
xnoxRAOF, the PR looks good, I'll cherry-pick and will upload shortly.09:07
xnoxsorry for the delay, was at debconf09:07
xnoxRAOF, this does indicate that you are running tests on trusty kernel, rather than xenial kernel.10:08
xnoxRAOF, and snaps on trusty require hwe (xenial) kernel and subordinate systemd.10:08
xnoxRAOF, why are tests are not executed on xenial kernel? can you at least install hwe kernel on the test nodes?10:09
=== JanC is now known as Guest47969
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== RAOF is now known as Guest73093
Guest73093xnox: We'd need to take it up with IS; those tests are run on the jenkaas environment. We don't have access to the underlying system :)23:31
=== Guest73093 is now known as RAOF

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