
chullhe was looking for something to download00:00
pavloschull: since you know command line, use the lines I gave earlier00:00
pavloschull: fyi, email clients allow you to attach many files in an email00:02
pavloschull: fyi, I use gmail, I can attach 10-20 images and send00:03
chullpavlos, and privacy laws say no email accepted00:03
pavloschull: ok00:03
chullpavlos, i need to compress them and upload them00:03
pavloschull: try the command line00:03
pavloschull: dfc contains images and other dirs00:04
chullpavlos, it contains six pdfs00:04
pavloschull: fine, in command line, zip my.zip dfc/*00:04
chullponders if we could send it without compressing00:04
pavlosit should create a file my.zip00:05
pavloschull: how will you send the zip file if email is not accepted?00:06
chullpavlos, will anything easy give me the path to that director?00:06
pavlosyou're in your home dir /home/chull00:07
chullyes atm. the file is in xyz > cbq > kfm > etc etc etc etc etc etc00:07
pavlosyou mean the files inside dfc/ ? they could be anything pdf, kfm, xyz00:08
chullpavlos, no. hubby likes to keep everything super organzized, so someone like me who uses command line has to navigate forever to find them00:08
chullto use zip i either have to tell it the path to the directory or BE in the directory to zip it00:09
pavloschull: that task is to zip the dfc and its contents, right? ... zip my.zip dfc/* will do so00:09
pavloschull: you're at home dir, the command could be rewritten as, zip /home/chull/my.zip /home/chull/dfc/*00:11
pavloschull: you dont need to reference you're at home dir00:11
pavloschull: zip is usually /usr/bin/zip00:12
chullzip /home/chull/my.zip /home/chull/dfc/  .. we are on the way00:12
pavloschull: the terminal should list (adding ... adding ... until completed. See the file my.zip created00:15
pavloschull: you can test with, unzip -t my.zip to verify what was zipped00:16
chullpavlos, we got it thanks so very much :)00:18
pavloschull: np00:20
Bashing-om!cookie | pavlos00:21
ubottupavlos: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!00:21
vex8ionforgot password help please00:22
Bashing-omvex8ion: Here are easy instructions to reset your password in Ubuntu: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword .00:23
vex8ionthanks... I thought I got bounced again00:23
jackhumhello, this is what my disk partition looks like , http://picpaste.com/pics/Selection_002-fhPfuZav.1502325787.png , i deleted the EFI partition without knowing it is necessary to boot my triple boot system with windows , ubuntu and kali , can anyone tell me how to fix this and not render my system unbootable, i am currently in my ubuntu , and i think i will break it as soon as i restart00:44
pavlosjackhum: maybe this might help ... https://askubuntu.com/questions/706414/accidentally-deleted-efi-partition00:56
jackhumpavlos, once deleted a partition using gparted , is there any way i can get it back :P00:59
jackhumi am in middle of nowhere and i dont even have a usb with me, if i close this , i wont be able to come back01:00
pumbajackhum: sounds like a disaster01:02
Bashing-omjackhum: In a disaster testdisk might help .01:03
Bashing-om!testdisk | jackhum01:03
jackhumpumba, a huge one, atleast now i know never delete a partition labeled as EFI01:03
Bashing-om!info testdisk | jackhum01:03
ubottujackhum: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool, and PhotoRec file recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 7.0-3 (zesty), package size 355 kB, installed size 1404 kB01:03
jackhumactually i have windows ubuntu and kali triple boot making 3 primary partition , i wanted to create one more partition common to them to store my files and multimedia stuff , but gparted said to me that you cant have more than 4 primary partition , so i delted the smalles 1000 MB one01:05
pumbajackhum: i wish i knew what to do myself.. id be more lost than you if that happened to me01:08
jackhumpumba, i am pretty sure , the moment this computer shut down . i will not be able to come back01:09
jackhumanyway i can just make my ubunntu and kali start , i will ditch window01:10
pumbaehhh keep trying01:11
pumbadont give up01:11
jackhumthe problem is the only way to know if this is fixed is by restarting , and i will get only one shot01:14
jackhumanyway to check this without restarting01:15
kenrincan you partprobe and see the partition ?01:15
jackhumkenrin , what command should run01:17
kenrinpartprobe -s01:17
jackhumkenrin, i tried partprobe -s , it shows no output01:18
[n0mad]fwiw i get no output from that command either01:19
kenrinstrange,  it supposed to update the partitions and list them01:19
kenrintry fdisk -l now and see if the efi is there01:19
kenrinor parted -l,  whatever you prefer01:19
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aroonihow do i address this com.canonical.indicator.bluetooth schema missing when i try to load unity tweak tool'01:29
grymi'm running 16.04 on an nvidia tx-1 (aarch64).  I want to run a 32-bit binary on it --  Is there an  ARM version of `ia32-libs`?01:36
grym(right now bash flatly refuses to execute the file)01:36
Fretegievening everyone01:41
Fretegitrying to get a scanner to work.  bit confused actually on why its not working.. this is ubuntu-mate 16.04.3, cannon mp620 device.  print works fine, simple-scan cant use it, however i have mint 17.3 on another laptop and it works perfect, same driver for printer01:42
Fretegior should i direct this to ubuntu-mate?01:43
B105PH3REhaving trouble updating getting *** Error in `appstreamcli': double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x0000000002378550 ***01:50
B105PH3RELinux 4.4.0-89-generic #112-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jul 31 19:38:41 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux01:50
kenrinB105PH3RE: According to some quick searchs it has something to do with libappstream3.  Try to remove it or reinstall01:53
B105PH3REthx kenrin i'll give that a try right now01:53
B105PH3REoutstanding kenrin that did the trick thanx a bunch01:54
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arunkumar413How to install Ubuntu on USB pendrive02:39
Bashing-omarunkumar413: See: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1958073 <-sudodus/Howto make USB boot drives ??02:48
PaynemasterHello everyone02:57
PaynemasterI got a Linux issue hoping somebody can help me out here02:57
PaynemasterMy mouse cursor is stuck in the top left.02:58
PaynemasterIs this the #ubuntu channel?03:00
hfpHi, I'm trying to clone my Ubuntu install to another disk. I'm using LVM+LUKS on a 180GB SSD and trying to move it over to a 120GB SSD. I resized the crypted partition and the LVM to 100GB so that it would all fit on the new smaller drive. But when I do it with clonezilla (even with -icds enabled), it never works. It says the destination disk is smaller (duh) and can't proceed. What's the secret?03:02
hfpOr should I reinstall Ubuntu on the new SSD and then rm -rf / on the partition, and copy over the files manually with cp from / on my larger SSD to / on my smaller one?03:05
PaynemasterHello. Anyone here?03:06
Paynemasteri don't get this03:07
PaynemasterAnyone here that can help me out please?03:07
hfpPaynemaster: People don't sit in front of their computers 24/7, ask your question and when someone who knows the answer is around they'll answer you03:07
PaynemasterAh sorry. got no clue to see who's online at the time03:08
hfpIt's impossible to tell :)03:08
Paynemasterwas thinking i was in the wrong channel03:08
hfpNo, that's just how IRC works03:08
Paynemaster@hfp could u help me out perhaps?03:09
hfpidk, what's happening?03:09
Paynemaster@hfp I got a mouse cursor issue. It seems to get stuck in the top left corner. I can mouse arround its just invisible03:10
hfpDoes your mouse work on another computer/OS?03:11
Paynemaster@hfp yes. seems to be a know problem03:12
hfphow do you know it's a known issue?03:12
Paynemaster@hfp because askubuntu.com has a thread on it03:13
hfpI see, does it have a solution/fix?03:13
Paynemaster@hfp well its somewhat all over the place. the thread is from last year. So a newer version might fixed it. but iam not sure03:15
Paynemaster@hfp i am using a usb media tool with a app on it that runs under linux. so i can't really change that03:15
hfpyou cant upgrade the package?03:16
Paynemaster@hfp how?03:16
hfpis it running ubuntu?03:16
Paynemaster@hfp theres a syslinux.cfg file in it03:16
hfpwhat does lsb_release -a get you?03:17
Paynemastercan't tell since i am not in it right now03:17
hfpthat makes things rather complicated03:17
Paynemaster@hfp can't i see a version in the files on the usb media tool?03:18
hfpwhat is a usb media tool?03:18
Paynemasterlike bootable03:18
hfpa live cd?03:18
hfplive usb rather?03:19
Paynemasterboot media03:19
hfpif it's causing you problem, why don't you use another/a more recent version of your distro on the liveusb?03:20
hfpgo get ubuntu 17.04 and put that on your liveusb, it will have more recent packages that will prob fix your issue03:21
Paynemaster@hfp i got no clue how to do that. its a tool from toshiba that created the bootable media tool.03:21
Fretegiok trying to get a cannon scanner to work, thats the output from simple-scan -d  any thoughts?03:22
Fretegiprints fine, just cant scan.. thinking perhaps a libsane issue?03:22
hfpPaynemaster: download ubuntu 17.04, and use a tool like etcher.io to make a bootable usb out of it03:23
Paynemaster@hfp could u first tell me how to reply like u did i assume that is a private message?03:23
hfphow did I answer you you mean?03:24
hfpwe're chatting on the public #ubuntu channel03:24
hfpall other 1061 users on this channel can read what we're discussing03:24
Paynemasterwell your nickname is in red the sudden and i hear a bleep03:25
hfpbecause I put your name in my answer03:25
hfpPaynemaster: like so03:25
hfpyour client detects that I mentioned your nick and alerts you03:25
Paynemasterah oke. like i am doing all the time? @hfp03:26
hfpbut dont start mentioning or /msg people at random, you wont make friends this way03:26
Paynemasteryeah i understand03:27
hfpI have to go, good luck Paynemaster. Try making a new liveusb from the latest ubuntu and see how that goes for you03:27
Paynemasterwhat about the tool from toshiba03:27
Paynemasteri got no clue if that still works then03:27
hfpi dont know what that tool is or what it does03:27
Paynemasterwell doesnt matter03:28
Paynemasterits intergrated with the linux boot03:28
hfpif you stick around or come back at another time, maybe there will be someone here that can help you03:28
Paynemasteryeah i will try that03:28
Paynemasterthanks for the big help03:28
hfpnp, good luck03:28
Fretegiso is there a way to downgrade libsane03:29
Spencer-_Howdy folks. Im having a weird issue with my network adapters. I am of intermediate *nix knowledge. Using Server 16.04. cli only. The box im using has two network adapters - one wired, one wireless. Either one of them works, if the other isnt configured (in /etc/network/interfaces). But if both are configured, something borks somewhere during networking service restart, or system reboot, and only the wired interface comes up. In t03:29
Paynemasterhfp cheers ;)03:29
Spencer-_the wpa_supplicant and the wireless interface can come up03:29
Fretegior upgrade lol03:29
Spencer-_but i have no idea why they wont use both load at the same time.03:29
Spencer-_if anyone can help me figure this out, i'd be greatly appreciative.03:30
Telex9Spencer-_,  I might be missing something, are you trying to route traffic to both at the same time?03:31
Telex9just trying to figure out why both need to be active at the same time03:31
Spencer-_Telex9 - So. Thats the idea. For each adapter to be on seperate networks.03:32
Spencer-_please dont yell at me if thats stupid and not possible.03:32
Spencer-_Im working on a home lab network environment and Im using this box as a network services server (dhcp, ntp, tftp, etc). I'd like to use the wired adapter as access to that environment. And I want to use the wireless adapter on my home network so I can SSH in from my laptop and not have to use a console cable.03:34
Telex9oh no worries. : ) We all had to start somewhere. guess how I know the answer to your question ; ) basically, its possible but not really recommended.03:34
Spencer-_im basically looking for what seems to bea really complicated solution to laziness03:34
Telex9ah ok, that I can get behind.03:35
Telex9: )03:35
Spencer-_im not so concerned abotu recommended, since its just a home lab and i dont care if anything blows up03:35
Telex9idk what your running, but basically you'll want to setup a static route for specific interfaces03:36
Telex9aka run 172.16.x.x over eth0 and 192.168.x.x over eth103:36
Spencer-_this has been an issue for a few days and at this point, ive completely worked around it and really just want to know for my own sanity why both adapters wont go up03:36
Fretegiany thoughts on how to address printer03:36
Telex9have you set the /etc/network/interfaces file to static ip addresses?03:37
Spencer-_Telex - thats the idea.03:38
Spencer-_Yeah, so heres what happens03:38
Spencer-_i have/etc/net/int configured with static addressing for both interfaces03:38
Telex9what version are you running btw?03:38
