I don't get a working resolver19:28
zyga-archbecause /etc/nsswitch.conf uses files mymachines resolve19:29
zyga-archI need to patch this, one sec19:29
janisozaur1one with glxinfo?19:29
zyga-arch(this is just another bug out of the old design mistake to share /etc)19:29
zyga-archI don't know any actually19:29
zyga-archyou can do some crazy stuff by accessing it from the real filesystem19:29
zyga-archfrom /run/snapd/hostfs19:29
zyga-archnot sure if it will work19:30
janisozaur1can i list apps of a installed snap?19:30
zyga-archyou may need to set library search path19:30
zyga-archjamespage: snap info $SNAP_NAME19:30
zyga-archcommands: section19:30
janisozaur1> error: cannot find signatures with metadata for snap "/home/janisozaur/gears_gears_amd64.snap"19:31
janisozaur1say whaaaa?19:31
zyga-archsudo snap install --dangerous19:34
zyga-archsnaps come with assertions that describe what the snap is, who made it, etc19:34
zyga-archthis is the root of trust and permissions19:34
zyga-archthose are *separate* from the actual image as they come from the store, signed19:34
zyga-archyou can install a locally built snap with --dangerous19:35
janisozaur1right, I was using it yesterday, a minor brainfart today19:35
zyga-archok, rebuilding with one more patch19:37
zyga-archif this works I'll open another PR and push an update19:37
zyga-archthis should fix DNS19:38
zyga-archreally the next step is to run comprehensive suite of integrationtests19:39
janisozaur1on the other system, where i installed the same pacman package, trying to run a snap:19:39
zyga-archbut those take more time to integrate with19:39
janisozaur1> cannot perform operation: mount --rbind /dev /tmp/snap.rootfs_SVXQPd//dev: No such file or directory19:39
zyga-archunmount anything in /run/snapd/ns/19:39
zyga-archthat *may* be at fauld19:39
zyga-archand check if you have "core" in "snap list"19:40
zyga-archno luck19:42
zyga-archhow does it work?19:42
zyga-archmy /etc/hostname is
janisozaur1I've unmounted /run/snapd/ns/19:42
zyga-archis that dnsmasq running as a local resolver?19:42
janisozaur1now i get19:42
janisozaur1> core                         2462  canonical  broken19:42
zyga-archare you in snap run --shell shell?19:43
zyga-archor on the "outside"19:43
zyga-archand can you run snap list19:43
janisozaur1outside, that's from snap list19:43
zyga-archand check /var/lib/snapd/snap/19:43
zyga-archis the core snap mounted there?19:43
zyga-arch"broken" says it cannot read the mounted snap19:43
zyga-archspecifically meta/snap.yaml19:44
janisozaur1no, empty19:45
zyga-archis there a systemd unit for the core snap19:45
zyga-archmaybe something is broken19:45
zyga-archin /etc/systemd/system19:45
zyga-archyou should see var-lib-snapd-snap-core-2462.mount19:45
janisozaur1`systemctl| grep snap` says nothing about core19:46
zyga-archif you start that unit it should work19:46
janisozaur1yes, much better now19:46
janisozaur1and custom snap runs work now too19:47
janisozaur1trying to run glxinfo on that machine with intel gpu: https://hastebin.com/doneyaxolu.md19:48
janisozaur1zyga-arch: can I PM you?19:52
=== JanC is now known as Guest87139
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
mupPR snapd#3650 opened: cmd/snap-confine: don't share /etc/nsswitch from host <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3650>20:08
zyga-archjanisozaur1: re20:12
zyga-archI was rebooting to figure out what was wrong on my setup20:12
zyga-archall fixed now20:12
mupPR snapd#3647 closed: gitignore: ignore more build artefacts <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3647>20:32
mupPR snapd#3644 closed: cmd: fix tests that assume /snap mount <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3644>20:33
mupPR snapd#3645 closed: cmd: mark arch as non-reexecing distro <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3645>20:33
mupPR snapd#3646 closed: snap/snapenv: always expect /snap for $SNAP <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3646>20:34
cratliffHas anyone booted a core image recently?  I've been trying to generate one and if I reboot the device it cannot find the kernel snap.  I've tried kvm and running on a physical pc, this is using the pc-kernel and my custom kernel snap and I keep seeing the same issue.21:20
cratliffIf anyone is interested this is the json used to generate the model.21:31
cratliff{   "type": "model",   "series": "16",   "model": "truck",   "architecture": "amd64",   "gadget": "pc",   "kernel": "pc-kernel",   "authority-id": "",   "brand-id": "",   "timestamp": "2017-08-02T15:29:45+00:00",   "required-snaps": ["bluez", "network-manager", "dnsmasqd"] }21:31
om26erif a restricted snap is connected to snapd-control interface, does that allow it to be able to talk to snapd commandline interface ?21:37
cratliffSorry, how would I check that?21:43
mwhudsonwell https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3639 didn't go so well23:28
mupPR snapd#3639: Update to version of golang.org/x/crypto currently in Debian unstable <Created by mwhudson> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3639>23:28
mwhudsoni'm fairly confused as to what actually broke though23:28
mwhudsonoh eh what?23:29
mwhudsonsrc/github.com/snapcore/snapd/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/acme/acme.go:18:2: cannot find package "context" in any of:23:29
mwhudsonoh right, x/crypto no longer compatible with 1.6 i guess23:30

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