
Unit193bluesabre: Can we please do the pkg:xubuntu-icon-theme → src:elementary-xfce-icon-theme transition this cycle? :309:35
Unit193https://wiki.debian.org/RenamingPackages I kind of would like to do 'clean slate' method. :309:37
knomeUnit193, i'm not bluesabre, but sounds sensible to me :P10:17
Unit193knome: That's kind of been the problem with it, seemed sane for a while now, but.. :310:20
knomebut what?10:22
knomebluesabre is slacking?10:22
* knome beats bluesabre a bit10:22
Unit193He's been busy with life and Xfce this cycle.10:22
Unit193(So the claim goes.)10:22
bluesabreWe just need a generic distributor logo, I'll see what exists and make some changes to the theme10:23
knomei can provide one10:23
bluesabreknome: awesome, please do10:23
Unit193I looked at that closely not too long ago, it's a much nicer setup in Debian... :/10:23
bluesabreUnit193: I'd be happy to knock this out this week :)10:25
bluesabreUnit193, flocculant: the list of players in the plugin are now sorted (start from scratch and remove/add the plugin in the panel)10:25
Unit193I mean I do have elementary-xfce-themes_16.04.dsc, but it is ooold.10:26
Unit193I presume you either have it or don't want/need it.10:29
Unit193Oh, oh wow.  It's got the LO theme too.10:30
bluesabreUnit193: Please link me to it, otherwise I'll produce some monster package10:42
Unit193bluesabre: I'd review it before linking it, but bad time to do that: https://sigma.unit193.net/source/elementary-xfce-themes_16.04.dsc10:43
Unit193Eg, pretty sure there's things I'd change.10:43
Unit193bluesabre: Hrm, we also need to get a move on it, FF end of the month.  I don't suppose you'd file the needs-packaging too? :310:53
bluesabreUnit193: ofc10:53
bluesabreUnless you want to10:53
bluesabreI'll be away most of today10:53
Unit193file = on statusnotifier.10:53
bluesabreyeah, will try to knock that out tonight10:54
bluesabreOut for the day, bbl11:06

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