
jameshrobert_ancell: so it looks like my initial snapd polkit patch might get merged soon03:10
robert_ancelljamesh, congats!03:10
jameshWith it merged, we could bypass snapd-login-service.  But more interestingly, we can start the discussion about getting gnome-software to install snaps without a store account03:11
robert_ancelljamesh, did you have any luck contacting Richard regarding https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=78477303:15
ubot5Gnome bug 784773 in Snap "Add support for installing classic confinement snaps." [Normal,New]03:15
jameshI haven't yet.  How does he prefer to handle patches other than the bug tracker?03:18
robert_ancellping him on IRC or email if he hasn't noticed it.03:18
jameshFor the network-manager patches I worked on, I emailed their list about my bug report and was directed back to bugzilla again :)03:20
robert_ancellevery project is different :) Will be much more clear when GitLab is used in GNOME03:21
jameshMost annoying thing about working on network-manager was code indentation: they've got emacs indentation config at the top of each file, but that doesn't actually format code the way they want it.03:26
jameshthey want both tabs and spaces03:26
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robert_ancelljamesh, you should commit your gnome-software classic changes to wip/ubuntu-master and then upload them to artful so that gets in before FF04:47
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didrocksgood morning06:16
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers!06:34
didrockssalut oSoMoN, hey tsimonq2!06:47
oSoMoNhey didrocks, tsimonq206:48
tsimonq2Hey everyone, how's things?06:48
jibelmorning all06:48
oSoMoNsalut jibel06:49
jibelSalut oSoMoN06:50
jibeloSoMoN, sad news in Spain, all my thoughts are with the people of Spain06:51
oSoMoNyeah, that’s absolutely terrible06:54
didrockssalut jibel06:57
jibelbonjour didrocks06:59
jibeldidrocks, is there a way to enable auto-hide for the ubuntu-dock?07:36
didrocksjibel: in gnome control center, there is07:38
didrocksjibel: wait for my blog post that I'll publish later today :)07:38
didrocks(it's in the display panel of new g-c-c)07:38
jibeldidrocks, hmm, I didn't find the setting in gcc07:39
didrocksjibel: do you have the one from today?07:39
didrockswhich is in proposed?07:39
jibelah no, I'll wait07:39
jibelor not ... :)07:40
didrocksI didn't install the dock by default yet for a reason :)07:40
didrocksjibel: you can use the transition ppa if you prefer07:40
didrocksjibel: it's basically what's in proposed07:40
didrocks(with lower versoins)07:40
didrocks(and no ubuntu-meta yet, I'm waiting for ubuntu-dock main migration to publish on amd64…)07:40
didrockslaunching the command 1h20 minutes ago and still not published07:41
didrocks(other archs are)07:41
didrocksneed that to refresh ubuntu-meta, upload it and done07:41
didrocksAdded gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock to desktop [amd64 i386]07:41
andyrockgood morning07:42
didrockshey andyrock07:43
andyrockhey didrocks how are you?07:44
didrocksandyrock: tired and busy, but overall good07:45
thumper-afko/ andyrock and didrocks07:46
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didrockshey thumper, how are things? :)07:47
thumpergood... busy... you know07:47
flexiondotorgMorning oSoMoN didrocks jibel andyrock07:48
didrocksI bet!07:48
didrocksmorning flexiondotorg07:48
jibelgood morning flexiondotorg07:48
thumperit took be a while to parse that nick07:49
oSoMoNmorning flexiondotorg07:54
oSoMoNhey andyrock07:55
oSoMoNI've had gnome-software consuming 100% CPU for the most part of the morning09:37
oSoMoNthought that was VMs or video-conferencing, but it turns out it was gnome-software09:37
oSoMoNI didn't even open it or anything, it's the daemon that did that09:38
willcookeoSoMoN, I've seen another bug report saying the same thing10:11
willcookelemme see if I can find it10:11
willcookeoSoMoN, still looking, but is there anything in syslog?10:19
willcookeCould be: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/171117810:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1711178 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "Gnome Software consumes way too much CPU resources at times" [Undecided,New]10:20
dufluWoo, I have a first significant fix for totem's stuttering. But still need to look for more troublespots next week10:21
