
naccrbasak: fyi, drbd8 is falsely reported at http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server/merges.html00:20
adlaistevensonOn a server with an SSD drive (so writes a worry because they count against lifespan), what size should I make the swap if I have 10 GB of RAM? Server is running Postgresql RDBMS.01:51
sarnoldI don't think people are too worried about ssd drives wearing thin these days except for really high sustained write loads; one hopes for swap that it wouldn't be used too much01:57
sarnoldone or two gigs is probably good enough to give the kernel some space to shove data it doesn't need often01:57
ubuntu16tcan an old unsupported ubuntu 12 upgrade to 16 using a cdrom?02:08
ubuntu16tor does the cdrom require overwrite of the old ubuntu?02:09
sarnoldyou should be able to use do-release-upgrade  to upgrade to 14.04 LTS and then apt-get update, apt-get -u dist-upgrade, and then another do-release-upgrade to get to 16.04 LTS02:11
madLyfeso does 17.04 get moved to LTS eventually? not sure how that works02:20
sarnoldno; the next LTS is almost certainly going to be 18.04 but I don't know if that's set in stone or not02:20
sarnoldthe usual pattern is an lts release every two years, in april02:21
madLyfeok, ty02:21
sarnoldlooks like that pattern has held since 8.04 LTS https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases02:22
madLyfeso what will 18 have that 17 doesnt?02:24
sarnold17.10 will be the first ubuntu release with gnome as default desktop environment in many years.. I expect it to be a bit rough. hopefully 18.04 LTS will be a bit smoother.02:25
sarnoldotherwise i expect mostly the same; slight improvements across the board.02:25
madLyfewhy not just do LTS to LTS?02:28
madLyfeskipping the middle?02:28
sarnoldsome people prefer to have newer software on a more frequent basis02:28
sarnoldand it's nice to get bugreports on those newer features before a new LTS02:28
madLyfeso its like a beta02:31
sarnoldin many ways, yes02:32
madLyfedoes this work for anyone? https://instant.io/02:32
madLyfelike the actual download. supposed to work but ive never been able to get it to download anything02:32
madLyfetrying to get the most recent ISO02:33
sarnoldI can't even resolve it02:33
sarnoldhah, interesting. .io is publishing an nsec3 record for instant.io to prove that it doesn't exist http://dnsviz.net/d/instant.io/dnssec/02:37
madLyfenot sure what that means02:39
madLyfesite loads fine for me just doesnt work.02:39
sarnoldi've heard before that .io is terrible at running a domain02:39
JaguarDownAny idea why internet works (update/upgrade, SSH, VPN, etc) DNS resolution "appears" to resolve names but I can't ping any servers? Wondering because I'm setting up mail and the server can't resolve the recipient's email domain02:40
madLyfesame with this one: https://btorrent.xyz/02:40
sarnoldJaguarDown: it's common for overzealous firewall admins to block ICMP and thus break ping02:41
JaguarDownOkay I am the firewall admin but I'm a newbie/intermediate (home server) I shall look02:42
sarnoldJaguarDown: qemu "user" networking also breaks ICMP in this fashion; so a VM running with just the right config could do it :/02:42
JaguarDownNot on a VM02:42
JaguarDownSarnold would be correct, I can now ping. Firewall had been set on high security while I went back and opened ports I needed, turns out I forgot to open up ICMP :-)02:46
JaguarDownThank you sarnold02:46
sarnoldJaguarDown: great :)02:47
madLyfesarnold: sudo apt install linux-generic-hwe-16.04 or sudo apt install –install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-16.0403:16
sarnoldmadLyfe: probably the one with install-recommends03:17
madLyfesarnold: https://gist.github.com/986a2c95ab12e029938ff8f6db2949b203:22
madLyfe"If you fall into the latter category but want the new HWE stack, then you can install it with a single command (server users should omit the xorg package): sudo apt install –install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-16.04 xserver-xorg-hwe-16.04"03:25
sarnoldmadLyfe: I never use 'apt' bare so I don't know what command line options it takes. the manpage doesn't document any. try apt-get install --install-recommends03:26
madLyfeyou put two dashes in front?03:28
sarnoldmost decent tools use two dashes for long options and one dash for short options03:28
sarnoldlooks good. interesting I wouldn't have expected thermald.03:31
madLyfehere is the full output: https://gist.github.com/11619c37f334005d1681295aa940d8dd03:32
madLyfedid i bork something there at the end?03:32
madLyfeeww what?03:33
sarnoldthat's really gross. I wonder how that even happened.03:33
sarnoldre-run the command and see what happens.03:33
madLyfesudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-16.0403:34
