
PhoenixMagehmmm, maybe today I will give samba dc another go *sigh*00:08
=== JoshStrobl is now known as JoshStrobl|zzz
mwhudsonzyga-suse: maybe you can look at https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snapd-vs-upstream-kernel-vs-apparmor/1704 then00:24
* ikey|zzz walks out00:56
ikey|zzzcrap i typoed and meant solus 300:57
* ikey|zzz walks out again00:57
willdeberryhello all, anyone have a moment to assist with getting this snap i am building able to talk to dbus and bluetooth?02:12
willdeberryi am currently getting the following: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied02:13
willdeberryI have tried using the following plugs: network, network-manager, network-control and bluetooth-control02:14
willdeberrydo i have to switch to classic mode to get the support i am aiming for?02:14
willdeberryrepo link for reference: https://github.com/willdeberry/bjarkan02:18
chad_youngwilldeberry: I am a novice so take my suggestions as such02:36
chad_youngI thought there was a bluez interface02:37
willdeberrythis is a non ubuntu core install so it doesn't show a bluez interface02:38
willdeberrytrying to use system's bluez/dbus02:38
chad_youngsorry - cant help - good luck02:39
willdeberryi assume classic is the answer, but just want to exhaust all ideas before jumping to that02:41
chad_youngI really have a hard time believeing that "classic" is the only option03:00
willdeberryagreed, which is why i am here :)03:02
chad_youngwilldeberry - have you posted the same Q on https://rocket.ubuntu.com/home or the forums?03:02
willdeberryi have not. i can give rocketchat a try though03:04
PhoenixMageWhats the correct way to restart a daemon inside a snap?03:44
PhoenixMageIs there any way to prevent snapcraft from adding a copy of x86_64-linux-gnu/libpytalloc-util.so.2 when priming?05:43
* mvo hugs mwhudson06:33
mvomwhudson: about the panic in -buidmode=pie, where should I report this?06:38
mvomwhudson: reported against the debian golang-1.8 for now as 171105206:50
zyga-ubuntugood morning06:53
mvohey zyga-ubuntu!06:55
zyga-ubuntumvo: hey06:55
zyga-ubuntuI see we know what the crash is caused by06:55
zyga-ubuntumwhudson: can you expand on the "it is a hack" comment06:55
mvozyga-ubuntu: yeah, very happy, testing a workaround (no pie for i386) and if that works we have 2.27.2 and a bottle of champagne (or maybe just a cup of tea)06:56
zyga-ubuntuthat works for me06:58
mupPR snapd#3736 closed: apparmor: pass --quiet to parser on load unless SNAPD_DEBUG is set <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3736>06:59
mupPR snapcraft#1488 opened: lxd: always remove existing device for project folder <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1488>07:33
mupPR snapd#3737 opened: debian: do not build with -buildmode=pie on i386 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3737>07:35
mupPR snapd#3738 opened: debian: do not build with -buildmode=pie on i386 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3738>07:36
* zyga-ubuntu wonders when launchpad will support markdown07:41
zyga-ubuntumvo: do we get build-id in non-pie mode?07:42
zyga-ubuntumwhudson: and do we need the same approach on armhf?07:42
zyga-ubuntumwhudson: what's the trigger, is it exactly i386 or is it all 32bit07:42
mvozyga-ubuntu: we still have a build-id07:50
zyga-ubuntumvo: when do you plan to release .2?07:53
mvozyga-ubuntu: as soon as I green light for the pie workaround07:53
mupPR snapcraft#1474 closed: kbuild plugin: use ARCH from environment if set <Created by kalikiana> <Closed by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1474>08:06
zyga-ubuntumvo: it's green08:11
zyga-ubuntumvo: do you want to wait for adt?08:11
mvozyga-ubuntu: mostly interessted in feedback from mwhudson or Chipaca08:13
Chipacamvo: on what?08:15
PhoenixMagezyga-ubuntu: Do you know if snapcraft puts a copy of libpytalloc-util.so.2 in x86_64-linux-gnu?08:19
zyga-ubuntuPhoenixMage: if that library is referenced via DT_NEEDED08:19
zyga-ubuntuPhoenixMage: snapcraft walks the built package and seeks shared libaries that are used08:19
zyga-ubuntuPhoenixMage: it doesn't handle dlopen-style references though08:20
PhoenixMagezyga-ubuntu: How would I stop it from doing that? It seems to be the wrong version and samba has one of its own. I get mportError: /snap/samba-dc/x1/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpytalloc-util.so.2: version `PYTALLOC_UTIL_2.1.9' not found (required by /snap/samba-dc/x1/usr/lib/samba/libsamba-python-samba4.so) when I run my program08:21
zyga-ubuntuPhoenixMage: that I don't know, sorry, you need to ask a snapcraft developer for this08:21
PhoenixMageok thanks08:21
PhoenixMageAnyone in channel a snapcraft dev? lol08:21
zyga-ubuntuyes but typically in US timezones08:22
mvoChipaca: about disabling -buildmode=pie on i386 to workaround the panic, its 373808:23
Chipacamvo: yes08:23
PhoenixMagethats ok, I am usually up pretty late, my boss is in the US08:23
Chipacamvo: and spread fails with a weird error in the gccgo tests08:24
Chipacamvo: coincidence?08:24
mvoChipaca: probably08:25
mvoChipaca: buildflags is cleaned when gccgo is used08:25
mvoChipaca: so this should not affect anything, but let me look at the failure08:25
Chipacamvo: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25324369/08:26
Chipacasave you the lookin'08:26
mvoChipaca: thanks! strange error08:28
Chipacamvo: that's what she said!08:28
mvoChipaca: double fun, the 2.27 version is green08:31
Chipacamvo: hit that "AGAIN!" button and cross fingers08:32
zyga-ubuntumvo: xenial moved to 2.26.1008:35
mvozyga-ubuntu: yay08:37
zyga-ubuntumvo: "yay" but I'd make sure that update tests checked that version too08:38
mwhudsonzyga-ubuntu, mvo: no armhf should be ok08:47
mwhudsonzyga-ubuntu: and the "it's a hack" thing08:47
mwhudsonzyga-ubuntu: well you know you can't access the instruction pointer directly in i386 right?08:47
mwhudsonso whenever there is access to global data, which you want to do ip-relative08:48
mwhudsonthe go compiler inserts a call to a function that copies the return address (i.e. the callers' ip) into bx and uses that08:48
mwhudsonthe hack part is that it does this for _every_ access, there's no cleverness to avoid calling the stubs all the time08:49
mwhudsonso it should work, just with large and slow code08:49
mupPR snapd#3733 closed: switch to canonical path for gopkg.in/cheggaaa/pb.v1 <Created by mwhudson> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3733>08:49
mwhudsonthe crash is unexpected :/08:49
mvomost crashes are ;)08:49
mwhudsonmvo: this only happens in artful, not zesty etc?08:49
mvomwhudson: I have only observed it with go 1.8 but AIUI only 1.8 has the extra checks in the garbage collector08:50
mvomwhudson: that result in the panic08:50
mupPR snapd#3730 closed: tests: adding more debug information for the interfaces-cups-control … <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3730>08:50
mvomwhudson: so I would assume its also there in older versions, just undetected08:50
mwhudsonno i think those checks have been there for a while08:51
mwhudsoni remember debugging them failing on ppc64 ages ago :)08:51
mwhudsonat least similar checks anyway08:51
mwhudsonah hm no maybe you're right about this specific check is new08:52
zyga-ubuntugary-wzl: hey08:52
zyga-ubuntugary-wzl: comented on 361708:52
zyga-ubuntumwhudson: yes, I know08:52
mwhudsonmvo: in any case if you have a smaller test case than "all of snapd" it makes sense to report it upstream and i'll try to fix it08:53
zyga-ubuntumwhudson: I see, so it's not a hack per se that it's all barely holding together,08:53
zyga-ubuntumwhudson: more of a creative coding on your part08:53
mvomwhudson: no smaller testcase yet unfortunately I can look some more for that. easy to reproduce with snapd though08:53
zyga-ubuntumwhudson: and the true cause of the bug is still a mystery08:53
mwhudsonzyga-ubuntu: yeah08:54
mwhudsonmvo: i tried and failed to reproduce it in an artful 32 bit lxd container i had lying around, but maybe i was doing something silly08:54
mwhudsonprobably a vm is better08:54
mvomwhudson: if you could quickly ack/nack https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3737 that would be great08:54
mupPR snapd#3737: debian: do not build with -buildmode=pie on i386 (2.27) <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3737>08:54
mvomwhudson: the sequence appears to be important: "sudo dpkg --purge snapd; apt install snapd; sudo snap install --beta core" and watch syslog to see the crash08:55
mvomwhudson: for unknown reasons the system needs to be in a pristine state it seems08:55
mwhudsonmvo: dpkg --print-architecture isn't really right is it?08:55
mwhudsonmvo: surely you want dpkg-architecture -qDEB_TARGET_ARCH or something along those lines?08:56
mvomwhudson: I also got some cannot unmarshal json errors when run later but that might be fallout from the earlier panic08:56
mwhudsonah i think i saw those ones08:56
mvomwhudson: indeed, let me fix that, I was too quick08:56
mwhudson(the unmarshal json stuff)08:56
mvomwhudson: yeah, I suspect its fallout, but hard to tell08:58
mwhudsonmvo: commented on the PR08:58
mvomwhudson: thanks, fixed09:01
gary-wzlzyga-ubuntu: Thanks!09:03
zyga-ubuntugary-wzl: what you did is fine (existing sprintf vs replace) -- I just made a remark because this is so close to being exactly the same everywhere I think it is worth to pursue this goal09:19
gary-wzlzyga-ubuntu: I was thinking another PR would make more sense to isolate something unrelated to udev tagging rule.09:23
zyga-ubuntugary-wzl: if you can, please09:25
gary-wzlzyga-ubuntu: yeah, working on that. We'll probably achieve a good results with smaller differ size on #3617 if I put it in that way09:26
gary-wzlThanks for your comments09:26
zyga-ubuntugary-wzl: thank you for the work so so much :)09:26
* zyga-ubuntu -> offline for 30 min09:29
Chipacamvo: don't you have the logic in the makefile backwards09:33
Chipacaah, no, +=09:33
Chipacaignore me :-)09:33
zyga-ubuntuadsf  tr5fgr5tetfetfe45rf~~ju7777777777777777OH[24~09:38
pedronisChipaca: I nitpicked again, sorry09:39
ograzyga-ubuntu, got a new cat ?09:39
zyga-ubuntuogra: I was wiping dust off my keyboard09:39
zyga-ubuntuogra: :)09:39
Chipacapedronis: sigh09:41
Chipacapedronis: I think I'm going to move it in the followup pr09:41
Chipacaotherwise i'm going to spend my day waiting for it09:42
pedronisChipaca: it's fine09:42
mupPR snapd#3739 opened: Add read access to virtual disk hard drives in udisk2 interface <Created by adglkh> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3739>09:43
pedronisChipaca: I mean, it's fine to do it in a follow up09:44
pedronisChipaca: btw, I'm not picky where after "type ..."09:45
Chipacai mean, ok09:45
* Chipaca puts it inside of Find09:46
pedronisChipaca: I said not picky, not careless :)09:46
Chipacapedronis: aw :-D09:46
pedronisChipaca: I mean  , either just after type or all the method defs, as you prefer09:47
* Chipaca nods09:47
Chipacapedronis: makes most sense to me to be right after type09:47
mvozyga-ubu1tu: geh, test failure in autopkgtest because cmd_interfaces_test.go fails with the following diff: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25324625/09:49
mvozyga-ubu1tu: do you mind if I simply this test?09:49
mvozyga-ubu1tu: something is doing line wrapping09:49
mupPR snapd#3724 closed: wrappers: symlink completion snippets when symlinking binaries <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3724>09:50
Chipacamvo: the way i've addressed that kind of thing is by writing what I want so it's clearest, and then replacing all spaces with \s+09:51
=== zyga-ubu1tu is now known as zyga-ubuntu