dufluMaybe by next week git push will finish10:21
willcookeduflu, nice one!10:21
dufluwillcooke, if anyone wants to try it out then for now all I can offer is code: https://git.launchpad.net/~vanvugt/ubuntu/+source/totem/commit/?id=02076c41f892e214d946457f944c6da3011307f110:22
dufluAnd good night10:23
willcookenight duflu10:23
willcookehave a good weekend10:23
dufluYou too...10:23
oSoMoNhave a good one duflu10:23
jbichawillcooke: http://connectivity-check.ubuntu.com/ still redirects to https which makes the http version not work10:24
willcookejbicha, yeah, I  ask jamon to update that.  In the meantime I'm testing with the debian one.10:25
willcookejbicha, also morning :)10:25
jbichagood morning10:25
willcookejbicha, but, things get stranger...10:25
willcookeI did a packet capture, conn checker isn't actually sending the GET10:25
willcookeSYN -> ACK -> SYN ACK -> nothing10:26
oSoMoNwillcooke, that’s all there is in my syslog related to gnome-software: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25338985/10:26
willcookeoSoMoN, hummm. didrocks - could this be related to d2d at all? ^10:26
oSoMoNI killed the process much later10:26
willcookeoSoMoN, are you running proposed?10:26
willcookeoh, then it's probably not d2d10:27
willcookejbicha, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=78643210:27
ubot5Gnome bug 786432 in general "Connectivity Checker reports limited connectivity when it should be full" [Normal,New]10:27
jbichadidrocks: do you think you'll have time on Monday to help with the gjs transition?10:40
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jbichaoh, Monday's not good for me, maybe Tuesday then11:09
dreamcat4hey there. I heard you are having an event next week to improve the default gnome3 GUI11:49
willcookedreamcat4, hi! That's right11:50
dreamcat4... well it just so happens that I have recently put together a great package of gnome 3 customizations for the default gnome 3 desktop11:50
dreamcat4so i would like to provide all that here in advance for you guys11:50
willcookedreamcat4, awesome, thanks!!11:50
dreamcat4i'm sure you will already recognize a lot in there, like dash2dock etc11:51
willcookedreamcat4, I've added that to our list to review next week11:51
dreamcat4anyhow these commands you can pretty much just copy-paste really quickly each of the sections to try out11:51
dreamcat4good luck!11:51
willcookethanka dreamcat4, really appreciate the help11:52
jbicharicotz: I've gotten zero review of LP: #1668664 could you take a look at merging that for FF56?11:54
ubot5Launchpad bug 1668664 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Drop "Open a " from .desktop Actions" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/166866411:54
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didrocksjbicha: maybe should be fine for me12:08
jbichadidrocks: ok. What about doing gjs today?12:14
didrocksjbicha: can't today12:14
jbichaok, np12:14
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amanoThere seems to be some CUPS dependence on ImageMagick. ImageMagick has an old, crufty UI and is very visible in the Activities Menu. When users remove ImageMagick, they will end up without CUPS. Is the dependency really necessary?12:49
jbichaamano: yes, imagemagick is necessary but we don't need to show its launchers by defaults12:54
jbichaI proposed splitting those launchers to a separate package that wouldn't be installed by default, so that people who want it can have it12:55
jbichabut so far the Debian maintainer hasn't been interested :( https://bugs.debian.org/67561712:55
ubot5Debian bug 675617 in imagemagick "Please hide the menu entry" [Wishlist,Open]12:55
jbichabut yes, things like imagemagick and xterm (same proposal there) are much more visible in GNOME Shell than they are in other desktops12:56
amanoWell, we have to deal now with GnomeShell. Both stuck out like a sore thumb12:59
jbichaI guess I might as well just upload my proposals to artful, we can always add Breaks/Replaces to the packaging if we do something different later12:59
amanoI would hide anything in the Software Center that seems unnecessary but might break the core os functionality13:04
ejatbugs 171160813:05
ubot5bug 1711608 in gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock (Ubuntu) "Gnome Shell Extension Ubuntu Dock not working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171160813:05