madLyfethat one?03:34
madLyfelooks better, maybe? https://gist.github.com/ff6bff79437980c648b29057d835d03903:37
sarnoldyes, much better03:38
madLyfewhat not? reboot?03:38
sarnoldyeah I think so03:38
madLyfei dont need to be physically there do i? im just SSHing in.03:39
sarnoldif it works out fine you don't :) but if something goes wrong it's always nice to have remote console access to fix things up03:39
madLyferemote console access = ?03:40
sarnolda remove vnc or ipmi or serial access so that you can control grub03:42
madLyfeah. ya i was worried about grub. these boards dont have ipmi03:42
madLyfelooks like its all good: https://gist.github.com/344df2892f195ef40e85d167eece6bf103:46
madLyfety for the hand holding03:48
madLyfesudo reboot03:58
madLyfelol whoops03:58
JaguarDownI tried to set up email before and failed. Trying again now with new tutorial, just successfully sent an email by entering commands locally via telnet connection. I guess the real test will come later, sorry but this is exciting! :-)04:10
sarnoldwhen you see how simple it is to send email with netcat but how hard it is to configure working mail servers it's enough to make you throw the stupid computer out the window :)04:12
sarnold"just type what I type! do that!"04:12
adlaistevensonOr if you ever have a job where you have to know what DKIM is and answer fucking questions about why the e-mail went to spam, or worse, never arrived at all. I hate email.04:15
adlaistevensonAnd of course, you can't say you don't know why the recipient server gave a 250 OK and then discarded the message.04:16
sarnoldyeah. I'm glad to let google handle my email :(04:16
sarnoldit got hard.04:16
sarnoldyou get to have the same conversation over and over again.. "yes you can't send email to amail list from a gmail account to other people with gmail accounts. yes they know about it. no they don't care. because they can't sell advertising on email that's why."04:18
adlaistevensonI occasionally get dragged into email guessing games, and did today. There goes days of getting anything useful done.04:18
sarnold"email guessing games", heh04:18
adlaistevensonNow I will be spending days applying voodoo magic I don't understand like whitelabeling and IP warm-up and crossing my fingers.04:18
adlaistevensonAnd pray I can get back to actually developing software sometime this week (the only thing I am marginally competent at).04:20
sarnoldgood luck :)04:20
JaguarDownlol well we shall see. I am making an attempt to run my own email just as a hobby for now, with the intent of using it primarily, but I guess we'll find out if it's worth the trouble. Surprisingly it's going a lot smoother now than before.04:57
JaguarDownWell postfix, dovecot, and mysql works, at least sending email over the internet, receiving it locally, and IMAP. That's enough for tonight. I'll wait to figure out why mysql log time is 4 hours in the future later...05:04
JaguarDownoh apparently I can also receive mail from the Internet too, nice. Anyway, thanks for the help sarnold, until next time, bye.05:08
cpaelzergood morning05:35
cpaelzerjamespage: the openvswitch pkg-config patch is now on the 2.8 branch as well - so on your next sync from git you can drop the custom patch05:48
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jamespagecpaelzer: \o/06:22
jamespageI'll snapshot again today06:22
cpaelzernacc: FYI bug 1709573 kills git ubutnu submit for me - but it is not a git-ubuntu bug, but my system or launchpadlib08:48
ubottubug 1709573 in launchpadlib "no encode method on password as it is bytes in py3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/170957308:48
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rbasakcpaelzer: for bug 1709573, does your password contain non-ASCII characters?10:32
ubottubug 1709573 in launchpadlib "no encode method on password as it is bytes in py3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/170957310:32
cpaelzerrbasak: hmm I don't enter my pw anywhere11:10
cpaelzerrbasak: it is still fetching launchpad content - you men the LP PW then ?11:11
cpaelzerall asci chars I think11:11
cpaelzerin the worst case not on some weird codepages, but not that I'd use cyrillic or any german special like äüö11:12
rbasakcpaelzer: I wondered that, but if you're not actually entering anything, it seems far less likely.11:13
cpaelzerrbasak: it is fetching something, then wants to encode but the type is wrong11:26
cpaelzerI didn't check where it fetches it, but it might be the LP auth token itself11:26
cpaelzerI've seen the issue on ustriage sometimes, but could get around just by retrying11:27
cpaelzeron git ubuntu submit it seems persistent11:27
cpaelzerSO I thought it is about to file a proper bug11:27
rbasakBeret, dpb1: FYI, I've filed bug 1709603.11:29