Spencer-_now lets say I have nboth interfaces configed and neither commented out. If i reboot, only the wired int comes up. If i reload the network service, it errors out.03:39
Spencer-_my logfoo isnt great, but lookign at jouirnelctl, it appears that the wireless adapter errors with an exit code 1 and doesnt come up03:40
Spencer-_if I comment out the wired int and reload, eveyrthing is peachy. same if I comment out the wireless.03:40
Spencer-_so one at a time, they load up fine03:40
Spencer-_its only when the config has both uncommented that stuff goes sideways03:40
Telex9ok, can you do a pastebin of that config? (changing the ips respectively.... )03:44
Spencer-_yeah. which configs do you want?03:44
Spencer-_thats my /etc/net/int03:45
Spencer-_except im using a wpa_conf  wpa_supplicant location instead of hardcoded  SSID and PSK03:46
Spencer-_oh, and that pastebin shows them both on the same network, but they woudl be on seperate networks in the config i want03:48
Fretegioutput of simple-scan -d.  printer prints fine03:50
Telex9: ) if you can't reach your default gateway on a local network, how do you send packets through it? check en0103:50
Telex9or your wlp2s0, *shrug*03:50
Spencer-_ok, and pardon me if Im being facetious here, but my issue isnt with connectivity or routing. Its that both adapters wont load at the same time.03:53
Spencer-_i.e - ifconfig03:53
Spencer-_so like, with each adapter uncommented in the config file, and a fresh boot fo the system, ifconfig shows that only the wired adapter loads.03:54
Spencer-_i can then manually intiate the wpa_supplicant service and it will bring up the wireless adapter, but that wont persist through a service networking reload.03:55
Spencer-_if I comment out either adapter and reboot, the other adapter loads just fine and connectivity works fine03:55
Spencer-_which leads me to believe the the config in the /etc/net/int file is fine, cause either one works if the other is commented out. Its something to do with trying to load them both.03:56
Telex9Totally understand, I might just overly simplifying here, but if your box isn't sure which routes to send packets, it'll favor the wired, but then it wiggs out once on the forced reload. Since the failover of 'prefer the wired, if I see a dupe route' is being over ridden03:57
Telex9your going to need some static routes in either case, since after force enabling the wireless the box isn't sure which is the best route. idk if that makes sense, perhaps someone with greater eloquence can chime in here then. : )03:59
Spencer-_oh, those are words i understand but dont know how to execute04:01
Spencer-_im not used to OSes having routing tables, but i did recently learn of the command route which lists a routing table04:02
Spencer-_(Im a windows guy by trade, and know my way around *nix but am not totally comfortable with the OS, obviously)04:03
Spencer-_but i get routing tables, as this whole exercise is to easily access the cisco lab environment im working with04:03
Telex9tl;dr Spencer-_  your going to need to put your cisco lab enviroment on a different subnet. Thats going to solve your problem. : )04:04
Spencer-_this is actually somthing that confused me as I just recently learned about the route command in *nix, after being very confused as to why the ifconfig didnt who each adapters default gateway04:04
Spencer-_i can post a /etc/net/int config with them in different networks if youd prefer04:05
Spencer-_but the issue persists regardless of what network the interfaces are configured with04:05
Spencer-_that particular pastebin just happens to show them in the same network04:06
Spencer-_i would be more than happy to config them on different networks and provide logs04:06
Telex9ok, but... thats different. the bin provided makes it look like its crashing because you have 2 nics, going to the same place, the default logic prefers ethernet, then its being overridden with a forced reload... so without a proper load balancing proc in place, the box dies.04:07
Spencer-_i get why you thought that04:07
Spencer-_and i would be more than happy to reconfig and pastebin showing them on different networks04:08
Spencer-_but that config file doesnt show anything relating to the actual issue04:08
Spencer-_i could config and doa  network service reload and paste the journalctl if that woudl help04:09
Telex9that'd be helpful, i'm not sure as to why your getting a crash is the interfaces are properly config with 2 sep networks and you've setup proper static routes04:10
Spencer-_in fact, ill jsut go ahead and do that, cause I understand that I probably dont quite have the covabluary to convey the complexity here04:10
Spencer-_gimme just a couple minutes while i make files and move them to boxes where I can post them online04:10
Spencer-_is there anything else you'd like besides the /etc/net/int and journalctl output?04:11
Fretegiok how about this, where else could i go to fine libsane_1.0.26?  found a guide addressing this issue but the files no longer appear to be on the debian page04:11
Telex9aka sudo route add -net gw netmask
Telex9Spencer-_, no rush, i'm just watching some vm's spin up and patch at the moment04:12
Spencer-_ok, so i havent ever hard config'd anything into route04:12
Spencer-_are you suggesting that I hard code both gateways into that as well?04:12
Spencer-_im more than happy to, i just havent come across anything online that says to do that04:13
Telex9for the sake of simplicity, lets go with that. : )04:13
Telex9Welcome to Linux! : )04:13
Spencer-_and like ai siad earlier, i just found out route was a thing recently04:13
Spencer-_ok cool04:13
Spencer-_see, im fairly certain its something dumb that gui linux does automagically that im missing in cli cause im a dummy. So ill try that.04:13
Telex9not a dummy, : ) lol just learning. we've all been here. its why i know about your issue ; ) i had the same problem in version 12.0404:15
Spencer-_the only place ive ever configed the gateway, ever, is in the /etc/net/int file04:15
Telex9which makes sense, but that previous config your placing 2 interfaces with 2 identical gateways. if you where a packet... : ) how would you decide where to go?04:17
Spencer-_ok, so problem.04:19
Spencer-_when i add the gateway and network the box is currently connected to, no problem04:19
Fretegiok if someone could just help me sort out this guide pls that would be great04:19
Spencer-_but when I try to add the second network (remember, i cant actually get both adapters up at the same time), it tells me network unreachable04:20
Telex9does the second network have a diff gateway / subnet ?04:20
Telex9and are you getting an ip from dhcp on the 2nd network?04:21
Spencer-_ok, i was able to get both net gws up after a reboot and a manual instantiation of the wpa_supplicant.04:25
Spencer-_lets reboot and see if that works04:25
Telex9fingers crossed!04:25
Spencer-_ok, so heres what happened04:28
Spencer-_rebooted. only wired came up. manually launched wpa_supplicant which brought up wireless. I was able to then issue commands to route for both networks ( and
Spencer-_only wired is up ( network) and only the 1.0 network appears int he routing table04:29
Telex9and when you try to reach .37 it fails ?04:30
Telex9just trying to double check here04:30
Spencer-_well yeha, because the adapter isnt up04:31
Spencer-_which is the whole issue04:31
Spencer-_two adpaters configured, only one comes up.04:31
Spencer-_if either adapter is commeneted out of /etc/net/int config, then the other comes up without issue on reboot04:32
Spencer-_but if both are uncommented, the wireless doesnt come up04:32
Spencer-_i totally get why the wireless network (37.0) isnt showing up int he routing table right now, because the adapter isnt up so the network doesnt exist to the system04:33
Telex9and..... i'm outta ideas then, its gotta be some default preference of wired > wireless. you might've already seen this but this might set you on the right track https://kindlund.wordpress.com/2007/11/19/configuring-multiple-default-routes-in-linux/04:37
Telex9since we're not bonding the connections, its gotta be some interface taking preference. : (  sorry I couldn't be of any more help04:38
Fretegican i simply add the repository from ubuntu 14.04 to my 16.04.3 install and install packages from 14.04 in a downgrade fashion04:41
Jordan_UFretegi: No. Downgrading is explicitly not supported and will leave you with a completely broken system. If you want to downgrade then you need to re-install (which you can do while still preserving /home/).04:43
FretegiJordan_U, ok so that link i posted mentions upgrading to later versions of a few sane related pacakges to resolve this issue.  but i cannot find them on the debian site.  any thoughts on how to get them04:44
Fretegior how to address this scanner issue?04:44
Jordan_UFretegi: Ahh, I see you're just trying to downgrade a single package. That's still not supported, and still probably won't work, but less doom-and gloomy :)04:44
Jordan_UFretegi: To be clear, your scanner works in Ubuntu 14.04 but not on Ubuntu 16.04?04:45
Fretegimint 17.304:45
Fretegiworks in it04:45
Spencer-_Thank you telex, ill check that out. And also thanks for the help in general. appreciate it04:45
Jordan_UFretegi: Can you test from an Ubuntu 17.04 LiveUSB?04:46
Fretegiyup, was dead on that as well04:46
Fretegibut i will happily try again on a different machine04:47
jnewtcan anyone tell me how to fix this so i can get mariadb installed: https://paste.ubuntu.com/25281453/04:47
Fretegicannon printer, using the gutenprint driver on both the mint 17.3 (also trusty) and on this xenial machine.  scanner works on mint but not here04:47
jnewtusing 16.04 LTS, i found some people that simply said reboot, which i did, and some dpkg commands: https://serverfault.com/a/736547 none of which solved the problem04:49
FretegiJordan_U, i am building the live usb now but fwiw i found this guide which describes my problem perfectly and a solution, but i cant find the darn packages it mentions on the debian site04:51
Fretegiso for example, this same-pixma item mentions my specific scanner, but im not sure if its included in that version of libsane-common04:57
Fretegianyway to tell04:57
mshadledoes anyone know of a way to LIST what updates are available (or just boolean if updates are available) - the equivalent of a read-only summary of apt-get dist-upgrade?05:04
mshadlenevermind, looks like i found one.05:06
hayahey buds05:19
lotuspsychjehaya: good morning05:20
hayaGot to start vsftpd05:20
hayaGot an error : says Active : failed05:21
hayaResult : exit code05:21
lotuspsychjehaya: what are you planning to do with ftp?05:22
hayafile transfer I think05:22
lotuspsychjehaya: be carefull with ftp, as its a security nowadays05:22
lotuspsychjehaya: consider ssh instead with fail2ban and a strong pass05:23
hayano problem with that05:23
hayajust wanna know :  why failed05:23
hayaconfigured conf file and started vsftpd service in standalone05:24
hayalisten = YES05:24
lotuspsychjehaya: i think its best to find a more specific channel for vsftpd, as we focus on ubuntu issue here05:25
lotuspsychjehaya: can this help perhaps: https://askubuntu.com/questions/683413/vsftpd-cannot-read-config-file-even-when-file-exists05:28
lotuspsychjehaya: check also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/vsftpd05:30
noccoI'm using ubuntu with gnome, the alpha version of 17.10. My question is, do keyboard-commands and layout come from ubuntu/OS or gnome/desktop-environemtn?06:39
Rhombixhi. i'm trying to duplicate my boot drive to a usb hdd. i tried using GParted (in a live boot session), but when i booted into the hdd, i just got a blank screen.06:42
Jordan_URhombix: First, be careful doing this at all. You may not realize that having two filesystems with the same UUID can be dangerous.06:44
Rhombixin GParted i used "copy partition" (from sda1 to sdd1)06:45
Rhombixwhen the copy didn't boot up, i tried using the dd command to copy the first 1mb of sda to sdd (that's sda, not sda1)06:46
Jordan_URhombix: That most likely lead to sda1 and sdd1 having the same UUID (which you can check with "sudo blkid"). This means that if both are plugged in when you boot, which one gets mounted as your root filesystem could be up to random chance. If this is a btrfs filesystem, then it could lead to corruption of the fileystem.06:46
Jordan_URhombix: Is this a BIOS based or UEFI based machine?06:47
RhombixUEFI (i think)06:47
BUSYhello!  i have 2 machines on the network now, and when i use arp -a from either one, they each are given a hostname of [computer name].network.tds.net, and when i use that address to try to ssh, it resolves and works.  where is this host being assigned?06:48
Jordan_URhombix: Then you also need to copy the EFI System Partition *and* prepare the drive to be bootable as a removable drive, which an Ubuntu installation will not be by default (because it requires a boot entry in your firmware).06:48
Rhombixok. where on a device is this located? i assume it's seperated from the partitions, and will not be carried over when copying partitons alone?06:51
Rhombixalso, could you explain more about how a removable drive is different when booted?06:52
