
ubottuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of all downloadable Ubuntu releases01:07
=== LaserAllan is now known as Guest21980
saryXubuntu 17.04 installer ubtiquity while installing grub-efi-amd-signed , https://imgur.com/gallery/n7DU411:37
diogenes_I've had that issue on other distro, there's little you can do about it11:39
sarymy first attempt was to install with/in USB BIOS lagecy mode , the boot got stuck at " A start job is running for ubuntu live cd installer ".11:40
sarythat failed, so had to try in EFI mode.11:40
saryWell, am still on the live session and was offered to report a bug .. am loolking at launchpad page..11:41
diogenes_maybe you should try 16.04?11:42
saryhere is the thing , this machine was flyin' 16.04 , whilst upgrading with do-release-upgrade , somehow it skiped 16.10 and went straight to 17.04 .. then it got stuck the display/login manager with no mouse/keyboard response.11:44
diogenes_sary, so reinstall the stable 16.04 and don't touch the upgrade-sist11:45
saryi want this machine to be on 17.10..11:46
diogenes_you said it was flying on 16.04?11:46
saryI'm not sure why you're trying to skip the fact that 17.04 is buggy..!11:47
diogenes_I personally follow more conservative views, if I know that something works fine for me, what else do I need? why upgrade and have a broken system if my previous installation works fine?11:48
knomesary, 17.10 isn't released yet and it will likely have more bugs than 17.0412:05
sarydiogenes_: sure that make sense , but that's not what one says to someone whois willing to test a rolling release.12:15
diogenes_sary, rolling release is a complete different story12:16
saryknome: Daily builds are out , and i doubt 17.10 will be as buggy as 17.04 , serch the web with " ubuntu bugs launchpad xubuntu 17.04 " and see ..!12:16
Unit193LP #170930612:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1709306 in grub-installer (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu installer with usb in UEFI BIOS mode ubiquity GRUB Installer crashed with "grub-efi-amd64-signed" package." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/170930612:16
sarydiogenes_: Right.12:17
knomesary, you "doubt"? i'm sorry, but i'm pretty sure 17.10 has the chance to have a majority of the same bugs as 17.04 and some additional ones that have emerged from new packages. sure, some bugs have likely been fixed too.12:25
saryknome: cant you see how crucial it is for the installer to crash! how would you feel as a new user when faced with this..!12:35
saryanyway, thanks for your contribution , i should go try to install in legacy mode.12:35
knomei understand the frustration and yes i understand it's essential12:36
saryWell that's all i came here for, now that the bug is reported i suppose my job is done!12:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1629348 in grub-installer (Ubuntu) "installer crash (grub2) during installation in UEFI mode" [Critical,Invalid]12:37
sarythat an old bug that seems similar ..12:38
saryBTW what is the theme on the xubuntu 17.04 installer.. looks similar to elementary os .. but i didn't see it as a defualt in the installed system!12:39
Unit193If it makes you feel any better, ubiquity is maintained by the Ubuntu desktop team, not directly by Xubuntu devs.  The installer uses Greybird, the default theme.12:40
saryUnit193: thanks.12:41
=== bynarie_ is now known as bynarie
MylonSo I installed some updates and after sleeping/waking, screen wouldn't turn on.  Ctrl-alt-f1 gave me a terminal so I used that to just restart.21:28
MylonI got back to the gui and now wifi won't work.  Says device isn't ready.21:28
Myloniwconfig lists wifi as device "wlo1", but if I type ifdown wlo1, it says not unknown interface.21:29
diogenes_tried restart one more time?21:29
MylonI'll try it...21:30
Mylonif I can't figure out how to fix it I'll install 'vanilla' Ubunu 17.04.21:31
MylonNope, no luck with a restart.21:38
diogenes_tried: sudo service NetworkManager restart21:38
MylonNo luck.  The network connection gui still says device not ready.21:40
diogenes_sudo ifconfig21:40
MylonHuh, wlo1 isn't there anymore.21:40
diogenes_try sudo rfkill unblock all21:41
MylonNo change to ifconfig21:42
diogenes_if you have an installation media, you can try booting a live session and see if it works in there21:43
Myloniwconfig shows the device, but ifconfig does not21:43
diogenes_have a look at available drivers21:43
MylonI'm making a 17.04 media right now.21:44
MylonI have no idea if the user data partition will survive an install, but nothing important is on there so this might be an interesting experience.21:49
diogenes_if you have a separate /home partition then it will survive21:51
MylonMy other laptotp is running some weird hack of kubuntu with xfce installed over it and it behaves nothing like my problem computer...21:51
MylonBut then again, software packages aren't getting updated so it's gonna be a liability soon.21:52
MylonAnd... It works.22:08
MylonExcept for this eyesore bar on the left side...22:08
Unit193Mylon: First issue sounds like light-locker btw, there's a faq on the Xubuntu site listing solutions.22:19
MylonWhy oh why...22:34
MylonWindows 10 reversed the direction of scrolling and Ubuntu 16.04 followed that move.22:34

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