
=== Guest52427 is now known as RAOF
dufluRAOF: Interesting question(?): If someone has a significantly nonlinear colour curve, could that distort some non-white colours very near #ffffff ?01:35
RAOFduflu: I don't quite get the question.01:36
RAOFThe gamma tables can do approximately arbitrary things to the output.01:36
RAOFYou can do any of the palletised animation if you want!01:37
dufluRAOF: I think I already answered it for myself. But yeah. I think if you need a particularly bendy curve then high values could go to unexpected places (when they actually want to go beyond white etc)01:37
RAOFOh, no. The LUT won't ever go out of bounds.01:37
RAOFIt's not actually a curve.01:37
RAOFIt's a lookup-table.01:37
RAOFApproximately :)01:38
dufluRAOF: Yes I know, but if you're accounting for a particularly off display then I guess values near the edge of the gamut might stand out more than they should01:38
jameshif you've got a gamma value of infinity, every value greater than 0 should map to 101:39
jameshor is that negative infinity?01:41
RAOFYou're not actually programming gamma curves into the hardware, though.01:45
RAOFYou're just sending 256 uint16_t values.01:46
RAOF(Also, you'd better be using the projective reals if you're talking about infinities ☺)01:46
dufluRAOF: Yes I understand how it works. Turns out I didn't need to ask the question at all though.02:06
* RAOF wonders what the prompt for the question was02:07
dufluRAOF: Apparently #fefffc on one particular laptop looks very green/yellow. More than it should02:08
RAOFMaybe they should get a colorhug and calibrate the monitor :)02:08
RAOFBut, yeah, laptop panels are often not excellent at colour reproduction!02:08
dufluRAOF: Apparently ColorHug2 also measure latency :)02:30
RAOFIt can indeed :)02:30
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers!06:11
dufluMorning oSoMoN06:19
didrocksgood morning!07:08
dufluMorning Trevinho, didrocks07:28
willcookemorning all08:07
seb128good morning desktopers08:10
seb128hey duflu Trevinho willcooke08:10
willcookemorning seb128, back home again?08:10
oSoMoNhey seb128, willcooke08:11
willcookemorning oSoMoN!  Trust you had a great holiday?08:11
oSoMoNI did :)08:11
willcookeGot my new laptop set up last night08:12
willcookeThink I've copied everything over08:13
willcookeBut this one has a 1080 screen on the laptop, and the fonts are too small for me to read now :)08:13
oSoMoNwhich brand/model did you go for?08:13
willcookeThinkpad X27008:13
willcookeit's pretty much the same as my X22008:14
willcookewhich is perfect :D08:14
oSoMoNyeah, don't change something that just works08:14
dufluwillcooke, oh I have been curious what the X270 is like08:14
oSoMoNI've got an X230 and I'm very happy with it08:14
seb128willcooke, yes, arrived around 9:30pm yesterday without issue08:15
seb128lut oSoMoN , bonnes vacances ?08:15
willcookeduflu, so far so good.  I went for the middle of the road i5 with a 1080p screen.  Space bar is a bit hit and miss, but everything else is fine.  Everything seems to work08:15
willcookeAnd most importantly, it was a real docking station08:16
dufluwillcooke, backlit keyboard or not? I found on the X250 that backlit means smoother keys, and non-backlit better textured08:16
willcookeduflu, backlit yeah08:16
oSoMoNseb128, salut! excellentes vacances, ça fait du bien!08:18
jameshI'm still waiting for the 1440p ThinkPad X1 Carbons that seem to be perpetually coming soon08:19
willcookejamesh, :D08:19
willcookeI read about the "retro thinkpad" which was coming soon, but decided not to wait08:19
duflujamesh, I think I saw they appeared recently...?08:20
jameshIf they were available, the choice between the X1 Carbon and X270 would be a lot easier08:20
jameshduflu: oh. Let's see.08:20
oSoMoNseb128 et al.: how was GUADEC ?08:20
duflujamesh, yep +$30008:20
jameshduflu: thanks for pointing that out.  I guess I should go ahead and order one08:25
duflujamesh, *shrug* sounds like a rather high premium to pay for a bit more resolution. Is the colour gamut wider?08:25
seb128oSoMoN, it was great08:26
jameshHigher res screen, thunderbolt, and USB-C charging look nice08:26