Jordan_URhombix: Technically the difference isn't really with the drive being external so much as the drive being booted on machines different than the one the OS was installed on.06:53
DragonbirdHey guys! can anyone help me with an iptables rule? I am trying to resolve matching hostnames from localhost. dig works just fine but other applications can't resolve the names06:54
Jordan_URhombix: When Ubuntu installs grub it puts some files in your EFI System Partition, one of which is at the path /ubuntu/shimx64.efi (Since your ESP is mounted to /boot/efi/ you can see this file a the path /boot/efi/ubuntu/shimx64.efi) . This is the file that your boot firmware needs to load to start Ubuntu.06:57
Rhombixok. where is the ESP? is it stored on the booting device, or inside my computer?06:59
Jordan_URhombix: If Ubuntu / grub-install did nothing else, then your computer would not be setup to boot from Ubuntu. If you asked your boot firmware to boot from that drive it would look in the default location /EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI in the ESP and would load that (if such a file had been put there by another OS, like Windows) or declare that it can't boot the drive. To make the UEFI boot firmware boot Ubuntu07:01
Jordan_Ugrub-install/efibootmgr tell the firmware "Hey, there is a file at the path /EFI/ubuntu/shimx64.efi on this particular ESP that will load an OS. Make an entry for it called "Ubuntu" and boot it by default (before any other OSs)".07:01
Jordan_URhombix: Your ESP is a fat32/fat16 partition on your hard drive. The boot entry that *points to* the file on the ESP is stored in flash on your motherboard.07:02
Jordan_URhombix: So, if you want a drive to be bootable by a machine that doesn't already have an entry pointing to Ubuntu's shimx64.efi you need to copy shimx64.efi to /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI .07:04
Jordan_URhombix: If you don't have an ESP anywhere then you're not booting via UEFI.07:05
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=== Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner
lotuspsychjeDragonbird: perhaps the #netfilter guys can help?07:12
Dragonbirdlotuspsychje, thanks, let me ask there07:12
lotuspsychjeBUSY: perhaps a question for ##networking ?07:13
BUSYthanks lotuspsychje!  i thought perhaps it was an ubuntu specific thing for convenience07:13
RhombixJordan_U: i've looked at my boot settings - i'm running UEFI DualBIOS - does this mean it uses UEFI or BIOS?07:18
iczerohi. i currently have a dual-monitor setup with the internal laptop display and an external hdmi monitor. when i disconnect the hdmi cable, the display isn't resized, leaving a ghost desktop. running xrandr causes the ghost desktop to disappear.07:18
iczeroanyone have any idea what might be wrong here?07:18
=== Mittens is now known as MittensAFK
irgendwer4711hi, I have a problem with Xen 4.6. VPCU hotpluggin is not working anymore.07:20
Jordan_URhombix: UEFI means that it's UEFI. "DualBIOS" is a Gigabyte marketing term for the fact that there is a backup of your boot firmware stored on your motherboard. Like almost all UEFI firmware, your UEFI machine can boot via UEFI or BIOS depending on how it's configured. It's confusing because "BIOS" is a word that can either mean "Boot Firware", "Boot Firmware that implements the BIOS interface", or "The07:23
Jordan_UBIOS interface" depending on the context. I try not to refer to boot firmware as "The BIOS" when using a UEFI machine, but most other people (and motherboard manufacturers) do.07:23
seunlanlegehi everyone07:23
seunlanlegeplease i need help :(07:23
irgendwer4711any Xen users here?07:23
Rhombixok ty for that explanation, helps a lot07:25
Jordan_URhombix: You're welcome.07:25
Rhombixhow can i access the saved boot profiles on my computer?07:25
Jordan_URhombix: "sudo efibootmgr" will list the UEFI boot entries in your boot firmware.07:26
seunlanlegeor shoul i post the problem here?07:27
iczeroapparently it's something with xrandr events not being generated on unplug07:28
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
WizardGedhey whenever my hp network printer is turned off and I accidently print to it the printer is disabled (the checkbox next to enabled in system-config-printer is unchecked) can I stop it from unchecking that button07:32
WizardGedI feel like I must be missing something simple07:33
noccoWhen using Nordic/Swedish keyboard layout, I have to press altGr + 7 to make a {. I want make it possible to use ctrl + alt(left) + 7. Is that possible? How are other programmers from sweden solving problem? It's so inconvenient.07:34
ws2k3Hello, how can i set cpufreq to performance on ubuntu 16.04? on ubuntu 12.04 i just did: sed -i 's/echo -n ondemand/echo -n performance/g' /etc/init.d/ondemand but since /etc/init.d/ondemand is changed in 16.04 that doesnt work anymore. any advice?07:48
saryws2k3: #see man cpufreq-set .08:04
ws2k3sary i know i can do it with the cpu-freq-set command. but i want to do it at boot not manualy08:05
saryws2k3: then you need cpufrequtils , and adjust in /etc/sysfs.conf ..08:06
ws2k3sary /etc/sysfs.conf does not seems to exsist i should create it?08:07
saryws2k3: does /etc/default/cpufrequtils exist now .. no you will have /etc/sysfs.conf after you install sysfsutils .. please read the docs!08:12
LopePreviously in ubuntu 14.04 I did this, which allowed me to switch tabs in my terminal window (last tab is named Deploy). But now in 16.04 it only prints a number 2 in the terminal window, the alt key does not seem to get registered. `xdotool search --name Deploy key alt+2`08:26
Lope`xdotool search --name Deploy windowfocus key alt+2` doesn't help. It still dumps 2 in the terminal instead of pressing alt 208:30
=== RalphBa|Bed is now known as RalphBa
tomeaton17What is the key combination to change window sizes so it takes up left half or right half of screen or all of it? I think it was something + arrow keys08:37
EriC^^tomeaton17: super + ctrl + arrows08:40
tomeaton17Thanks. And another question, when I am running a GUI program that is launched from the terminal, is there a way to get access back to the prompt without making a new terminal window?08:41
oerheksdon't start from terminal then .., or use & as option08:41
tomeaton17Alright I have to use terminal for one so thanks08:43
john__Not run ubuntu for a while but need it, 16.04, for a project. So tried 4 times to install it on a laptop.09:05
john__a few hours later I have to give up and go09:05
john__But how do you do it? The machine has an ext4 '/' partition, and ext4 '/opt' partition and an encrypted '/home' partition09:06
john__I don't think that's too strange. But Ubuntu refuses to install. I've got it to the point that it's now not happy with swap. Does not try and create the swap in whatever way it wants the swap09:07
john__Doesn't tell me how to do it. And even if it did I now can't boot the machine so how exactly? Looked in the LIVE part of the install and gparted nor disks offers any sort of encrypted swap area.09:08
john__Like I say I have to go now but I'll check back later, to see if there's some option for this. I guess the way to run it is in a VM but this machine is a bit thin for that.09:09
m0j0dj0dj0Hi there is a way to simulate what would be the size of my folder if i compress it ?09:11
vltm0j0dj0dj0: You can pipe the output of tar through something like wc, dd or pv.09:25
vlt(without actually saving it)09:25
saryif an ubuntu member picks on you trying to fault you , where would you take this to for a discussion on IRC!09:25
vltsary: What is an "ubuntu memeber"?09:26
m0j0dj0dj0thanks vlt09:40
oerheksHi sary, you might want to take this to #ubuntu-ops09:40
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Smokey-ScreenI'm not sure of this is the right place so I'll take recommendations... Has anyone had OSX running in a vm environment on Ubuntu?10:06
oerheksSmokey-Screen, that is illegal, see the UELA10:07
ducasseSmokey-Screen: that is only allowed by the osx license on apple hw10:07
oerheksyou could run it in a vm on mac osx itself10:07
Smokey-Screenoerheks, ducasse thank you for the advice10:07
BluesKajHey folks10:13
oerhekshi BluesKaj10:13
BluesKajhey oerheks10:14
yeevehey chat, I have a separate num-pad keyboard plugged into USB, is it possible to map actions/scripts to the keys completely separately to my main keyboards num-pad? I've seen tools like luamacros but it seems too complex for my use case but I will try it if I have to10:24
yeeveUsing 'xev' I'm able to see the 6 key on each keyboard has the same keycode but a different serial so it feels like I should be able to tell ubuntu to ignore all inputs from a specific serial ID10:24
ducasseyeeve: i know this is possible, but all i remember about the details is that it involves xinput :)10:32
noccoAnyone in here that is running photoshop through wine or something similiar as wine to run photoshop? How well does actually run? Is wine the program to use for that or is there anything better than that?10:32
yeeveducasse, I'm just looking now :S what's odd is that the new usb num-pad keyboard shows two exact lines in xinput list but with two different ids :S I'll pick the first and go from there :)10:33
oerheksnocco, check the HQdatabase10:34
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu10:34
oerhekserr wineHQ database10:34
oerheksbest thing is to run it on windows itself10:34
noccoyeah I can imagine that. I'm a web developer and I thing going to ubuntu instead of mac which I'm using today. Sometimes I need to look at designs in photoshops. Is it good enough for that? any idea?10:38
ducassenocco: running a windows application on linux is kind of the wrong way to do things, imho10:39
ikoniawine is an excellent tool to assist with plugging a gap it is not a solution that should be "depended" upon10:39
noccoalright then, stay with mac then10:42
yeeveducasse, once I have the device Id and the keycodes, what's the best way to run a script/action on a keypress and not have it output the default value (If I press 6 on the num-pad it should run a script but not input 6 on the screen)10:44
ducasseyeeve: depends, but normally when you bind a key in your wm/de it captures the output without printing it10:47
yeeveI see, I don't think I can use the wm/de keybinding stuff because it can't tell the difference between the "5" key on the small num-pad keyboard and "5" on my main keyboard's num-pad (I think at least but I guess I should confirm that)10:48
darkphoenix10Hello, I need help with merging 20GB of unallocated space with Ubuntu's root partition10:49
EriC^^darkphoenix10: boot a live usb, use gparted to resize it10:49
darkphoenix10The unallocated storage is under the root partition in GParted's drive view thing, I don't know what it's called10:51
hateballnocco: GIMP has PSD support (to some degree) so you can test some file there and see if it works properly, rather than going the wine route first10:52
EriC^^darkphoenix10: great, resize the partition to cover the whole space you want10:52
darkphoenix10shit I said it wrong, the unallocated storage is above the root partition I mean10:53
EriC^^darkphoenix10: move the whole partition to the start, then resize10:53
EriC^^better have backups if the data is super important to you10:53
darkphoenix10I'm dual booting with Windows 10 by the way10:54
darkphoenix10And yes I do have backups10:54
lateniteHi folks, I am using dhclient and the lease looks fine but my resolv.conf does not have the right nameserver. What am I missing here. This is the lease and resolv.conf: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/ae2c14ce35a3cf11f1212a60838a7dfd10:55
EriC^^darkphoenix10: that's not an issue10:55
darkphoenix10I mean I'm not used to partitioning much so I don't really know how to move partitions10:56
EriC^^darkphoenix10: just right click on it and click on move, and pick the start of the unallocated space (in gparted)10:57
darkphoenix10Will do10:58
darkphoenix10Apparently I can't move the root partition11:00
EriC^^darkphoenix10: are you booted in a live session?11:01
EriC^^live usb11:01
darkphoenix10Oh yeah I forgot to do that11:02
darkphoenix10Alright, I booted into the Live USB11:08
darkphoenix10Waiting for GParted to finish loading11:08
darkphoenix10Hm, I still can't move the root partition11:10
ikoniadarkphoenix10: screenshot the gpartedd layout, and you're running this from a livecd yes ?11:11
ikoniaupload a screenshot of the disk layout, may make it easier to share context11:12
BluesKajdarkphoenix10, unmount the root partition11:16
darkphoenix10Even though I just realised I'm in the Ubuntu IRC instead of the XUbuntu IRC, here it is anyway https://preview.ibb.co/gPSJ2F/image.png11:18
yeeveIs there a nice way to run shortcuts/scripts on key presses (on a specific keyboard) without relying on my DM/DE?11:18
btorchanyone here have had issues with trusty on a PE r815 with H700 Raid controller ? Anything over the precise 3.2.x kernel blows up11:19
darkphoenix10Whew I just realised the image I sent was low quality, here's a better one https://image.ibb.co/jNvSwa/image.png11:19
ducasseyeeve: xbindkeys11:20
darkphoenix10And yes I know I'm sending it in this IRC not XUbuntu's IRC, sorry11:20
yeeveducasse, thanks, I did see that mentioned somewhere but haven't looked into it yet11:20
yeevethanks :)11:20
ducasseyeeve: np11:21
