
mingdaooerheks: so here I am ;)01:24
mingdaobazhang: think I remember you from Debian?01:29
bazhangno idea01:29
bazhangrunning the non-released version means proviging info for bugfixing for one01:30
mingdaobug link please?01:30
bazhangfor what01:30
* mingdao hopes it's bugzilla and not Jira01:31
mingdao"means proviging info for bugfixing for one"01:31
mingdaowhere's the bug tracker?01:31
bazhang!bugs | mingdao 01:31
ubottumingdao: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.01:31
mingdaothis is the second hard drive in the computer01:34
mingdaoit was zeroed, no partition table01:34
mingdaowould one expect the files to be in (hd1,gpt2) ?01:35
mingdaosmall text but it looks like that is /01:35
mingdaoand under /boot there's efi/ and grub/ as well as the kernel, and initrd, and other files01:36
bazhangmingdao, whats the question01:37
mingdaowould one expect the files to be in (hd1,gpt2) ? 01:37
mingdaowhat's the deal? did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?01:38
mingdaogot it to boot from grub> but don't understand why the installer didn't install the bootloader01:43
bazhangmingdao, did it ever actually boot01:44
bazhangmingdao, and was this a straight install,of a failed upgrade01:45
bazhangor a01:45
mingdao< mingdao> it was zeroed, no partition table01:45
mingdaobooted with the USB and choose the Install option01:46
mingdaoand no, it didn't boot01:46
bazhanghow was the iso written to usb01:46
mingdaowhen I clicked the Restart or whatever the GUI said after the install, it segfaulted with a nouveau error fir01:46
bazhangmingdao, how was the iso written to usb, from what os, using which software method01:48
mingdaofrom Gentoo with dd iirc01:49
bazhangwas the iso hash checked01:49
mingdaoI've installed it using this flash drive several times and it's not always installed the same01:49
mingdaoyou can skip that if you'd like, I'm booted into it now01:50
bazhangso it boots to the installer gui01:50
mingdaomingdao@workstation ~/Downloads $ sha256sum artful-desktop-amd64.iso 01:52
mingdao64c1f55e339874d9feaecf27a47255f32e212c455d66e82e57091248113f6fbf  artful-desktop-amd64.iso01:52
bazhangso the issue is the burning iso to usb01:52
bazhangthats often the case01:52
mingdaohey, that's not how I made the flash drive01:52
bazhangespecially with alpha 2 software01:53
mingdaoit was some instructions for using gnome disks or some such, not dd01:53
mingdaois the image bootable if you just use dd?01:53
bazhangno matter the method, those sometimes take more than the once, particurly with just enter alpha 201:54
mingdaoI used the instructions here http://ubuntu-mate.org/how-to-create-bootable-usb-drive/01:54
mingdaofirst time I even fired up that app; been using Gnome3 for 2+ years01:54
mingdaolooking now for a later released version01:54
bazhangI never used dd, got the full on working usb installer, 17.10 has been near flawless since01:54
mingdaoI don't mind bleeing edge01:54
bazhanga couple of minor hiccups01:55
mingdaoI worked on the Slackware Project for 7 years before moving on to Gentoo01:55
mingdaoand for the last 2 years on Funtoo almost exclusively01:55
mingdaoso it's not my first rodeo01:55
mingdaoDebian was installed on this little mSATA until yesterday when I started trying Ubuntu01:56
mingdaofirst time since I got this laptop in March 2014 that I've had a 3200x1800 16:9 desktop01:56
mingdaonice, but, had to change that to 1920x108001:56
bazhangmingdao, rodeo or not, alpha is whole new ballgame, expect breakage, often severe01:58
mingdaono worries01:59
mingdaoI run ~arch Gentoo01:59
mingdaoyou don't get much more breakage than that02:00
mingdaoI'm just rather allergic to gooeys that hide what's happening ;)02:00
mingdaojust finished up work on gnome-3.24 with elogind; no systemd, no consolekit02:01
mingdaoso there are a lot of pieces on the floor around here02:01
bazhangmingdao, you did this prior or after the install02:03
