
bazhang<psychoticwarrior> yea whatever00:31
bazhangstellar support, as per the usual00:31
bazhangperhaps irc could have a 'concurrently connected to yahoo chats' feature00:33
bazhangpsychoticwarrior, hi01:50
psychoticwarriorhey man01:50
bazhangthanks for joining here01:50
psychoticwarriorno problem01:50
psychoticwarriorill brb01:50
bazhangpsychoticwarrior, you there?01:59
psychoticwarriori am now02:29
psychoticwarriorjust ran an errand02:29
bazhangpsychoticwarrior, you need to stay ontopic, and not randomly 'works for me' in #ubuntu02:31
bazhangpsychoticwarrior, I have said this to you before02:31
psychoticwarriorok sounds good02:32
bazhangpsychoticwarrior, additionally, no need to say anything if you have no idea02:32
bazhangsuch as 14.04 being not supported,02:33
psychoticwarriorok bro you got the point across02:34
bazhangpsychoticwarrior, better to help fix what is wrong with a still very much supported release, then say 'get 17.04' as you did02:34
psychoticwarriorim still learning02:35
psychoticwarriori like to help ppl as learn as well02:36
bazhangpsychoticwarrior, and I asked you to take the offtopic chatter elsewhere, and you answered 'why'02:36
bazhangoh quit and PMd now02:39
Jordan_U@mark psychoticwarrior given a talk about not giving advice when they are not actually knowledgeable in the given area (because the statements and advice given were wrong) and staying on topic.02:48
=== Dave___ is now known as Dave

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