darkphoenix10ikonia: in case you didn't see it, here it is https://image.ibb.co/jNvSwa/image.png11:22
darkphoenix10even though i've said this three times, I just realised I'm in the the Ubuntu IRC, not the XUbuntu IRC11:23
ducassedarkphoenix10: this channel supports all the ubuntu flavors11:24
EriC^^darkphoenix10: unmount the partition11:24
darkphoenix10Did that11:24
darkphoenix10I can resize and move now11:24
EriC^^in the ss it was still mounted11:24
EriC^^k cool11:24
yeeveducasse, xbindkeys doesn't seem to be able to tell the difference between 2 usb keyboards, do you know if this is/isn't possible?11:24
jinxi1any one here rynning ryzen r7 1700 with Ubuntu 16.04?11:24
ducasseyeeve: as i said, it is possible, but i don't remember the exact approach used. i can't find the article i read it in right now.11:26
yeeveducasse, Ok dude thanks11:27
ducasseyeeve: i *think* it involved xkbcomp remapping the second keyboard to values unused by the first one and binding to those11:27
yeevethat actually makes sense, I read a post describing something similar for mouse buttons so maybe that's just the limitation we have to workaround11:28
darkphoenix10ok so what now? I'm not really experienced with partitioning so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯11:29
ducasseyeeve: i'm pretty sure xinput was involved somehow, but how...11:31
yeeveducasse, no worries dude, you've given me enough info to know I'm roughly on the right lines :) xinput, xbindkeys and xkbcomp are tools I've seen mentioned but no guide on my specific needs but I'll get there11:32
ducasseyeeve: http://www.pixelbeat.org/docs/xkb_remap/ :)11:32
yeevef**k dude nice one!11:32
ikoniatone down the language please yeeve11:33
ikoniait' uncalled for11:33
yeevelol it was self censored ... but ok won't happen again11:34
ikoniathanks, that's appreciated11:34
ducasseyeeve: that should get you going. i've got a few more links on xkb config somewhere if you need them.11:35
yeeveducasse, appreciated, I'll give it a go with the info I have but if I don't get anywhere I'll come back to discuss it :)11:36
ducasseyeeve: np, good luck :)11:36
EriC^^darkphoenix10: that's it, reboot as usual11:36
darkphoenix10EriC^^: ok so what should I do in the move thing in GParted11:37
EriC^^darkphoenix10: did you move the partition all the way back?11:37
oerheksdarkphoenix10, your wlinux is mounted, unount those partitions with a key (locked)11:37
darkphoenix10Back to the very beginning of the drive?11:38
EriC^^oerheks: huh, is this encryption?11:38
EriC^^darkphoenix10: nevermind my advice in this case, no idea about encryption and resizing11:39
darkphoenix10Oh ok11:39
oerheksoh encrypted.. didn't read that.11:39
EriC^^oerheks: me neither, i thought that's what you were referring to with the key and stuff11:40
oerheksi refer to the pic https://image.ibb.co/jNvSwa/image.png11:40
oerhekssda10 and 11 are locked now11:40
darkphoenix10I unmounted sda1011:40
darkphoenix10should I unmount 11 as well?11:41
EriC^^darkphoenix10: can you pastebin "sudo parted -l" ?11:41
darkphoenix10will do11:41
EriC^^that doesn't look like it's encrypted afaik11:43
EriC^^darkphoenix10: do you know if it's encrypted? did you have to enter a passphrase to mount it?11:44
EriC^^ok, carry on then11:45
EriC^^right click > move, then right click resize11:45
darkphoenix10yup, did that11:45
darkphoenix10what should i input11:46
EriC^^after move you mean?11:46
Kartagisis it possible to specify a command output as Hostname in .ssh/config?11:46
oerheksso between 7 - 259 Gb and 10 - 283 gb there is a gap of say 24 gb, no extended partition or such11:46
EriC^^darkphoenix10: take a screenshot of gparted after pressing move11:46
oerheksdrag it to the left. grab the black arrow and pull11:50
darkphoenix10oerheks: sorry if this might be a stupid question but how far should I drag it left?11:52
oerheksall the way? unless you need some space for an other partition11:53
oerheksor increase the 'new size MB' to the max, 2 ways of doing this11:53
darkphoenix10I'm dual booting Windows 10 in case you didn't know11:53
darkphoenix10oerheks: Look at my previous message if you didn't already11:56
darkphoenix10I really don't know what to do now tbh12:00
MacroManPrograms written in python that I'm running come up with this warning: https://hastebin.com/irozonekuq.pl12:02
MacroManI've tried removing the offending packages and re-installing as well as re-installing the pyhton lib itself, to no avail.12:03
MacroManThis started randomly a few days ago when I install glances. I've removed glances and looked in the apt logs for anything else (there wasn't) and removed that too, but still the same error12:04
MacroManAh never mind. When I started to think about it, I discovered a propblem with pip, which I reinstalled and all is working now.12:10
oerheksdarkphoenix10, win10 has nothing to do with this12:11
oerheksdarkphoenix10, what do you not understand, dragging that black arrow next to that yellow/white partition to the left?12:12
oerheksthat arrow got a white block around it, in your pic12:12
darkphoenix10Oh that's what I have to do, sorry12:12
oerheksno problem, good you ask again12:13
darkphoenix10oerheks: wait so I drag the arrow on the right to the left so then all I have is a yellow block?12:15
darkphoenix10I just want to make sure12:15
oerheksdarkphoenix10, yes12:16
darkphoenix10Apparently an error occured12:16
darkphoenix10oerheks: Error log is located here http://paste.ubuntu.com/25283287/12:18
oerhekshuh? line #42 shrink file system...12:19
oerheksi think you drag the wrong arrow ..12:20
darkphoenix10resize2fs: New size smaller than minimum (1600310)12:20
darkphoenix10 that caught my attention12:20
darkphoenix10Also brb12:20
TomyWorkif i lose connection to a CIFS share, half my processes end up in "disk sleep". i usually do a "umount -fl /mnt/foo" to get rid of the broken mount12:25
TomyWorkbut the applications still freeze until their current timeout is over12:25
TomyWorki read somewhere that the nfs driver got rid of the need for disk sleep ages ago. has cifs caught up? am i missing a mount option?12:27
TomyWorkmy fstab line: //server/path/to/share     /mnt/foo            cifs uid=myself,gid=mygroup,credentials=/path/to/cifs/credentials,noauto,user 0 012:28
darkphoenix10oerheks: so is this right then https://image.ibb.co/irRT2F/image3.png12:32
oerheksno, you should have grabbed the other arrow12:33
oerheksnow you make it smaller12:33
oerhekshit cancel, and do it again12:33
paynemasterHello everyone. I got a linux issue where my mouse cursor is stuck in the top left of the screen. i can still use mouse. its just invisible12:36
darkphoenix10oerheks: So this right? https://image.ibb.co/gWOEba/image5.png12:37
oerhekswrong again .. now you started over, and made the partition smaller.. this is so simple..12:40
paynemasterAnyone in here that could assist me with my issues?12:41
oerheksgrey is empty space, drag that thing untill you don't see any grey12:41
foozb12Any guess why a tty (after logged in) doesn't have any sort of space after the $ prompt? like: 'user@host:~$ls' instead of 'user@host:~$ ls'12:41
darkphoenix10oerheks: this? https://image.ibb.co/ccGWpv/image6.png12:44
darkphoenix10Sorry if it's supposed to be simple, I'm not really used to partitioning12:44
darkphoenix10and using gparted12:45
oerheksdarkphoenix10, yay!12:45
darkphoenix10Thanks for your help12:45
oerheksyes, now hit the button reisize/move12:45
oerheksand after this, you would need to reinstall grub2 i think, as the UUID from that partition has changed12:45
ducassepaynemaster: which release is this?12:46
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub212:46
darkphoenix10oerheks: https://image.ibb.co/dbMvhF/image4.png should I ignore that12:46
oerheksthat warning is correct, see my comment above12:46
paynemaster@ducasse I am not sure since it is pre installed on a tool with usb boot media12:46
paynemaster@ducasse the way i want it to be working is that the newest linux version is on it. it that possible?12:47
ducassepaynemaster: you would need to upgrade every time there is a new release12:47
ducassepaynemaster: do you have it in front of you?12:48
KmanHow to install QT 5.0 (>=5.7) in Ubuntu 14.04?12:48
paynemasterNo. i can, but i need to leave this channel12:48
paynemaster@ducasse why would i need to upgrade it everytime?12:48
glitsj16foozb12: my guess would be your prompt definition lacks the space.. check ~/.bashrc12:49
ducassepaynemaster: if you always want the latest version you would need to upgrade12:49
ducasseKman: you would need to use a ppa (unsupported)12:50
paynemaster@ducasse No i don't want the latest version. i tried ubuntu 17.04 and it works. So if i can make that usb media tool with that version on it. I am all set12:50
Kmanducasse: 14.04 is trusty?12:51
ducassepaynemaster: just boot the installer and install to the usb stick12:52
ducasseKman: yes12:52
ducassepaynemaster: you can also use the installer as a live image, or with persistence12:53
ducasse!persistence | paynemaster12:53
ubottupaynemaster: To have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence12:53
Kmanducasse: thanks12:53
paynemaster@ducasse not sure if that tool wil work then?12:53
ducassepaynemaster: what tool is this? on a stick with persistence it should.12:55
paynemaster@ducasse It is called SSD Utility. Made by toshiba. Inside the tool there is a option to make it bootable12:56
ducassepaynemaster: this is something you would need to ask toshiba about12:56
paynemaster@ducasse i tried to just install it at ubuntu 17.04 but i get a ''need superuser'' I am not so experienced at ubuntu. Thats why i want to use the bootable tool.12:58
Kmanducasse: i got qt 5.8 ppa, so how to update old qt 4.8 to this one?12:59
ducasse!sudo | paynemaster read this13:00
ubottupaynemaster read this: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo13:00
Kmanducasse:  apt-get install qt58-meta-full?13:00
KmanI need the old QT 4.8 system replaced by 5.813:00
ducasseKman: sounds like a bad idea to me, nor is it something we support here. look at the instructions for the ppa.13:02
paynemaster@ducasse yeah i tried it but still get it. tried to login with the new user with read and wright privileges. Stil not working.13:02
ducassepaynemaster: if you run the tool with sudo it is run as superuser, i can't tell you anything about a toshiba tool though13:05
yeeveducasse, I got the xkb stuff working but I can't find a way to find/list all unused keys. I have a standard 104 key keyboard but xinput list seems to indicate that the keyboards support ~250 keys. I've seen example showing people remapping into the media keys but I already have WM/DE level shortcuts to map Ctrl+something to certain media functions :P13:05
paynemaster@ducasse no worrys about the toshiba tool. Thats my part. just looking for the easiest way to use it13:05
yeevedo you have any advice on where/how to find un-used keys on a keyboard? :S13:05
paynemaster@ducasse i am just talking with a agent from toshiba. He tells me that the core cannot be updated. so i cannot use the bootable media version i guess13:06
ducasseyeeve: hmm... iirc xbindkeys can print a list, look at the man page. also xmodmap.13:09
yeevecheers dude :P will do13:09
paynemaster@ducasse what i am trying to do, is putt it on Yumi, so i can use it often. Is it possible to make some sort of ubuntu version, with the tools installed i need on yumi, so it can boot with everying on hand13:09
ducassepaynemaster: if this toshiba tool is part of an ubuntu image they modified, it is no longer supported here. we know nothing about what they did. if it is just a binary you should be able to run it from any install (that has the necessary libraries, if shared)13:12
paynemaster@ducasse yeah i understand. i can still download a linux version of the tool from their site. I am just trying to make it stick on the ubuntu os and try to putt it on Yumi. Because i not have acces to the internet all the time13:16
Kartagishow can I use a dynamic IP as Hostname in .ssh/config?13:16
Kmanducasse: i have qt 5.8 installed, but qmake is still using qt 5.2. how do i update qmake?13:16
paynemaster@ducasse is that possible?13:17
john_doe_jrWhen I log in my linux box using ssh…it logs in but then just stalls…I press "CTRL-C" and it says, "-bash: [: too many arguments" ….anybody got an idea why this is happening?13:17
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
marvin42how can I upgrade from 16.10 to 17.04?13:18
ducassepaynemaster: i'm a little confused as to exactly what this toshiba tool is - is it just a program, or part of a full ubuntu install to make it bootable?13:18
justsomeone12321Hi! I have following problem, I want to install openmesh. After adding the repository "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nakednous/ppa" and updating, it says "The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/nakednous/ppa/ubuntu xenial Release' does not have a Release file." and now it is unable to locate the package. What do I have to do? Thank you for your time!13:19
hateballmarvin42: using GUI or a terminal?13:19
ducasse!upgrade | marvin4213:19
ubottumarvin42: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade13:19
paynemaster@ducasse its just a program. i can give u the link to their page if u want13:19