mingdaowhat is this?02:06
bazhanggnome-3.24 with elogind; no systemd, no consolekit02:06
bazhangis that related to what we are doing here02:07
mingdaoI'm sorry, I thought you were a developer for some reason02:07
bazhangI have no idea why you posted that02:07
mingdaomaybe I'm confusing you with someone else02:08
bazhangwe were trying to get you a fully working install02:08
mingdaoI'm working on it now02:08
mingdaoit's installed, and running02:08
mingdaohow to learn from "apt-get <command>", or some other way, which is the lastest available nvidia driver?02:18
mingdaoissued "apt-get" but I don't see it there02:18
bazhangmingdao, if you want more direct contact with developers, join the artful mailing list02:18
mingdaoright now I just want to get some stuff ready to use this at work tomorrow02:18
mingdaoam a simple man02:19
mingdaowas that your answer to my last question?02:19
mingdaodo you know the answer?02:22
bazhangto find the current nivida drivers for you machine02:23
bazhangwhat is the card02:23
mingdaoNVIDIA Corporation GK107M [GeForce GT 750M] (rev a1)02:24
mingdaoalso has the Intel ofc02:24
Bashing-ommingdao: kabylake for Intel ?02:34
mingdaoalso my wired NIC didn't load02:35
Bashing-ommingdao: kabylake see: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2364663 .02:40
mingdaoBashing-om: me Skylake03:27
mingdaoyes, I've had this one since March 201403:28
mingdaonot affected03:28
mingdaomy Thinkpad P50, I'm not sure about03:28
mingdaobut thanks03:28
mingdaoI'll read the report you posted; might be different than the one from Debian I previously read03:28
mingdaonouveau is working okay03:29
mingdaoif nouveau/intel are fine for 2 external screens, I'm good03:29
mingdaowondering why e1000e didn't load03:33
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
saryreporting bugs in 17.10 concerns #ubuntu+1 , -devel , or both!08:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1709572 in system-config-printer (Ubuntu) "system-config-printer.py crashed with ValueError in require_version(): Namespace Secret not available" [Medium,New]08:58
sarythis just happened.08:58
flocculantsary: confirmed that bug11:23
saryflocculant: Okay! 11:32
saryYep, just received and e-mail confomation. Thanks!11:32
flocculantdowngrading to previous version and it works11:33
saryflocculant: feel free to add that as a comment to the bug.11:39
flocculantsary: missing gir1.2-secret-1 - person who deals with that package will be aware when online11:39
sarySo they wrill be notifed to the bug..11:40
flocculantthat and I pinged them elsewhere11:41
mingdaosince I'm new to ubuntu, is running "apt-get changelog system-config-printer" in a vt an easy way to learn when the pkg is updated?12:02
tsimonq2mingdao: I would suggest apt-listchanges13:04
tsimonq2mingdao: Whenever you run apt dist-upgrade or apt full-upgrade (they recommend you use apt, not apt-get) it will show you the changelogs13:05
tsimonq2mingdao: You just first have to configure it by running sudo dpkg-reconfigure apt-listchanges13:05
mingdaotsimonq2: thanks15:05
flocculantsary: and fixed15:40
saryflocculant: Yes, the bug  was fixed in the package system-config-printer -1.5.9+20170804-0ubuntu2 Fix Committed => Fix Released by Till Kamppeter .16:02
=== nacc_ is now known as nacc
=== _ is now known as Guest46914
Guest46914libreoffice 5.4 has been in debian unstable for 12 days, and debian import freeze isn't until 2017-08-24, so will it be imported for 17.10?22:10
naccGuest46914: libreoffice has a delta, so it needs to be merged by someon to update it.22:16
Guest46914nacc: any chance someone is on that?22:24
naccGuest46914: not sure, you'd need to ask the desktop team22:25
valorieGuest46914: best bet is to file a bug on launchpad noting the above22:38
valoriethe desktop team is very stretched and that is the most efficient22:38
Guest46914they already responded.22:39

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