
zjf居然还有 聊天室。00:31
Fretegievening guys01:42
Fretegifor those in both rooms, im not trying to troll, just not sure if i should post in #ubuntu or #ubuntu-mate...01:48
Fretegitrying to get a scanner to work.  bit confused actually on why its not working.. this is ubuntu-mate 16.04.3, cannon mp620 device.  print works fine, simple-scan cant use it, however i have mint 17.3 on another laptop and it works perfect, same driver for printer01:48
louvetvicente1Fretegi, are you sure the user is in the 'scanner' group?01:50
louvetvicente1if the user is not in that group, they may not have authorization to scan.. although they can print01:51
Fretegilouvetvicente1, huh, good thinking, lemme check01:51
Fretegilouvetvicente1, huh, how about that... sure isnt it.. weird part though is i dont have that on my gentoo install... well lets try an add01:54
louvetvicente1Fretegi, if that doesn't work, restart simple-scan with the -d flag and paste output to pastebin01:55
Fretegibrb gonna log out and back in01:56
Fretegilouvetvicente1, still dead in th water02:14
Fretegioutput of simple-scan -d after trying to scan02:14
Fretegiinvalid arg.  config issue somewhere?02:15
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Fretegifound this url, any chance this could be th fix?02:23
louvetvicente1perhaps a config issue, I have a similar cannon scanner with no issues..02:27
Fretegiwell looks like those pacakges listed in the url i postd are newer than what i have02:29
Fretegiguess i could try em and uninstall if not working right02:29
Fretegiapt-cache search software-properties-common02:56
Fretegican i downgrade libsane?03:02
Fretegiok how about this, just tring to find these packages, can someone give me a hand with that pls04:29
midnextHello everybody06:07
midnextGood morning to all the channel06:07
midnextI have a question (actually two, but we go with order) about the panel weather plugin.06:07
midnextHow can I improve location search? Among the available ones I do not find mine or reasonably close to my position.06:07
midnextThe weather plugins available in lxde, xfce, and gnome-shel (OpenWeather) do not have this problem, allowing you to find all the locations. Probably they are based on different databases / services, is it possible modify the mate plugin because it receives data from the same sources?06:07
=== midnext is now known as midnite
midniteSorry but i need to disconnect ... I joined the community and opened a topic08:11
midniteHave a nice day08:11
put_inive discovered so many bugs i dont know where to report it and where to begin08:42
put_inwhen i activate download latest updates in the installer, the OS will not boot but grub with minimal bash like input will appear08:43
put_inthe right click on the touchpad does not work08:43
put_incaja dropbox autostart does not work either08:43
put_inand to open the menu of drop box it requires 2 times a click since the first time just the "open dropbox" folder option appear08:44
put_inif you add your home folder to the panel and you click on it, the explorer loads for about a minute08:45
put_init does not freeze though like the firefox bug, but it loads very very long08:45
put_inim sure i forgot some more but thats just all i can think about from my head right now08:45
put_inah yes and it applies to the 17.10 pre release edition of course08:46
put_inbut oh my god redmond layout looks so f...reaking awesome now <308:46
hoodiNiWhy is there no border shadow on the MATE's advanced menu?10:18
maximusbom dia a todos13:31
maximusgostaria humildimente de uma ajuda13:32
maximusestou usando o ubuntu MATE e encontrei problemas de primeira13:33
maximusapos 1 dia de uso meu sistema esta travando muito13:33
maximusprincipalmente no navegador de internet13:33
mate|31744Issue: unable to maximize third party apps like google chrome in ubuntu 16.04 , it is showing in the unity sidebar, but cant maximize it. Right click works and shows the options like open new incognito window and all .15:09
mate|31744Does any body had any issues like this ?15:10
sparky12pc shut down15:27
prinsipitohi, I wanted to ask if I can set up an SD card back to its normal state. I made it a booteable device using ubuntu mate and I changed its configuration18:27
prinsipitoI formated it with Gparted and then gave it in a terminal all read-write rights since I couldnt write anything on it, but my computer still detects it as the .iso I burned on it even though there isnt anything inside18:29
Akuliwhat do you mean "detects as the iso"?18:30
Akulicreate one fat32 partition on it and it'll work18:30
prinsipitoit shows up with the name of the .iso I wanted to burn18:31
prinsipitoI alreade have created the fat32 partition and reformated it...18:31
prinsipito(thanks for replying btw)18:32
Akulithe name is just a name, doesn't do anything18:34
Akulibut can you put files on it?18:34
Akuliif you can't we can easily figure out what's wrong18:35
prinsipitoI can put files since I gave it 666 rights with the command, but it doesn't seem to be like new18:35
prinsipitoand windows wont read the card anymore18:35
Akuliwhat did you chmod 666?18:35
Akuliwhich file?18:35
Akulilet's see what's going on18:36
Akulitype on terminal:   lsblk | nc termbin.com 999918:36
Akulithat lists your drives and partitions (including the card) and sends the output to a website for sharing it with me18:36
Akuliyou should see an url18:38
Akulicopy/paste it here18:38
prinsipitoI have a few partitions in the hard disk, take a look only at the SD card18:38
Akulii'll find out easily which it is, no problem :) do you want to hide the hard drive partitions from me?18:39
Akulido you have a 30GB sd card?18:39
prinsipitoit's fine, you look like you are just helping18:39
prinsipitoyes, that card18:39
Akulithat's big :D18:40
Akulianyway, can you put files there?18:40
prinsipitoI know, I used it for a camera, but wanted to use it for other purposes since I didnt have another one around18:40
Akuli$ echo hello > /media/prinsipito/wifislax64-1.0-final/test18:40
prinsipitoyes I can18:40
Akulido you want to change its name to something else?18:40
prinsipitoI dont really care about the name itself18:41
Akuliwhat is not working then?18:41
prinsipitoBut windows isnt detecting the card and since I formated it and it doesnt seem to have forgoten the old name I thought it isnt working as it used to18:41
prinsipitoI feel kind of dumb lol18:42
Akuliyou can format it in windows18:42
Akuliit's normal that windows says "the thing is broken fix it bla bla bla"18:43
prinsipitoI can't because it wont detect it18:43
Akuli:( weird18:43
Akuliwhat type is this partition?18:43
prinsipitoI updated the drivers thinking it might just be it18:43
Akuli$ mount | grep mmcblk0 | nc termbin.com 999918:43
Akulithe partition must be fat32, otherwise windows doesn't know what it is18:44
prinsipitoit is fat3218:44
Akuliyes looks good18:44
Akulivery weird18:44
prinsipitomaybe I should use another computer to check it out18:44
Akulii dont know what's wrong with this18:44
Akulisorry :(18:44
prinsipitoI'll try that18:45
prinsipitoThanks a lot!!!!18:45
Akulino problem :)18:45
prinsipitoI'm kind of new in linux and the security world since I'm a second year computer engeneering student18:45
prinsipitoI'm loving the community18:45

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