tjaaltonduflu: t470s review suggests it's brighter and has wider gamut08:26
tjaaltonif they share the same panel..08:27
jameshduflu: I'm happy to pay a bit extra if I think it'll last me a bit longer08:28
jameshduflu: I've been on 768 line screens since my first laptop, so I guess I thought I'd skip 1080p if there was the option08:28
ricotzhello desktopers08:37
oSoMoNhey ricotz08:37
ricotzcould someone change "linux (ubuntu)" to confirmed instead of released?08:38
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1699772 in scilab (Ubuntu) "linux-image-4.10.0-24-generic, linux-image-4.8.0-56-generic, linux-image-4.4.0-81-generic, linux-image-3.13.0-121-generic Regression: many user-space apps crashing" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:38
ricotzthe upstreamed patches are available since over month and included in 4.4.74 which still hasnt got into a 4.4 package release08:39
ricotz(this still breaks the i386 tests suite of libreoffice and the currently included patches for CVE-2017-1000364 are not sufficient)08:40
didrocksInternet is fine on the train, IRC is flaky though08:47
willcookecyphermox, did you have any problems with audio out on your dock?11:48
willcookehey tseliot - do you know who might be a good person to sponsor a patch for the intel va driver?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/intel-vaapi-driver/+bug/170809112:21
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1708091 in intel-vaapi-driver (Ubuntu) "External buffers of factually correct size get rejected by vaCreateSurfaces" [High,In progress]12:21
willcookecc seb128 ^12:21
seb128willcooke, that patch is commited upstream so it's going to be part of the new version and we are in sync with Debian os are going to get it by sync, but I'm fine uploading it to Ubuntu meanwhile if we think we need it12:35
willcookeseb128, ah right.  Any ideas how long that would take?  If it's < a few weeks, safe to just wait I think12:36
sergiusenssil2100: are you working on ubuntu-image these days? I have some triggered adt tests due to my snapcraft  upload to zesty but it seems the failures are in ubuntu-image itself at runtime (or potentially snapd) -> https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-zesty/zesty/i386/u/ubuntu-image/20170801_183907_33a7d@/log.gz12:37
sergiusenscan you confirm that?12:37
sergiusensah, I see ubuntu-image already in the queue to SRU and also failing there12:38
tseliotwillcooke: I think tjaalton might want to have a look at it12:39
didrocksok, setting XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=ubuntu:GNOME works well apparently12:58
didrocks(not sure if I should capitalize "ubuntu", what do you think?)12:58
sil2100sergiusens: hey! Let me take a look13:17
sil2100sergiusens: but anyway, the ubuntu-image currently in -proposed for all stable releases is busted, there's a newer on in the unapproved queue but no one reviewed it yet13:18
sil2100sergiusens: eh, I see what the problem is13:19
sergiusenssil2100: something about fakeroot and what not, but I haven't dived into the code base13:20
sil2100sergiusens: so once someone other than me from the SRU team reviews the ubuntu-image that's in the queue it should be good13:20
sergiusenssil2100: ah, great, let me take it to #ubuntu-release, I can nudge ;-)13:21
sil2100sergiusens: since the current ubuntu-image that's in the -security/-updates pocket has the CVE fix that added the fakeroot dependency, but apparently we all missed adding it as a test dep then ;p13:21
ricotzseb128, hi, I had a look a poppler 0.57, but of course it is hit by a regression of glib-mkenums rewrite13:21
oSoMoNwillcooke, the PPA we use to stage chromium updates before publication to the archive is configured to use only -security, not -updates, but I need -updates to build chromium with clang 4.0 that has recently been SRU’d to xenial13:21
oSoMoNwillcooke, do you see potential issues with changing the PPA config to use -updates?13:21
sil2100sergiusens: the 1.1 in the queue has that fixed13:22
ricotzoSoMoN, rustc will eventually need llvm 4.0 too, so an update for trusty too would be great13:22