pedronisChipaca: are you doing the spread tests tweak for the symlinks also in a follow up?  or you did it and I missed it09:52
Chipacaor was it with [ \t\n]09:52
* Chipaca looks09:52
zyga-ubuntumvo: this is because go-flags changed09:52
Chipacapedronis: i did it and you missed it :-)09:52
zyga-ubuntumvo: do I mind if you simply _what_ this test?09:52
zyga-ubuntumvo: (+1 to kill it)09:52
mvozyga-ubuntu: heh, kill is one option :)09:52
mvozyga-ubuntu: I was thinking about just doing contains and only checking for a subset09:53
zyga-ubuntumvo: aha09:53
zyga-ubuntumvo: that's fine as well09:53
zyga-ubuntumvo: though I was actually hoping to kill it09:53
pedronisChipaca: thx09:53
zyga-ubuntuthe point of the test was to make sure it looks OK09:53
mvozyga-ubuntu: let me kill it then, even better09:53
zyga-ubuntuand if we cannot eyeball it09:53
zyga-ubuntuthen lets kill it09:53
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: is there a commandline tool that looks at mountinfo?09:57
mupPR snapd#3740 opened: tests: remove TestInterfacesHelp as it breaks when go-flags changes <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3740>09:57
mupPR snapd#3741 opened: tests: remove TestInterfacesHelp as it breaks when go-flags changes <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3741>09:59
mvozyga-ubuntu: I only know cat for this :/10:00
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: maybe10:00
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: I know libmount handles stuff10:00
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: if it has any CLI tools then yes10:00
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: what do you neeD?10:00
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: I wrote a mountinfo -> json tool10:00
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: different question maybe: do you have nfs or autofs working anywhere?10:00
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: never published it10:00
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: no :/10:00
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: thinking about telling users "d'oh, your home is on the network, this ain't gonna fly"10:01
mvozyga-ubuntu: 3740 for you10:01
zyga-ubuntumvo: looking10:01
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: well, python is your friend, do you want this to be a standalone too10:01
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: or baked into snap?10:01
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: if latter I have all the libs ready10:02
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: i was just playing with the idea, but it'd be best to have it in snap itself10:02
Chipacae.g. make "snap run" print a warning10:02
ChipacaOTOH, one could argue that if we detect this, we could auto-workaround it10:03
ChipacaOTO²H that seems Hard, so maybe just include an easy-to-use thing that sets it up, non-automatically, and detect and alert if it's not used10:03
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: mmmmmm10:04
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: we might10:04
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: but it's per user10:04
Chipacammm indeeed10:04
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: and then it's too late-ish10:04
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: unless snap run would10:04
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: and would poke snapd10:04
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: yes, that's why in snap (as in, in snap run)10:04
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: and detecting it should be outside of snapd10:04
Chipacai mean, it's not snapd that needs to know this10:04
Chipacait's snap-confine10:04
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: it's both10:05
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: for home-on-nfs it requires at least three changes10:05
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: snap-confine, snapd for each app and apparmor defaults for home location10:06
* zyga-ubuntu -> coffee10:06
zyga-ubuntumvo: reviweed10:06
* zyga-ubuntu debugs something hairy10:06
=== ShalokShalom_ is now known as ShalokShalom
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: not seeing the snapd one10:07
Chipacapedronis: you got the check move now because i'm a doofus :-)10:08
zyga-ubuntumvo: hey10:08
zyga-ubuntumvo: guess what10:08
zyga-ubuntumvo: I have a patch for 2.2710:08
zyga-ubuntu3 lines10:08
pedronisChipaca: because you had named params only in one place? or something else?10:09
Chipacapedronis: src/github.com/snapcore/snapd/store/storetest/storetest.go:33: undefined: storetest in storetest.Store10:09
Chipacahasty, hasty, hasty10:10
pstolowskimvo, hey, a comment to your testinterfaceshelp change10:10
pedronispersons aren't great compilers but compilers are10:10
Chipacapedronis: I'm a great compiler10:11
Chipacaof useless facts10:11
Chipacaand dandruff10:11
mupPR snapd#3737 closed: debian: do not build with -buildmode=pie on i386 (2.27) <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3737>10:12
zyga-ubuntumvo: so please hold the line10:17
mvozyga-ubuntu: ok10:17
mvopstolowski: yeah, I think its fine to look at this for master, for 2.27 I'm keen to get it out10:18
mvozyga-ubuntu: what is it about?10:18
zyga-ubuntumvo: pushing10:19
mupPR snapd#3742 opened: interfaces: don't crash if content slot has no attributes <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3742>10:20
zyga-ubuntumvo: backport up as well10:21
mupPR snapd#3743 opened: interfaces: don't crash if content slot has no attributes (2.27) <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3743>10:21
mvozyga-ubuntu: ta10:22
mvozyga-ubuntu: I was thinking, this diff rings a bell :)10:22
zyga-ubuntuI feel so silly10:23
zyga-ubuntusorry for not doing it months ago10:23
mupPR snapd#3743 closed: interfaces: don't crash if content slot has no attributes (2.27) <Created by zyga> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3743>10:24
mvozyga-ubuntu: no worries10:25
mvozyga-ubuntu: I run the criticial adt tests in artful/i386 now and when things are green will release 2.27.210:27
zyga-ubuntumvo: I'm digging at one more issue related to content10:28
zyga-ubuntubut no smoking gun yet10:28
zyga-ubuntuso +110:28
pstolowskimvo, fair enough10:28
mvozyga-ubuntu: ok, adt will take a bit so that should be ok10:31
mvozyga-ubuntu: 3743 seems to be unhappy in the unit tests, can you please checkout the branch and run the unit tests?10:34
zyga-ubuntumvo: yes10:35
mupPR snapd#3740 closed: tests: remove TestInterfacesHelp as it breaks when go-flags changes (2.27) <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3740>10:35
zyga-ubuntumvo: sorry10:36
zyga-ubuntubad backport!10:36
* Chipaca brb10:36
mvozyga-ubuntu: yeah, just do a followup I merged already as 2.27 is not blocked on spread and I did not notice :/10:37
mupPR snapd#3744: interfaces: correctly backport the patch <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3744>10:38
mupPR snapd#3744 opened: interfaces: correctly backport the patch <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3744>10:38
zyga-ubuntuseb128: hey10:39
zyga-ubuntuseb128: can you please look at https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/content-interface-connection-issues/1585/2110:39
mupPR snapd#3744 closed: interfaces: correctly backport the patch <Created by zyga> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3744>10:40
seb128zyga-ubuntu, what bit?10:41
zyga-ubuntuseb128: I cannot reproduce the issue, can you check if my explanations makes sense10:41
zyga-ubuntuseb128: not sure if the real issue is the lack of auto-connect10:42
zyga-ubuntuseb128: or that at some time in the past the connection, even if made, did not really propagate10:42
zyga-ubuntus/propagate/result in things working/10:42
mupPR snapd#3745 opened: interfaces: convert uhid to common interface and test cases improvement for time_control and opengl <Created by adglkh> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3745>10:43
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
seb128zyga-ubuntu, btw the segfault seems a snap 2.27 regression10:50
zyga-ubuntuseb128: aha, I see, I think this will be fixed with 2.27.2 then10:50
zyga-ubuntuseb128: I'll try stable 2.26.14 now10:50
zyga-ubuntumvo: is 2.27.2 in candidate?10:51
seb128zyga-ubuntu, did you see https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/content-interface-connection-issues/1585/20 ?10:52
seb128or rather my reply to that10:52
seb128"Where can I find 2.26.14? xenial-proposed only has
seb128I tried 2.27.1 from artful-proposed but gnome-calculator abort on start with that version, that seems a different issue/a regression but it blocks me from verifying the fix."10:52
mvozyga-ubuntu: not even close :) its not even released yet, it will be in beta today10:52
zyga-ubuntuseb128: if you install snapd on ubuntu it re-execs from core snap10:52
mvozyga-ubuntu: why?10:52
zyga-ubuntuseb128: so you will just get the latest stable this way10:53
zyga-ubuntumvo: just wanted to check the regression is gone10:53
zyga-ubuntuseb128: snap version10:53
seb128zyga-ubuntu, then the issue was not fixed in current stable10:53
zyga-ubuntuseb128: vs apt-cache policy snapd10:53
seb128I confirmed the bug because uploading to 2.2710:53
zyga-ubuntuseb128: ok, let me debug further10:53
seb128zyga-ubuntu, the post I just gave had a testcase with gnome-calculator10:53
seb128zyga-ubuntu, is there any way to query snapd for the in-use version?10:53
seb128snapd --version would be nice10:54
zyga-ubuntusnap version10:54
zyga-ubuntuthat does both10:54
zyga-ubuntuit tells you client and server version10:54
zyga-ubuntuthere's also a static file in /usr/lib/snapd/info10:54
zyga-ubuntuand similar one in the core snap10:54
seb128oh, k, easy10:54
seb128I tried -v10:54
seb128and --version10:54
zyga-ubuntuah, sorry about those10:55
zyga-ubuntuwow, 2.26.14 indeed behaves oddly10:55
zyga-ubuntuseb128: reproduced10:57
mvozyga-ubuntu: is 2.27 behaving correctly?11:00
zyga-ubuntumvo: so far yes, I wanted to check that thing where a syscall is denied (qt related)11:00
zyga-ubuntuseb128: ok, I think I got one thing wrong11:02
zyga-ubuntu2.26.14 is still before the feature being enabled11:02
zyga-ubuntuI must have analyzed this incorrectly before11:02
zyga-ubuntubut running11:02
zyga-ubuntuzyga@fyke:/run/snapd/ns$ sudo /snap/core/current/usr/lib/snapd/snap-update-ns gnome-calculator11:02
zyga-ubuntugives me11:02
zyga-ubuntucannot update snap namespace: not implemented11:02
zyga-ubuntuwhich is before the feature went live11:02
zyga-ubuntuI think the extended release cycle for 2.26 has caused me to assume it would contain things that really only are in master11:03
zyga-ubuntuseb128: using 2.27.[12] shows this works11:03
Chipacapedronis: question about locking of SnapManager: should I worry about holding a lock while accessing its attributes?11:04
zyga-ubuntuseb128: I updated the forum11:04
Chipacapedronis: afaict everything is holding the state's lock right now, but i don't know if that's needed or incidental11:05
zyga-ubuntugary-wzl: thanks, +1'd 374511:08
zyga-ubuntumvo: when do we do 2.28?11:10
zyga-ubuntuI'd like to release master soon with the udev tagging bug fixed11:10
zyga-ubuntuas this is a major change11:11
zyga-ubuntuand we may get regressions for a long time11:11
zyga-ubuntumvo: fedora hicckup again :/11:12
zyga-ubuntuError: Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'updates'11:12
zyga-ubuntu++ dnf -q -y --refresh install libtool11:12
* zyga-ubuntu got depressed at 13:1311:13
zyga-ubuntuso meta11:13
zyga-ubuntuon to reviews11:13