ejatdidrocks @ jbicha , any advise?13:05
didrocksejat: I don't see the error message you are getting, mind pasting it?13:06
didrocksejat: can you try with a new user account as well and see if you reproduce in a clean environment ?13:06
ricotzjbicha, hi, hmm, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/309177485/firefox-actions-lp1668664.diff looks broken, dropping "OnlyShowIn=Unity;" seems fine, but I won't change the string without translations13:06
ejatdidrocks: brb , let me try with new user account13:07
ejatno error occur but i can't click the "show applications"13:07
jbicharicotz: the string change is the point of the patch! :)13:07
didrocksejat: hum, you mentioned "- Error Extension in Gnome Tweak13:08
didrocksI guess you can thus see the error?13:08
didrocksejat: and so, left clicking on show applications does nothing?13:08
didrocks(not right-clicking)13:08
ricotzjbicha, any idea where those translations are coming from? last update was 4 years ago13:09
didrocksI don't know if Tweaks support well per-mode enabled extensions13:09
didrocksjbicha: ^13:09
didrocks(doesn't explain for the button not working ofc)13:09
ejatand redundant dock when show activities13:09
didrocksejat: do you have any other dock installed?13:10
ejatim typing in the descriptiosn13:10
ejatno dock installed13:10
didrockstry first another user with a clean session13:10
didrocksand let's see13:10
ejatrelogin new user13:10
GargoyleInternet be like a yo-yo today! :/13:11
amano@jbicha: or use ubuntu icons instead. E. g. a generic Printer Icon for ImageMagick thus people think that this is related to printing. “oh, printing isn't working. Might that be related to the program with the Printer Icon, that I removed yesterday?“13:12
ejatdidrocks: check my #3 comment attachement13:21
ejatthat is screenshot from new user13:21
ejatstill the same as in the new user account13:22
didrocksejat: I don't think gnome-software shows extensions not in extensions website13:23
didrocksejat: so not related13:23
didrockscan you explain what is "the same"13:23
didrockslike, you click on the application picker13:23
didrocksand it doesn't do anything?13:23
didrocksleft click13:23
didrocksgsettings get org.gnome.shell enabled-extensions13:23
didrockswhat does it prints?13:23
ejat['alternate-tab@gnome-shell-extensions.gcampax.github.com', 'ubuntu-dock@ubuntu.com']13:24
didrockswhat have you done? Enabled the dock yourself?13:25
didrocksthis is why, you have 2 docks13:25
didrocksmaybe you forced it in same way before it was in today's update?13:25
didrocksnormally, you shouldn't have it enabled in that list, it's part of the mode13:25
ejatat first i didnt enabled it ..13:25
didrocksbut then you did via 3rd party tool?13:25
ejatbut relogin n reboot , the dock not appear13:26
didrockswith the transition ppa?13:26
ejatusing gnome tweak13:26
didrocksjbicha: you have a bug where it's not respecting the mode settings I guess ^13:26
didrocksejat: reset the list of extensions and restart your session13:26
ejatnow im just enable the gnome3 staging ppa13:26
didrocksthe gnome3 staging ppa don't have the mode in I think13:27
didrocksso, that's why you are getting those kinds of bugs13:27
jbichaejat: run gsettings get org.gnome.shell enabled-extensions13:27
didrocks['alternate-tab@gnome-shell-extensions.gcampax.github.com', 'ubuntu-dock@ubuntu.com']13:27
ricotzjbicha, but dropping OnlyShowIn is wanted too e.g. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/161554913:27
jbichagsettings reset org.gnome.shell enabled-extensions13:27
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1615549 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Don't restrict jump list actions to Unity" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:27
didrocksjbicha: ^13:27
didrocksreset it13:27
didrocksas jbicha told13:27
didrocksbut don't expect it to be enable by default yet if you are using the gnome3 ppa13:27
jbichaejat: also have you ran apt update; apt dist-upgrade recently (like past hour or so)?13:28
didrocksit's a mix of offically and non officially supported versions on your machine, and so, you won't have the experience13:28
ejatjbicha: yups .. thats how i get the ubuntu dock installed13:28
jbichaejat: what session did you log in with? and have you tried restarting your computer?13:29
jbichamaybe even13:29
