
mdeslaurnp, thanks!00:01
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EvanCarrollAny chance to get a ppa removed if it's unmaintained? Is there a procedure for that?04:59
EvanCarrolldelisting or the like?04:59
EvanCarrollreason why: this is confusing a lot of people. It's been broke almost as long as it has worked and every package in the repo has failed.05:00
=== Serge is now known as hallyn
seb128hey there07:12
seb128could somebody remind me how to trigger autopkgtests to use proposed package versions07:14
sil2100seb128: IIRC adding &all-proposed=1 to the request was the trick, if that's what you're looking for07:17
seb128sil2100, thanks07:18
seb128I don't need full proposed though07:18
seb128I just want to use abi-compliance-checker from there07:18
seb128but I guess all-proposed would work as well07:18
sil2100seb128: I guess you can use multiple 'trigger' entries too07:20
seb128that's what https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration#How_to_re-run_autopkgtests_with_dependencies_on_other_packages_in_the_proposed_pocket suggests07:20
seb128I wonder if I need to encode version07:20
seb128or just use &trigger=abi-compliance-checker07:20
sil2100seb128: e.g. add something like trigger=abi-compliance-checker/version-from-proposed07:20
seb128sil2100, I tried, let's see if I got it right07:23
seb128sil2100, thanks07:23
seb128sil2100, oh, and hey, how are you? ;-)07:23
LocutusOfBorgtsimonq2, "kf5-messagelib" has symbols sadness... do you have an hint/patch?08:26
LocutusOfBorgI see acheronuk told me most of them are fixed in git, but I don't know where to look/fix08:29
LocutusOfBorge.g. is this ok to upload? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kf5-messagelib/4:16.12.3-0ubuntu108:29
LocutusOfBorgI mean the fixes on git08:30
LocutusOfBorghttps://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/messagelib I don't even know the right branch08:30
acheronukLocutusOfBorg: They are fixed in git on the artful_archive branch, but for apps 17.04.3 which we have been getting ready to upload once transitions have calmed. So really have to look at symbols fixes and pick out what applies, or do a rebuild in a ppa of the 16.12.3 version and use pkgkde-symbolshelper to patch symbols and do some manual corrections08:35
acheronukI will have time to do these later, but maybe not until this evening08:49
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mdeslaur@pilot in11:50
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Zesty Released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of precise-zesty | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | Patch Pilots: mdeslaur
sdezielmdeslaur: good day13:01
sdezielI've seen that you updated LP: #1709193, thanks. I just noticed that I had not use "-proposed" for any of the debdiffs, please let me know if that is a problem13:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1709193 in gnutls28 (Ubuntu Artful) "Unable to use TLSv1.1 or 1.2 with OpenSSL compat layer" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/170919313:02
mdeslaursdeziel: nope, we don't do that anymore13:09
mdeslaursdeziel: would you mind if I added Bug-Debian and Bug-Ubuntu links to the patch and remove the debian bug number form the changelog?13:09
mdeslaurminor OCD nitpicks13:10
sdezielnot at all, go ahead13:10
sdezielI wasn't sure if I should leave the debian bug number in there13:10
mdeslaurI usually stick it in the patch itself, others may do differently13:10
sdezielmakes sense13:13
mdeslaursdeziel: could you please update the gnutls bug description with the SRU template: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#SRU_Bug_Template15:46
mdeslaursdeziel: I'm about to upload the packages for processing15:46
sdezielmdeslaur: yes, on it15:46
mdeslaurawesome, thanks15:47
tsimonq2Yayyyyyyy patch pilot \o/16:01
sdezielI will clap my hands when those patches land safely in -updates ;)16:02
tsimonq2LocutusOfBorg: I see acheronuk took care of it :)16:05
sdezielmdeslaur: let me know if the SRU justification is good enough16:33
tomreynEvanCarroll: did this get sorted, yet?16:35
tomreyni notice LocutusOfBorg is amongst the "newset members" of this PPA and s/he was active here not too long after you posted.16:36
tomreynin case it did not: the generic answer is probably 'no' (however, this is just a guess of someone not formally involved in ubuntu or launchpad). PPAs are generally unsupported and extra care needs to be taken before one decides to trust them (and one should re-check occasionally). did you contact the owners, yet?16:42
mdeslaursdeziel: I think it's ok, let's see what the sru team says16:53
EvanCarrolltomreyn: no16:55
EvanCarrolltomreyn: I have contacted the owners16:56
EvanCarrolltomreyn: they're unresponsive.16:56
tomreynevery single one of them?16:56
EvanCarrolltomreyn: Also, in it's infinite Wisdom you can file an bug on a PPA. So essentially the only visual indicator is the failure to build, but because it's unsupported it's just fails all the time, it's wasting resources building (knowing it will fail), and it's confusing users as old questions point to it from when it worked.16:57
EvanCarrolltomreyn: yes, iirc, and multiple times.16:57
EvanCarrollThere should be a method of delisting, especially in this case. The situaion with VLC and Ubuntu is really poor right now16:58
tomreynEvanCarroll: PPAs are not part of ubuntu16:59
tomreynare you referring to other issues?16:59
tomreynmay i ask about your motivation, just out of interest?17:00
tomreyn(as a reminder, i'm just anothe rubuntu user, no one special)17:00
tomreynEvanCarroll: also did you try this? https://help.launchpad.net/Feedback17:03
EvanCarrolltomreyn: s/ubuntu/launchpad/ whereever it makes a difference.17:04
EvanCarrollmotivation: eliminating confusion with official but unmaintained ppas.17:04
EvanCarrollI suppose I could join the right channel17:05
tomreynEvanCarroll: i'm just wondering what makes you care, i bet there are a LOT of other PPAs which create failing builds on a regular schedule.17:05