Son_Gokuzyga-ubuntu: no updates doesn't mean that it won't install11:16
Son_Gokuas long as fedora repodata was downloaded11:16
Son_Gokubut something is seriously messed up with the Linode network for that to happen so often11:16
zyga-ubuntuSon_Goku: yeah, I was thinking the same thing11:17
zyga-ubuntuSon_Goku: I wonder if they have a mirror11:17
zyga-ubuntuI'll ssh-in and see11:17
=== JoshStrobl|zzz is now known as JoshStrobl
Son_Gokuif Linode is an official mirror, they may have set in Fedora MirrorManager to direct all traffic from their own nodes to their own mirror11:17
jdstrandmwhudson: hey/ re apparmor working> hello-world.evil (snap install hello-world) is a basic test11:17
Son_GokuI've done the same for my workplace with our registered mirror11:18
jdstrandmwhudson: hello-world.sh and poking around is another11:18
Son_Gokuthis is Fedora MirrorManager, btw: https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mirrormanager/11:18
Son_Gokuzyga-ubuntu: for example, if there was a Fedora mirror for Canonical (private or public), you can register it with mirrormanager and indicate what IP blocks should always be directed to your mirror11:19
zyga-ubuntuSon_Goku: well, I hope we don't need our own mirror :)11:21
zyga-ubuntuSon_Goku: I just want the cloud bits to work11:21
Son_Gokucloud never works :)11:21
zyga-ubuntuSon_Goku: may be linode bug11:21
zyga-ubuntuSon_Goku: may be something else, but it is too soon to tell11:22
Chipacapstolowski: i'm seeing a weird thing where retry carries on retrying things after it's gotten something11:22
Chipacapstolowski: have you seen that, or should I dig further?11:22
Chipacaanyway, right now i'm off to run and lunch11:23
zyga-ubuntu... obtained time.Time = time.Time{sec:63638477897, nsec:23992430, loc:(*time.Location)(0x7d0500)} ("2017-08-16 10:58:17.02399243 +0000 UTC")11:25
zyga-ubuntu... expected time.Time = time.Time{sec:63638477897, nsec:27992384, loc:(*time.Location)(0x7d0500)} ("2017-08-16 10:58:17.027992384 +0000 UTC")11:25
zyga-ubuntumvo: did you notice this?11:25
zyga-ubuntuI see it for the 2nd time today11:25
zyga-ubuntu... obtained time.Time = time.Time{sec:63638477897, nsec:23992430, loc:(*time.Location)(0x7d0500)} ("2017-08-16 10:58:17.02399243 +0000 UTC")11:25
zyga-ubuntu... obtained time.Time = time.Time{sec:63638477897, nsec:23992430, loc:(*time.Location)(0x7d0500)} ("2017-08-16 10:58:17.02399243 +0000 UTC")11:25
zyga-ubuntu... obtained time.Time = time.Time{sec:63638477897, nsec:23992430, loc:(*time.Location)(0x7d0500)} ("2017-08-16 10:58:17.02399243 +0000 UTC")11:25
zyga-ubuntuFAIL: picfg_test.go:124: piCfgSuite.TestConfigurePiConfigNoChangeSet11:25
* zyga-ubuntu curses moronic copy-paste on linux11:26
zyga-ubuntumvo: go test -check.f piCfgSuite.TestConfigurePiConfigNoChangeSet -count 100011:27
zyga-ubuntumvo: this fails on master11:27
zyga-ubuntuand that test seems to find real bug11:30
zyga-ubuntumvo: I'll investigate11:31
zyga-ubuntumvo: yes, it's a bug11:40
zyga-ubuntumvo: around? I have a question11:42
zyga-ubuntumvo: or if you can, a call (whatever you prefer)11:42
zyga-ubuntumvo: I think the fix is trivial11:47
=== ikey|zzz is now known as ikey
Son_Gokumvo, so where's snapd 2.27.2?11:53
ograon vacation ...11:55
ograshould come home later today though ....11:55
mvozyga-ubuntu: in a meeting right now11:55
mvoSon_Goku: almost ready :)11:55
mvoSon_Goku: after lunch (my lunch :)11:55
Son_Gokuso... in an hour or so, eh?11:55
pstolowskiChipaca, no, I haven't seen this, do you have any logs?11:57
mvoSon_Goku: yes11:58
mvoSon_Goku: unless zyga-ubuntu comes along and finds yet another bug ;)11:58
* Son_Goku glares at zyga-ubuntu 11:58
ograyou guys should really stop implementing all these bugs ...11:58
ogra... implement features instead :)11:59
pedroniszyga-ubuntu: check.Equals and time are usually a bad idea, you need Time.Equal12:00
zyga-ubuntupedronis: thanks but that test is just broken12:00
zyga-ubuntupedronis: and we didn't notice because the comparison is flaky12:00
zyga-ubuntupedronis: the bug is in the real code12:00
zyga-ubuntuso, can you run zyga@fyke:~/go/src/github.com/snapcore/snapd/corecfg$ go test -count 100012:04
zyga-ubuntunot what happens12:04
zyga-ubuntu-count 1000 breaks the test12:04
zyga-ubuntuthen I get12:04
zyga-ubuntu... error string = "cannot run snapctl: snapctl: error while loading shared libraries: libpthread.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"12:04
zyga-ubuntufeels like another golang bug12:05
zyga-ubuntuthis is around exec12:05
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: ^12:05
zyga-ubuntumvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/374612:08
mupPR snapd#3746: corecfg: handle unknown keys that are explicitly set <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3746>12:08
zyga-ubuntuI'll open a thread about the pthread bug12:08
zyga-ubuntu(ha ha)12:09
mupPR snapd#3746 opened: corecfg: handle unknown keys that are explicitly set <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3746>12:09
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/corecfg-tests-crash-with-weird-pthread-bug-when-invoked-with-count-1000/171212:11
* zyga-ubuntu tries to reproduce that now12:11
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: kill $!12:20
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: i'll take a look at the pthread thing12:20
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: I'm looking too12:21
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: it's curious12:21
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: doesn't happen in a smaller test case yet12:21
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: which benchmarks were you expecting this to run btw?12:23
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: benchmarks?12:24
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: so I ran a small test case that just does systemctl --version with -count 100012:24
zyga-ubuntuand that works12:24
zyga-ubuntubut the real test suite fails12:24
zyga-ubuntuI added almost everything back12:24
zyga-ubuntuand it still works12:24
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: i'm not seeing anything about pthreads12:26
Chipaca... error string = "cannot run snapctl: error: error running snapctl: invalid snap cookie requested"12:26
Chipaca^ that's what i'm getting12:26
zyga-ubuntuthere's something else broken12:26
zyga-ubuntu+       mockSnapctl := testutil.MockCommand(c, "snapctl", "")12:26
zyga-ubuntu+       defer mockSnapctl.Restore()12:26
zyga-ubuntuadd this12:26
zyga-ubuntuthe code _may_ run snapctl if the version query goes through12:26
zyga-ubuntuafter adding it I see12:27
zyga-ubuntuFAIL: corecfg_test.go:46: coreCfgSuite.TestConfigureErrorOnMissingCoreSupport12:27
zyga-ubuntu    c.Check(err, ErrorMatches, `(?m)cannot run systemctl - core-support interface seems disconnected: \[--version\] failed with exit status 1: simulate missing core-support`)12:27
zyga-ubuntu... value = nil12:27
zyga-ubuntu... regex string = "(?m)cannot run systemctl - core-support interface seems disconnected: \\[--version\\] failed with exit status 1: simulate missing core-support"12:27
Chipacaalso these:12:27
Chipaca... obtained time.Time = time.Time{sec:63638483255, nsec:193288244, loc:(*time.Location)(0x7d1520)} ("2017-08-16 13:27:35.193288244 +0100 BST")12:27
zyga-ubuntu... Error value is nil12:27
zyga-ubuntuso, it's sitll racy and broken but12:27
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: this is fixed by12:27
mupPR snapd#3746: corecfg: handle unknown keys that are explicitly set <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3746>12:27
zyga-ubuntuso cherry pick that12:28
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: what's this supposed to be testing, again?12:29
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: note that this thing doesn't do Exec, it does Fork12:29
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: which test case?12:29
zyga-ubuntuit does os.exec/Exec12:30
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: there is no Exec in os.exec12:30
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: there's syscall.Exec, which calls clone(2) which is where the issues were12:31
zyga-ubuntuah, sorry, exec.Command12:32
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: and then there's os/exec's Command, which has a Start (and a Run, that calls Start), that call os.StartProcess, that call syscall.StartProcess, that calls forkExec, that does the necessary stuff12:33
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: inside that branch run12:34
zyga-ubuntuzyga@fyke:~/go/src/github.com/snapcore/snapd/corecfg$ go test12:34
zyga-ubuntuand compare that to12:34
zyga-ubuntuzyga@fyke:~/go/src/github.com/snapcore/snapd/corecfg$ go test -count 100012:34
zyga-ubuntuthat shows the issue12:34
zyga-ubuntuAFAIK -count is not concurrent12:34
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: I updated the forum post12:36
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: ... error string = "cannot run snapctl: should never call snapctl"12:38
mupPR snapd#3738 closed: debian: do not build with -buildmode=pie on i386 <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3738>12:41
seb128zyga-ubuntu, mvo, when are xenial users going to get 2.27?12:42
mvoseb128: I just uploaded 2.27.2 to xenial-proposed. the 2.27 release had a regression for some Qt systems12:43
mupPR snapd#3742 closed: interfaces: don't crash if content slot has no attributes <Created by zyga> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3742>12:43
seb128mvo, gnome-calculator segfaults on 2.27.1 btw12:43
seb128and it doesn't use qt :p12:43
mvoseb128: does edge also segfault?12:44
mvoseb128: what do I need to do to reproduce?12:44
seb128mvo, I think zyga said it should be fixed in .2 so don't waste time on it12:44
seb128I can test and let you know12:44
mvoseb128: I'm building 2.27.2 in the beta channel as we speak12:44
seb128mvo, I'm too old school to understand you, just going to wait for the artful debs12:45
seb128which is how I tested 2.27.1 :p12:45
mvoseb128: *pffff* ;)12:46
* mvo hugs seb12812:46
* seb128 hugs mvo back12:46
mvoseb128: artful debs are also uploaded, if you follow -proposed things should be available RSN12:46
seb128mvo, I don't play with channel but I'm afraid to end up on a situation where I put myself on a beta channel for good when I just wanted to test a specific version and then go back to normal default behaviour12:46
seb128it's already confusing me enough that the snapd process version doesn't match the snapd deb I've installed :p12:47
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: what's the environment in which you were getting the pthread thing?12:49
zyga-ubuntuseb128, mvo: I didn't test .212:49
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: xenial12:49
seb128zyga-ubuntu, you confirmed the issue in .1 and the fix in .2 then?12:50
zyga-ubuntuseb128: I was focusing on the content issue12:50
zyga-ubuntuseb128: and it looked unrelated12:50
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: are you reexec'ing?12:50
zyga-ubuntuseb128: I can check .212:50
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: in the test?12:50
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: yes12:50
ograseb128, try yourself ... switching to edge (and back) is so trivial and safe12:51
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: there's nothing to reexec there but I think I was12:51
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: doesn't snapctl try to reexec?12:51
zyga-ubuntuseb128: and if not we'll airlift ogra to fix your machine12:51
seb128ogra, is that documented somewhere?12:51