mdeslauroSoMoN: you can't build security updates if -updates is enabled13:22
oSoMoNmmm, that's annoying, I was really counting on being able to use clang 4.0 in xenial13:24
mdeslauroSoMoN: do a no-change rebuild of clang 4.0 in your ppa as xenial-security13:24
mdeslauroSoMoN: and remember to tell chris to release it at the same time chromium is released13:25
oSoMoNthat’s a neat trick13:25
mdeslauroSoMoN: ie: "No change rebuild in the -security pocket." as the changelog13:25
oSoMoNmdeslaur, does it need to be released though? it’s a build dep only, so keeping it in the PPA should be fine, no?13:26
mdeslaurwell, we release no change updates to the -security pocket all the time, it makes subsequent updates a lot easier13:26
ricotzoSoMoN, mdeslaur, meaning firefox 56/57 will need llvm 4.0 too13:26
oSoMoNmdeslaur, ok, I'll do that then13:26
ricotza no-change rebuild will of course not work for trusty/14.0413:27
oSoMoNricotz, can you file an SRU? I'm not sure who would handle it and how much work that would represent, but that should be the first thing to do13:27
ricotzit is basically the same a done to llvm 3.9, I would assume chris will do it13:28
cyphermoxwillcooke: not that I noticed, but I use some good USB speakers13:28
mdeslaurricotz: llvm-toolchain-4.0 is already in xenial-updates13:29
mdeslaurricotz: is that what you need?13:29
ricotzmdeslaur, I am talking about trusty13:29
cyphermoxwillcooke: how should I test? plug in something in the audio jack on the dock?13:29
willcookecyphermox, yeah, audio jack in the dock.  I've done some more googling - looks like a common problem13:29
mdeslaurricotz: oh! sorry, right, someone needs to port it...perhaps ask chris what the plans are and/or what needs to be done when he's back from vacation13:30
ricotzmdeslaur, he is hard to catch though13:31
mdeslaurricotz: have you tried beer?13:31
cyphermoxwillcooke: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Logitech-OEM-S150-Speaker-System/dp/B000XUQ2LI/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1501680751&sr=8-8&keywords=logitech+speakers13:33
ricotzmdeslaur, would be great to get some response on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rustc/+bug/1701556 with some further plans on https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ubuntu/rust-updates/+packages13:34
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1701556 in rustc (Ubuntu) "Backport rustc 1.17 and cargo 0.18 to 14.04/16.04 and 17.04" [Undecided,New]13:34
cyphermoxthey're inexpensive and work quite well :)13:34
oSoMoNmdeslaur, do you know when chris gets back from vacation?13:36
seb128oSoMoN, he's not on VAC but at GUADEC to discuss mozjs/gjs maintainance13:38
seb128oSoMoN, he's back from that tonight iirc13:38
mdeslaurah, that's why I couldn't find it in the calendar13:38
ricotzoSoMoN, mdeslaur, regarding llvm 4.0, of course 4.0.1 is wanted :)13:38
mdeslaurseb128: thanks13:38
seb128mdeslaur, yw13:39
oSoMoNseb128, right, thanks!13:41
oSoMoNdavmor2_, congrats on the new job man!13:45
didrockswhat is davmor2_ going to break nowdays?13:46
popeyhello! I had a 16.04 basic install, not much changed. Just booted an artful USB key and tried to 'upgrade' it. It seems to have hung during "Removing conflicting operating system files", and isn't doing anything14:11
popeyanything i can do to debug what it's doing?14:11
popeyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/25226720/ - copy and pasted that out of the ubiquity window14:13
seb128popey, you want cyphermox  or xnox, maybe #ubuntu-devel is better14:14
popeyok, thanks14:14
didrockspopey: do you know why you have snapd info in your logs?14:15
ouroumovGuys, sorry for polluting the channel, can anyone help me test gtk+2.0 from zesty-proposed for the SRU check? When I try to install it with apt-get it tries to do regexp matching, so I'm not sure how to install the package from proposed.14:19
didrockspopey: a lot of usr/lib/snapd/snapd[1361]: daemon.go:176: DEBUG: uid=999;@ GET /v2/find?q=ter14:20
didrockspopey: I think it's may be the features app? Not sure why they are fetched14:20
popeyno idea14:20