marvin42hateball, I'm comfortable with both13:19
hateballmarvin42: ducasse provided some good information, otherwise just issue "sudo do-release-upgrade" in a terminal13:20
marvin42ducasse, 16.10 is no longer supported so it won't upgrade using the normal method13:20
hateball!eolupgrade | marvin4213:20
ubottumarvin42: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades13:20
marvin42thanks hateball13:20
ducassepaynemaster: not necessary. if it runs on a certain ubuntu version you should be set using the persistance link i pointed you to above, not familiar with yumi13:21
ducassehateball: has it been moved yet? that normally happens quite a while after it goes eol...13:22
paynemaster@ducasse this one right? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo13:22
ducassepaynemaster: that's for running it as superuser. if you want to run it from a usb use the persistence instructions.13:23
ducasse!persistence | paynemaster13:24
ubottupaynemaster: To have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence13:24
hfpHi, I have resized my LVM+LUKS partition to clone it to a smaller SSD. It worked great, but now my inner partition is much smaller than the outer partition and I can't seem to expand it to the full size... This is what it looks like in KDE partition manager (using a KaOS LiveCD because the KDE partition manager that ships with Ubuntu is very outdated and doesn't do LUKS volumes). cf https://imgur.com/a/14p9K13:25
hfpie sda3 is 118GB but the volume group can only be 92GB at most13:26
paynemaster@ducasse but thats read only? Yumi is just a tool where u can set up a collection of bootable files (iso's)13:26
hateballducasse: I didnt think it would have, but marvin42 says so13:26
glitsj16justsomeone12321: looks like the PPA doesn't support 16.04 xenial, hence you don't see any openmesh package13:26
ducassepaynemaster: persistence is to give you writable storage13:26
marvin42ducasse, yeah, I'm unable to upgrade using the standard method13:27
marvin42hateball, will it also upgrade debi installed packages? such as virtualbox?13:28
hfp(hey paynemaster)13:28
ducassemarvin42: hateball: hmm, odd. well, good to know :)13:28
paynemaster@ducasse ah oke i get it. sounds good. Do i still need to worry about superuser preveliges this way?13:28
sammyghow to tell if i have a web server installed from ssh console?13:29
ducassepaynemaster: yes, read the sudo page13:29
paynemaster@ducasse there is no way it boots up with superuser allready? So i can start right awat?13:32
KmanIs it possible to upgrade qt 5.2 /4.8  to QT 5.8  for ubunt 14.04?13:33
justsomeone12321glitsj16: thank you!13:34
ducassepaynemaster: for a live image with persistence, it's probably a lot easier to just type 'sudo' in front of the command to start the tool13:36
glitsj16justsomeone12321: no problem, might just purge that ppa if you don't use it for anything else, avoid clutter13:36
hateballmarvin42: if you've sideloaded packages from outside the ubuntu repos, then no those wont be upgraded (how could they?)13:37
justsomeone12321glitsj16: purged it :-)13:37
paynemaster@ducasse Still trying to figure out which sudo command i need for running it13:39
ducassepaynemaster: what do you type to start the tool?13:40
paynemaster@ducasse not sure since it might be different with this file13:42
ducassepaynemaster: whatever it is, just put 'sudo ' in front of it13:43
yeeveducasse, It seems I'm able to change xkb_symbols easy enough but I feel I need to remap the numpad to different keycodes not keysymbols so I can just say if keycode:230 pressed do X becuase I'll know 230 doesn't exist on my main keyboard at all where as the Symbols seem difficult to work out if they're actually used :S Am I misunderstanding?13:43
marvin42hateball, yeah, I was thinking that perhaps gdebi would take care of it. thanks!13:44
ducasseyeeve: sounds sane, and afaicr xbindkeys can be mapped to keycodes.13:44
paynemaster_@ducasse give me a second booting into ubuntu right now13:45
yeeveThe trouble seems to be that xkb_symbols worked OK for me but xkb_keycodes doesn't seem to. I think the syntax is different so I'm probably missing something :P I'll keep reading :D13:45
paynemaster_@ducasse it is a .tar.gz file13:46
ducassepaynemaster_: that's an archive, you need to extract it.13:46
paynemaster_@ducasse yeah i did. Made a folder on desktop where i extracted it to13:47
paynemaster_@ducasse i guess its ''x_exe...''13:49
ducassepaynemaster_: possibly, try 'sudo ./x_exe...' from that directory13:50
paynemaster_@ducasse so that will be ''sudo .x-exe... /home/ubuntu/desktop/SSDUtility''?13:53
ducassepaynemaster_: is /home/ubuntu/desktop/SSDUtility the folder or the program?13:54
paynemaster_@ducasse SSDUtility is the program13:56
paynemaster_@ducasse that is the folder to the program13:57
ducassepaynemaster_: then 'sudo /home/ubuntu/desktop/SSDUtility'13:57
ducassepaynemaster_: i've gtg. read the sudo link, it is clearly explained there.13:58
paynemaster_@ducasse says:Command not found13:58
ducassepaynemaster_: no, then it is the folder. give it the full path and name of the command.13:59
paynemaster_@ducasse that is the full name? :(14:00
paynemaster_@ducasse i oke think i follow you. that includes the previous line right?14:00
ducassetry 'chmod +x /home/ubuntu/desktop/SSDUtility' then try again14:00
jnewtsimple scan won't scan back or front & back. used to work with old scanner, got a new one (same brand, just current model Fujitsu Scansnap iX500) and it is like i the selection doesn't do anything.  No matter which i choose, it always only scans the front of a page14:02
paynemaster_@ducasse it is case sensetive right?14:03
ducassepaynemaster_: yes14:03
ducassepaynemaster_: read the link i gave you, i've really got to go now.14:03
paynemaster_@ducasse ah oke well thanks for the big help! i will try to get into it14:04
eelstrebori guess i was wrong - they still haven't fixed the amdgpu driver problem in 16.04.314:04
jnewtLog from scanner: https://paste.ubuntu.com/25283722/14:05
* eelstrebor guesses they ain't in any big hurry to fix it - probably because there isn't any more money going into their coffers14:06
paynemaster_Anyone here can help me out? trying to get superuser privileges14:09
himcesjf!sudo | paynemaster_14:10
ubottupaynemaster_: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo14:10
paynemaster_thanks but i allready got that page. can't seem to find anything about running or installing14:11
gabrielcpaynemaster_: try 'sudo bash'14:13
paynemaster_sudo (program name) should be it right?14:13
gabrielcpaynemaster_: run 'whereis sudo'14:14
paynemaster_@gabrielc yeah i got a path now?14:15
gabrielcpaynemaster_: run '/path/to/whereis bash' ie '/usr/bin/sudo bash' or '/usr/bin/sudo /bin/bash'14:16
gabrielcpaynemaster_: sorry. '/path/to/sudo bash'14:16
paynemaster_@gabrielc i just need superuser privileges to run a tool14:16
geirhasudo -i14:17
gabrielcpaynemaster_: if sudo bash is successful your prompt will change from $ to #14:18
paynemaster_@gabrielc i got no clue what that has to do with my problem? :S14:19
gabrielcpaynemaster_: what is your problem?14:19
yeeveducasse, I can get the xkb_symbols to work but if I try to remap the keycodes it doesn't seem to do anything and doesn't show any errors. I feel like I've got the syntax correct but It's just not working - code: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25283820/ does anything stand out as being _wrong_?14:20
paynemaster_@gabrielc trying to get superuser previleges to run a tool which is on my desktop14:21
gabrielcpaynemaster_: what graphical environment are you using?14:22
paynemaster_@gabrielc how to tell?14:23
geirhayou can drag its icon from the desktop to the terminal window to have the exact path to it written in the terminal14:23
paynemaster_@gabrielc its is Ubuntu 17.0414:23
paynemaster_@geirha yeah i tried that but i still get no previleges14:24
gabrielcpaynemaster_: on ubuntu 16 you can use gksudo14:24
paynemaster_how hard can it be to just run a tool in ubuntu -_-14:25
geirhapaynemaster_: what type of file is it? Use the file command on it: file /path/to/tool14:25
gabrielcpaynemaster_: https://askubuntu.com/questions/284306/why-is-gksu-no-longer-installed-by-default14:25
paynemaster_@geurha no sure what i need to putt in14:28
paynemaster_@geirha not sure what u want me to putt in to see what file it is14:28
paynemaster_@geurha can't i just look at it in properties?14:28
gabrielcpaynemaster_: open a terminal and run 'sudo apt-get install gksu'. when done run gksu (from the same terminal) and a graphical windows will appear14:32
paynemaster_@gabrielc yeah i did some say done. done last says unable to locate package gksu. Is that normal?14:33
gabrielcpaynemaster_: you can install the packages14:34
naccpaynemaster_: do you have the universe component enabled? did you run `sudo apt update` first?14:34
paynemaster_@nacc no. i am a beginner on ubuntu14:35
paynemaster_@gabriel so i used sudo apt-get install gksu. Now i need to open gksu?14:35
gabrielcpaynemaster_: yes, gksu or gksudo, try first with gksudo14:36
naccpaynemaster_: did `sudo apt-get install gksu` succeed? you just said it said "unable to locate package gksu"14:36
yeeveducasse, I have a working example using keysymbols and xbindkeys :) thanks for all your help. still have a lot to read/learn but this is awesome so far!14:36
yeevedo we have karma in this channel?14:36
paynemaster_@nacc i don't know if it succeeded14:36
gabrielcpaynemaster_: https://askubuntu.com/questions/148638/how-do-i-enable-the-universe-repository14:37
naccpaynemaster_: did it install anything? or did it fail with the message you said?14:37
ducasseyeeve: cool, congrats :)14:37
paynemaster_@nacc i guess it failed with that message. Because i see nothing installed14:38
naccpaynemaster_: right, so first enable universe, then run `sudo apt update`, then run `sudo apt install gksu`14:38
nacc!components | paynemaster14:39
ubottupaynemaster: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.14:39
paynemaster_@nacc how do i enable universe?14:39
OptiprismHi, I'm trying to get a fresh reinstall of everything on my ubuntu, I've read that "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh -a" will do the trick, is this correct?14:40
jnewtjust went to see if i should file a bug report for my scanner not working.  there's 132,208 open bugs on launchpad.net/ubuntu  ... i'm guessing one scanner not scanning the back page isn't getting any attention :(14:42
pizzaBurgerHey guys! I have a micro SD card and its not mounting. Checked 'sudo parted -l' and it does not show up. Any other way to test if the card is dead or not? Thanks!14:42
naccjnewt: imo, you should always file a bug14:43
naccPyrrhic: see the link from gabrielc a moment ago14:43
naccpaynemaster_: --^14:43
naccPyrrhic: sorry, mis-tab14:43
naccOptiprism: why not just reinstall?14:43
ducassejnewt: look at sane-project.org if duplex is supported by your scanner driver14:44
ducassepizzaBurger: lsblk14:44
Optiprismnacc: thought there was a better option, since I don't want to mess with boot orders and stuff14:44
paynemaster_@nacc sorry but i can't seem to find the right command on that page. -_-14:44
bane5000Anybody know of a working chromium apparmor profile for 16.04?14:44
jnewtducasse: shows status Good, says "small, current, WiFi not supported. Hardware only scans in color. Backend generates binary and grayscale modes."14:45
pizzaBurgerducasse: so if it doesn't show up, and I know that every other part of the chain is working, that means the card is dead beyond repair?14:46
ducassejnewt: i *think* it's usually mentioned if duplex is supported14:47
ducassepizzaBurger: it would seem so14:47
naccOptiprism: well, the command you gave just reconfigures packages, it doesn't 'reinstall' them14:47
pizzaBurgerducasse: alright, thanks a ton once again!14:47
paynemaster_@nacc all i am asking is just to get superuser privileges14:48
naccpaynemaster_: use sudo?14:48
paynemaster_@nacc its not working...14:48
paynemaster_@nacc i need to run a tool from toshiba. but i need superuser privileges14:49
jnewtducasse: it says good means the device is usable for day-to-day work and exotic features may be missing.  mine blinks a the front light constantly, no wifi (that's ok), and will only scan one-side.  would you say that qualifies as "good"?  i'd say that would be minimal or basic at best.14:49
naccpaynemaster_: how did you try to run it with sudo?14:49
paynemaster_@nacc all sorts of ways. ''sudo /home/ubuntu/Desktop/SSDUtility14:50
ducassejnewt: you'd need to take that up with the sane devs, not me14:50
naccpaynemaster_: as you've been told, if it's graphical, you probably need gksudo and need to install it. You've also been told how to add universe.14:51
nacc!components| paynemaster_: if you need it again14:51
ubottupaynemaster_: if you need it again: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.14:51
paynemaster_@nacc they havent told be how i would know if its graphical14:52
ducassejnewt: try #sane14:52
naccpaynemaster_: so you're trying to run a tool you don't know what it does or how to run it?14:53
naccpaynemaster_: also, what happens if you run it with sudo?14:53
paynemaster_@nacc ofcourse i know what it does. why would i be here the first place. i just need to get superuser14:54
