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mikael-arguedasHowdy Ubuntu Bug control team!17:03
mikael-arguedasI'm looking for the steps to take to get a package (libpcl-dev) rebuilt for zesty and artful (bug report here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pcl/+bug/1704459). Could anyone give me a pointer of what to is the best way forward?17:03
ubot5Launchpad bug 1704459 in pcl (Ubuntu) "rebuild needed because dependency changed location of exported libmpi.so library " [Undecided,Confirmed]17:03
mikael-arguedas(first time on IRC not sure if this was posted, sorry if it was): Howdy Ubuntu Bug Squad! I'm looking for the steps to take to get a package (libpcl-dev) rebuilt for zesty and artful (bug report here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pcl/+bug/1704459). Could anyone give me a pointer of what to is the best way forward?18:04
ubot5Launchpad bug 1704459 in pcl (Ubuntu) "rebuild needed because dependency changed location of exported libmpi.so library " [Undecided,Confirmed]18:04
tewardmikael-arguedas: you sent that already an hour ago.18:06
tewardpatience is sometimes a virtue.18:06
tewardmikael-arguedas: by 'rebuilt' do you mean to just have a rebuild triggered, or do you mean rebuilt with a newer version?18:06
mikael-arguedasteward: sorry I wasnt sure it was properly sent, didnt mean to seem impatient18:07
mikael-arguedasyes by rebuilt I mean have a rebuild triggered18:07
tewardmikael-arguedas: i forwarded this to archive admins, and asked them to ping back here, however I don't think 'zesty' packages'll be easily rebuilt at the moment, but don't quote me on that18:08
tewardartful, they can probably trigger a rebuild, but there's already 6.3.0+dfsg1-10build1 for libvtk6-dev in the repository, and unless you've tested recently for the issue in Artful, I'm not sure they'll do anything here18:08
teward(basically, go confirm with the latest artful daily the issue still exists)18:09
mikael-arguedasthanks! If I try in the latest artful docker image I should have the latest daily right ?18:10
tewardmikael-arguedas: i didn't say 'docker'18:11
tewardif you're doing it in docker, you should slap yourself, LXD would work better for the artful tests.  If you don't have the latest artful container just run `sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y'18:12
naccteward: who was asking?18:12
tewardnacc: mikael-arguedas18:12
tewardmikael-arguedas: nacc was looking at this18:12
tewardand didn't see your messages about testing artfuo18:12
tewardbecause I suggested it18:12
tewardnacc: feel free to take over18:13
tewardi need to complete timesheets *groans*18:13
naccmikael-arguedas: there appears to be a new src:pcl in artful-proposed18:13
naccteward: gl! :)18:13
nacchrm, failed to build on amd64 and arm6418:14
mikael-arguedasnacc: thanks for the pointer, and for monitoring it18:15
naccsigh "virtual memory exhausted: Cannot allocate memory"18:15
nacci'll retry it18:15
tewardmikael-arguedas: he's less monitoring it and only responding since I poked #ubuntu-release for someone to look at it ;)18:15
tewardnacc: sounds like EVIL in the builders18:15
tewardiirc i saw that twice with HUGE library builds18:15
mikael-arguedasnacc: ... pcl is always taking way too much memory ...18:15
naccmikael-arguedas: :/ ok, good to know18:16
mikael-arguedasteward: thank you!18:16
mikael-arguedasnacc: Do you know if a rebuild for zesty (without source change) can be considered?18:19
naccmikael-arguedas: it needs to be SRU'd to do that, even if no-change: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates -- because building in what is zesty now is not the same as building in what was zesty when zesty released (or when the pakcage was last built)18:20
naccmikael-arguedas: so yes, possible, but the above process needs to be followed (needs to be fixed in artful first, first of all)18:20
mikael-arguedasnacc: sounds good, thanks for the info18:21
naccmikael-arguedas: yw, to help along, you can help fill out the template for the SRU from the wiki page in the bug18:22
mikael-arguedasnacc: got it , will do!18:23
mikael-arguedasnacc: if the bug is fixed in artful with the new source, does that mean the the SRU should ask for the new version rather than a rebuild of the current zesty version ?18:25
naccmikael-arguedas: if the version in zesty will 'just work' after a rebuild, then no18:26
naccmikael-arguedas: but if more stuff is needed, then provide those details18:26
naccmikael-arguedas: a version bump won't happen by default (it's either a backport of a bugfix or a change to the build (or rebuild, in this case))18:26
mikael-arguedasnacc: that was my understanding as well, yeah it should "just work" with a rebuilt. thx18:28
naccmikael-arguedas: yw18:29

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