
Jordan_URhombix: When Ubuntu installs grub it puts some files in your EFI System Partition, one of which is at the path /ubuntu/shimx64.efi (Since your ESP is mounted to /boot/efi/ you can see this file a the path /boot/efi/ubuntu/shimx64.efi . This is the file that your boot firmware needs to load to start Ubuntu.06:56
knomesary, since you really seem to want to have an argument, ok, let's take it here09:33
knomesary, stop using exclamation marks repeatedly09:33
knomesary, also, please stop arguing with other people on the channel on whether they are late or not09:33
knomesary, is there anything else we can help you with?09:34
saryknome: first this was going on ..09:38
knomeyes, and i told you to stop shouting in the channel09:38
knomereally, no big deal, but you decided to start arguing about it, so it escalated09:38
sarysecond ,  I'm only exuding positive energy & kickin' up dust here tryng to helo someone and all you're focus is on my typing..09:39
sarySo, how did you know am being rude while using an exclamation mark !09:40
knomebecause this is IRC and i can't interpret your behavior in any other way than your typing09:40
saryhow do can you even know what expression am using as..?09:41
knomei think we're done here.09:41
knomeanything else i can help you with?09:41
saryso know you think am using it with an attitude ..?09:41
sarySO, i've been rude usin ! , according to you , and now we're done also according to you .. why are why here then!09:42
knomei'll try to explain it again to you09:42
knomei don't know what kind of attitude you have, and i can only trust you have the best intentions09:43
knomehowever, using exclamation marks eg. "shouting" all the time comes out as rude09:43
knomewhatever your intention is09:43
knomeso i kindly asked you to stop it09:44
knomebut you decided to take it as a personal attack against you09:44
knomeafter which you started arguing with other people about their commentary on the same issue as well09:44
saryknome:  Good job , i didn't even know you were an ubuntu member untill now ..09:44
saryknome: please read # http://grammar.yourdictionary.com/punctuation/when/when-to-use-exclamation-marks.html09:45
knomethat's irrelevant to IRC communication09:45
saryfeel free to point me to a one relvant to IRC.09:46
sarythat doesn't say much about using exclamation mark! So, according to you when can i use ! in an ubuntu's channel?09:53
knomewhenever you want as long as you don't do it repetitively.09:55
saryand no, i don't take things personally.09:55
sarycool, anything else?09:55
knomeyou're the one who wanted to take it here the first place, so i should ask you09:56
knome(and i have...)09:56
knomeif you don't have anything else, then i'm fine09:56
saryRight, to get others respective on this .. but untill now it's only your point of view.09:58
saryi'll be idle here unitll someone else has something to say.09:58
saryIF i may..09:58
sarypleasure to have meet you knome.09:59
knomesary, feel free to do that, but please realize it just makes me feel like you're sending signs of a certain kind of attitude with that.10:00
saryO' boy ..10:00
knomeindeed :)10:00
knomehave fun.10:01
sarythaha :) no attiude or any bad feeling against..thank you, you too.10:02
ikoniasary: do you need anything else from this channel ?10:14
saryikonia: i was hoping to get others respective, but i got the answer from knome .. now i take it you want me to leave!10:16
ikoniawe have a no idle policy in the channel, so unless you need/want something, we ask you not to idle in the channel please.10:17
ikoniaso if you need something, happy to help but if not, if you could /part the channel, that would be great10:18
knomeikonia, i believe he'd like a second opinion on the issue10:18
ikoniaI don't see an issue to be honest, a slight change in typing style to be a little more IRC friendly, no issue, no big deal10:18
saryAlright, thanks you guys , am out.10:19
knomeikonia, ta10:19
ikoniano problem, just seemed like a non-issue10:19

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