
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> Looks like it's an arm7 processor.  Not sure if it can run Linux.01:35
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> It was used in the game boy advanced.  This appears to be close to a microcontroller m01:36
floridagram-bot<RazPi> So the end result of those MTK6261D watches is.. they have bluetooth, an LCD screen, a camera, and a ~533mhz processor for under 10usd but nobody can program them unless you have a Nucleus RTOS and specifics on the rom07:56
floridagram-bot<RazPi> So many goodies in one 10 dollar package07:57
floridagram-bot<RazPi> It hurts a little. Right in tinkerer.07:57
floridagram-bot<Ivoriesablaze> Damn09:33
floridagram-bot<RazPi> Actually I might've hit gold.09:46
floridagram-bot<RazPi> I found some DZ09 posts on the xda forum09:46
floridagram-bot<RazPi> @KMyers @AdamOutler https://forum.xda-developers.com/smartwatch/other-smartwatches/dz09-gv08-alus-compatible-vxp-apps-rom-t334047609:47
floridagram-bot<RazPi> Think I found some development steps https://github.com/UstadMobile/ustadmobile-mre10:02
floridagram-bot<RazPi> Ok last link for the night sorry for the dump! … https://www.amazon.com/Padgene-Bluetooth-Smart-Watch-Camera/dp/B00X9L90RG/ref=pd_sim_107_8?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B00X9L90RG&pd_rd_r=YAK7N38D99FTSWPFVRWA&pd_rd_w=xp3Aj&pd_rd_wg=Mi4nP&psc=1&refRID=YAK7N38D99FTSWPFVRWA10:06
floridagram-bot<RazPi> If only i could wipe the entire thing and have access to the screen, peripherals, and that's it.10:08
floridagram-bot<Ivoriesablaze> Night? Dude, it's 6 am10:08
floridagram-bot<RazPi> That Sony keith gave me will be much nicer to hack xD10:08
floridagram-bot<RazPi> hnngh10:10
floridagram-bot<RazPi> Yeah I need to fix my sleep schedule10:10
floridagram-bot<Ivoriesablaze> Just slightly10:10
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> I was hearing a weird noise for weeks.  It was a high pitched noise that sounded like an air tank being released.   Turned out I found out what it was just now.  It was a sprinkler against a bathroom window we never use.  So I was just about to fix it and the power flickered.10:11
floridagram-bot<RazPi> gosh10:11
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> The flicker caused the sprinkler to reset and turn off.   I couldnt grab it before it went back down.10:11
floridagram-bot<RazPi> xD10:11
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> That's why I'm up.  I'm going back to bed.10:12
floridagram-bot<RazPi> 'night!10:12
floridagram-bot<KMyers> FYI - You can get a SonicCD Key on Steam in T-Mobile Tuesdays - @Ivoriesablaze / @ahoneybun / Hector  / @govatent14:15
floridagram-bot<govatent> nice14:15
floridagram-bot<KMyers> https://allo.google.com/web14:28
floridagram-bot<KMyers> Not sure how useful it is aside from being able to use Google Assistant from the web14:28
maxolasersquadIt looks like the ability to scan the QR code to use the web interface is being pushed out to the mobile client in a staggered fashion.14:42
floridagram-bot<KMyers> You do need the latest version of the client. It should be in the play store14:42
maxolasersquadSome reading on teh interwebs suggests you need Allo v16, which began rollout yesterday.14:54
maxolasersquadI just newly installed Allo and it wasn't giving me the option.14:54
maxolasersquadAnd now it has the option.14:55
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> yea saw it yesterday16:05
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> works now16:05
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> Eww Ubuntu is by default turning on 4 desktops on GNOME17:14
maxolasersquadWhat's the problem with that?17:28
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> There should be only one by default like upstream17:30
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> You make them as you need17:30
floridagram-bot<KMyers> +119:58
floridagram-bot<RazPi> https://www.pine64.org/?page_id=917 I need a screen that'll hook up to this thing!!22:27
floridagram-bot<RazPi> @KMyers Are there SIM card plans that allow you to just buy a set amount of data transfer and rollover, for the next year?22:32
floridagram-bot<KMyers> Not exactly like that, the closest you will get to that is some prepaid plans like Trac Phone. Not sure if they do it with Data though. It is generally more expensive per GB22:34
floridagram-bot<RazPi> @KMyers for what I had in mind, I only need a gig or so perhaps for the whole year22:40
