
rick_hthought of cmaloney https://youtu.be/KeBZD9mUgLI?t=109 :)14:17
cmaloneyrick_h: Whatever makes the team happy. :)14:18
cmaloneyGo Team!14:18
cmaloney(I will say if I were to pick a sport to obsess over it would be hockey, though)14:19
cmaloneypartly because I've played floor hockey, partly because I've seen really good hockey games...14:20
cmaloney... and partly because JoDee gets REALLY angry at the TV when hockey is on14:20
cmaloney(that's her French-Canadian grandpa's doing)14:20
=== greg-g is now known as greg-goat
=== greg-goat is now known as goat-g
goat-gyay, my offlineimap run finally finished! no more using the gmail interface for my work account (personal account was seeded with an old backup)19:06
goat-g(also, sorry, the joke at Wikimania this year is goats instead of cats (as the new goto meme), so there's a bit of a goat takeover)19:23

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