
MooDoohello all06:17
diploMorning all, any of you guys set up an FTP server before, I haven't.. just want very basic one to test08:12
diploGetting permission denied.. any pointers. PWD appears to be going to /home/andy which is correct, I'm googling currently but I'm guessing it's a vsftpd.conf setting to enable08:12
diplohah, ask here.. sort it.. always the way :)08:16
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:17
TwistedLuciditydiplo: Usually just framing the question makes one think of something. But don't leave us in suspenders, what was it?08:25
diplowrite_enable=yes - I expect in most cases you'd lock it down with chroot's etc08:26
diploBut I'm going to uninstall it in about 20 mins08:26
* TwistedLucidity admits they have never once used a "chroot"08:26
diploWe have some archaic customers / third party vendors who will only accept FTP connections, but it needs to be automated from a script08:27
diploOur script is dieing with issues, so I'm re08:27
diplo-writing it to be a bit more compliant08:27
BigRedSIIRC the vsftpd in the repos doesn't do chrooted FTP well, it's oddly picky about permissions08:37
SuperMattReally? I've supported vsftpd doing chroot before now, and it does it quite well08:48
SuperMattthe place you chroot to needs to be owned by root, iirc, and then the subfolder can be owned by the chrooted user08:49
TwistedLucidityI heard about "downpour.com" the other day. DRM-free audiobook sounded cool.08:55
TwistedLuciditySo far every book I have checked says "Not Available For Sale in United Kingdom"08:55
TwistedLuciditySo I guess they don't want my money.08:55
TwistedLucidityIndustries need to get with the program, region restrictions on the Internet are moronic.08:56
* TwistedLucidity ponders jumping on the US VPN08:56
diploDid it work TwistedLucidity  ?09:26
TwistedLucidityNot tried, but it should do. Region locks are stupid.09:29
diploCertainly are09:30
TwistedLucidityI support DVD Regions. Those languages take up space. I don't support DVD Region *Locks*09:31
BigRedSSuperMatt: yeah, that's what I mean by it not doing it well :)09:39
SuperMattNaw man, it's fine. It works really well09:42
BigRedSah, hang on, I think Ubuntu's got allow_writable_chroot09:43
BigRedSdefinitely Debian hasn't, which is the problem I have with adding it to an already-running system; I don't want to have to change fs permissions09:43
SuperMattWhat I used to do was have a folder structure like chroots/user/data (or something) where user is owned by root, and data by the actual user. The homedir for the user is then pointed at the user dir09:55
BigRedSah yeah, but then it's as bad as chrooted sftp09:56
diploBlimey, thought that would have disconnected, rebooted the router 4 times :D14:32
diddledanI don't understand how network connections can maintain over an intermittent link like that14:35
diddledanI guess I should look at the protocol they use for Deep Space Communications14:36
diddledansuper low bandwidth AND regular connectivity breaks14:36
diddledanI love that a load of radio arrays around the world are linked together to provide the Deep Space Network for satellites and probes and things around the solar system14:38
diddledanthe whole idea that we have extended networking into the solarsystem is funky - means mars collonists could conceivably get wikipedia14:38
* diddledan listening to the ubuntu podcast. they're talking about nipples14:39
diddledanpopey: do you prefer fingering a nipple?14:39
diddledanI never managed to get the hang of it14:40
m0nkey_diddledan: If Musk has his way, Mars will be collonised and they will get high speed Internet.14:43
m0nkey_But would you be able to call it the Internet?14:43
diddledaninterplanetary net14:43
m0nkey_Because Internet is Intercontenental Network14:43
m0nkey_I think it should be called "planet"14:44
m0nkey_Interplanet :)14:45
zmoylan-pithey'll suck at online games multiplayer...14:45
m0nkey_Don't worry zmoylan-pi, they'll have local servers.14:45
zmoylan-pionly if ms and sony allow them14:45
m0nkey_IF you think about it, Bitcoin could become the first interplanetary currancy.14:46
m0nkey_Or should I say Bitcoin Cash?14:46
m0nkey_If you had 1 bitcoin, over night your bitcoin split and now you have almost doubled your total value.14:47
diddledanlol @ ubuntu podcast sting: "are you looking after your bits? why not help other people look after their bits too.."14:49
m0nkey_Want to look after your bits and bytes. Put it on ZFS ;)14:50
m0nkey_ZFS IS AWESOME btw..14:50
diddledanwell btrfs is going the way of the donkey so ...14:50
m0nkey_I should have gone to Debconf14:50
m0nkey_It's down the road from where I live14:50
