
=== Zren_ is now known as Zren
flocculantbluesabre: I git pulled and rebuilt - forwards and backwards it goes 06:56
flocculantI can almost ditch the mpd plugin as I don't much use any of the 'extra' options there07:15
flocculantso \o/ for one less thing on panel07:15
bluesabreflocculant: awesome :)12:19
flocculantbluesabre: indeed it is 12:20
bluesabrePushed a fix for Parole missing... assuming I did Parole's reverse domain name launcher correctly, the pa plugin should show some players that indicator-sound misses12:20
flocculantoh rightio - I'll check that out then :)12:23
flocculantbluesabre: I'm kind of assuming we'll be liking this for 18.04?12:23
flocculantif app indicators are 'going' that means we have indicator for messaging and sound only ? If I read things right 12:24
flocculantcan confirm that works too 12:28
bluesabreflocculant: yeah, I think if we can stabilize this, we'll prefer it to indicator-sound12:28
flocculantdidn't like parole being quit then :p12:29
bluesabreI think we're considering the statusnotifier plugin for app indicators, not sure what plans we have for messaging12:30
bluesabreflocculant: yeah, it's a bit crashy at times :D12:30
bluesabrereally hard to debug a panel plugin12:30
flocculantok - as long as you're aware of that :p12:30
bluesabreI've had it kill other panel applets a few times12:31
bluesabreFor a while I ran with a single panel plugin, :D12:31
flocculantha ha ha 12:32
flocculantwell I've got the crash report if it helps at all12:33
bluesabreI think I've tracked it down12:43
bluesabreBut folks are waking up around here now, so fixes later :D12:43
flocculantbluesabre: ok - and did you know it remembers now?12:43
bluesabreflocculant: indeed! :)12:43
flocculantcool - so do I now lol12:44
flocculantanyway have a good weekend12:44
bluesabreyou too flocculant 12:44
flocculantaway tomorrow till Monday evening12:44
bluesabreflocculant: crash on player exit should be fixed now15:35
flocculantbluesabre: ack - I'll grab latest now - check it out etc etc15:42
flocculantthen come back with some issue the other  7,523,292,963 of us never find :D15:43
bluesabrelatest commit adds showing the player window if hidden and launching if its not running17:23
bluesabrethough, launching crashes the plugin :\17:23
knomealmost there then, eh? ;)17:28
bluesabrejust bug fixing and code cleanup now17:35
flocculantnot crashing here :)20:06
flocculantand nice :D20:07
Unit193bluesabre: If we're going with statusnotifier, we need to get it in ASAP.20:46

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