floridagram-bot<RazPi> I suddenly came across SoC with GSM-- .. SENSORS22:40
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> Maybe Ting22:40
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> You pay for what you use and can limit it all22:41
floridagram-bot<RazPi> !22:41
floridagram-bot<RazPi> That sounds perfect22:41
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> It's 8 or so a month to keep the line active22:42
floridagram-bot<RazPi> darn, that's what I don't want22:42
floridagram-bot<RazPi> I guess there's always the cost of keeping active22:42
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> Well yea22:42
floridagram-bot<RazPi> I was hoping to spend less than 10 for a whole year on a sensor I could put anywhere, like soil moisture22:42
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> Not sure there is a market for this need22:42
floridagram-bot<RazPi> https://www.freedompop.com/offer/sim-nationwide-lte-f10?ftm_source=google&ftm_medium=cpc&ftm_campaign=SHOP_SIMVoice-NA_US-ENG_DTM_USSVA_NB&ftm_placement=-&ftm_term=-&ftm_network=search-g&ftm_content=169523730925-1o1&ftm_adgroup=US_SIMVOICE_ATT&ftm_device=dto&ftm_devicemodel=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI7-Hzk6ba1QIVhR2BCh1oOwFtEAQYASABEgKvuvD_BwE22:43
floridagram-bot<RazPi> FreedomPOP?22:43
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> You get so much calls, texts and data a month for free or something22:43
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> Not sure how they make money, maybe selling the device22:43
floridagram-bot<RazPi> Truphone sim - 9c min/text but incoming is free. Credit doesn't expire. Costs $25 for a sim kit with $15 credit to start. Needs an ATT compatible unlocked phone. … https://www.truphone.com/us/consumer/sim/22:48
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> @RazPi you find the oddest things22:49
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> I think my roommate has that watch but does nothing with it22:50
floridagram-bot<RazPi> @ahoneybun Well it started with the 10$ chinese smartwatch, then the programming kit, then I realized what in the world useful could I do with it, but it was so cheap it was a computer with a gsm-sim capability, then I looked up diy smartwatches, then I found the PADI Pine64 IoT stamp for 2USD, then I found some companies were making IoT devices with GSM capability.. and now I'm here.22:53
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> so are you trying to program a smartwatch or make a watering system lol22:54
floridagram-bot<KMyers> @RazPi - is this just for experimenting? Or will you need multiple!22:59
floridagram-bot<KMyers> Sorry ?22:59
floridagram-bot<RazPi> @KMyers Oh just letting ideas brew, in NC I know farmers, and I don't know.. the idea of a 24/7 sensor that doesn't require wifi sounds really really neat to me.23:11
floridagram-bot<RazPi> I feel like there's a really useful idea in there somewhere, when you don't have the requirement of a wifi network23:11
floridagram-bot<RazPi> and a 4kb packet at at ime23:11
floridagram-bot<RazPi> *at at ime23:11
floridagram-bot<RazPi> 4kb is a ton of data in some scenarios23:11
floridagram-bot<KMyers> TMobile actually has an IoT plan that is cheap and designed for that sort of thing23:13
floridagram-bot<KMyers> Essentially $20 per year for unlimited data (max 64 kbps)23:14
floridagram-bot<KMyers> http://iot.t-mobile.com/23:14
floridagram-bot<RazPi> !!!!23:14
floridagram-bot<RazPi> I just found this but taht sound even better23:14
floridagram-bot<RazPi> https://myaccount.truphone.com/en-US/Product/CustomizeProduct23:14
floridagram-bot<KMyers> Sorry, 25 per year23:15
floridagram-bot<RazPi> ... this is a hammer just screaming for a nail23:16
floridagram-bot<KMyers> But for something like a watch... Like in my case, I just use a duplicate SIM card. It is limited to 3G speed but works perfectly fine in a watch23:18
floridagram-bot<RazPi> Those chinese phones are so difficult to program, I only found the SDK on some random russian site23:19
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> Obamaphone might work.  Try SafeLink.com they have free phones for poor people :D23:21
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> You get calls text and data.23:21
floridagram-bot<KMyers> So how is one to access the home button and use headphones?23:34

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