
wolfgerjrwren: I disagree. Miss Pent sounds like an awesome roller derby girl name.11:54
cmaloneyGood morning13:08
jrwren I just poked a hole in the ceiling and bees started flooding in. It was a fun morning15:47
rick_hsounds like it15:48
Scary_Guydid you call a beekeeper for removal?16:01
cmaloneyjrwren: I've been following your escapades16:02
cmaloneyyellowjackets are wasps, btw16:02
cmaloneywhich means they made a nest in your roof16:02
Scary_Guyyellowjackets are bastards, kill with fire.  I don't think the planet will miss them much16:08
Scary_Guyif they made honey or pollinated things that would be different16:08
jrwrenoh, they are wasps? ok. thanks.16:16
jrwrenI've killed many, and I have more to kill yet, AFAIK.16:17
jrwrenneeds a "kill the damn thing" added to it16:26
Scary_GuyIs there a law like Poe's law that states the greater the act of bravery the more indistinguishable it is from stupidity?16:34
Scary_GuyIf not I'm coining that right now16:34
wolfgerjrwren: you have an odd idea of "fun"16:55
jrwrenI've been told that before.16:58
brouschjrwren: Yikes, that is scary18:28
brouschWhy did you poke a hole in the ceiling?18:29
greg-ggood question18:31
jrwrenthere was a crack. My wife said we had to get whatever was on the other side of it out of there.18:48
jrwrenShe was convinced it was a small mammel18:48
jrwrenmammal?  how is that spelled?18:48
brouschAh, so you heard scratching or something19:52
greg-gand then poked the ef out of it :)20:18
greg-galways wise :P20:18

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