ograseb128, snap refersh --edge core ... test ... snap refresh --stable core12:51
ograthere ... now it is :P12:51
seb128ogra, you can't expect users to know that12:51
ogra(modulo typos :P )12:51
seb128so the question still stands12:52
Chipacaogra: that's in the wrong orange! let me file a bug12:52
Chipacaseb128: you can't expect to tell users to try edge either12:52
ograChipaca,  i only support peaches !12:52
Chipacaedge _will_ ruin your holidays periodically12:52
seb128Chipaca, well that's what I'm being asked to do because I've a snap that segfaults since the snapd update12:52
ograseb128, it is surely documented somewhere on snapcraft.io ...12:52
ogra(but i use it for so long already that i dont know where)12:52
Chipacaseb128: asking you to do it is not the same as expecting you to do it unprompted12:53
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: snapctl should *never* run in either case12:53
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: the code bails out earlier12:53
willdeberrymorning all. trying to solve a problem without being forced into a classic confinemet. I have a python bluetooth CLI tool and am getting the following when I try and run it from a snap: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: Permission denied12:53
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: not sure if snapctl re-execs but I assume so12:53
seb128anyway, not a argument I'm interested to have12:53
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: do you still get the pthread thing?12:53
willdeberryI have tried the following plugs without any success: bluetooth-control, network, network-contorl, network-manager12:53
zyga-ubuntuwilldeberry: are they connected?12:53
seb128I'm going to wait for the deb to be there to see if snapd stopped segfaulting my apps12:53
popeyhi willdeberry12:54
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: yes, I can show you during the call12:54
ograwilldeberry, there is a dbus interface too ...12:54
zyga-ubuntulet me order coffee & cake12:54
zyga-ubuntuand I'll join12:54
willdeberryzyga-ubuntu: i tried manually connecting them and had no change12:54
willdeberryhello popey, thanks for the reply on twitter12:54
mvoseb128: what do I need to do to verify the error?12:54
mvoseb128: is snap install gnome-calulator enough?12:54
willdeberryogra: the docs for the dbus interface seem to point to only need if i am exposing dbus bus/methods though12:55
kozawilldeberry, what kind of bus your script is using? if OBEX then this is a known issue12:55
mvoseb128: also, why does this comes up 1min *after* I tagged 2.27.2 :/12:55
mvoseb128: (not your fault I know, just bad timing)12:55
willdeberrykoza: just using dbus to interact with the local bluetooth on the system12:55
seb128mvo, because you don't read the forum?12:55
Chipacaseb128: that's a bit harsh12:56
seb128mvo, I mentioned it on https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/content-interface-connection-issues/1585 some days ago12:56
seb128Chipaca, that's the reality though12:56
willdeberrypopey: I am still occastionally seeing the syntax error you opened an issue report on github about too. snapcraft will give me a working build and the very next will have the error again. even if nothing change in the master branch of code12:56
ograseb128, i do read the forum (like all day) and didnt know about it12:56
seb128Chipaca, and I'm not even speaking about launchpad bugs12:56
kozawilldeberry, could you pastebin snapcraft.yaml, $ snap list <yoursnap>12:56
popeywilldeberry: huh, that's strange!12:56
seb128ogra, well on that url ^12:57
seb128"Where can I find 2.26.14? xenial-proposed only has
seb128I tried 2.27.1 from artful-proposed but gnome-calculator abort on start with that version, that seems a different issue/a regression but it blocks me from verifying the fix."12:57
mvoseb128: aha, so its not a 2.27 regression?12:57
mvoseb128: oh, it is12:57
seb128mvo, it is12:57
mvoseb128: meh12:57
kozawilldeberry, i mean $ snap interfaces <yoursnap>12:57
ograseb128, if it is 2.27 specific i'D have expected a comment on https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/in-progress-snapd-2-27-1/572 where blockers are collected12:57
seb128mvo, but basically12:58
seb128$ snap install gnome-3-2412:58
seb128$ snap install gnome-calculator12:58
seb128$ snap connect gnome-calculator:gnome-3-24-platform gnome-3-24:gnome-3-24-platform12:58
seb128$ snap run gnome-calculator12:58
seb128mvo, that works in 2.26 and segfault in 2.27.112:58
seb128ogra, your workflow would have to be documented for people to know that12:58
willdeberrykoza: so had to install it on another machine to be able to test/work with yall while I am work. Reconnected all the interfaces on this new machine and noticed a slight variance in the AccessDenied message: An AppArmor policy prevents this sender from sending this message to this recipient12:58
seb128ogra, or launchpad bugs to be look at12:59
ograseb128, it isnt *my workflow* (note i'm not in the snapd team ... it is simply what i grok from reading the forum as a non team member12:59
willdeberrykoza: https://pastebin.com/vqaxnDfe12:59
seb128anyway I've no interest in arguing more13:00
ograif there is a thread about preparing a release, i dump my blockers in there ... or at least a link to the thread about my blockers ... thats more common sense than anything else13:00
popeyseb128:  interestingly that works in 2.27 on solus (I don't have 2.27.1 or .2 there)13:00
seb128to me launchpad is the place to file bugs13:00
ograthats fine13:00
kozawilldeberry, try "Debugging Confined Apps" section from https://snapcraft.io/docs/build-snaps/debugging to get better understanding of how to fix it.13:00
ograjust link them where the communication about the release happens ;)13:00
willdeberrykoza: I will go through that, ty. devmode definitely works, but honestly not surprised by that13:01
seb128ogra, I don't know about that place or special workflow13:01
seb128anyway enough arguing13:01
ograseb128, because you dont read the forum ?13:01
seb128good afternoon to you snappy people :-)13:01
* ogra grins13:01
* seb128 goes back to do work13:01
seb128ogra, indeed not, why would I? I file my bugs in launchpad, if that's the wrong place then bugfiling should be closed on the snapd component13:02
mvoseb128: does not segfault for me13:03
mvoseb128: with 2.27.213:03
ograyour bugs are fine in launchpad ... but if you see a blocker you consider urgent, trusting that someone sees your bug in time might not be the best way13:03
seb128mvo,good then it's fixed, thanks for testing!13:03
seb128ogra, well then we have an issue13:03
seb128ogra, if the team wants to know about issue they should look at the bug tracker13:03
kozawilldeberry, don't you have bluez snap installed?13:03
ograwell, if you look at the thread there are plenty of people reporting blockers ...13:03
ograsure, and that happens ...13:04
willdeberrykoza: no. i installed bluez via apt13:05
ograstill, if you want quick attention for something you consider urgent, you obviously come to IRC to block the release ... you could as well go to the forum ...13:05
mvoseb128: hopefully :)13:05
kozawilldeberry, also see in the logs (journalctl) what is the exact thing that you try to access that gets denied; will help in understanding what is your issue13:05
kozawilldeberry, oh, try snap :)13:06
willdeberryi assume i should prune the system version before?13:06
ogra... this is totally independent from LP bugs13:07
jdstrandmwhudson: I responded extensively in the forum (https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snapd-vs-upstream-kernel-vs-apparmor/1704/2)13:07
kozawilldeberry, yes13:08
ikeyhm no tagged releases of snapd-xdg-open13:26
ograjust use master13:27
ograi doubt it will change, given it is being replaced eventually13:28
ikeyso then why wouldnt it be tagged? :P13:28
ikeycome on basic sw dev here lol13:28
ograhttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd-xdg-open/blob/master/debian/changelog ...13:29
ograversion is 0.0.013:29
ikeyso why am i being told to package it then?>13:29
ograogra@styx:~$ dpkg -l |grep snapd-xdg-open13:30
ograii  snapd-xdg-open                              0.0.0~16.04                                  amd64        Opens URLs via D-Bus13:30
ikeyi mean i get that snaps let you play it loose with basic software practices but for something that needs to be packaged ... and is in git ...13:30
ikeyshould have tags and distcheck tarballs13:30
ikeysorry to say it but git aint launchpad13:30
ograikey, it is a hack that is going away and that was initially only released as source deb13:30
ograbut if you want opening of links in snap to work right now, you want it installed on a desktop ...13:31
ikeyright so you know this limitation - thus snapd-xdg-open is currently needed, and should be tagged13:31
ikeybecause its a runtime requirement13:31
ogra(note we do not pre-install it in ubuntu either, but it is available  for users)13:32
ogra(though due to apt bugs ... )13:32
ograor rather due to mis-behaviour of apt-get that is fixed in apt (without -get)13:32
ograsadly people on 16.04 still use the old apt-get typically13:33
Son_GokuI'm super annoyed about snapd-xdg-open13:37
Son_Gokuikey: I've been told repeatedly to *not* package it13:37
ograso speed up snapd userd13:38
Son_Gokubecause they're going to break it real-soon-now13:38
ograwe're not breaking it13:38
ograsnapd will include something that replaces it eventually13:38
Son_Gokumorphis_: then we should just get snapd-xdg-open in asap: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=136956013:39
mupPR snapd#3260: cmd/snap: implement userd command as replacement for snapd-xdg-open <Created by morphis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3260>13:39
ograthats the PR13:39
Son_Gokuor you know, fuck it13:39
Son_GokuI could just backport that13:39
willdeberrykoza: new error: https://pastebin.com/wGUb06R1, current interfaces: https://pastebin.com/scMJD25G13:40
popeywilldeberry: is it installed in -devmode?13:42
willdeberrynot currently. using latest edge13:43
willdeberrypopey: devmode worked right out of the box with the system based bluetooth stack13:44
willdeberryi have a feeling classic would work too, but i hate jumping to that to just solve the problem until i know that is the only way13:44
popeyworth testing with your snap in devmode13:44
popeybest to test with devmode first13:44
ograthe bluetooth stack in use shouldnt make any difference13:45
mvoseb128: snapd 2.27.2 is now in artful-proposed13:46
mvoseb128: according to LP anyway13:46
mupPR snapd#3747 opened: Merge release 2.27.2 back into master <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3747>13:50
popeymvo: will 2.27.2 be the one that goes to stable - so 16.04 users will get it at some point via core?13:52
zyga-ubuntuniemeyer: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/362113:52
mupPR snapd#3621: cmd/snap-{confine,update-ns}: apply mount profiles using snap-update-ns <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3621>13:52
zyga-ubuntuirssi got stuck on the wifi here13:52
kozawilldeberry, there is no bluetooth interface connected13:53
mupPR snapd#3520 closed: asserts: add store assertion type <Created by atomatt> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3520>13:54
oSoMoNmvo, I've been talking to willcooke and kenvandine and it seems the agreement is to create a new "desktop team" shared account for the store for snaps officially supported by the desktop team13:56
oSoMoNniemeyer wants this to be documented as a wiki doc on the forum (does that need to be owned by the wiki user btw?), let's work out the details of that shared account and create the doc then13:57
kenvandinelets name it ubuntu-desktop13:58