jbichagsetttings reset-recursively org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-dock13:30
didrocksI would say reset the key and revert to not using the GNOME 3 ppa if you want to be on the supported path13:30
ejatgnome session13:31
jbichading ding!13:31
jbichayou have to use the Ubuntu or Ubuntu on Wayland session to use the Ubuntu dock13:31
didrocksejat: look at the blog post, I regularly mention the "ubuntu" session :)13:31
ejatmy bad13:32
didrocksno worry :)13:32
ejatdidnt see ya blog13:32
didrocksI can rest and avoid this heart attack :p13:32
ejatjust notice about the dock at OMG13:32
didrocksejat: planet ubuntu13:32
ejatokie ..13:32
ejatlet me relogin to the right session13:32
didrocksyou did reset the keys, correct?13:33
jbicharicotz: right and renaming the action to new-window fixes an issue too13:33
didrocksejat: I'm still unsure as you have the GNOME 3 ppa that it's a right mix13:33
didrocksejat: so, I would say remove the ppa if you want to have the default current experience13:33
jbicharicotz: you should ask Chris about the FF translations, not me ;)13:33
didrocksjbicha: I'm puzzled by the screenshot about the double dash to dock and upstream dash though13:33
didrocksjbicha: you have shell 3.25.x in your ppa, correct?13:34
jbichadidrocks: you should try the PPA out for yourself ;)13:34
ejatdidrocks: i've login ubuntu session13:34
tjaaltondidrocks: ubuntu-dock should probably conflict with dashtodock? there's a file conflict13:34
ricotzjbicha, hmm, I assumed the "new-window" change breaks it -- already asked ;)13:35
ejatShow Applications doesnt list/show the applications13:35
jbichayour Ubuntu Dock patch for g-c-c doesn't apply (upstream redesigned that panel) but the rest works13:35
didrockstjaalton: how come? one is local, the one system-wide13:35
didrocksjbicha: my system is frankeistein enough, so couldn't really try :)13:35
didrocksjbicha: ah, almost good thus! :)13:35
ejatthe upstream dash still there when i click "activities"13:35
tjaaltondidrocks: dash-to-dock.gschema.xml is in both13:35
didrockstjaalton: yeah, but not install in the same location13:35
didrocksejat: please remove the GNOME 3 ppa and clear those packages and we can have a look after13:36
tjaaltondpkg: error processing archive /tmp/apt-dpkg-install-oFYsKm/65-gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock_0.1_all.deb (--unpack):13:36
tjaalton trying to overwrite '/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-dock.gschema.xml', which is also in package gnome-shell-extension-dashtodock 60-113:36
didrockstjaalton: argh, the package is dashtodock, not dash-to-dock13:36
jbichadidrocks: yeah it's the same location13:36
didrocksI didn't find it when looking for it13:37
* ejat removing the ppa now n trying to roll back 13:37
didrocksso only thought it was available online13:37
didrocksI wonder if we should either conflict13:37
didrocksas then, the override will impact the other one13:37
didrockscontrary to a local user-installation13:37
ricotzjbicha, note the "new-window" change is not fdo compliant13:38
jbichadidrocks: if the schemas are the same, you could split the dashtodock schemas to a separate binary package and have both docks depend on it13:38
didrocksjbicha: yeah, the schemas are the same, splitting makes sense, but they will still be impacted13:38
didrocksby our overrides13:39
didrocksper session13:39
didrockscontrary to the local install13:39
didrockswhich could be fair enough13:39
jbicharicotz: are you sure?13:39
ricotzjbicha, yes13:40
jbicharicotz: could you be more specific about how it violates the spec?13:40
didrockswould be cool to say Conflicts: <package> #message to display :)13:40
ricotzjbicha, https://specifications.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-latest.html#extra-actions-identifier and https://specifications.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-latest.html#entries13:41
didrockstjaalton: I really need to think about the best strategy13:41
didrockstjaalton: mind opening a bug as a reminder and assigning it to me?13:41
tjaaltondidrocks: sure, I don't need dashtodock, so I've just removed it :)13:41
tjaaltoncan do13:42
jbicharicotz: yes I have the spec open, what's wrong with 'new-window' ?13:42
didrocksthanks! :)13:42
ricotzjbicha, ah, it basically is correct, but doesnt make any sense to do so13:43
tjaaltondidrocks: #171161713:44
didrockstjaalton: thx!13:44
