
PaulW2Utsimonq2: re your comment simonq2guiverc_t: For this week I don't care if it's a light one, we need to get back to being the Ubuntu WEEKLY Newsletter ;)02:2516:24
PaulW2Uwhy the change in thinking?16:24
PaulW2UUWN has always been a weekly newsletter16:25
tsimonq2PaulW2U: Because we've done so many two week issues lately that it would be inaccurate to call it the Ubuntu WEEKLY Newsletter if we don't get back on track.16:26
PaulW2USo you or someone else needs to be around on Sunday evening to copy to wiki, write outstanding summaries and send email to editors?16:27
PaulW2Uis that happening every week?16:28
tsimonq2Not the editors part of it, because I don't think to and we don't frequently get editors any more...16:29
tsimonq2But in general it's just publishing every week16:29
PaulW2USummary writers and editors need to be kept informed of any issues that you are having16:30
PaulW2UYou need to be proactive in recruiting new contributors16:32
PaulW2UUWN can't survive with just you and guiverc_t contributing each week16:32
PaulW2UI'm only saying this as I care about UWN even though I no longer contribute16:34
tsimonq2I don't mean to be rude, but you're stating the obvious. :)  I have been trying to recruit people, there's another summary writer besides guiverc_t but we need more editors and more summary writers, I agree.16:35
tsimonq2But this has been on my mind.16:36
PaulW2UHow many summaries do you write on Sunday when it's time to send the editor's email?16:36
tsimonq2Maybe one or two nowadays.16:37
PaulW2UBullet pointing so many sections of UWN is an admission of a lack of contributions16:37
PaulW2U*Every* section apart from just one or two should have summaries written16:38
tsimonq2Probably, but we've just started bullet pointing because we don't get summaries for Blogosphere. Again, I don't intend to be rude, but you're stating the obvious. This has been and is on my mind.16:39
PaulW2UBullet pointing is an admission of defeat16:40
tsimonq2I disagree.16:40
PaulW2UI'm sure that we are thinking along the same lines but UWN is not now what it was16:40
tsimonq2I agree.16:41
PaulW2UAnyway, my reasons for writing here what I have will become clear in the coming days.16:41
guiverc_ti have no issue with lists, and many of the recent lists i made.23:41

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