ubottubug 1709603 in apt (Ubuntu) "apt {upgrade,install} require an update call first" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/170960311:29
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Beretrbasak, sweet, thanks12:44
cpaelzerjamespage: dpdk 17.05.1-2 uploaded to Debian - if fortune is with us I can sync that later today12:52
cpaelzerjamespage: tonight/tomorrow you can then check to pass ovs 2.8 along that12:52
cpaelzerjamespage: I'll keep you updated12:52
cpaelzerjamespage: beisner: two questions13:29
cpaelzera) do we (you) care about UCA on Desktops13:29
cpaelzerb) is virt-manager part of UCA (I don't think so, but you might have plans)13:29
jamespagecpaelzer: a) no; b) also no13:29
cpaelzerperfect - that makes me drop some patches13:30
cpaelzerjust wanted to ensure there is no UCA back to Xenial13:30
cpaelzer(unitey patches)13:30
cpaelzeror rather Unity13:30
xpistosHey guys. I am writing an automation script to install our software at work and want to make it more aesthetically pleasing. How can I combine the output of echo "the quick" and echo "brown fox" so it appears on one line with a return so it looks like "the quick brown fox"14:52
mdeslaurxpistos: echo -n14:53
xpistosso lets say the command is one line, the output is another and the new prompt is on the third14:53
xpistosmdeslaur: How do I get it to add a space after the first string?14:54
xpistosmdeslaur: without adding an additional " " string14:54
ogra_note, not all echos are the same ... (depends if you use /bin/echo or the shell builtin echo)14:55
ogra_(though i guess -n is supported on most of them ... -e is definitely not )14:56
xpistosogra_: The -n works like this echo -n "the quick" && echo -n " " && echo "brown fox"14:57
ogra_yes ...14:57
ogra_-n should work mostly evereywhere ... but not all echos have the same options available14:57
ogra_(the echo built into dash only supports -n ... which the echo built into bash supports -n -e and -E ... and /bin/echo supports -n -e -E too)14:59
TJ-You could use printf(1), or the shell's built-in printf14:59
TJ-printf(1) is part of core-utils so should be available (almost) everywhere, except possibly the initrd15:00
naccmdeslaur: sorry for being dense, but just to follow-up on php7.0 -- you'll upload to -security and I should be able to request a pocket copy to -updates (well -proposed first) by the SRU team?15:08
mdeslaurnacc: I take care of it from here. Everything that goes to -security automatically gets copied to -updates15:12
naccmdeslaur: ack, just wanted to close the loop on that, thanks!15:13
mdeslaurnacc: I will directly release them as security updates, no processing by the SRU team or wait necessary15:13
mdeslaurnacc: thanks!15:13
naccmdeslaur: the orig tarball is exactly what is in debian, if you need it15:13
mdeslaurI downloaded it from upstream directly, I should have checked debian15:14
mdeslauranyway, building now here: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security-proposed/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages15:14
naccmdeslaur: yeah, i don't think there is any munging -- you should be able to check with uscan and see if the hashes match. I think you're fine.15:14
mdeslaurfor some reason I thought debian was using 7.115:15
mdeslauroh well, next time15:15
naccmdeslaur: they have both15:16
naccmdeslaur: we have only one in each release :)15:16
xpistosHey guys I got another question for you the following command shows the changes I want but doesn't write them to the file : sed -e "/server 3.centos.pool.ntp.org\ iburst/a\\server\ $ntpserverip iburst" < /etc/ntp.conf16:28
xpistosAny ideas how to get it to write those changes16:28
dpb1xpistos: well, sed -i modified files in place16:29
dpb1so like, sed -ie "/server 3.centos.pool.ntp.org\ iburst/a\\server\ $ntpserverip iburst" /etc/ntp.conf16:30
xpistosdpb1: LOL. I thougth I did that but I guess not16:30
coreycbjamespage: zero tempest smoke failures on pike b3 including the latest ceph17:15
cpaelzerjamespage: upload to Debian done, if it would build faster I could sync earlier17:26
cpaelzerjamespage: I'll check back before going to bed if it is reachable for the syncpackage call17:27
naccrharper: is LP: #1671951 actually ready to sponsor?17:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1671951 in systemd (Ubuntu) "networkd should allow configuring IPV6 MTU" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/167195117:57
rharpernacc: it was, but not sure of the status now;  the debdiff likely needs refreshed against systemd in artful;  I'm not sure of xnox or anyone else attempted to re-work the issue upstream;18:07
naccrharper: ok, can i unsub sponsors for now?18:08
naccrharper: thanks (i'm piloting)18:08