willdeberrykoza: bjarkan (my snap) is connected to bluetooth-control interface. that's the only bluetooth interface i see13:59
oSoMoNmvo, what would you need to create that shared account? can it be associated to ~canonical-desktop-team/~ubuntu-desktop ?13:59
ograoSoMoN, i think thats store territory (i doubt mvo can create it)14:00
ograiirc they created the shared canonical account too14:00
oSoMoNogra, who should I talk to?14:01
ogranessita, perhaps14:01
ograthough this is likely not actually a "shared account" but simply the owner of the snaps ... actual sharing happens then via the "collaboration" setting in the sotre14:02
ogra(where you simply add all the uploaders on a per-snap basis)14:02
kozawilldeberry, sorry I have meant "bluez" interface. You need it as bluetooth_control gives you only a control over kernel-side of BT stack and this is not what you want to use here. bluez snap will make it appear.14:03
ograkoza, any idea why that isnt there ? on a classic install this should simply connect you to the deb based bluez stack14:04
* ogra notes he doesnt see bluez here either on his desktop 14:04
ograsounds like a bug14:04
oSoMoNok, so we still need an owner account for those snaps officially supported by the desktop team14:04
oSoMoNnessita, can you create such an account for us?14:04
ograand then yoou "collaborate" pre-snap with all the desktop people14:04
kozaogra, no idea14:05
kozaogra, might be a good candidate for a bug report14:05
willdeberrypopey: devmode works, even without any interfaces connected14:05
willdeberrykoza: I even installed bluez snap package and the only interface that provides is bluez:service. I don't see :bluez listed as a slot14:06
kozawilldeberry, yes devmode will work obviously14:07
zyga-ubuntuHeadline features include support for the Snap packaging format14:08
zyga-ubuntuikey: you hit lwn14:08
ograzyga-ubuntu, https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Linux-Distribution-Solus-3-bringt-Unterstuetzung-fuer-Snap-Pakete-3801856.html14:09
ograeven made the german news ;)14:09
ikeyyeah cbmuser is ranting in the comment section14:09
ikeybecause reddit made it clear they're sick of his crap14:10
ogra(i must say thats really impressive for a one man show)14:10
ikeyits not a one man show14:10
kozawilldeberry, you on classic on core?14:10
nessitaoSoMoN, hi! could you summary what you need?14:10
willdeberrykoza: i agree, but popey wanted confirmation, so i just wanted to validate that again14:10
willdeberrykoza: i am on classic, 16.0414:10
ograikey, well ... mostly ... no ?14:10
ograok :)14:10
kenvandineoh, so we need to add individuals per snap, that's not ideal14:11
ikeyso core team is myself, JoshStrobl, datadrake (bryan), cybre (stefan), justin, sunnyflunk (peter)14:11
zyga-ubuntuogra: nice!14:11
ikeycommunity are also very much involved by way of patches too ogra https://dev.solus-project.com/differential/14:11
ikeywe have a very open development process14:11
oSoMoNnessita, the desktop team needs a store account that will be used for snaps it officially supports14:12
ograoh, wow, i didnt know14:12
oSoMoNnessita, through the collaboration feature, i.e. several people on the team will actually upload/maintain the snaps14:12
ogra(about the team ... i see the dev process ... :) )14:12
ikeythe changelog lists a bunch of different names https://solus-project.com/2017/08/15/solus-3-released/14:12
ikeyand thats only gen'd for the budgie iso14:12
ikeyi.e. whats in the ISO, not the repos, or the gnome or mate isos14:12
ikeybigger project than people think :)14:13
ikeyim most visible because im the first full time and the one with the biggest mouth14:13
nessitaoSoMoN, what username/visible name would this account have?14:15
nessitaoSoMoN, for example, the base shared account is "canonical", would this be "canonical-desktop" or something else?14:15
oSoMoNnessita, kenvandine was suggesting ubuntu-desktop, which sounds good to me14:16
kenvandinethat's our usual14:16
popeyHang on.14:16
popeyIf I am installing chromium on solus, it's a desktop app surely?14:17
nessitakenvandine, is the name available in LP?14:17
* nessita checks14:17
popeyNot an UBuntu Desktop app14:17
kenvandinenessita, that already exists on LP14:17
ikeyIt wont launch without being installed as --devmode, fwiw14:17
nessitakenvandine, hum is a team so we can't use the name14:17
ikeywell. it launches. and locks forever14:17
kenvandinewhat we really want is a team for the store :)14:17
nessitakenvandine, let me think, one sec14:17
kozawilldeberry, the bluez interface can be provided only by the app (the bluez snap in this case). it is not implicit on both core and classic which means you need to have the snap installed for it to appear. could you install it and list interfaces?14:18
nessitakenvandine, yeah but we don't have teams in the store (this is intentional)14:18
popeybe good not to have a name which confuses people who don't use ubuntu14:18
oSoMoNpopey, the idea was that owner reflects who maintains the snaps, in that case the ubuntu desktop team14:18
zyga-ubuntuikey: what doesn't work?14:18
oSoMoNbut I agree, it could cause confusion14:18
kenvandinenessita, could the account we use collaborate with ~ubuntu-desktop in LP?14:18
ikeyzyga-ubuntu, chromium, was replying to popey14:18
kenvandineto allow anyone in ~ubuntu-desktop to upload?14:18
zyga-ubuntuikey: aha14:18
nessitakenvandine, no, there are no links to LP teams in the store14:18
zyga-ubuntuikey: any denials/seccomp things in syslog?14:19
popeywhat's the rationale for it not being under the 'canonical' account?14:19
nessitapopey, I sort of agree with you but I think there is a forum post about this, let me check14:19
ikeyzyga-ubuntu, ya on the thread14:19
kenvandinethere is14:19
oSoMoNtoo generic I think, we want a clearer separation of what the team maintains14:19
kenvandineand we might allow community members of the ubuntu-desktop team to help14:20
ograwell, so i cant install it on fedora because it comes from ubuntu-desktop ?14:20
nessitaoSoMoN, note that the concept of "team" does not apply in the store14:20
popeythats what the collaboration feature is for, surely?14:20
evyeah, I'm also curious about why we wouldn't use 'canonical'14:20
evIf Canonical is putting someone on maintaining a snap, surely they should show up as the vendor, no?14:20
nessitakenvandine, do you have the forum post handy? I can't find it14:20
popeySorry to throw a spanner in the works here, it's just that a) naming things is hard, and b) I don't want us to name something that the store people are gonna have to rename later14:21
zyga-ubuntuev: I think niemeyer described this somewhere14:21
willdeberrykoza: that's what this link was: https://pastebin.com/scMJD25G14:21
nessitathat one!14:21
oSoMoNall very good points, now I'm not so sure any longer about that new account :)14:21
zyga-ubuntumvo: is a tarball up?14:21
mupPR snapd#3735 closed: many tests: move all panicing fake store methods to a common place <Created by chipaca> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3735>14:22
zyga-ubuntumvo: or ... are you done with the release?14:22
mvozyga-ubuntu: tarball up, all done14:22
mvozyga-ubuntu: 2.27.2 is in beta now14:22
kozawilldeberry, do you have snapcraft.yamls as well?14:22
zyga-ubuntumvo: thank yu!14:22
willdeberrykoza: https://github.com/willdeberry/bjarkan/blob/master/snap/snapcraft.yaml14:23
mvozyga-ubuntu: thank you for all your help with it!14:23
nessitakenvandine, oSoMoN the forum topic seems to be waiting for more answers from niemeyer, do you think you can continue the conversation there to reach an agreement?14:24
nessitaev, popey do you agree? ^14:24
popeyI only see a suggestion to use Ubuntu, but no reason why?14:24
nessitakenvandine, ie niemeyer is waiting from feedback from you :-)14:24
kenvandinenessita, further up in the post i think there was some agreement to this and he asked for a wiki post to document our support14:24
evI got the opposite take. It sounds like Gustavo is okay with 'canonical' if and only if the "process surrounding the snap" is documented14:24
popeyI mean, internally it's nice to know who is responsible for a snap. But externally, users don't care, they just want the safety that Canonical are caring for these pacakges, not which team or developer, surely?14:25
nessitaev, from https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/which-snaps-should-be-supported-by-canonical/1064/9 it feels like gustavo is not sure14:25
evwhat he seems to be rightly concerned about are snaps written by individuals inside Canonical, with no intention of providing full time support, being published under the canonical account14:25
kenvandineev, yeah, i think he basically agreed to a shared account like canonical if we documented it14:26
evnessita: I took that as "not sure about ubuntu vs canonical" for the name14:26
kenvandineit just raised other ideas14:26
niemeyernessita, ev: I think you're both in agreement..14:26
nessitaev, yeah me too14:26
evhi Gustavo14:26
kenvandinehey niemeyer!14:26
niemeyerHeya :)14:26
nessitakenvandine, I don't think the proposal is " a shared account like canonical", but "the canonical shared account", which is different :-)14:26
kozawilldeberry, as a reference check the "bluetoothctl" app from bluez snap which basically does exactly the same thing as the script you want to snap. https://git.launchpad.net/~snappy-hwe-team/snappy-hwe-snaps/+git/bluez/tree/snapcraft.yaml#n1814:27
kenvandinei think the benefit of using ubuntu is we could give access to community members of the desktop team14:27
kenvandineto some snaps, perhaps14:27
kenvandineand it wouldn't feel wrong14:27
kenvandinefor example we have community members in ~ubuntu-desktop for LP, so similar concept14:27
niemeyerAll we need is that place describing what was mentioned in the forum message.. this can be a message in the forum even, which makes it visible and nice to maintain and comment on14:27
nessitakenvandine, but is gedit from ubuntu supposed to be installable in fedora (as a snap)?14:27
kenvandinethe desktop team would be committed to maintenance, but we do have non-canonical members of the desktop team14:28
kenvandinenessita, that's another whole thread :)14:28
oSoMoNniemeyer, how do we make a forum post easily editable by several contributors (wiki-style)?14:28
popeykenvandine: The store supports collaborators on snaps. You could invite individuals to help that way?14:28
kozawilldeberry, there is also not yet stable snap that packages a script which uses bluez interface. you can check it out too https://git.launchpad.net/~snappy-hwe-team/snappy-hwe-snaps/+git/bluez-tests/tree/snapcraft.yaml14:28
kenvandinepopey, yup14:28
nessitakenvandine, my point being that if gedit (or whichever snap) is meant to be used in other distros, then having publisher ubuntu is not accurate I think14:29
niemeyeroSoMoN: A moderator just needs to make it so.. I can easily do it once the post is up14:29
kenvandinenessita, right14:29
kenvandinemaybe desktop?14:29
nessitathe publisher should be canonical14:29
nessitakenvandine, the publisher is a vendor, an entity14:29
oSoMoNniemeyer, ack, so I’ll start that post and we can iterate on it14:29
nessitaan insitution14:29
evyeah, I agree with nessita14:29
niemeyeroSoMoN: Sounds great, just let me know when you want it "wikied" :)14:30
kenvandineev, nessita: that's a sound point14:30
niemeyeroSoMoN: I also have a special user in the forum which I change the ownership to in some cases.. might make sense here to make it show up nicely.. see for instance: ...14:30
kenvandinecan we get someone on the desktop team with publishing permissions for canonical?  So we don't have to funnel everything through mvo?14:31
