
mobbydouxHi all , I was installed anbox+snap, and i remove her, but i have a enter in env : PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin01:30
mobbydouxHow can delete ?01:30
mobbydouxcmd : sudo env|grep PATH01:30
jbichamobbydoux: snap is supposed to be in PATH, it's ok01:40
mobbydouxyes realy ? is in default in PATH ? becaue i have use 1 hour or remove all snap and anbox lol01:41
mobbydouxIt's no a problem if in snap in my PATH ?01:44
jbichait's no problem01:48
mobbydouxok ^^01:50
mobbydouxSo now i have the question01:51
mobbydouxI have a script who run 4x Xterm, 2 Xterm have cmd with sudo, how i can no use sudo is the term ?01:51
jbichayou might have better luck asking in a more general channel like #ubuntu01:52
mobbydouxi have tried but nothing now ^^01:53
mobbydouxi like gnome but for run lot of term is not the better01:53
jbichait's a bit late in many people's timezones02:25
mobbydouxsleep is for human im a machine02:26
jbichagood to meet you02:27
mobbydouxHello human02:27
jbichaplease put in a good word for me with the other machines, I don't want any trouble :)02:27
mobbydouxyou want $FRIENDS ?02:27
mobbydouxIm a goot export FRIEND=$(it's not a good friend)02:28
mobbydouxIf you open a Xterm you can see me02:29
mobbydoux01101010 ?02:32
mobbydoux011001010111011010 ?02:32
mobbydouxWhy uou don't answer $FRIENDS ?02:33
mobbydouxFRIENDS=$(satan -6 -s -6 | awk 'cut C-6 | sed s'/go/out/friend/);02:34
mobbydouxsorry in my country is 4:35AM02:35
mobbydouxyou want i send you a pig ? and you answere me02:35
mobbydouxi creat a smal Xterm just with a point for see when you ping me02:36
mobbydouxIt's yhe futur of communication with human02:36
mobbydouxjust with a point 1 or 0 yes or no light or down02:37
mobbydouxok @jbicha i have a other question for you::  I have a script, and when it run, 2 Xterm open and run a cmd with sudo. How i can no use sudo ?02:40
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lexrueejbicha: is there a reason why the package gnome-shell-extensions is missing in the artful-desktop-amd64.iso? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-gnome/daily-live/current/artful-desktop-amd64.manifest11:47
darkxstlexruee, its there, gnome-shell-extensions3.24.2-0ubuntu211:59
lexrueedarkxst: okay, now its there :-). it wasn't there when i downloaded the manifest file^^. anyways, thx.12:10
darkxstnot sure how it couldnt be there12:13
darkxstreverse-depends gnome-shell-extensions12:13
darkxst* gnome-core12:13
darkxst* ubuntu-gnome-desktop [amd64 arm64 armhf i386 ppc64el]12:14
darkxstPackages without architectures listed are reverse-dependencies in: amd64, arm64, armhf, i386, ppc64el, s390x12:14
darkxstthat said it doesnt appear to be seeded in Ubuntu dailies yet12:15
jbichadarkxst: we haven't even filed a MIR for it yet12:19
jbichaI believe Ubuntu doesn't want to include GNOME Classic by default so if there is an extension we wanted, we'd need to split the package12:21
darkxstjbicha, but GNOME classic is part of the upstream experience!12:22
darkxstI would say it should be there, after all they are the *only* extensions that are actually maintained upstream!12:23
jbichadarkxst: I'd argue that GNOME Classic is only an optional part of GNOME12:26
lexrueewithout the package gnome-shell-extensions the ubuntu gnome desktop is basically incomplete and broken in my opinion. it will miss basic dependencies such as gir1.2-gmenu-3.0. anyways, i'm not a ubuntu user.12:27
darkxstjbicha, its a core dep12:27
darkxstpretty sure we have plenty of users that use classic12:28
darkxstand RHEL use it by default, no not like maintainership is a huge issue12:28
jbichasure, but gnome-photos, gnome-music, initial-setup, the Adwaita theme are also part of GNOME Core12:29
jbichaone issue is having too many options on the login screen12:29
jbichadarkxst: you're welcome to file the MIR and start a discussion on the u-desktop list12:30
darkxstjbicha, I will, a little surprised it hasnt been considered as yet, but then I guess there is a lot going on, and I have been next to MIA12:31
jbichaanother issue is that Ubuntu is planning to customize their default session a bit, add some kind of dock, right?12:31
jbichabut would they need to do the same to GNOME Classic?12:32
darkxstI think they want to add a cut-down dock-to-dash12:32
jbichaon https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/GNOME/MIR_List I suggested it could be in the 'supported' seed12:32
darkxstas a seperate gnome-shell mode12:32
darkxstI don't think Ken atleast really gets the underlying details12:33
jbichaand upstream GNOME Classic uses X not Wayland12:33
ubot5Gnome bug 780258 in extensions "Classic: Enable Wayland" [Normal,New]12:33
jbichaif somebody installed all the sessions (Ubuntu, GNOME, GNOME Classic, Ubuntu Clasic [?]) in X and Wayland versions, it's really quite a lot12:34
darkxstand what is the problem with classic using X?12:34
jbichabecause GNOME and Ubuntu are defaulting to Wayland and some people want to use GNOME Classic with Wayland12:34
darkxstI don't think there will be an Ubuntu Classic, just Ubuntu with a few customisations12:35
jbichadidn't you talk to Ken last week? ;)12:35