didrocksouroumov: did you add the proposed pocket to your source.list?14:20
ouroumovYes. Also put a hold to avoid upgrading all packages as per instructions from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EnableProposed14:21
didrocksgood, then, your fix is really in the gtk+2.0 source?14:22
didrocksif so, sudo apt install libgtk2.0-0/zesty-proposed14:22
didrocks(you need to list binary package name, not source package names)14:22
ouroumovOkay, trying that, thanks14:22
didrocksthis should pull the packages you need14:22
oSoMoNmdeslaur, Rejected. PPA uploads must be for the RELEASE pocket.14:23
oSoMoNThis upload queue does not permit SECURITY uploads.14:23
mdeslauroSoMoN: oh, well, just use xenial then14:23
oSoMoNllvm-toolchain-4.0 (1:4.0-1ubuntu1~16.04.1ubuntu1) xenial-security; urgency=medium14:23
mdeslauroSoMoN: or wait, and I'll rebuild it after lunch and push it to the archive14:24
oSoMoNmdeslaur, I’ll do that if you don't mind, please ping me when it's there14:24
mdeslauroSoMoN: ok14:24
ouroumovHolly Jesus, hey didrocks is it normal it wants to remove ubuntu-mate-core, ubuntu-mate-desktop and some other packages?14:24
didrocksouroumov: hum, were any of those only in proposed by any chance and your apt pinning did that?14:25
didrocksouroumov: I would say, you can remove your apt pinning (the wiki mentioned one)14:26
didrockskeep proposed enabled14:26
didrocksdo the apt install …14:26
didrocksremove proposed so that next apt update/upgrades takes anything from proposed14:26
ouroumovAlright, trying that14:27
ouroumovdidrocks, thanks this time it didn't try to remove stuff14:28
didrocksouroumov: great, that was things you had from proposed I guess :)14:31
willcookeI've got dnsmasq and resolved using 100% CPU again.  cyphermox - any thoughts on what I can do to work out why?14:32
cyphermoxwhy are you using both?14:41
cyphermoxit depends on the config used, I suppose14:42
cyphermoxwillcooke: could you please file a bug, include /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf and /var/log/syslog (but as I recall ubuntu-bug will do that for you)14:42
cyphermoxmaybe gdb each and include a backtrace too14:43
willcookecyphermox, we needed dnsmasq for wifi hotspot support14:43
willcookeI might have installed the full dnsmasq14:43
cyphermoxsure, but dnsmasq for hotspot doesn't do DNS resolution and wouldn't fight with resolved14:43
cyphermoxeven if you installed dnsmasq instead of dnsmasq-base, it's a bug14:44
willcookeI'm going to reinstall my test machine, if I can still reproduce the issue I'll log a bug14:44
cyphermoxmaybe just check if dns=dnsmasq in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf quickly first14:44
cyphermoxif that's in there, then yeah NM will still try to use dnsmasq to do DNS caching14:45
willcookeno mention of dnsmasq in that conf file14:45
seb128to those using hexchat, is there any way to configure it in a way its indicates properly what channels get some activity?14:56
seb128it displays a conversation icon all the time, which is useless :-/14:57
seb128xchat-gnome was displaying nothing and adding an icon when there was unread content in the channel14:57
willcookeseb128, I configured it to show red text when I get a mention and green text when there is activity and grey when nothing, is that what you want?15:01
didrocksI guess seb128 is mentioned when the window isn't focused15:04
didrockslike you alt-tab to something else15:04
seb128willcooke, oh, let me look at that15:29
seb128didrocks, both, but having already different colors/signs on the main UI would be nice15:30
seb128atm I need to visit all the channels to see if there is an ongoing discussion somewhere, that's ridiculous15:30
willcookeseb128, http://imgur.com/a/MxxyV15:31
seb128willcooke, thanks, that did it, I was focussed on the icons thing and it didn't come to my mind that the color tab could have a solution to my problem15:31
willcookehmm, I'm not seeing snaps in the dash on gnome shell on a new 17.10 install15:32
willcookeit did this before, and then went away by itself15:33
willcookebut this is a new install, so dunno what I did15:33
seb128what sort of snaps?15:35