niemeyeroSoMoN: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/configuration-in-snaps/51014:31
evkenvandine: you can get added as collaborators on those snaps, once set up14:31
nessitakenvandine, every initial setup for a new snap has to go thru mvo, once that's done, he can add collaborators and the collaborators can push and released independently of mvo14:33
oSoMoNniemeyer, yes I had spotted that special "wiki" user, but I wasn't sure how it worked14:33
oSoMoNno vacation for mvo, ever14:33
kenvandineev, nessita: yeah, that's what my concern was14:33
kenvandinewe're going to be adding quite a few snaps14:34
ograoSoMoN, the collaborators can also add other collaborators14:34
ogra(at least if mvo allowed that)14:34
kenvandinebut the initial setup is limited to just mvo14:34
ograso it is only the initial setup you need him for14:34
niemeyeroSoMoN: It's two independent things.. the wiki user is just a normal user I made up to make some collaborative posts more obvious14:34
nessitakenvandine, yeah, right now there is no workaround for that14:34
ograkenvandine, well, i guess you dont add new packages on aa per-day basis :)14:35
kenvandinei guess we can continue to upload new snaps as individuals then ask mvo to change owner?14:35
niemeyeroSoMoN: The actual wiki functionality may be enabled for any top-level post, no matter who's the author14:35
nessitakenvandine, so maybe create an initial revision for all the snaps and have him upload that, even if it's an empty snap (using plugin nil or something) -- of course never release such revisions14:35
kenvandineogra, close to right now14:35
kenvandinewe're trying to snap all of our desktop apps14:35
nessitakenvandine, changing owner is something I do, so please email me for that14:35
ograsure, but only until you have your set in ...14:35
kenvandineogra, right14:35
ograyou wont do it regulary after you have submitted your set of apps14:36
kenvandineit'll be busy for a little while then tail off14:36
ograand mvo had vacation this year already ... so all is good :P14:36
kenvandinebut actually i like the idea of getting them in the store as individuals and then changing publisher14:36
kenvandineat least we can get moving on testing, etc14:36
popeyit doesn't look so good from outside14:37
popeysnap install foo14:37
popey"installing foo from random developer I have never heard of"14:37
kenvandinebut we'll have some people of time in edge so we can get slightly broader testing14:37
ogranessita, hmm, if there are collaborators already and you change the owner, do the collaborators persist ? that would take mvo completely out14:37
kenvandinei can then like once a week or so email a list to nessita to change14:37
ograthey could just set that up in advance14:37
popeyhow many are we talking about? can we not prep a list and just get them all registered en-masse via mvo in one hit?14:37
kenvandineah, that would be interesting14:37
popeyrather than drip feed14:38
kenvandinecan he do that in advance?14:38
kenvandinewe can put together the list14:38
nessitaogra, yes, they persist (for now, until we migrate to new snap-developer assertions)14:38
kenvandineassuming he can add the collaborators before the snap is uploaded14:38
ogranessita, then kenvandine should just register them, add someone else from the team as collaborator and you switch the owner ...14:38
nessitapopey, the thing is they also need an initial build for upload, is not enough to register the name14:38
popeyyou can use the same yaml with one line changed to make the snaps14:39
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ograthen it is just between you two14:39
popeyfor the first non-published rev, to do the collaboration part14:39
popeysnapcraft init, then replace my-snap-name with your app name, snapcraft, done :)14:40
popey(20 times) :D14:40
ograwrite a ruby script :)14:41
ogra(because ruby is modern :P )14:41
kenvandineand they won't be installable right?14:41
popeypffft, ruby is old school, it's all rust now baby14:41
kenvandinesigh... ruby14:41
popeykenvandine: not if not published14:41
ograrusty then :P14:41
popeyyou can upload them and never publish14:41
kenvandineso i can create a pile of empty snaps and send them to mvo14:41
kenvandineand for the ones we already have we can just email nessita a list14:42
popeyto re-home them? yes14:42
nessitakenvandine, correct14:42
kenvandinewe should add our collaborators to the current ones first then :)14:42
popeyso you need a list of collaborators, list of snaps, and a pile of snap files.14:43
oSoMoNniemeyer, kenvandine: here we go with a very rough draft, contributions welcome! https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snaps-officially-supported-by-canonical/171914:45
niemeyeroSoMoN: Thanks! LGTM.. let me know I should make it a wiki and transfer ownership to the wiki user as well14:46
oSoMoNniemeyer, please do, so that kenvandine and others can edit14:47
morphis_oSoMoN: btw. there is a discussion ongoing what "officially supported" means in terms of Ubuntu / Canonical14:47
pedronisniemeyer: in repair, if Runner.SaveState returns an  error but we also run it more frequently, should we report those errors  immediately over other errors, or just log them and continue/report the other errors?14:47
morphis_oSoMoN: slangasek is the main contact here14:47
oSoMoNmorphis_, ha that’s particularly relevant here14:48
kenvandineit is14:48
morphis_seb128 and willcooke are involved as well14:48
* zyga-ubuntu goes home14:49
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: i'm this >< close to giving up on this thing14:49
oSoMoNgreat, so no need for us to be involved, there’s enough of the team taking part already14:49
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: on the -count bug?14:49
morphis_oSoMoN:  but good that his gets documented as we have a policy for quite some time what it means to publish certain snaps under "canonical" for our commercial offerings14:49
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: I'll have a fresh look tomorrow14:49
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: my best guess so far is that the lookup in path is not done in the same thread as the setenv14:50
niemeyeroSoMoN: Changed it slightly.. I guess you'll get notifications there from now on14:50
oSoMoNniemeyer, thanks14:51
niemeyerpedronis: Good question.. hmm14:51
niemeyerpedronis: I think not saving the state is not such a hard failure is it?14:51
niemeyerIn the sense that the repairs should be idempotent14:52
mupPR snapd#3745 closed: interfaces: convert uhid to common interface and test cases improvement for time_control and opengl <Created by adglkh> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3745>14:52
pedronisso we could just log14:52
niemeyerpedronis: Yeah, I think we can log and let other errors take priority.. if there are no other errors, then we report the save state failure14:52
pedronisour real problems will be more if we fail to write the bits needed to log/run the repair themselves14:52
niemeyerpedronis: Let's please document these ideas in the code itself so we remember them later14:53
kenvandineoSoMoN, although it was willcooke that told us to use ubuntu desktop team :)14:53
oSoMoNyes, the rationale made sense, but the conclusions of this discussion make even more sense I think14:54
oSoMoNnothing is set in stone so we can continue discussing this, the ownership of snaps in the store can easily be transferred apparently14:55
oSoMoNthe argument that those snaps are not ubuntu-specific is particularly important (although they will obviously get more testing on ubuntu)14:56
ogratoday perhaps :)14:57
popeyActually, you mind find the opposite is true :)14:57
ograif you post your "please test..." stuff to the forum you usually get testing from all sides14:57
ograand that will rise14:57
davidcalleikey: ping14:57
ikeydavidcalle, pong14:57
oSoMoNogra, popey: right, I meant more testing on ubuntu from me, really14:58
davidcalleikey: hey, I'm adding solus support to the snap doc, about the table at the bottom of https://snapcraft.io/docs/core/install, what can you tell me? How is snapd in solus in sync with releases, what are the supported features? (eg. do you support confined snaps or devmode only, do you support classic)14:59
ikeysupport all modes, and intend to sync snapd on the same day (where feasible) into solus repos15:00
ikeyfull confinement has some quirks we're still working out (like chromium)15:00
ikeybut the solus kernel uses the same apparmor as the ubuntu kernel15:00
davidcalleAlright, that's great :)15:00
ikeywe're on 2.27 atm though because of the initial integration process15:01
ikeygetting the various bits of support in15:01
ikeyon the next solus repo sync all existing users will receive snapd upon update too15:01
ograand then just enable re-exec ynd you dont have to care anymore ;)15:02
ikeysure i will15:02
ikeyit'll reexec the ubuntu core snapd, not the solus one, right?15:02
ograit re-execs into the core snap15:02
ograso you get whatever is in there15:02
ikeyand snapd is patched for solus support15:02
ikeywhereas the core one would operate like an ubuntu one, no?15:02
ograyeah, that would not work i guess15:03
ikeyunless we could carry across the "im still a solus" flag to the internal snapd15:03
ikeyso it still does solus like things15:03
ikey(when all patches are merged/finished)15:03
ogra<trump voice>so sad</trump voice>15:03
ikeythere were fine snaps on both sides..15:03
om26erHi! apart from experimenting and deploying snaps, whats the best way to contribute to the snappy ecosystem ?15:04
davidcallemorphis_: speaking of the snapd support table on https://snapcraft.io/docs/core/install, I think we should drop the "version" col and just keep the "status" one in sync, can you help with the update?15:04
* ikey is thinking version syncing the doc is gonna be a pain.. :p15:04
morphis_davidcalle: not really, filled with a lot of other things15:05
popeyom26er: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/join-snapcrafters/1325  :D15:05
popey^ that would be awesome15:05
ikeypopey, apparently the Zoom people have shown interest in Snap15:05
ikeypopey, https://dev.solus-project.com/T615:05
ikeyspecifically the comment from mcritchlow15:05
popey(what's zoom?)15:05
ikeyvideo conferencing thinger15:05
ikeyclosed source15:06
ograneat !15:06
ikeybut they have a linux tarball...15:06
ikeyso.. snappable15:06
popeyWe can help here!15:06
palassoOhh here's all the snappy hippies hiding! btw just watched last LUP15:06
popeyhi palasso15:06
ikeyimportant bit:15:06
ikey" I've messaged Zoom requesting that they package the app up as a snap. I really think it would make their lives much easier, and ours as end users. Couldn't hurt for others to bother them as well if you agree. The response I got was positive, and they've added it to their feature request list."15:06
* ogra hands palasso a space cookie 15:06
ograpeace dude !15:07
* ikey only got handed patches and bugs, quite jealous15:07
popeyikey: we can reach out to them if you like?15:07
* ogra hands one to ikey too15:07
ikeyta xD15:07
davidcallemorphis_: ok, nevermind, I'll leave it for later15:07
ikeypopey, i think thats likely the best strategy15:07
* popey adds to the to-do lane15:07
ikeyyknow, what with y'all being official n all15:07
ikeyand me being some hippy at the helm..15:07
ikeyhey i like that title15:07
* ikey uses it now15:07
popeymake it your linkedin profile or it doesn't count15:08
ikeytotally doing it now15:08
morphis_davidcalle: thanks15:08
popeybet that will email all your contacts and tell them too :)15:09
ikeypopey, https://www.linkedin.com/in/ikeydoherty/15:09
popeyhaha, excellent15:09
* ikey changes it everywhere now15:09
