
=== Guest5340 is now known as RAOF
tjaaltonapw: so now you get to bisect 4.11..4.12 for the touchpad issue? :)06:06
xnoxapw, config/s390x/config.common.s390x:# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_NVME is not set09:46
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1708432 in linux (Ubuntu) "[17.10 FEAT] Enable NVMe driver - kernel" [Undecided,New]09:46
xnoxis there something i can do to the bug, to raise attention? should i prepare and mail patch to ubuntu kernel mailing list?09:46
xnoxor is this done, because CONFIG_BLK_DEV_NVME_SCSI=y ?09:47
apwxnox, not sure if that means it is on or not, i don't suppose any of our kit has those in it ...09:59
xnoxapw, it does sound like a forward looking thing e.g. z14 or maybe even later.10:01
xnoxthus yeah, we deffinately do not have kit.10:02
apwxnox, anyhow you have done the right thing to raise it to my attention10:02
xnoxapw, thank you sir.10:04
dasjoeSo, I've got some TB3 and USB-C docks with an (as of now) unsupported Realtek r8152. I've built a PPA for realtek's drivers, as the new revisions will be supported from 4.13 onwards. Is there a process to SRU specific drivers into xenial, or is the usual method to just wait it out?12:17
apwdasjoe, it all depends how self-contained the changes are to support that, if it looks tractible it is not impossible to have it SRUd13:03
apwdasjoe, and of course if it is in 4.13 that will be a linux-hwe kernel in xenial at some point13:03
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dasjoeapw: well, it's this commit: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/65b82d696b9e84fda6dd7df61801b57d3e7fb97619:11
dasjoeAlthough I went a different way and built my PPA from realtek's source19:11

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