jbicharicotz: I explained why it's named new-window in LP: #166866413:44
ubot5Launchpad bug 1668664 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Drop "Open a " from .desktop Actions" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/166866413:44
ricotzjbicha, this means "NewPrivateWindow" doesnt cause an issue?13:44
ricotzjbicha, oh, I have read that13:45
jbicharicotz: right, reusing the 'new-window' identifier overrides GNOME Shell's built-in "New Window" action13:46
didrockslet's ship a Replaces: for the week-end so that people don't get stuck on that13:46
didrocksand revisit on monday13:46
ejatdidrocks: sorry to make u heart attack13:51
* ejat purging the ppa n back to stable 13:51
didrocksphew :)13:51
ejatreboot and login13:51
didrocksjbicha: something to test, but I think you don't have the mode enabling the extension yet? ^13:51
ejatall work fine include the "Show Applications"13:51
ricotzjbicha, ok, I tend to change both action identifiers to make it look less weird13:51
ejatmaybe can remark n close my reported bugs13:52
jbichadidrocks: yes, it works here13:52
didrocksejat: please do :)13:52
didrocksjbicha: ok, thanks for rebasing ;)13:52
didrocksjbicha: the only package I'll touch on monday is gnome session and gdm to put wayland by default FYI13:52
jbichadidrocks: sorry about gnome-control-center, you might have to re-do that patch if we go with 3.2613:52
didrocksjbicha: is that a big change in the display panel ?13:53
ejatu already updated the bugs to invalid :)13:53
didrocksejat: yep :)13:53
ejati still have gdm3 bugs file more regards to tap-to-click :)13:53
ejatwaiting for it too13:54
jbichadidrocks: quite large diffs: https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-control-center/log/panels/display13:54
ejatdidrocks: can the dock be resize? its in the milestone?13:54
didrocksejat: please look at my blog post14:02
didrocksyou will have your informations here14:02
ejatdidrocks: okay14:08
jibelwhat calls xdg-user-dirs-update on first login?14:11
jibeluser dirs are missing on artful after a fresh installation14:11
didrocksyeah, I saw that one as well14:14
didrocksI don't remember what was calling it though14:14
didrocksok, so if you are using wayland…14:15
jbichadidrocks: I believe there's a fix pending in Debian's svn for xdg-user-dirs14:15
jibeldidrocks, /etc/X11/Xsession.d/60xdg-user-dirs-update14:15
didrocksjibel: oh, interesting, not based on systemd user session I guess?14:16
didrocksjbicha: ok, if you know about it, please go ahead :)14:16
jbichait just uses regular autostart https://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/pkg-gnome/packages/unstable/xdg-user-dirs/debian/patches/01_add-autostart-file.patch?view=markup14:18
didrocksok, that's valid in the Initialization phase14:19
didrocksjibel: FYI, once ubuntu-settings transition to the release pocket (blocked by glib which is stuck due to nplan flaky autpkgtests), we may have to test the iso, ubiquity may show the dock, have the wrong team and such…14:23
jibeldidrocks, okay, just let me know when everything is in.14:24
jlnrWhen I use the new Ubuntu Dock and *don't* set it to auto-hide, and then put a window on the right half of my screen (super+right), there's a one-pixel gap to the right of the window. Does this sound like a new issue? Where should I file it?14:24
jlnrIt might be as simple as a rounding error (dock_width = uneven number, (screen - dock_width) / 2 is being truncated to an integer?)14:25
didrocksjibel: I'll have a look to once that migrates, but I prefer to warn you so that you don't freak out :)14:25
didrocksjlnr: I would say open a gnome shell bug with all those details14:25
didrocksas it's the compositor placing windows14:25
jlnrI see, so on the GNOME bugzilla?14:26
didrockshum, would be great to reproduce it with dash to dock for instance (what you will for sure)14:26
didrocksand turning off intellihide there14:26
didrocksto report in upstream GNOME bugzilla14:26
didrocksbut yeah, would be great :)14:26
jlnrOK, I'll put in on my list14:27
didrocksyou can as well open a launchpad bug and link the upstream report there14:27
didrocksthanks jlnr!14:27
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gQuigsI believe the changes to restricted-addons are ready for a sponsor (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-restricted-addons/+bug/1709166)15:17