om26erpopey: aha, cool. Thanks for the link. So the snaps with publisher "snapcrafters" are the one' that this team maintains ?15:10
ikeypopey, lol https://twitter.com/ehawk61/status/89783394388564787415:10
popeyom26er: yeah, exactly15:10
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ikeydavidcalle, oh and if you could just put solus above arch in the supported list with an emoji indicating "lol" that'd be great15:24
* ikey is mostly kidding15:25
pstolowskiniemeyer, can you take another look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3569 ? I think I addressed all your comments and the branch is rotting a little bit ;)15:28
mupPR snapd#3569: snapd, snapctl: use json Decoder instead of Unmarshall <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3569>15:28
davidcalleWell, in alphabetical order, so you'll still be above Ubuntu ;-)15:29
* Chipaca creates a spinoff called aaaabuntu15:30
* ikey changes names to Alpha Centauri Solus just to game the list15:30
davidcalleikey: you should have picked Abuntu instead of Solus15:30
ikeygood job the "buntu" suffixes stopped though really15:31
ikeywe had a very real risk of Bubuntu existing15:31
ikeyand thats just an unforgivable name15:31
* Chipaca is still toying with the idea of creating uubuntu15:32
davidcalleNothing beats the quirkyness of Google's Goobuntu15:32
ikeywith that unity work15:32
Chipacaand then clearly, yabuntu15:37
Chipacamvo: might Christian Ehrhardt's comment about pie be related to our recent woes?15:40
willdeberrykoza: so updated to use uhid plug before resorting to swapping out bluez classic for snap. I am at least getting apparmor denials. Is there a snap way to add policies or would that have to be done manually outside the snap? https://pastebin.com/Df4qSxG615:43
davidcalleikey: https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/snappy-docs/pull/92 works for you?15:44
mupPR CanonicalLtd/snappy-docs#92: Add Solus install instructions <Created by caldav> <https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/snappy-docs/pull/92>15:44
ikeydavidcalle, looks legit15:47
ikeyidk if its worth mentioning solus 3 has it preinstalled or not15:47
davidcalleOh, I wasn't aware of that, yes, it should15:48
Chipacapedronis: did you see my question about SnapManager attributes and locking?15:48
pedronisChipaca: where?15:48
Chipacabefore the standup i think15:48
davidcalleikey: so, your user base is on Solus 2, progressively migrating to 3 which has it installed by default?15:48
Chipacalet me search :-)15:48
ikeydavidcalle, Uhm little more complicated than that, Solus 2017.04.18.0 was the last release prior to this Solus 3 ...15:49
ikeyWe changed versioning schemes15:49
davidcalleHeh :D15:49
ikeyBut all new Solus 3 ISOs have snapd included by default15:49
davidcalleikey: and Solus 3 is the default image to download?15:50
ikeyas of yesterday15:50
Chipaca2017-08-16 12:04:18 <Chipaca>pedronis: question about locking of SnapManager: should I worry about holding a lock while accessing its attributes?15:50
Chipaca2017-08-16 12:05:05 <Chipaca>pedronis: afaict everything is holding the state's lock right now, but i don't know if that's needed or incidental15:50
ikeyty :D15:50
davidcalleAlright, let me reword the PR15:50
pedronisChipaca: no, I missed it15:50
Chipacapedronis: no worries, i've been on detours until just now15:51
pedronisChipaca: there's no lock in managers usually15:51
pedronisthey just use the state lock15:51
pedronisbut maybe you have something particular in mind15:51
Chipacapedronis: so they need to use the state lock?15:51
Chipacai noticed that they sorta-kinda did, but it's not enforced and i wondered if it was just happenstance15:52
pedronisChipaca: any particular example?15:52
Chipacapedronis: SnapManager's nextRefresh15:53
Chipacapedronis: basicallly, the real question is15:53
pedronisit's a bit of borderline that thing15:53
Chipacapedronis: given that i need to release the state lock before calling to the store15:53
pedroniswell NextRefresh is15:53
davidcalleikey: let's try again https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/snappy-docs/pull/92/files15:54
mupPR CanonicalLtd/snappy-docs#92: Add Solus install instructions <Created by caldav> <https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/snappy-docs/pull/92>15:54
Chipacapedronis: if i wanted to update that _after_ calling the store, and had no other reason to grab the lock again, i still need to grab the lock again15:54
pedronisChipaca: yes, but that guy and his friend should probably say in their docs that you need to hold the state lock15:55
pedroniswhich they don't15:55
ikeydavidcalle, perfick15:55
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pedronisChipaca: they don't have docs at all, which is also bad15:55
Chipacapedronis: well, ensureRefreshes is the thing that actually accesses them15:55
pedronisChipaca: no, they are used in api as well15:56
pedronisif it was only ensure15:56
pedronisthey wouldn't need to be exported15:56
pedronisI think tests do too15:56
pedronisbut those could use export_test.go15:56
Chipacapedronis: ah, i thought it was just for the tests15:56
davidcalleSaviq: deployed https://developer.ubuntu.com/core/examples/snaps-on-mir15:56
Chipaca(cross-package tests would need it in the main thing)15:56
ograthat took a while :)15:57
pedronisChipaca: as I said probably time to give them some docs15:57
pedronisChipaca: anyway they are used in api.go sysInfo (with the lock)15:57
Chipacapedronis: a'ight, so bottom line is, grab the state lock before accessing the manager's attrs15:57
davidcalleogra: speaking of, you may want to wheigh in on the Raspip3 comment at the top of the doc15:58
davidcalleikey: there will be probably a design review on the logo addition to the front page, so it will only go live tomorrow15:59
ikeyah yeah sure no rush :D16:00
ikeynot everyday someone tells you to stick a boat on your website anyway16:00
ogradavidcalle, hmm, where is the source for that ?16:01
davidcalleogra: https://github.com/canonical-websites/developer.ubuntu.com/blob/master/templates/pages/core/examples/snaps-on-mir.md16:02
ograah, i was looking at CanonicalLDT16:02
ogra(why is that separate ?)16:02
davidcalleogra: all websites are now under canonical-websites16:03
davidcalleogra: not sure about the rationale16:03
ograand  https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/snappy-docs isnt a web site ?16:03
davidcalleogra: sorry, the connection is breaking up :)16:04
Chipacapedronis: added docs with // The caller should be holding the state lock.16:04
ogradavidcalle, https://github.com/canonical-websites/developer.ubuntu.com/pull/30916:08
zyga-suseikey: hey, did you rebase on 2.27.2?16:11
davidcalleogra: ty!16:14
ikeyzyga-suse, didnt see the new vendor tarball16:14
willdeberryis there a way to handle apparmor policies for snaps within the snap itself so I can interact with bluetooth/dbus properly?16:14
zyga-suseikey: should be .2 just as the last one16:16
zyga-susewilldeberry: no, because that would totally disable all security sanity16:16
zyga-susewilldeberry: as any malicious snap would just say "I want anything"16:16
Pharaoh_Atemmvo: it seems your script for generating %changelog entries for the dates are doing the wrong days of the week16:18
Pharaoh_Atemmvo: your entries for 2.27.1 and 2.27.2 have the wrong days of the week16:19
tpatelI'm having issue with snap-v2.26.14 where on reboot, conect-socket-interface is connected but getting ECONNREFUSED error on socket connections. It was working on 2.26.9 version.16:19
=== jkridner|pd is now known as jkridner
tpatelI'm having issue with snap-v2.26.14 where on reboot, content-socket-interface is connected but getting ECONNREFUSED error on socket connections. It was working on 2.26.9 version.16:20
pedronisniemeyer: something like this: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3560/commits/d5c5d933060ec32467c35fb0182a5a2702b9f87a ?16:22
mupPR snapd#3560: cmd/snap-repair: implement most logic to get the next repair to run/retry in a brand sequence <Critical> <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3560>16:22
* ogra wonders what "content-socket-interface" would be 16:27
* ikey punches multipath-tools with a spanner16:28
ikeydeveloped a full blown allergy to non-stateless software..16:28
Saviqdavidcalle: thanks!16:29
__chip__huh, my computer just randomly shut down16:33
ograthats probably a subtle hint ...16:33
__chip__crappy dell acting like it's old just because i've had it since i joined canonical16:33
__chip__actually not even that, a year after joining i got it16:34
niemeyerpedronis: Yeah, but I think it can be simplified slightly16:36
niemeyerpedronis: Note that the three errors checked for above are the three errors checked for below16:36
niemeyerpedronis: I think it can be something like err1 = makeRepair; err2 = SaveState; if err1 != nil && err1 != skip { return err1 }; if err2 != nil { return err2 }16:37
=== __chip__ is now known as Chipaca
Pharaoh_Atemmvo, niemeyer: snapd 2.27.2 updates have been proposed for Fedora 25 and Fedora 2616:46
Pharaoh_Atemand it's also now built in Rawhide16:46
pedronismvo: did you see this: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/failure-to-upgrade-to-2-27-1-and-2-27-2-with-lxd-installed/1713/216:47
niemeyerPharaoh_Atem: Sweet!16:50
niemeyerPharaoh_Atem: Thank you16:50
Pharaoh_Atemnow I just wish people would test it so it doesn't sit in the queue for a week :(16:51
oSoMoNnessita, so following up our conversation earlier today, could you please transfer ownership of the chromium snap from my personal account to the shared canonical account?17:03
nessitaoSoMoN, yes, would you please send me an email with cc Bret Barker and mvo? (we try to keep an informal log of transfer requests)17:04
oSoMoNsure, doing that now17:05
mvoChipaca: what posting from Christian Ehrhardt is that? do you have a url (sorry, was out and juts catching up)17:09
oSoMoNnessita, you have mail17:09
naccmvo: ubuntu-devel17:09
naccmvo: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2017-August/039946.html317:10
Chipacamvo: ubuntu-devel, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2017-August/039946.html17:10
naccerr, s/3$//17:10
Chipacabingo :-)17:10
naccwhat Chipaca said :017:10
mvoPharaoh_Atem: meh, I need to tweak my script :/ thanks for noticing17:10
naccchristian did all the heavy lifting to debug it, related bug is LP: #171109217:10
mupBug #1711092: gcc-7 toolchain triggers bug in build system causing non snmp drivers failing to be linked <nut (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1711092>17:10
mvoPharaoh_Atem: thanks for pushing the update to fedora.17:11
mvopedronis: checking the lxd issue now17:11
mvonacc, Chipaca: thanks a bunch17:11
mvoChipaca: I think mwhudson might be interessed in https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2017-August/039946.html and if it might be the reason why -buildmode=pie in snapd is failing17:12
Chipacamvo: agreed17:23
Chipacaok, i've pushed my PR, I'm off17:23
mupPR snapd#3748 opened: many: fetch & cache remote snaps and sections; complete from there <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3748>17:23
mvoChipaca: see you!17:23
Chipacasee you all on here, Wednesday next week :-D17:23
mvoChipaca: enjoy !17:23
Chipaca(I might reply to review comments ... with photos of me at the beach)17:24
* Chipaca isn't going to the beach17:24
pedronisniemeyer:  https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3560/commits/011f4441d3198030f7b8a5473e0fa0435a5a5842 and added some tests17:28
mupPR snapd#3560: cmd/snap-repair: implement most logic to get the next repair to run/retry in a brand sequence <Critical> <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3560>17:28