paynemaster_the heck14:55
paynemaster_for some reason i got it working now :S14:55
paynemaster_just sudo /home/ubuntu/desktop/ssdutility just opened it. doing it all the time but for some reason it worked now. anyone can explain?14:56
sparky1anyone help me with getting realtek rtl8723bs working?14:57
paynemaster_no reply?15:00
paynemaster_makes no sense to me really15:01
paynemaster_still got no clue why i needed to install universe when it is working now :S15:03
oerhekspaynemaster_, then universe was enabled already15:03
naccpaynemaster_: because you *said* sudo didn't work.15:03
naccpaynemaster_: we aren't at your system, we have to trust you15:03
paynemaster_wel its a clean install. so i guess its enebled as default15:04
ducassesparky1: you can try this driver - https://github.com/hadess/rtl8723bs15:04
ducassesparky1: no guarantees, realtek chipsets are usually crap15:04
oerheksducasse +1, or this ppa https://launchpad.net/~russianneuromancer/+archive/ubuntu/drivers15:04
paynemaster_sadly this ssd is not showing up :(15:05
sparky1yeah i already tried that github one, got no errors when building and installing but no dice so far15:05
oerhekssparky1, driver will be included in the kernel as of 4.12 ... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/158171115:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1581711 in linux (Ubuntu) "024C:B723 Need support for Realtek Wifi card rtl8723bs" [Medium,Triaged]15:06
ducassesparky1: check with lsmod that the driver is actually loaded, and see what dmesg says15:09
sparky1ducasse https://pastebin.com/7UyDnZjq15:12
sparky1soz im a bit of a newb :P15:12
sparky1when i try to install via .deb i get this error after install https://pastebin.com/VHKexbTi15:14
ducassesparky1: try 'sudo modprobe rtl8723bs'15:15
ducassesparky1: for the .deb i need the error from the make.log15:15
sparky1module rtl8723bs not found in directory /lib/modules/4.10.0-30-generic15:16
ducassesparky1: find out what the module is called by looking in the source dir, it ends with .ko15:17
vltHello. I realized that each user's home directory could be read by any other user on our Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.  With the intention to change that I ran `cd /home; chmod 0700 *`.  In /home there are also a few dirs of currently "disabled" users named ".user" so I ran `chmod 0700 .*`, too and THAT might have been a huge mistake.15:20
vltWhat does ".*" mean inside /home?15:21
vltDoes it include somehow ".." as well?15:21
ducassevlt: try 'cd /home ; echo .*'15:22
vltducasse: Yes, I get ". .. .user1 .user2".15:23
sparky1cannot seem to find it15:23
vltSo I set "." (which should refer to /home itself) and ".." to 0700. What is /home/.. (/) supposed to be on standard Ubuntu?15:25
gabrielcvlt: read the man for chown too15:25
gabrielcvlt: /dir/.. is / and /dir/. is /dir15:27
PCatineanHello, can someone please help me restore an incremental backup with duplicity that's not the latest?15:28
PCatineanI.e the latest excluding the latest15:28
sparky1soz pc shutdown15:30
sparky1ducasse where would i find it usr/src??15:31
vltvlt: "/" seems to be 0755 by default.15:33
oerheksPCatinean, maybe this page is any help > duplicity -t <days>  .. https://serverfault.com/questions/242825/how-can-i-restore-a-duplicity-backup-from-a-certain-date15:33
PCatineanoerheks, I tried that but somehow it ends up getting some older backup for some reason15:35
ducassesparky1: where you git cloned and built it15:36
yeeveducasse, problems! xbindkeys doesn't seem to support the keysyms, XF86MonBrightnessDown doesn't trigger but the other format like "m:0x0 + c:77" will, the issue is that the second format effects buttons on both keyboards ... am I missing something obvous?15:39
yeeveI did try "Mod2 + XF86MonBrightnessDown" and just "XF86MonBrightnessDown" but neither seem to trigger the command15:39
oerheksPCatinean, no idea there :-(15:40
ducasseyeeve: can you ask xbindkeys to run in the foreground with verbose output, see what it says?15:40
yeeveducasse, I tried running it `xbindkeys -n` but it doesn't show any output when I hit the keys but it does mention "Please verify that there is not another program running which captures one of the keys captured by xbindkeys." on startup15:42
ducasseyeeve: ok, kill xbindkeys and see if xev captures the key15:43
ducasseyeeve: i would expect that key to be bound by default in a de15:43
marvin42ducasse, while running the update my computer crashed15:43
yeevexev captures all the keys and shows the correct keysyms (It shows state 0x0, keycode 77 (keysym 0x1008ff03, XF86MonBrightnessDown), same_screen YES)15:44
marvin42ducasse, I'm able to access it via the terminal. what can I do to resume and finish the upgrade process?15:44
ducasseyeeve: that would usually mean it isn't captured by another process...15:45
yeeveducasse, it is possible I've messed this up somewhere else. I do have a few custom shortcuts I was playing around with before (I don't have media keys on my keyboard so I was assuming I technically didn't do this myself but you never know)15:45
ducassemarvin42: try 'sudo apt install -f' first, and then 'sudo apt full-upgrade'15:45
ducassemarvin42: after that, 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'15:46
yeeveducasse, this is my .xbindkeyssrc - http://paste.ubuntu.com/25284191/ none of the commands run so maybe the media key stuff just won't work for me :S15:46
ducassemarvin42: then pray if that's your thing :)15:46
marvin42ducasse, doing 'sudo apt install -f' he asks me to do 'dkpg --configure -a'. I've done it. Plugin'n'praying now15:47
ducasseyeeve: i don't get why xbindkeys can't see the events...15:48
ducasseyeeve: are you using a de or a wm?15:48
ducassemarvin42: remember the full-upgrade, it's important15:49
yeeveI'm using XFCE15:49
marvin42ducasse,  after the sudo dpkg --configure -a?15:50
yeeveIt's odd that it's not triggering on the keysyms format only, the other method did work, just on both sets of keypads15:50
ducassemarvin42: the important thing is that you run it15:50
marvin42ducasse, right! thanks a lot!15:51
ducassemarvin42: yw, i hope it works. it usually has when it's happened to me...15:51
yeeveducasse, it also seems odd that xbindkeys -k shows the key being picked up in that case, it's only when you actually try to define the command it doesn't seem to work15:51
ducasseyeeve: i'd be interested to know if this happens if you're only running a wm... could you install something like openbox to test without xfce getting in the way?15:53
yeeveIt must be WM/DE getting in the way :S If I define it as "m:0x0 + c:77" it works instantly and `xbindkeys -n` doesn't show that warning on startup :s15:53
ducasseright :)15:53
ducasseworth a shot.15:53
yeeveducasse, I can't test that at the moment but I'll add it to my list to try tomorrow. I guess you're expecting the XF86 format to work on a basic WM straight away15:54
ducasseyeeve: there shouldn't be anything else interfering, unless the wm does so in the default config. pretty sure openbox for example doesn't do that.15:55
ducasseiirc there are two places to set kb bindings in xfce, one is under wm settings and the other is under keyboard. have you looked through both?15:56
yeeveOk dude :) is it fairly safe to install openbox on a running system? I tried installing i3 before and it broke my XFCE login just being apt-getting it :P15:56
ducasseit absolutely should not do that. if something happens just purge the package and restart the display manager.15:57
yeeveWM Keyboard - doesn't have any XF86 type shortcuts defined. The basic Keyboard does have a couple like XF86WWW and XF86Mail but neither are used15:58
ducassei'm guessing xfsettingsd is what would grab those keys, if something does, but that's just a WAG...16:01
ducassewild-a** guess16:01
yeevelol :P16:01
yeeveI think you're probably right, it's got to be XFCE getting in the way now :@16:02
ducassethere are so many layers it's hard to tell without trying something simpler16:02
yeeveI didn't realise half of the tech that went into this stuff, I've been through a lot of new stuff I didn't even know existed :P messy but interesting16:03
yeeveI'm sure I'll figure it out now I know what to be looking out for :P hopefully I can fix it without ditching XFCE but to be honest I do need to reinstall and have been looking at a few other WM/DE16:03
yeeveducasse, I don't restart very often, do you think restarting my system might make everything fall into place if xbindkeys gets loaded before the WM key listener? Is that maybe too optimistic of a thought?16:05
ducassenot sure how that would work, or indeed how to do that. you could launch xbindkeys from ~/.xsessionrc, but i'm not sure what would start first16:06
ducasseyeeve: btw, i switched from xfce to i3 a couple of years ago, have not looked back. my needs are simple, though.16:09
yeevethat's interesting, I might have to reconsider doing it sooner rather than later :P in your opinion, should I reinstall with 17.04 or is it worth waiting for 17.10?16:10
ducasseyeeve: imo the upgrade is so simple it doesn't matter. just don't use a ton of ppas and it should upgrade just fine. i run 17.10 now, and it works well. lots of daily updates, though.16:11
yeeveI see, so go with 17.04 and then upgrade to 17.10?16:12
yeevehow do you have 17.10 already? Is it easy to get early-access to it?16:12
ducasseif you need to upgrade soon, i'd do that. 17.10 is publicly available, but i can't in good conscience recommend depending on a development release for your daily driver.16:14
yeeveAh OK, I'll bare that in mind :) thanks for all the info today ducasse16:16
marvin42ducasse, apparently everything's fine. thanks a lot!16:16
ducasseyeeve: np. if you want to test 17.10 you can join #ubuntu+1 for support with that :)16:17
yeeveaha awesome :)16:17
ducassemarvin42: good :) if you had any ppas before the upgrade, they will be disabled now, so in that case look into re-enabling them.16:18
kappa1I am trying to boot ubuntu through rEFInd16:18
kappa1the problem is that refind is not passing the control to grub as it did before with refit16:18
marvin42ducasse, so I'll have to upgrade manually the packages I've installed with gdebi? I'm concerned with a virtualbox machine..16:19
ducassemarvin42: i'm talking about ppas, not locally installed packages. btw, you also need to run 'apt autoremove' to remove old stuff.16:21
thinkyhow can i install firefox 55 to ubuntu 16.04 ?16:22
thinkydoesnt it automatically update?16:22
thinkysince it is default browser?16:22
ducassemarvin42: locally installed packages will remain installed as long as the dependencies are still available16:22
ducasse!info firefox xenial16:23
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 54.0+build3-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 (xenial), package size 48188 kB, installed size 113681 kB16:23
nicomachusthinky: current version is 54.016:23
thinkybut 55 is released?16:23
nicomachus!info firefox zesty16:23
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 54.0+build3-0ubuntu0.17.04.1 (zesty), package size 48331 kB, installed size 113792 kB16:23
nicomachusthinky: 55 was released 2 days ago. it'll take a while to get into the Ubuntu repos.16:24
thinkyok thx16:25
ducassethinky: 55 will probably show up soon, it usually takes a few days16:25
thinkyok waiting16:25
nicomachusChromium got updated to 60, which is nice.16:39
oerheksseems like the chromium team got fresh help .. good16:40
nicomachushopefully they fixed the flash bug.16:45
oerheks'the' ??16:46
nicomachusYes, Chromium's been throwing errors every time a page has flash elements saying "$1 plugin is out of date". which is weird. It actually says $116:47
BluesKajnicomachus, I switched to chrome , chromium is losing the race so to speak17:00
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adacGuys on one of my server the time is 4 minutes in advance17:05
adachwo can that happen?17:05
KeyboardNotFoundIs there any way to encrypt full disk without losing my data ?17:05
nemoadac: hasn't synced against ntp yet?17:06
nemoadac: has contacted ntp but time discontinuity was so huge that ntp is slowly fixing it?17:06
KeyboardNotFoundI would like to try this method: backup all files on external hard drive, encrypt the partition, restore the data17:06
KeyboardNotFoundis it possible?17:06
nemoadac: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/NTP.html#ntpdate  "slowly drift" - yeah. that's how I pretty much understood it to work17:07
adacnemo, is ntp running by default?17:07
nemoadac: trying to minimise disruption to apps that run at a particular time. crons and such17:07
nemoadac: yeah17:07
nemoadac: but ofc some network misconfig could cause contacting defaults to fail17:08
adacnemo, how can i check if it is running indeed?17:08
nemoadac: what version of ubuntu?17:08
vltKeyboardNotFound: Yes, that's possible, of course. (There are even ways to encrypt existing data without copying it somewhere else but this isn't novice territory anymore.)17:09
nemoadac: note what that page says about programs having changed.17:09
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
nemoadac: once you know which one is used, you can just grep the process list17:09
KeyboardNotFoundvlt: I'm advanced linux user.17:09
