[02:04] @AdamOutler What was CASUALs again? [04:14] Is there a linux meetup tomorrow? [04:14] No but I am up to an unplanned Meetup [04:14] In fact. I do have something up my sleeve that you may want to try [04:14] My work coincides with android development this week, I thought maybe I could take advantage of all the android experience in the room [04:14] Oh? [04:15] I will give you a hint. It involves me playing tricks with your senses [04:16] Rift [04:16] Sorry @ahoneybun - you can't come this time [04:17] Because you are too far away to drive [04:17] Yea lol [04:54] Is it possible to tie a uri scheme to one app or can other apps always have the option to intercept it? [05:00] I would put one app per uri [05:01] @KMyers question is, does android let other apps tie themselves into the URI if they want to? [05:01] like if I had razapp://somescheme/here [05:01] Could another app hijack it and pop up instead? [05:02] @RazPi, I believe so. Honestly I have not tried it . I would assume that one would override the other [05:27] <_> [05:27] My android-sdk folder is eating up 33gb [05:27] How is that possible, unless you have a few emulators setup [05:28] I only have 3 android versions installed, maybe I did install a few emulators [05:31] oh wow I even have multiple copies [05:32] @RazPi, That will do it [05:32] Can I safely just delete the folder or do I need to use the manager? [05:32] Best to use the manager to cleanly remove everything [05:33] BTW @RazPi - I picked up a Asus Tinkerboard [05:33] ! [05:33] How do you like it? [05:33] https://www.asus.com/us/Single-Board-Computer/Tinker-Board/ [05:34] Not sure. I have not taken it out of the box [05:34] I still get unreasonably excited that we have things like laptops and SBC's that cost under 50usd [05:40] Niiiice [05:40] I am in the same boat [05:41] hehe [05:41] A [05:41] are you still watching pine64? [05:41] Although the Latte Panda was not a cheap board [05:41] I think the pi zero now comes wireless? [05:41] I will be adding a Pine 64 and potentially PineBook to the collection [05:42] I reaaaally want to see the pinebook [05:42] The Pi Zero does. I do have one for you [05:42] 😮 [05:42] sweeeet [05:44] I'm going to need to learn how to manage multiple IoT devices, at the system level [05:48] The Pi Zero W has a few upgrades over the Gen 1. It has WiFi, Bluetooth and a PiCam interface port [05:49] I didn't know it had bluetooth too [05:49] I wonder what that looks like on the console [05:50] hnnnnngh, thank you x_x [05:50] Just [05:51] Just let me know when you have a few free hours and I will be more then happy to get it to you [05:53] Most def! gosh I was just reading up on it the other day too, surprised they added a wifi to it [05:54] They did double the price... To a whopping 10 bucks [05:57] Oh no I'll have to skip a happy meal [05:57] with the toy inside [05:57] .. imagine if happy meals game with pi zeros [05:58] @RazPi, I wish they would, just imagine what future generations can make [05:59] I'm jealous [06:00] Imagine being a kid from the 80s and having to hook up your computer to the tv [06:00] then coming across this thing [06:00] sitting next to a commodore 64 [06:01] Haha [13:19] I have to stream today, though I'd be up for something next week late in the day [16:15] Bitcoin may hit 4k today