diddledanplus btrfs really hasn't ever reached "usable"14:50
zmoylan-piput on clay tablets, umpteen symrian scribes can't be wrong14:50
m0nkey_diddledan: We don't talk about Butter FS.14:51
diddledan"using raid 5 ish btrfs? yeah, we killed all your data!"14:51
zmoylan-piand ibm are now talking about a 300tb theoretical tape drive...14:51
zmoylan-pi...if only i trusted tape... :-)14:51
m0nkey_That'll be the next LTO generation.14:51
m0nkey_I'm wondering if I should switch back to IRCCloud and drop Quassel.14:52
zmoylan-pinow if they made a version that fitted in your phone like their micro hd in the nokia n95...14:53
diddledanyou're being very indecisive about your ircing :-D14:53
m0nkey_Quassel is nice, but I miss push notifications and the ability to log-on from anywhere and not use a client.14:53
diddledanbouncy bouncy14:53
m0nkey_Yeah, you're right. I'll stick with Quassel for now.14:53
zmoylan-pii use irssi on a rasp pi which i can connect to from anywhere in the house from any device up to and including my nokia dumbphone use a java irc client14:53
diddledan"there are two reviews on itunes for the ubuntu podcast, and one of them is from my mum!"14:54
zmoylan-piwe've hit peek your mother running linux... sell! sell! sell!14:55
m0nkey_diddledan: I'm getting to the point where I don't want to self host anymore. With two kids and other stuff going on, I don't really have the time to maintain it all.14:55
diddledanyeah I hear that14:55
m0nkey_I like IRCCloud. Push notifications, log-on from any browser, decent mobile app.14:56
m0nkey_Quassel has an excelent Android app.14:56
m0nkey_But no push :(14:56
zmoylan-pithe nice thing i liked about quassel was that at the time i used i had a mac, windows and linux at home and quassel ran on all of them exactly the same14:57
m0nkey_zmoylan-pi: That's why I like it.14:57
m0nkey_Doesn't matter what device I'm on, config follows me.14:57
m0nkey_Same goes with IRCCloud.14:57
m0nkey_The only thing missing from IRCCloud, which I will miss in Quassel is command aliases.14:58
m0nkey_diddledan: you still use IRCCloud, can you do command aliases yet?15:00
diddledanI haven't seen anything about aliases :-(15:03
m0nkey_There's probably a script or something I can install in the browser to do that anyway.15:05
* TwistedLucidity feels like they are missing out all this l33t IRC madness15:27
TwistedLucidityI just use Konversation, like an unwashed peasant.15:27
m0nkey_Eeewwh.. KDE..15:32
m0nkey_It's okay, I use explorer.exe as my window manager.15:33
diddledanI don't like pheasant15:47
diddledantoo gamey15:48
diddledanlove me a drop of bambi tho15:48
* m0nkey_ dances \o\ /o/ \o_ _o/18:19
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diddledanm0nkey_: ┏(-_-)┛┗(-_-)┓┗(-_-)┛┏(-_-)┓19:56
m0nkey_So it's a dance off you want?20:16
m0nkey_Wtf. The price of LastPass has doubled!20:18
m0nkey_Double the price for less features20:23
m0nkey_I shall not be renewing.20:23
diddledanthat's really suckynuts20:23
diddledanis there an opensauce equivalent I wonder20:24
m0nkey_keypass and passwordsafe20:24
m0nkey_I hear good things about DashLane, don't know how much it costs.20:25
m0nkey_I did try 1Password a while back. But it's expensive, but has a shit ton of features.20:43
m0nkey_I might try 1Password again. I recall the Windows and Mac apps were pretty decent. Don't recall Android.20:52
zmoylan-pijust download a hacked version of a russian server... :-P20:57
m0nkey_Hmm, 1Password is $35USD/year21:19
diddledanI think I'm gonna go with: https://passman.cc/21:28
diddledanopen sauce and has an android app - it's a nextcloud plooooogin21:28
m0nkey_and it's integrated with nextcloud?21:29
m0nkey_I don't want to self host.21:31
m0nkey_I'm really disappointed with LastPass.22:03
m0nkey_Everything else wants $50 or more a year.22:03
zmoylan-pipost-its dont't :-)22:06
diddledanwow: https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/08/03/linux_kernel_grsecurity_sues_bruce_perens_for_defamation/23:01
diddledanoh dear: https://www.grahamcluley.com/fbi-arrests-wannacrys-accidental-hero-connection-kronos-banking-trojan/23:06
zmoylan-piin the good old days some one would have held their pints while they beat the bejebus out of one another at a convention... linux is getting all grown up now :'-)23:07
zmoylan-pithat wannacry hero arrest seems hokey23:07
zmoylan-pii can't wait for all the security patches... :-) http://boingboing.net/2017/08/03/java-ported-to-commodore-64.html23:22
m0nkey_wait. what?23:25
m0nkey_diddledan: just found Enpass. Seems to do browser autofill and app fill on Android :)23:59

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