darkxstI honestly don't think wayland by default is realistic for 17.1012:36
darkxstfedora get away with it because apparently their users are more accustomed to missing features12:37
jbichaif there hadn't been the big April announcement, I think Ubuntu GNOME 17.10 might have been Wayland by default…12:37
darkxstand perhaps our fallback story is not as good?12:37
darkxstjbicha, not while there are issues with black-screen gdm12:40
darkxstand btw did I miss some memo? is Fedora using wayland by default yet?12:42
jbichadarkxst: yes since Fedora 25, see also https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Common_F25_bugs#Wayland_issues12:43
jbichaby using a GNOME Shell mode, there isn't a need for the user-themes extension to be included by default12:46
darkxsthey ricotz12:47
ricotzubuntu-gnome-desktop still recommends kerneloops-daemon instead of kerneloops12:48
ricotzdarkxst, hi12:48
jbichaI believe the plan is for u-g-desktop to become a transitional package depending on u-desktop, just needs someone to do it12:52
ricotzoh, I thought it will still be around to have a vanilla gnome experience?12:52
jbichaand then there will be a new metapackage for a more vanilla GNOME, didrocks want to name it 'gnome-session'12:52
ricotzI see12:53
darkxstI don't like the gnome-session idea though12:59
jbichaI would have rather had a separate metapackage too rather than reusing the name gnome-session13:03
jbichadarkxst: are you interested in doing the packaging for the new metapackage?13:03
darkxstjbicha, if I can find time, back at work Mon13:06
jbichaok, let me know if you don't get around to it13:10
darkxstjbicha, will do13:29
darkxstbut its dumping snow here, if I didnt have a work meeting in Melbourne Monday, would be on my way back up already ;(13:32
darkxstjbicha, on a unrelated note, probably we should build mozjs with --enable-posix-nspr-emulation13:36
darkxstnspr is not really required anymore in a thread safe build13:36
darkxst(but apparently still depends on headers regardless)13:36
jbichadarkxst: I don't know enough about that, Fedora still uses '--with-system-nspr' too13:43
darkxsttheoretically it should improve performance slightly, nspr is overkill for what its used for these days13:45
darkxstbtw I think its new for 52 or 4513:46
titougreetings everyone!14:27
titouI need help about gnome and window decoration :(14:28
titoutop window buttons are top left... How do I change that ?14:28
titouminimize, maximize, close14:30
darkxsttitou, we ship them on the right, and UBuntu will follow14:31
darkxstyou can use gnome-tweak-tool to change them in the meanwhile14:32
titouI'm not ubuntu-gnome ...14:33
titou16.04 lts14:33
darkxsttitou, but your in the ubuntu GNOME channel?14:34
titougnome-tweak-tool is up...14:34
titouwhere do i go from there ? 'Windows'14:35
darkxstwindows -> placement14:36
darkxstand probably you will get better support from #ubuntu, this is mostly a development channel14:37
titou'Placement' is not there ! : )))14:37
darkxstmaybe different on 16.0414:38
darkxstbut it was in there also14:38
darkxstas a last resort there is a button-layout in gsettings but you shouldnt need to dig that deep14:40
jbichaPlacement is new in 17.1014:40
darkxstwhat was it called previously ?14:41
titouso dconf ?14:41
jbichait didn't have a simple switch at all for changing the side for window buttons14:41
darkxstjbicha, what did it have?14:42
darkxsti Could have sworn it handled button layouts?14:42
darkxstor am I just hallucinating from to much travels?14:43
jbichagsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout ':appmenu,minimize,maximize,close'14:43
jbicharun that command in a terminal ^14:44
jbichait handles buttons, it just didn't let you switch from right to left14:44
titouit works ! : )))14:45
darkxstok, guess I never actually looked that closely then!14:45
darkxstspeaking of which how is your python going, since you seem be maintaing gnome-tweak-tool now?14:46
titouthanks !14:47
titouI just flushed my Windows10 and switch to ubuntu 16.04... works like a charm but I trying to make it looks like windows 7 ...14:48
darkxsttitou, step outside your comfort zone for a week, try GNOME as it was meant to be, then report back if you still want it like win7!14:50
titou2 labtop with kali, server with ubuntu 16.04 kde and main pc with ubuntu 16.04 gnome14:50
titoubefore 16.04 it was easy to change theme and control the look of gnome but now, it's a nightmare :(14:52
darkxsttitou, ubuntu 16.04 does not use GNOME14:59
darkxstthat is why ww made Ubuntu GNOME14:59
titoufirst hand on Linux was 1997, redhat 4.2 with a window manager called xwm95 ...15:00
titouevery thing (menu, decoration, icons) was done by hand15:00
titouit was fantastic upgrade from win9515:01
darkxststill not15:01
titou: ) yeah I know15:01
titoumy photoshop 7 is running better on my new setup then win10 ! amazing15:02
titoustarcraft wroks great too15:03
darkxsttitou, if you want to contribute toward the future of GNOME on Ubuntu we can help you15:04
darkxstif not and you just need support, then head over to #ubuntu15:04
titouthanks guys, you solved my problem15:05
titouhave a great day !15:05

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