
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
mupBug #1709850 opened: Can't enlist Huawei node with MaaS 2.2.1 <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1709850>11:13
mupBug #1709850 changed: Can't enlist Huawei node with MaaS 2.2.1 <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1709850>11:22
mupBug #1709850 opened: Can't enlist Huawei node with MaaS 2.2.1 <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1709850>11:25
bryan_atthi anyone - are there any special tricks to get MAAS 2.2.2 to deploy Centos7 ? every time I try this, the OS is installed but (1) there are no network interfaces configured (though I have defined them and set them to auto assign); (2) there are no users created that I can tell of; I see a video of one guy doing this but the details are sketchy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCZNSyLHpcQ13:05
mupBug #1709907 opened: Interface alias name causes invalid DNS FQDN <sts> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1709907>15:22
bryan_attif anyone on this channel is regularly deploying Centos7 with MAAS, could you share the details of how you have MAAS setup so I can understand any dependencies?  I can't find any docs on what to do if the issues I am finding occur, or any MAAS setup requirements for Centos7 deployment.16:07
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
jcordeirohi there.16:58
jcordeiroim using MAAS Version: 2.2.2-6099-g8751f91-0ubuntu1~16.04.116:59
jcordeiromy machines are virtual(libvirt), and MAAS is able to power them on and off17:00
jcordeiroi have installed my machines with maas but now i want to reinstall them17:01
jcordeiromy machines are failing to comission17:01
jcordeirowhat boot setup should i use? pxe into all?17:02
jcordeiroany pointers for me to try?17:02
pmatulisjcordeiro, PXE should always be enabled on the libvirt guests17:05
pmatulisjcordeiro, to reinstall: 'Release' and 'Deploy'17:06
bryan_attdoes anyone have links to the details of how to format the curtin preseed files, and what are the available preseed operations? All I can find on MAAS documentation is a few examples.17:11
mupBug #1709284 opened: curtin does not put mount_options passed by MAAS into /etc/fstab <ci> <curtin:Confirmed> <MAAS:Triaged by blake-rouse> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1709284>18:11

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