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1709166 in ubuntu-restricted-addons (Ubuntu) "Refresh Restricted Addons" [Undecided,In progress]15:17
andyrockmpt: hey hey15:27
andyrockmpt: I'm back from holidays and I'm wondering if you did any progress with the livepatch UI design15:28
mptandyrock, yes. The overall change is much less now. <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareUpdates?action=diff&rev2=221&rev1=211>15:29
andyrockdoes it include notifications too?15:30
mptIt includes handling error cases. None of them with notifications, though.15:30
andyrockso we don't want notifications at all15:30
mptInstead the error is summarized in the normal updates prompt: “3 Livepatch updates failed to apply since the last restart.”15:31
andyrockok I'm just wondering if we still need to patch update-noftifier15:32
andyrockmaybe just to trigger update-manager15:32
andyrockwillcooke: are you ok with the no-notification thing?15:33
willcookeandyrock, mpt - I wasn't able to go to the last meeting, so I can't be sure what was discussed, but...  I think a notification when a LivePatch has been applied was asked for originally.  What's your thoughts on that design wise mpt?  e.g. "A LivePatch update has been applied".  Too noisy?15:35
andyrockwe can just trigger update-manager15:35
andyrockotherwise you get both, I guess this is the idea15:36
willcookeNot sure I follow, so update manager pops up whenever a livepatch is applied?15:36
willcookeCos that sounds bad :)15:36
andyrockmpt? ^15:37
willcookeI think the process of having a livepatch applied should be frictionless. It should just happen, and you get a notification "hey, this cool thing happened" and then it goes away and the user doesn't have to do anything at all.  But that's a different use case to when you're going to reboot or install updates "manually" (via apt upgrade, or via software updater)15:41
andyrockI've the infrastructure already for this kind of notifications15:42
andyrockalso for enable/disable events15:42
andyrockyour choice15:42
willcookeI'd like to keep it there, but will defer to mpt to a final call.15:43
andyrockalso if we want notifications I would like to have the text design15:43
andyrockmpt: ^^^15:43
mptNo, of course update-manager shouldn’t pop up when a livepatch is applied15:45
andyrockok so what about notifications?15:45
mptandyrock, there’s currently nothing in the design that involves notifications.15:51
andyrockmpt: so the final answer is that we don't want notifications right?15:51
willcookeandyrock, mpt - we do want notifications please.  per: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Er-G3IascWDl6rPHp2ky7pPvvBo5qt00dwzquJuuEio/edit#heading=h.gwwk2pyzyvix15:52
mptLiterally everyone in the last Livepatch call approved the latest design, and I was happy that it was finally finished after a month15:53
willcookeSorry, but I couldnt be there15:54
mptI have never seen this document before, and it does not match at all with the notification design guidelines I wrote <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotificationDesignGuidelines>15:55
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mptThe one case where I thought *maybe* a notification would be appropriate would be on a successful update, as kind of a reward/congratulation for using it15:58
mptBut obscuring part of your screen is a risky kind of reward :-)15:58
willcookeheh.  So yeah, I'm good with only showing it on successful update, and not worrying about the other situations.15:59
andyrockcan we agree on the title/text/icon(?) so I can start proposing the code?16:01
oSoMoNricotz, for LO 5.4 we’ll need to promote to main lp-solve, suitesparse, liborcus and libixion16:14
oSoMoNI'll file MIRs16:14
oSoMoNalso it appears liborcus-0.12-0 should depend on libixion-0.12-0, but it doesn't for some reason16:17
oSoMoNthis will need fixing16:17
ricotzoSoMoN, all those don't require explicit MIRs since they were in main already16:32
ricotzonly "fonts-dejavu" needs a MIR16:34
ricotzoSoMoN, why "liborcus-0.12-0 should depend on libixion-0.12-0" ?16:36
ricotzdon't confuse it with liborcus-spreadsheet-model-0.1216:37
oSoMoNah indeed, my bad16:37
oSoMoNricotz, fonts-dejavu is already in main16:48
* oSoMoN EOD16:49
oSoMoNhave a good week-end everyone16:49
andyrockhave a nice weekend desktoppers17:20
willcookenight all18:20
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