[09:01] Good morning [09:01] fwhcat, Hey! [09:01] Finally you're here [09:01] How is life treating you? [09:02] Hey [09:02] finally you're here [09:02] fine [09:02] I have big projects praisethemoon [09:02] and you? [09:04] :) [09:07] I'm good, I have lots of work as well :'( [09:07] tell me about your projects [09:07] personal or professional? [09:07] et bien [09:07] en privé alors [09:13] Bonjour, [09:14] Salut davlefou [09:15] Bonjour davlefou [09:20] Morning folks! [09:22] Ello elacheche [09:22] How was your coffee today? [09:23] Café en perfusion? [09:23] x) [09:24] I'm having coffee right now [09:24] My huge mug still full :) [09:24] Nice ! [09:24] Friendssssssssss [09:25] We should make a coffeehackshop or smtg like that xD [09:27] One of my youth dreams was a Geeky Coffee Shop, then I met a banch of Geeks in this IRC channel, then IRL, they had the same idea, we branstormed it to have the heaven of coffee shops in earth x) We were young, we had no money.. And idea gone with all the enthusiasm [09:30] :( [09:34] Internet Café :D [09:34] Well money is always the issue x) [09:36] Imagine you would "fund" some projects by a simple "trick" [09:37] 2 Free Coffees a day if you code with us on our OPen source projects [09:37] :D [09:38] xD [09:38] 100k github star = Big coffee Mug [09:42] :D [09:42] https://twitter.com/ConnorKrukosky/status/896651541301661696 [09:42] elacheche, y u no try BSD [09:45] I use one as a router (pfSense).. I like Linux licensing more than BSD, but I'll try FreeBSD as Desktop one day.. Maybe in two or three years, when I fully master Gentoo as a Desktop and server OS [09:46] Arch is great to comprehend OSes/distros [09:46] they have a great wiki [09:47] Arch is good, I'm a weird guy, I like Gentoo more than Arch :p [09:47] It's okay. I love compiling too [09:48] what do you use for desktop? mate? openbox? [09:50] AWESOME WM [09:50] nice [09:52] :) [10:23] Awoseme [10:23] xD [10:40] y'a de bons thèmes awesome ici [10:40] https://github.com/copycat-killer/awesome-copycats [10:43] Yep :) [10:44] I used to use Multicolor until an update broke it [11:01] XD [11:43] o/ nizarus rhabbachi [11:44] ahla elacheche :) [11:53] http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/08/new-ubuntu-dock-first-look [12:01] :-) pas loin de mon bureau actuel https://blog.nizarus.tn/2017/06/un-bureau-unity-avec-gnome-shell [12:49] Hey elacheche o/ [12:50] Bader: Merci pour tip sur the freeshell. [12:51] Bader: Je suis entiérement d'accord avec vous! :D