EvanCarrollI didn't realize there was a launchpad channel17:05
naccEvanCarroll: to be clear, not s/ubuntu/launchpad/. tomreyn's point is that PPAs are not part of ubuntu17:05
EvanCarrolltomreyn: that's not the right description of the domain, there are a lot of other ppas which are offiical with an upstream project or where at one point in time but are entirely unmaintained now?17:06
EvanCarrollthis isn't a failure to build this is problem for the past year that's confusing 83,000+ people.17:06
EvanCarrolljust going by askubuntu view counts.17:07
tomreynEvanCarroll: declared official by an upstream does not make it part of supported ubuntu17:08
EvanCarrollno one said it was officially support by anything17:08
EvanCarrollit's clearly not /supported/ at all.17:08
slangase`it's not against launchpad policy for someone to have a ppa that produces broken / out of date contents; it's also not something that the Ubuntu community can fix by fiat if someone is giving directions to a bad ppa.  This is a social problem17:08
tomreynsure, upstream might decide to support some PPA, but that's nothing ubuntu folks could be held responsible for17:08
EvanCarrollthe problem is the launchpad confuses people and makes them /think/ it is.17:08
slangase`if there is documentation on any official Ubuntu sites directing users to the ppa, that's something we could fix17:09
EvanCarrollok, so that's the problem then the launchpad policy supports confusing users.17:09
EvanCarrollthat's not a good policy.17:09
tomreyn"You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding ppa:videolan/master-daily to your system's Software Sources. (Read about installing) "17:09
=== slangase` is now known as slangasek
EvanCarrollit's not the packages.17:09
EvanCarrollit's the page.17:09
tomreynthis sentence i just quoted is pronted on every PPA page17:09
slangasekEvanCarroll: sorry, what other policy would you expect?  Launchpad is a platform; do you want the Launchpad team to be deciding whose ppas are supported "well enough"?17:10
naccEvanCarroll: what page are you referring to?17:10
tomreynif people cannot read or decide not to read they will probbalky make a lot fo bad choices in life17:10
slangasekfwiw, I don't expect most users to ever browse to the ppa in a web browser before enabling it, but here is the banner you get for this particular ppa in add-apt-repository: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25291536/17:12
EvanCarrollslangasek: I would expect the policy of "repositories that are unmaintained and cease to function with all supported version of Ubuntu will be delisted."17:13
EvanCarrollslangasek: good question though.17:13
naccwhat is 'maintained'? 'cease to function'? delisted by whom?17:13
slangasekThe issue here is not "there is a ppa".  The issue is "someone thought it was a good idea to tell other people to use a ppa that says right on its cover that it's only for testing purposes"17:13
EvanCarrollcease to function = cease to build.17:13
EvanCarrollunmatained = no intention to maintan, not working for any use case.17:14
EvanCarrollDelisted by whom = delisted by launchpad.net17:14
slangasekwhy not ask upstream to delete the ppa?17:14
slangaseklast successful build in that ppa was 17 hours ago for xenial (https://launchpad.net/~videolan/+archive/ubuntu/master-daily/+builds?build_text=&build_state=all)17:15
EvanCarrollslangasek: I have. Multiple. Multiple times.17:15
EvanCarrollno one responds slangasek where do you see that?17:16
slangasekEvanCarroll: ok.  then you certainly can ask the Launchpad Team to intervene; I'm just not sure why they would17:16
EvanCarrollslangasek: that's the xenial build start that succeeded, the build fails.17:16
EvanCarrollactually wait, I'm looking into this. I didn't think it was still building on Xenial17:18
slangasekEvanCarroll: ah, heh; I've never noticed before that the "build start" shows as a different record, ahwell17:19
EvanCarrollYea, I think this is just build start record.17:20
slangasekok, last successful build was precisely a year ago :) https://launchpad.net/~videolan/+archive/ubuntu/master-daily/+builds?build_text=vlc&build_state=built17:20
EvanCarrollslangasek: there ya go17:20
EvanCarrollthat's about when the confusion started.17:20
slangasekthat's certainly an argument that it should be sunset. Maybe the launchpad team would care because it wastes build resources? :)17:21
EvanCarrollI would hope the confusion it's causing is more of an issue. But, at this point whatever.17:21
EvanCarrollIt's a very common question people want vlc 3.x, and they the ppa just isn't there and the snap is broken and doesn't do h.265, and building vlc isn't exactly a walk in the park17:22
slangasekEvanCarroll: so are you following up with the Launchpad team about this?  again, Ubuntu has no authority here17:22
slangasek"and the snap is broken"> oh?  that's a different matter entirely; I certainly had the impression the snap was working well17:23
EvanCarrollslangasek: yes, I'm in the wrong channel I'll admit17:24
EvanCarrollslangasek: the snap is pretty borked too. I don't know where to view the change logs on that or the build options, but the meta data is wrong on the snap17:24
EvanCarroll`snap info vlc` should tell me the git/version not just "daily" https://askubuntu.com/a/915164/29097 I don't think the snap is being updated either though17:27
EvanCarrollit's certainly not updated daily17:27
EvanCarrollwin 317:27
naccEvanCarroll: that's a choice made by the snap's owner17:29
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
mdeslaur@pilot out18:57
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Zesty Released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of precise-zesty | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | Patch Pilots:
Unit193Bah, creating build chroots still failing for me.21:54

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