nemoadac: for example on my ubuntu 14.04... ps auwx | grep ntp17:09
nemoadac: yields... ntp       6408  0.0  0.1  33528  4436 ?        Ss   08:40   0:01 /usr/sbin/ntpd -p /var/run/ntpd.pid -g -u 117:12517:09
adacnemo, Description:Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS17:09
nemook. so same17:09
vltKeyboardNotFound: I'd still recommend the first solution.17:09
adac ps auwx | grep ntp17:10
adacroot     31430  0.0  0.0  11720  1724 pts/0    S+   19:10   0:00 grep --color=auto ntp17:10
KeyboardNotFoundvlt: I will backup my data, so feel free to share any methods.17:10
adachmm it only shows grep17:10
nemoadac: not running then17:10
nemoadac: it also spams syslog so you could check there for what might have happened17:10
vltKeyboardNotFound: Others involve pure dmcrypt (without LUKS header) and careful operation with dd and blocksizes ;-)17:10
adacnemo, is the pakage name ntp as well?17:10
nemoadac: I think client and server are in same package yeah17:11
adacdpkg --list | grep ntp17:11
adacii  ntpdate                              1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-3ubuntu2.14.04.8 amd64        client for setting system time from NTP servers17:11
nemoadac: ok. that matches the ubuntu page I linked you to 😉17:12
psychoticwarriorhow come my external HD works but on boot it says unkown filesystem17:12
adacnemo, is it not constantly running as a daemon?17:13
adacIÄm confused17:13
nemoadac: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/NTP.html#timedatectl17:13
hggdhpsychoticwarrior: it is probably dependent on a filesystem module that is not included at boot time17:13
psychoticwarriorhow d i fix it17:13
FrostbyteGRHey there guys, I'm having trouble getting an I2C sensor working on Raspberry Pi 3 using Ubuntu 16.04 .. any clue? Installed libi2c-dev and added i2c-dev in /etc/modules but no dice, i2cdetect -r 1 displays just hyphens17:14
FrostbyteGRI can confirm that the sensor works properly on an ASUS Tinker Board also running ubuntu from armbian17:14
nemoadac: at least on my bog standard ubuntu desktop ntp was indeed installed by default and launched17:15
nemoadac: I have no idea what's up with your machine, but easily fixed by installing it and starting it ☺17:15
nemosudo service ntp start17:15
vltadac: Afaik, recent ubuntu versions don't use the ntp pkg and do their own time syncing.17:16
nemoadac: maybe you accidentally removed it when installing one of the other time packages17:16
nemovlt: he has same 14.04 as me17:16
nemovlt: link I sent him above says this is what ubuntu does these days.. https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/NTP.html#timedatectl   no idea if that's accurate with very latest distros17:17
pavlosFrostbyteGR: you may need to run sudo raspi-config and enable i2c in advanced options17:17
nemovlt: but anyway. pretty sure my ntp under 14.04 is just the standard ubuntu settings17:17
FrostbyteGRpavlos: raspi-config is not available. neither at the image, nor at the repository17:17
FrostbyteGRI've executed the actions this procedure would do (/etc/modules and so on)17:18
adacvlt, nemo I'm still confused :( not surehow I can check which service is responsible for my time sync17:18
adacntpdate seems to be installed17:18
pavlosFrostbyteGR: here's a link if it helps (see the i2c section) ... https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/raspberry-pi-spi-and-i2c-tutorial17:18
FrostbyteGRpavlos: I have already read that, and it doesn't mention anything besides the raspi-config way17:19
FrostbyteGRis it possible to get raspi-config from somewhere? I've heard it's dangerous to use though, as it's has been deprecated17:20
adacnemo, vlt https://gist.github.com/anonymous/c466db185b96a53af321ce04b0428ec517:21
adacactually this is the output of timedatectl17:21
pavlosFrostbyteGR: you should be able to apt update and then apt install raspi-config17:23
FrostbyteGROne moment please, I just found out something17:23
FrostbyteGRdtparam=i2c_vc=on enables /dev/i2c-017:24
nemoadac: welp.. apt-file says that ntp provides /usr/sbin/ntpd which does not surprise me terribly ☺17:24
nemoopenntpd does too apparently17:25
dckxhi everyone, I've trying to figure this one out a coouple of days now with no success. The 50-ssynaptics.conf file disappeared from X11/Xorg.conf.d. What file is now storing my touchpad settings? There is a 70-synapptics.conf file, but I added some custom stuff and when I run synclient on terminal, after rebooting, the changes are not being applied.17:25
nemoadac: aaand surprise surprise, dpkg confirms that's where my ntpd comes from ☺  soooo17:25
El_GooseHi! I'm trying to do something in an Ubuntu VM but I keep getting this error of "read only filesystem" how do I fix this?17:29
adacnemo, this seems to be the problem17:34
FrostbyteGRpavlos: E: Unable to locate package raspi-config17:34
pavlosFrostbyteGR: you may need a repo in sources.list ... let me look17:35
FrostbyteGRpavlos: I was not able to query the sensor via /dev/i2c-0 , but I get the 0x43 and 0x1c addresses there17:35
vltEl_Goose: Recent Ubuntu versions seem to need a line in /etc/fstab for / to mount it rw.17:35
FrostbyteGRpavlos: the expected address according to the sensor datasheet is 0x44 .. so close :(17:35
nemoadac: ah. that makes sense.  I guess due to upgrade from an older ubuntu?  this system here was a clean fresh install of 14.0417:36
adacnemo, I have no clue where this comes from actually. Could be yes17:39
adacnemo, from the howto this "Update NTP Time And Start Service" is not actually working17:39
adacthere is no ntp17:40
nemoadac: apt-get reinstall ntp   I guess?17:40
nemoer install --reinstall ?17:41
nemonever remember how that command works17:41
adacnemo, it was not isntalled at all17:42
adaci just installed it via apt-get install17:42
Speed_i can only acsess 2 of my screen sessions, when i do C - a - # it does nothing17:46
gabrielcSpeed_: you can create a new window with control+a c by default17:51
Speed_there are more windows but i cant get to them all17:52
gabrielcSpeed_: can you close all windows and exit from screen? maybe some window has running a job or something17:53
gabrielcSpeed_: to start from 017:54
vltSpeed_: What does Ctrl-a " look like?17:54
Speed_"switch to window"17:54
vltSpeed_: I'd expect that from Ctrl-a '17:56
vltSpeed_: Numlock?17:56
vlt*Caps lock17:56
Speed_it lis them all17:57
Speed_looks like it might be a client error, because other clients can switch to other wondows18:00
gabrielcSpeed_: control+a n for next window. control+a p for previous window18:01
Speed_that did nothing, it only switched from 1 and 218:01
gabrielcSpeed_: can you create a new window?18:02
Speed_i stoped screen and restarrted it too18:02
vltSpeed_: Can you switch to one of the listed windows in Ctrl-a " mode?18:02
vltusing the up/down arrow keys and [enter]?18:03
OptiprismHey guys, I'm trying to install CUDA, is this the right place to ask for help?18:17
Optiprismwhen I do "nvidia-smi" it says that the latest NVIDIA driver isn't installed18:18
hethkarWhy i am not able to install packages like gdebi, inxi from a live usb ubuntu session(try ubuntu)- 16.04.03 for gdebi i get (Package gdebi is not availabel but is referred to by another package) and for inxi E:unable to locate package inxi18:40
krytarikhethkar: Make sure the 'universe' repo is enabled.18:44
hethkarkrytarik: thanks18:45
Speed_it seams like there was something wrong with the client, 3 other clients could swithc but the one could not.18:45
Speed_i have another dumb question, im trying to compile and run c++ code that i wrote, so i used g++ and it created the a.out file as expected so then i did ./a.out but it says command not found, what should i do?18:46
ducasseSpeed_: 'chmod +x a.out'19:08
Speed_still says command not found19:10
ioriaa.out should be a binary ...19:10
Speed_thats what i did19:10
Speed_its on my usb stick19:11
ducasseSpeed_: is that mounted noexec?19:11
Speed_i have no idea19:11
Speed_probably is19:11
ioriaSpeed_, it's not in your path19:11
ducasseshouldn't need to be with ./ in front19:12
ioriayes , if it's not in the path19:12
ioriaif you put it in ~/bin or in /usr/local/bin you don't need it19:14
xMopxShellhow can i make gnome remember my open windows and positions? I found and enabled the "auto-save-session", but it doesn't seem to work.19:14
ducassexMopxShell: not all applications have session support19:15
xMopxShelldo you know which do? I tried nautalis windows, chromium, and terminal19:16
fradecohey guys, I have a question: After I press the meta key I can select a window with alt+1-9, but only on my primary monitor. Can I expand that somehow to my secondary screen?19:16
fradecoI can't find any settings for that...19:17
ducassexMopxShell: hmm, i'd expect most gnome applications at least to support it19:17
ducassefradeco: that depends on what desktop/wm you use19:19
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arm1eHi, I would like to learn how to make snap packages, but I think I may need to learn how to compile normal packages first. Any help or guides that can point me in the right direction? I have made the 'Hello World' snap following the snapcraft tutorial but am now lost19:20
ducassearm1e: there used to be a pretty good, extensive guide on the debian wiki, it's most likely still there19:22
ducassearm1e: start here - https://wiki.debian.org/Packaging19:26
adacWill it be posisble to upgrade 17.04 to the next LTS (Will be 18.04 I guess)19:36
ducasseadac: 17.04 is not lts19:37
ducasseadac: 16.04 was, 18.04 will be19:37
ducasseadac: to upgrade 17.04 to 18.04 you will need to go via 17.1019:38
adacducasse, ok os first upgrade then to 17.10 and then to 18.0419:39
fradecohey guys, I have a question: After I press the meta key I can select a window with alt+1-9, but only on my primary monitor. Can I expand that somehow to my secondary screen?19:43
adacducasse, thanks!19:46
ducassefradeco: as i said, this depends on what desktop you are using - you need to tell us that first.19:49
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
Jordan_Ujackhum: Have you been able to restore your ESP yet?20:02
fradecoducasse: using the gnome desktop20:10
Exterminadorhello guys. I've tried to install a snap on one spare machine that I have, but seems OpenVZ doesn't support snap installs. it there any way to circumvent that?20:11
fradecoducasse: was in the gnome chat, there i didn't to mention that ;)20:12
fradecobut there is not too much going on there20:12
ducassefradeco: don't think gnome supports that as-is, but you can probably do it yourself with xbindkeys and wmctrl20:12
fradecoI think i came right out of the box with that...20:14
ducasseExterminador: snaps require some relatively recent kernel features to work afaik, i'm guessing your host doesn't offer them20:17
Exterminadorseems not20:18
Exterminadorstill kernel 2.6 I guess20:18
fradecoducasse: it seems to be controlled by a default extension: Windownavigator20:19
fradecoif i turn that off it is not possible to select a window with alt anymore20:20
Jordan_UExterminador: The last 2.6.xx release was in 2011. You should consider whether or not you want to continue with a host using such an old kernel.20:23
oerheks2.6 .. sounds like vagrant?20:25
Exterminadorwhat's the latest kernel for OpenVZ?20:25
oerheks2.6 is the latest for openvz .. with some patches i guess..20:25
Exterminadorit's the one they're using20:26
Exterminadorlxc containers are similar right?20:26
* oerheks is not saying it is old and vulnerable.. just not that sophisticated20:27
Exterminadoryeah. seems lxc containers work same way20:29
Exterminadorno way to install snaps?20:29
oerheksno, openvz does not support lxc, HW virtualisation or windows support https://openvz.org/Comparison20:29
Jordan_UExterminador: oerheks: From what I gather OpenVZ is a technology supported by the upstream kernel, at least for most features, and thus the latest "OpenVZ kernel" would be 4.12.20:30
ExterminadorI do have an lxc machine somewhere20:30
ExterminadorI was trying to install a rocketchat-server20:31
oerheksvagrant supports up to 14.04 ... so snap support is possible20:31
oerheksJordan_U, ah, patched it is20:32
Exterminadorbut the command they provide is 'snap install rockectchat-server'20:32
Exterminadorand none of them did supported that. I guess only my KVM server do support it20:33
Jordan_UExterminador: I don't think you can use snaps within any other container technology. KVM is virtualization rather than containerization so it will work fine.20:34
Jordan_Uoerheks: http://openvz.livejournal.com/42793.html says that patches are desireable but not required for using OpenVZ, unless that has changed since 2012.20:36
Exterminadorwell, but on the KVM server I have some warning on webmin related to /snap about no space left I guess20:37
Bundestrojanergood evening. how can i set the environment variable for sane mentioned in note 3? http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/sane-announce/2017/000036.html20:38
Bundestrojanermy frontend is xsane20:39
Jordan_UBundestrojaner: I believe that "SANE_USB_WORKAROUND=1 xsane" should do it.20:39
BundestrojanerJordan_U: i think so too, but i have no idea in which config file20:40
