
dario-al-surHi, i can't decrease the filename column width in Caja. Can i change that ??00:31
Jack_Sparrow!find quake02:00
ubottuFound: quake, quake-server, quake2, quake2-server, quake3, quake3-data, quake3-server, yamagi-quake2, yamagi-quake2-core, quake4 (and 128 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=quake&searchon=names&suite=zesty&section=all02:00
Jack_Sparrow!info quake02:00
ubottuquake (source: game-data-packager): classic gothic/horror-themed first person shooter. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 49 (zesty), package size 105 kB, installed size 283 kB02:00
Jack_Sparrow!info quake202:02
ubottuquake2 (source: game-data-packager): classic science-fiction-themed first person shooter. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 49 (zesty), package size 110 kB, installed size 285 kB02:02
=== victor is now known as Guest12455
barriosHi exist a program to download music in ubuntu mate 17.04 like Ares?03:33
=== pc is now known as Guest31014
mate|29825hi, i have no ideas. installing  Xenta SE340D PC Remote Control in raspberry p3 with ubuntu mate . tks12:56
mate|30189hi, i have no ideas installing pc remote controller  xenta SE340D  raspberry p3 ubuntu mate,  tks.13:16
=== john is now known as Guest40771
=== Guest40771 is now known as bearable
=== richard is now known as Guest87412
Guest87412I installed ubuntu-mate on a raspberry pi3 can't wifi  network is grayed out         works on raspberryian16:08
Guest87412I installed ubuntu-mate on a raspberry pi3  wifi  network is grayed out no connections found   but it   works on raspberryian16:13
krismaguire!find murrine17:44
ubottuFound: gtk2-engines-murrine, murrine-themes, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 112 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=murrine&searchon=names&suite=zesty&section=all17:44
gobagoubahello guys18:22
gobagoubai have a problem18:22
gobagoubai just set up a vm server18:22
gobagoubawhen i do git clone i have error unable access18:22
gobagoubaalso when i ping i have network unreachable18:23
gobagoubabut when i open a browser i have internet!18:23
gobagoubaany help?18:24
yromemi'm trying to install ubuntu mate 17.10 in a usb but it's been running for two hours and it's still not installed20:31
yromemthe computer has 2gb of mem, if i clic to see the details i see "Memory pressure relief"20:32
yromemso my question is if this is normal. i installed ubuntu 12.04 in a usb once when my hdd died and it was much more quicker20:33
yromemfinally installed, wonder if it boots after 3 hours installing22:12
=== venumwolf is now known as VenumWolf

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