niemeyerpedronis: LGTM!17:34
jdstrandwilldeberry: can you either file a bug or post to the forum with what you are trying to do wrt dbus/bluetooth with a reproducer?17:36
pedronisniemeyer: thanks, I think addressed all the feedback there17:37
pedronis*I think I addressed17:37
willdeberryjdstrand: i sure can17:46
willdeberryi will take care of that after work17:48
niemeyerpedronis: please feel free to merge once you're happy about it.. there were not blockers on that one18:04
pedronisseems master is broken18:04
pedronisI think some test on matt branch isn't passing anymore with some change on master18:05
pedronisI mean the store assertion PR18:06
pedronisfound the issue18:11
pedronisit's an interaction between one of my recent PRs and his, uncovering test code that was always a bit fragile18:13
mupPR snapd#3749 opened: asserts/assertstest: fix master <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3749>18:15
mvopedronis: thanks for fixing msater18:30
ikeyi think the chromium snap broke my host side GL ..19:07
ikeycouldnt launch steam and got libGL errors19:08
ikeyeh i think apparmor is breaking solus a lot.19:10
ikey/bin/sh: /home/ufee1dead/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/ARK/ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/ShooterGame: Text file busy19:10
pedronismvo: a new kind of fedora failure:  /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.QSCKfG: line 15: python: command not found19:21
pedronisWarning: file /etc/mock/fedora-25-.cfg does not exists.19:21
pedronis         unable to update /etc/mock/default.cfg19:21
mvopedronis: uff19:21
mvopedronis: that does not ring any bells :/19:21
pedronismvo: well, I'm tempted to put fedora to manual or something19:24
pedronisI don't even know how to do that though19:24
cachio_mvo, weird results for i386 : https://paste.ubuntu.com/25327320/19:26
cachio_mvo, the rest seem to be ok19:27
mvopedronis: yeah, I think that is ok19:28
pedronismvo: trying that19:29
pedronismvo: seems manual should work also with systems19:29
mvocachio_: the errors look like its an older snapd in the image19:29
mvocachio_: can you ssh into it and see what "snap version" shows?19:30
mvopedronis: cool19:30
cachio_mvo, yes19:30
cachio_mvo, mmm, it is hte 2.26.1419:33
mvocachio_: what is the output of snap list?19:34
cachio_mvo, I executed from 2.27.219:34
mvocachio_: uh, strange19:35
pedronismvo: I did this:  https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3749/commits/8f640461859d56702cc8c7fe4e5fe1b63a92a9e519:36
mvocachio_: I guess any traces *why* this has happend will be erased by the testsuite now ?19:36
mupPR snapd#3749: asserts/assertstest: fix master <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3749>19:36
mvocachio_: maybe snap list --all ?19:36
mvocachio_: or snap changes has some info?19:36
mvopedronis: heh, nice19:37
pedroniswell, not nice, but I want to make master green again19:37
mvopedronis: yeah, we can easily re-enable it19:38
mvopedronis: and have a PR that validates the fixes then etc19:38
cachio_mvo, I don't see nothing weird19:39
cachio_mvo, I'll make the whole process again19:42
mvocachio_: thanks19:42
mvocachio_: can you pastebin the entire syslog19:42
mvocachio_: before you wipe the system please?19:42
mvocachio_: I wonder if we find clues in there19:43
jdstrandikey: re apparmor> the kernel patches or the policy? I would be quite surprised the policy would break GL on the system. the kernel could be missing some important patches I guess. I think it more likely that the mount namespace for the snap is propagating to the host19:43
ikeyjdstrand, i ran snap run chromium, it hard locked, ctrl+c'd it, ran steam, couldnt initialise GL19:44
ikeynot until i rebooted19:44
ikey(and chromium is still pooched)19:44
ikeyyet cybre can run it without issue on solus19:44
ikeyv odd19:45
jdstrandthat could be gl errors. I know I sometimes get weird lockups with chrome19:45
ikeyshould point out im using chrome host side19:45
jdstranddid you have anything in the dmesg?19:45
ikeyand if i strace it the process exits19:45
ikeybecause you have to be root to strace it19:45
ikeyand then sandbox throws a hissy fit19:45
ikey(and gotta be root because setuid binaries)19:46
jdstrandyou need to run strace special19:46
* jdstrand gets link19:46
cachio_mvo https://paste.ubuntu.com/25327666/19:46
jdstrandalso, if you ran it as root, it is possible ~/snap/chromium or a subdir is root-owned and could cause an issue19:46
jdstrandikey: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/stracing-snap-commands/143319:47
ikeyyeah i ran it as root *after* the failure19:47
ikeyto strace it19:47
cachio_mvo, tell me if you need anything else19:47
jdstrandikey: you might run find to see if the perms are correct19:48
ikeyim not sure if you're getting what im saying jdstrand :p19:48
ikeyit was buggy from the getgo19:48
jdstrandor just rm -rf ~/snap/chromium and start over19:48
ikeyit was locking, so i straced with root after19:48
jdstrandI do get that19:48
ikeyi didnt start it initially as root19:48
* jdstrand understands19:48
* ikey blitz aforementioned dir19:49
jdstrandI'm saying having run it as root might've messed things up differently so further debugging would be different19:49
pedronismvo: I want to land a couple of things and then I can propose one that undoes that19:49
pedronisand we'll see if it's a fluke or something is broken more permanently19:49
ikeyi see audit calls but no denials19:49
jdstrandanyway, if the dir is gone, you can stracec using the technique in the above forum post19:49
ikeyAug 16 20:49:06 ironhide SGI_video_sync[13187]: <audit-1326> auid=4294967295 uid=1000 gid=1000 ses=4294967295 pid=13187 comm="SGI_video_sync" exe="/snap/chromium/1/usr/lib/chromium-browser/chromium-browser"19:50
jdstrandI strongly suspect the mount namespace isn't being setup right if this is affecting the rest of the system19:50
jdstrandthat said, I tried in a vm with not a lot of ram and the kernel starting killing off a bunch of random stuff19:50
jdstrandyou would've seen something in dmesg though if it was that19:51
jdstrandor a video driver issue19:51
jdstrand(strongly based on what you said, not any personal observation)19:51
ikeyand now hastebin is dead -_-19:52
ikeyk so this is the tail 100 https://pastebin.com/sSwme91519:52
ikeywhen I ctrl+c it: https://pastebin.com/LiPPVRar19:54
ikeyinterestingly i dont get that output when im not stracing it19:54
jdstrandikey: I think you need oSoMoN to help at this point, unless you're still convinced about the gl issues and mount namespace, then perhaps zyga19:56
ikeyno im more interested atm in the black-screen-of-death-locks-forever bit19:56
ikeydo it tomorrow anyway, too late her now :p19:58
jdstrandikey: re black screen of death. my theory had something to do with the host being affected by the chromium snap's mount namesapce. that shouldn't be terrible to verify. reboot, sha256sum (or similar) the contents of that dir from the host, launch chromium, then sha256sum the contents of that directory again from the host19:59
jdstrandikey: I'm not familiar with solus' setup of that dir, but my understanding is there is a tmpfs and some symlinks? just make sure the host isn't actually changed. then you could 'snap run --shell chromium' and see if the mount namespace ha all the gl stuff the snap should have20:01
jdstrandthen report in the forum and perhaps oSoMoN or zyga or someone else can help20:02
cachio_mvo, I am running again and I see similar issue20:05
mvocachio_: what do I need to do to reproduce?20:06
niemeyercprov: Just finished recording the whiteboard session on epochs.. now just needs assembling..20:06
mvocachio_: just make a core from beta?20:06
niemeyerShould have something later today or tomorrow20:06
cachio_I created the beta image20:07
cachio_with validator project20:07
mvocachio_: what is validator project?20:07
niemeyerGoing outside for a while now.. o/20:07
cachio_mvo, then run ./create.sh beta pc-i38620:08
cachio_mvo, this will get you the image20:09
cachio_mvo, you need to install ubuntu-image snap20:09
cachio_mvo, then20:10
cprovniemeyer: cool! Looking forward to watch it. Thanks for working on that.20:10
cachio_kvm -snapshot -smp 2 -m 1500 -redir tcp:8022::22 -nographic -serial mon:stdio <path_to_the_img>20:10
cachio_mvo, export SPREAD_EXTERNAL_ADDRESS=localhost:802220:10
cachio_. ./tests/lib/external/prepare-ssh.sh localhost 802220:10
cachio_spread -v external:ubuntu-core-16-3220:11
mupPR snapd#3749 closed: asserts/assertstest: fix master <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3749>20:11
mvocachio_: checking20:11
cachio_mvo,  inthe meantime I am running the other stuff20:13
cachio_the problem is that I go so slow with the pi2 and 320:13
cachio_I need new cards20:13
pedronismvo: merged, master should get back to green20:13
mvocachio_: working on it20:14
mvopedronis: thanks a bunch20:14
mvocachio_: thinks are "funny". core r2800 is indeed 2.26.14 but that is not what got uploaded, something is wrong with lp->store20:20
cachio_mvo, mmm, ok20:22
cachio_mvo, should I cancel the execution?20:23
mvocachio_: please give it another go, looks like a number mismatch20:23
mvocachio_: yes20:23
mvocachio_: cancel please but now you can create a new image, the right rev is now in the right place20:23
cachio_mvo, ok20:23
mvocachio_: it was me messing up, sorry for that :(20:23
cachio_mvo, I'll run again with the new image in that case20:24
cachio_mvo, np20:24
mvocachio_: thank you20:27
mvocachio_: keep me updated, I call it a day :)20:27
cachio_mvo, sure, tx20:27
mupPR snapd#3750 opened:  snapstate: undo a daemon restart on classic if needed  <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3750>20:29
tyhicksjdstrand: I'm no longer sure when snapd is (re)generating the seccomp BPF filters20:31
tyhicksjdstrand: is it possible for the BPF filter to be generated under one kernel and then the binary BPF filter loaded into a different kernel (after a reboot)20:31
tyhicks(trying to think through libseccomp API design decisions)20:32
tyhickssnap-confine.rst covers how the .bin files are generated but not when they're generated20:43
pedronisdo we have a fix for  piCfgSuite.TestConfigurePiConfigNoChangeSet yet ?20:47
pedronisis it this: snapd#3746 ?20:50
mupPR snapd#3746: corecfg: handle unknown keys that are explicitly set <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3746>20:50
pedronisI'm not familiar with that code20:50
mwhudsonjdstrand: thanks20:59
willdeberryjdstrand: just poking you since you recommeneded, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/accessdenied-when-running-my-packaged-snap-app/1724 . Hopefully this helps with reproducability for others.21:05
mupPR snapd#3751 opened: interfaces/many: updates based on chromium and mrrescue denials <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3751>21:20
mwhudsonjdstrand: still here?21:45
jdstrandmwhudson: I am just about to leave, but feel free to asking22:07
mwhudsonjdstrand: i replied in the forum, if you have 2s to read and quickly reply that'd be great but it can wait till tomorrow too :)22:08
jdstrandmwhudson: responded. heading out. I'll keep an eye on the forum and backscroll. have a nice rest of the day :)22:16
mwhudsonjdstrand: thanks, you too22:16
* mwhudson afk for a bit22:21
willdeberryso aside from the plug issues I am having with bluetooh which is being addressed via the forums, I am occasionally running into the following error on random builds when no code is changing: /snap/bjarkan/50/usr/bin/python3: 1: /snap/bjarkan/50/usr/bin/python3: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")23:10

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