Jordan_UBundestrojaner: Literally run that in a terminal and things should work. Do you want help changing the launcher so you don't have to use the terminal to launch xsane?20:42
BundestrojanerJordan_U: without export?20:42
BundestrojanerJordan_U: Changing the launcher would be great20:42
Jordan_UBundestrojaner: Correct. Setting the variable in the same line as you run the command exports the variable for just that command. If you ran "SANE_USB_WORKAROUND=1; export SANE_USB_WORKAROUND; xsane" it would also work. I think that you should test that running the command I gave actually allows your scanner to work.20:44
BundestrojanerJordan_U: I've just exectuted "SANE_USB_WORKAROUND=1; export SANE_USB_WORKAROUND; xsane" - it didn't work. But i have no idea if the workaround works for my scanner...20:46
Jordan_UBundestrojaner: Are you even using Sane-backends 1.0.27? It apparently was only released in May, and that workaround doesn't apply to earlier versions.20:48
Jordan_UBundestrojaner: It appears that particular workaround is not going to get your scanner working.20:54
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BundestrojanerJordan_U: thx anyway21:01
Jordan_UBundestrojaner: You're welcome. Good luck.21:01
alfatauHi everybody! This https://pastebin.com/S7ZwGPtW is my use case. Given this use case, can you suggest me (if it exists) some idea or workaround to get my VMs I/O performance better? Thank you in advance21:06
Jordan_Ualfatau: #btrfs would probably be more helpful. To be sure, you do have nocow set on all your disk images, correct? (Yes, I know this doesn't prevent fragmentation from snapshots.)21:09
KeyboardNotFoundI found out that I don't have the "update-manager" installed on my pc. How is it possible ?21:28
KeyboardNotFoundI'm sure I haven't remove it manually.21:28
Jordan_UKeyboardNotFound: What happens when you run "update-manager" in a terminal? Please pastebin the output of "apt policy ubuntu-desktop".21:29
KeyboardNotFoundJordan_U: now I installed the "update-manager". Also I'm not using ubuntu with xfce, not the default so there's no installed ubuntu-desktop21:30
KeyboardNotFoundI scrolled through all my apt logs and found out that when I purged java, update-manager was removed. Is it dependent on java?21:35
Jordan_UKeyboardNotFound: "apt policy xubuntu-desktop" then.21:36
KeyboardNotFoundJordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25286014/21:36
Jordan_UKeyboardNotFound: No, update-manager does not depend on java.21:39
KeyboardNotFoundJordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25286030/21:40
Jordan_UKeyboardNotFound: OK. xubuntu-desktop is a metapackage that depends on all of the packages installed by default when you install Xubuntu. You probably want to re-install it, and you'll see what other things have somehow gotten removed (maybe some intentionally and others not).21:42
Exterminadorwhen i login into webmin i have this info.. how can i see what i have on those locations, if they are needed and how to erase them if not needed? https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/51xTJHFw/no_space_snap.png21:42
KeyboardNotFoundJordan_U: Ok, I'm going to reinstall it21:43
KeyboardNotFoundJordan_U: Now I have installed the last version in apt policy21:45
KeyboardNotFoundBut I'm still curious how my update-manager disappeared and put my computer on high risk with using outdated software more than 1 month...21:45
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hanasakiwhat will provide a vpn that can run over standard SSH port 22 and also tunnel over https?21:58
th0rhanasaki, I think you misunderstand how vpns work22:01
hanasakilooking for a vpn that will use standard SSH as its protocol.  Also that can tunnel over httpS for when it is behind a firewall22:02
gabrielchanasaki: i think you are searching any vps with sshd server22:08
rypervenchehanasaki: You can also set up your own if you have a VPN or server in another location.22:08
donofrio_so help new install of 17.04 and I get this (mouse moves aross both screens and I can even bring up terminal on left side - any thoughts of how to fix? https://1drv.ms/i/s!AsBlZbBf72iNm4Z_w3Cbr3OW7rNKHw  hwinfo@ https://apaste.info/naDx22:10
=== RalphBa is now known as RalphBa|zZZ
plaindaveI just installed Lubuntu again because my laptop is slow. I can't seem to turn my touchpad off. I've tried just about everything. Any ideas?22:15
donofrio_anyone know how I can fix my video issues, was perfect during install but after reboot.... ;(22:17
donofrio_my dmesg is https://apaste.info/X1vH22:18
KeyboardNotFoundWhy I can't upgrade firefox from version 54 (available in apt repository) to firefox 55?22:23
hanasakigabrielc: and rypervenche .  need to setup my own vpn server.    gabrielc do you have a reference to how to setup the server?   in this case there is no VPS (virtual private server) ..  the need is a full vpn22:23
rypervenchehanasaki: You will need a separate network and a machine on it where you will install your VPN. If you do not have that, then you will need get it first.22:24
hanasakiI have it22:25
rypervenchehanasaki: Then you can proceed. I like OpenVPN, personally. It's not too too hard to get set up. You'll probably want to use a guide to set it up though.22:27
hanasakiwhat do you prefer about openvpn?    I am looking at it however, 1. it looks like its own proprietary protocol and 2. it doesn't tunnel over https (this is needed)22:28
donofrio_anyone got time to help me fix my video issue...22:28
hanasakirypervenche:  also, what controls the mapping of remote user ID to vpn server user ID?  much like the NFS mapping of UID22:28
hanasakidonofrio_:  don't ask to ask.. just present the issue and ask for what  you need22:29
rypervenchehanasaki: There is no user mapping. It is not like NFS. You will have access to the remote network's network.22:29
donofrio_hanasaki, so help new install of 17.04 and I get this (mouse moves aross both screens and I can even bring up terminal on left side - any thoughts of how to fix? https://1drv.ms/i/s!AsBlZbBf72iNm4Z_w3Cbr3OW7rNKHw  hwinfo@ https://apaste.info/naDx22:29
donofrio_hanasaki, my dmesg is https://apaste.info/X1vH22:29
hanasakirypervenche:  perfect22:29
donofrio_hanasaki, were you able to see my screenshot and the inxi output and do you know how to resolve my video issue22:31
hanasakidonofrio_:  does y9our bcm card work?  had issues with mine...  looks like your sync might be off... have you tried it with JUST the monitor that doesn't work?22:31
hanasakidonofrio_:  check your X logs.. does the driver match the graphics card in hardware?   any EE or warnings?22:32
donofrio_hanasaki, uh when it was 16.04 is looked find and both were hooked up I'll shutdown and remove the sencond monitor22:32
KeyboardNotFoundWhy I can't upgrade firefox from version 54 (available in apt repository) to firefox 55?22:32
hanasakidonofrio_:  ... no... reboot with JUST the 2nd monitor that currently doesnot work22:33
hanasakirypervenche:  so far openvpn system starts lOL but no process running22:33
rypervenchehanasaki: OpenVPN takes a bit of configuring before it will work.22:34
hanasakirypervenche:  lol I noticed... can it tunnel over an http/https connection?22:34
donofrio_hanasaki, second monitor is working that is why I said I can bring up terminal, I just have a hard time logging in cause I cannot see the gui well on right nbuilt in monitor22:34
donofrio_hanasaki, and where is X.log anymore...I checked /var/log but couldn't see X11.lloog22:35
gabrielchanasaki: you may also want to read about strongswan22:35
hanasakidonofrio_:  and if you ONLY have the first monitor installed?22:35
rypervenchehanasaki: It does not use the HTTP or HTTPS protocol, however you could run it over port 80 or 443 if you wanted to.22:35
hanasakirypervenche:  yes. I know.  I was asking about tunneling it over httpS22:35
rypervenchehanasaki: Why would you want to do that?22:35
hanasakigabrielc:  what do you prefer about strongswan vs openvpn and visa versa?22:36
hanasakirypervenche:  as stated... to go through a firewall and http proxy22:36
gabrielchanasaki: everything depends on the needs and results of the tests you do22:37
gabrielchanasaki: for example what devices/software will be VPN clients22:39
hanasakigabrielc:  is there a matrix of what each is good or not so good for?22:39
donofrio_hanasaki, upon reboot left monitor is turned off and unplugged and right mointor looks "just like my 1drv link"22:39
hanasakidoes the monitor work OK when it is the only one plugged in?22:42
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donofrio_hanasaki, no it looks like the photo I posted (aka like and analog tv set that cannot tune into  channel)22:43
hanasakidonofrio_:  try the monitor on another computer?  try it on the same video port that the working monitor is on22:46
donofrio_hanasaki, I guess your helping too many peole at one cause you missed my whole problem - the built in mointor is not working in 17.04, the second external montor is working great....22:46
donofrio_hanasaki, it's an imac so I cannot just "plug it in to another computer"22:47
Abbottdoes ubuntu ship with a remote desktop solution22:47
donofrio_Abbott, I use remmina (you'll need remmina-plugin-rdp for windows hosts)22:48
gabrielchanasaki: read about the characteristics of each one. so you will see which is better for you22:51
gabrielcit's dinner time. cya22:52
pvl1so. packages (.deb) are specific to versions right? like, if u cant find one for ur version of debian/linux, you should compile22:52
pvl1or risk breaking stuff22:52
pvl1oh kool that worked lol22:53
naccpvl1: you should not mix packages from different versions, yes.22:53
donofrio_If anyone has some time and feel like helping here is my new install of 17.04 and I get this (mouse moves aross both screens and I can even bring up terminal on left side - any thoughts of how to fix? https://1drv.ms/i/s!AsBlZbBf72iNm4Z_w3Cbr3OW7rNKHw  hwinfo@ https://apaste.info/naDx22:59
behelitOn deep water: trying to upgrade 10.04 on a live server :) Have updated all sources to old-releases, but now I'm hit with "ERROR:root:Can not find backport 'libapt-pkg4.12'" and it restores the state of the machine22:59
behelitAh. Seems to be some other reference to archive.ubuntu.com23:01
donofrio_behelit, 10.04?23:01
behelitdonofrio_: it's kind of old23:02
behelitmaybe it is not still possible?23:03
donofrio_behelit, just wondered (I mean I still use 12.04 on myppc hosts fwiw)23:03
donofrio_behelit, never give up never surrender (I mean google and here is your friend)23:04
tgm4883behelit: honestly, I'd do a fresh install of 16.04 rather than 10.04 -> 12.04 -> 14.04 -> 16.04 but it should technically still be possible to do it23:07
causativehow do I disable "alt" as the key to show the dash?  I have tried ccsm setting the "Key to show the Dash, Launcher and Help Overlay" to "Disabled" but "alt" is still showing me the dash...23:09
behelityeah maybe that is the way to go23:10
causativedo I have to reboot?23:11
EriC^^causative: go to keyboard in settings23:11
EriC^^shortcuts > key to show hud23:11
bonhoefferi'm having trouble connecting via ssh -- i have the correct public key in authorized_keys and get this from the auth log: https://gist.github.com/tbbooher/063b5292cee8007abf1333ca2d3d58d223:19
bonhoefferany troubleshooting options appreciated23:19
donofrio_If anyone has some time and feel like helping here is my new install of 17.04 and I get this (mouse moves aross both screens and I can even bring up terminal on left side - any thoughts of how to fix? https://1drv.ms/i/s!AsBlZbBf72iNm4Z_w3Cbr3OW7rNKHw  hwinfo@ https://apaste.info/naDx23:22
oerheksdonofrio_, for artfull, join #ubuntu+1 until release23:26
naccoerheks: 17.04 is out23:27
naccoerheks: artful = 17.1023:27
oerheksjups, i know ?23:27
naccoerheks: donofrio_ is on 17.04 (per their msg)23:28
oerhekshe typs 17.04, but his specs say 17.1023:28
naccoerheks: ah!23:28
naccoerheks: sorry!23:28
oerheksplease keep correcting me if i am wrong :-D23:29
donofrio_nacc I'll rebuilt without dist-upgrade.....figured folks would want to know 'what will break next' but #ubuntu+1 is not a full room like this is (only 100 folks and no-one talking)23:36
naccdonofrio_: "rebuilt withou dist-upgrade"? all 17.10 support goes there, not here, regardless of how popular each channel is23:36
donofrio_nacc, yes I'm rebuilding right now with just 17.04 give me 15 min to report results of rebuild23:37
naccdonofrio_: oh i see, ok23:37
peter12345123could someone here help me with an internet connection issue I seem to have only on my ubuntu OS? Based on stack overflow answers I dont think it's an issue with my DNS, so I'm very confused. Much appreciated!23:44
glisignoliHello, does anyone know how to make a package availabe in a preseed installation environment?23:44
naccglisignoli: when do you need it in the preseed env?23:45
glisignoliBefore I run my late_command23:46
naccglisignoli: https://www.debian.org/releases/wheezy/example-preseed.txt (there's a similare file for ubuntu on the help page, i think), see the bottom23:47
naccglisignoli: just put in your late-command 'apt-install ...'23:47
naccglisignoli: that won't affect your target, though, just the installer env23:47
glisignoliOk I'll give that a go. Thans!23:48
naccglisignoli: yw23:49

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