
=== rana_ is now known as mozammel
darkxstjbicha, how do the desktop team feel about removal of legacy tray?12:03
darkxstin 25.9012:04
darkxstshouldnt be particularly invasive to revert it12:08
jbichadarkxst: I haven't talked to them about it yet, I was hoping they discussed it at guadec12:14
jbichado you use the legacy system tray?12:14
jbichathe behavior in the bottom left corner was bad anyway12:16
darkxstno I hate it, but just thinking it might cause friction12:17
darkxstI was not aware it was being dropped at guadec12:18
darkxstbut then florian refused to acknowledge who I was12:21
darkxstwhich was a little odd12:22
respawn1anyone here running ubuntu gnome 17.04? I want to an auto-install (basic) using my HDD and not my SSD (which is actually some intel smart raid thing). On another version of Ubuntu it automatically installed the bootloader to /dev/sda when I wanted everything on /dev/sdb. Will Ubuntu Gnome give me the option of choosing where to install the bootloader, or do I need to manually partition during install? thanks in advance12:26
darkxstrespawn1, no, we don't run ubuntu GNOME anymore12:28
respawn1I can't tell if that was serious or a joke that didn't quite land. Either way, I am referring specifically to the 17.04 install if anyone knows. thanks12:30
jbicharespawn1: could you try asking in a busier channel like #ubuntu ?12:31
respawn1ok. thanks12:33
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