
cyphermoxany reason we don't have CONFIG_JFS_DEBUG set? the doc says "very little overhead" :)02:34
apwcyphermox: debug stuff is mostly off unless someone asks for it, with a good use case. especially as they are rarely free06:10
tseliotapw: hey, what git branch shall I use to get a patch into the kernel of 16.04.3?09:10
apwtseliot, that had the linux-hwe kernel in it, which is 4.10 derived, which is zesty base, so againts zesty/master-next if its a code change09:16
tseliotapw: and will that also get the patches into the xenial 4.10 kernel too automatically?09:17
apwtseliot, yes, that is a direct backport09:18
tseliotapw: ok, then I will have to send the patches to the mailing list and tag them as [zesty] , right?09:19
apwSRU zesty yeah09:21
tseliotok, thanks09:21
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apozHi all12:31
apozI’m having some problem with a kernel error in syslog for some IPv6 packets (ICMPv6)12:31
apozwhat would be the best way to have some support?12:31
apoz(I just posted a question in launchpad for the moment)12:32
apwapoz, if you have a kernel trace then filing a bug against the kernel (ubuntu-bug linux) and attaching that is a good start12:39
apwthen drop the bug number in here12:39
apozok, I’ll try that12:39
apoza trace with systemtap is ok?12:40
apozor I should try to get something else?12:40
apwapoz, i mean if you are getting a kernel message in dmesg12:41
apwnot a "make a trace" the kernel message dump is often called a kernel trace12:41
apozok, I’ll include all the info I’ve got already in the bug12:41
apozI just filled the bug with all the info I’ve got in Bug #171112412:50
ubot5bug 1711124 in linux (Ubuntu) "“IPV6 header not found” log with ICMPv6 with QinQ" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171112412:50
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=== cachio_lunch is now known as cachio
apwtjaalton, hey ... my touchpad seems to (as of today) a very small bottom click area ... if my finger is on the touchpad more than a few mm the other finder can no longer move the cursor ... mean anyting to you ?20:19
apw(lenovo x250)20:20
apwtjaalton, ahh ok ... removng xserver-xorg-input-synaptics sorted it ...20:43
tjaaltonapw: yeah we've essentially migrated to -libinput by now21:03
tjaaltonsynaptics could have issues21:04

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