ahasenacknacc: wrt git workflow, there is a "no-change rebuild" change, which only changed d/changelog and bumped the version18:09
ahasenacknacc: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25278327/18:09
naccahasenack: yeah, so that'd be an empty commit (for the purpose of documenting it) with the same commit message as the changelog version18:09
naccahasenack: and then a contentful change to only d/changelog18:09
ahasenacknacc: should I record it as a normal "git commit debian/changelog -m changelog" commit?18:09
naccthat would only show up in the deconstruct/18:10
naccthen in the logical you can drop both18:10
ahasenackok, so git commit d/changelog -m "<same as d/changelog>"?18:10
ahasenackah, empty commit18:10
naccahasenack: your way also works, but is a little less obvious18:10
* ahasenack reads for a change18:10
ahasenackso empty commit with the d/changelog mesage,18:10
naccahasenack: i like my method, only because you have the same logical separation between what was changed (in this case nothing) and what documents the change (the changelog commit)18:10
ahasenackthen d/changelog commit with -m changelog?18:11
naccahasenack: yeah18:11
naccahasenack: yep18:11
naccahasenack: i like that consistency, but as you noted, it's not really different than just a changelog commit18:11
naccahasenack: as long as the results match and is understandable, i think it's fine either way18:11
ahasenackbut then we lose this bit of info18:11
ahasenackthat it was a rebuild18:11
naccahasenack: right, at least in the git-log18:11
ahasenackso yours keeps that info18:11
naccahasenack: yeah, it's more self-documenting in my flow18:11
naccahasenack: and it's obvious to a reviewer that it should be dropped between deconstruct and logical18:12
naccahasenack: LP: #1677329, sponsors can be unsubbed, right?18:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1677329 in samba (Ubuntu Zesty) "libpam-winbind: unable to dlopen" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/167732918:28
* ahasenack checks18:29
ahasenacknacc: yes18:29
naccahasenack: thanks18:30
ahasenackbitten again by git's "let's comment empty commits by default during rebase" :/18:39
naccahasenack: are you doing an interact rebase? git rebase --abort18:40
ahasenackit's gone already18:40
ahasenackI noticed just now in the logical phase18:40
ahasenack"where is that empty commit that I was supposed to drop?"18:40
naccahasenack: well if they were empty, you don't need them in the logical phase?18:40
naccahasenack: they aren't logically part of the delta if they are empty18:40
ahasenackyeah, but it was dropped in the deconstruct one, in a last rebase I did to check I didn't miss anything18:41
naccahasenack: you may want to alias `git-rebase` to `git-rebase --keep-empty` :)18:41
ahasenackcpaelzer: all libvirt tests passed in xenial, and trusty has an "always failed" one for armhf in nova19:05
cpaelzerok ahasenack, thanks for the info so we are good on dep8 then20:10
cpaelzerahasenack: since verification was also good it is down to staying in proposed a while20:11
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ahasenackfunny, interactive rebase can't reword empty commits on its own20:36
ahasenacknacc: I got this in debian's samba: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-samba/samba.git/commit/?id=e22e6b8bcae9b3fdf059d8878811c82b14585b6520:45
ahasenacknacc: seems to be debian specific20:45
ahasenackhow do we deal with that? We don't care?20:45
ahasenackI've seen that the samba panic script has an "if ubuntu do this; if debian do that" check20:46
ahasenackI don't know what calls those bug-presubj and bug-script scripts, maybe debian's reportbug?20:46
ahasenackduh, it's what the commit msg says, "reportbug script" :)20:49
ahasenackbut still, do we carry that?20:50
* ahasenack sees that his ubuntu system has reportbug(1) and /usr/share/bugs full of stuff20:51
sarnoldso you can report bugs to debian if you wish? :)20:51
hehehehiu sarnold21:16
sarnoldhey hehehe21:16
hehehewhats the safest way to resize boot partition21:16
hehehesimply resize it and reboot?21:17
heheheits full of old kernels21:17
sarnoldI haven't resized a partition in 15 years21:17
ahasenacksafest is to remove old kernerls21:17
heheheseems so21:20
ahasenacktry apt autoremove21:24
ahasenackit should do the right thing. But double check21:24
naccahasenack: right, it seems like we either need to update that script to dtrt in ubuntu's samba21:40
naccahasenack: because we don't want to send ubuntu bugs to debian's bts21:41
rose_can anyone tell me if I need to reboot after doing apt-get upgrade22:10
rose_also what packages can I remove if i plan only using this xubuntu as console22:11
naccrbasak: around (i hope not)?23:29

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