seb128you mean if you install a snap which has a .desktop?15:36
willcookee.g. ohmygiraffe15:36
seb128like libreoffice?15:36
seb128let me try that one15:36
seb128did you install it and the icon is missing?15:36
seb128or did you try to look for uninstalled thing and to get the dash to guide you to gnome-software to install?15:36
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willcookeseb128, I installed it via cli15:37
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willcookesoftware knows it's installed no15:37
willcookeand it runs fine15:37
seb128willcooke, sorry, gnome-software froze eating cpu at the end of the installation, had to stop it after 10 min15:54
willcookereboot, brb15:55
seb128jbicha, do you know where is GNOME supposed to put screenshots taken using the area keybinding?15:56
willcookeseb128, Photos15:56
seb128it's not working :-/15:56
seb128every bug I try to debug I hit another one of the way15:56
seb128thanks anyway :-)15:56
willcookeI don't have a Pictures dir here on a fresh install15:57
seb128it works if I take screen screenshots15:57
seb128not area ones15:57
willcookeon Waylnad?15:57
seb128no, X15:57
willcookeworks here on Wayland, but because I dont have a Pictures dir it's putting them in ~15:58
willcookeseb128, try shift printscr15:58
seb128that seems another bug :-/15:58
didrocksconfirmed area one not working on X15:58
seb128didrocks, thanks15:58
didrocksah Shift + printscrn works15:58
mdeslauroh, I hope we're not reverting to putting your confidential info into your shared pictures photo when you hit prtscrn by mistake15:58
seb128maybe I got my keybindings wrong15:59
didrocksseb128: well…:)15:59
didrocksyou still have the cross15:59
seb128I bet the one with ctrl is for the clipboard15:59
willcookemdeslaur, interesting, it seems to have been that way for ever15:59
didrocksctrl+Shift+printscreen is the clipboard15:59
seb128sorry for the confusion16:00
didrocksno worry, I learnt a new keybinding :)16:00
mdeslaurwillcooke: we always reverted that16:00
mdeslaurwe may have made it unity specific though16:00
didrocksmdeslaur: have you talked about it to the GNOME design team? (or have a bug/logs we can refer to?)16:00
mdeslaurI think there's an ancient WONTFIX bug somewhere16:01
didrockswould be great to find it so that we can reopen the discussion16:01
jbichahttps://help.gnome.org/users/gnome-help/stable/screen-shot-record.html or16:01
jbichahttps://help.gnome.org/users/gnome-help/stable/screen-shot-record.html.fr :)16:01
didrocksjbicha: looking for the help on screenshot tool? Crazy ;)16:02
mdeslaurdidrocks: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-screenshot/+bug/92795216:02
ubot5Ubuntu bug 927952 in gnome-screenshot (Ubuntu) "When I press the Print Screen button, it will not appear in "Save Screenshot" window." [Medium,Fix released]16:02
seb128brb, moving location16:03
xclaesseHm, just noticed that a recent install of ubuntu 16.04 has kernel 4.10 while my old upgraded system has kernel 4.4, that's weird16:21
xclaessenew systems gets linux-generic-hwe-16.04 installed by default but not upgraded systems it seems16:21
seb128willcooke, weird, selecting the wayland session here gave me an xorg one :-/16:54
seb128I wonder if the selector is buggy atm16:54
willcookeseb128, ah, I didnt test that16:54
willcookeseb128, they both give me wayland :)16:56
willcookeBut the wayland one is realllly buggy16:57
willcookee.g. crtl-alt-t for a terminal is super slow to respond, so I now have 10 terminals open16:58
willcookelog out does nothing16:58
willcookecpu is not pegged16:58
willcookeoh, there we go16:58
willcookeit caught up16:58
willcookeand now I've logged in and out of a few sessions I get Xorg on the Ubuntu session and Wayland on the wayland one17:00
willcookeand on X my snaps appear again17:00
seb128willcooke, right, I know what the issue is, I add it to my list to deal with17:09
willcookeseb128, re: snaps or session?17:11
jbichaseb128 is going to fix all the issues :)17:12
ricotzchrisccoulson, ping17:28
chrisccoulsonhi ricotz17:28
ricotzchrisccoulson, hi, see PM17:28
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