
aotthere flashed something "error loading ... pcr ... something" when I booted, how could I find out what it was afterwards09:47
xubuntu43dwhere can i find out how to edit two documents on libre office open side by side al the time?10:11
diogenes_xubuntu43d, why don't you open them both and tile each half of the screen10:27
xubuntu43dthanks but when I type on one the other disappears,10:32
diogenes_what do you mean disappears?10:32
xubuntu43du r right...i mean i can not write on one keeping the other window open10:34
diogenes_listen, you have two files: file1.doc and file2.doc, you click on file1.doc and it opens in full screen, you double click on the title bar, grab the right border with mouse and resize it to the middle of the screen, now click on the file2.doc and it should open either full scree or in the same place the file1.doc is resized, then you just click and hold the title bar and drag the file2.doc to the right side of the screen.10:38
diogenes_did it work?10:40
xubuntu43di will try now10:40
diogenes_xubuntu43d, it should look like this: http://i.imgur.com/IHqofin.png10:43
xubuntu43dit worked thanks again10:45

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