
shadow98aloo_shu: I have tried to hit different screens with ctrl-alt-f2, f3 and still shows boot screen repearting00:00
aloo_shushadow98 as it seems, you are doing two things at the same time: configuring and disabling lightdm. one at a time.00:02
shadow98aloo_shu: i only did the config for lightdm i didn't try to disable00:03
aloo_shushadow98 my network comes and goes, but lemme try: are you on ubunto *1* , or was that just the instructions you picked up somewhere?400:03
shadow98aloo_shu: i was following this guide as it was better suited for exactly what i wanted to do https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/enable-automatic-login-in-ubuntu-mate-16-04-for-raspberry-pi-3/5679/400:03
shadow98aloo_shu: that is the exact OS and device I am using.00:04
aloo_shushadow98 better suited? so what exactly do you want to achieve? are you on a raspberry?00:04
aloo_shushadow98 ok, I am by no means a raspberry nerd. do you have grub at all?00:05
shadow98aloo_shu: Yes I just want the desktop to load without having to click login.  I set the user to not ask for a passwed in user and groups however the  box still appeared for me to select user and click login(althought didn't require a password)00:06
shadow98aloo_shu: I don't think i do have group when i boot there is no menu.00:06
shadow98aloo_shu: group = grub00:07
aloo_shushadow98 what you should have done then, is just configuring lightdm for automatic login. what you probably did, is you edited /etc/passwd directly. is that so?00:08
shadow98aloo_shu: no i did not edit /etc/passwd00:09
shadow98aloo_shu: I went to users and groups00:09
shadow98aloo_shu: https://askubuntu.com/questions/162722/how-can-i-enable-autologin-for-my-user-account-when-the-option-is-not-there see the post here where the guy selected autologin for his user00:10
shadow98aloo_shu: that is the first thing I did.  When that did not work i did the following -  To configure the Desktop to auto-login (Ubuntu MATE 14.04) add an autologin-user line specifying your user name to the /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/60-lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf file. For example: [SeatDefaults] greeter-session=lightdm-gtk-greeter autologin-user=srackham Conf files in the /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/00:11
shadow98directory are cascaded into the lightdm login manager in alpha order.00:11
aloo_shushadow98 users and groups from the graphical settings. that was probably safe00:12
shadow98aloo_shu: the only thng that autologin did for me was make it so i didn't have to type my password with lightdm came up at boot.00:12
aloo_shushadow98 the one more thing that was probably missing was telling lightdm about a *default user*00:13
shadow98i basically added this lign on the greeter file - greeter-session=lightdm-gtk-greeter autologin-user=srackham as one big line but obviously with my real username instead of what was in the example00:13
shadow98yeah i didn't create a new section for default i just added to the already existng line00:14
donofriohow do I get a trace of firefox when it's running (something that will help developers for bugs and such?) is it just kill -3?00:16
aloo_shushadow98 I do not know the lighdm and greeter config by heart, nor am I on a machine where I could look up that. But on general terms, I would always try and educate myself with 'man' and 'info' rather than wildly googling around, because these commands will tell me the way relevant for *my* box00:16
shadow98yeah so now i have to figure out how to get to a recovry options.  maybe i can take my MIco-SD card out and look at it on my linux box.00:18
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aloo_shushadow98 so I am just coming back from the roof, where I was battling with the phone that gives the house internet access. It's a proper 3rd-world setup, but I love it. Are you stuck booting into your raspberry?00:37
comet23i can't alias what do i do?00:40
comet23i'm trying to alias clear to cls00:40
comet23i did: alias clear="cls"00:40
comet23No command 'cls' found, but there are 18 similar ones00:41
comet23cls: command not found00:41
th0rcomet23, I think you have it backwards00:43
comet23th0r i did it backwards too00:43
comet23i get the same error00:43
th0rcomet23, I got it to work in terminal. I didnt use quotes..just alias cls=clear00:44
comet23th0r still nothing00:46
th0rcomet23, must be an ubuntu thing...it works in debian00:46
comet23i can't alias what do i do?900:46
comet23i meant to post00:46
comet23i tapped the scroll wheel and it works as the up arrow00:47
shadow98aloo_shu: i was able to mount and edit file but it didn't solve the issue00:52
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JonelethIrenicushow do you prevent applications that run from destroying your home directory?01:24
jushurJonelethIrenicus: dont run them as your user? :D01:26
JonelethIrenicusjushur: you know how to run applications as another user?01:26
RingtailedFoxso i tried using the mini.iso from http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/zesty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ but... it freezes when it tries to download packages01:33
RingtailedFoxwhat would cause that?01:33
RingtailedFoxcapslock doesn't even activate its LED as a response to tapping, but control-alt-delete works o.O01:34
jushurRingtailedFox: issues with your connection to the internet?01:34
RingtailedFoxinternet's fine01:34
RingtailedFoxlaptop and proposed linux tower are on the same router01:34
jushuru using wireless? RingtailedFox01:38
RingtailedFoxwired connection01:39
jushurshould do a check of the device/media you use then id asume.01:39
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BUSYhello friends! i have about a 2 week old install, and today i was unable to connect via ssh or httpd.  looking through the logs for a solution and found this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25343507/02:02
BUSYi think it's unrelated, but does anyone have an idea of what's going on?02:02
BUSYseemed to repeat every 5 minutes for 11 hours02:02
BUSYokay i've found in the syslog where the system started up.  where can i look to determine the cause of shutdown?02:10
sandmaniandevilQuick question if anyone can help...02:49
sandmaniandevilI am having trouble finding the gnome-terminal configuration file.  I want to have the terminal spawn in the center of the screen rather than stick to the top left corner.02:50
sandmaniandevilI have already checked the forums and the documentation.02:51
krytariksandmaniandevil: That's not about the app's settings, but the window manager's anyway.02:55
sandmaniandevilkrytarik, so I should check in lightdm ?02:56
krytarikThat's the display manager.02:56
sandmaniandevilkrytarik, yes  would the option be in the configuration file for lightdm?02:57
comet23why doesn't the alias command work in ubuntu?03:00
kneekiHow do I echo the contents of a file surrounded by single quotes in terminal? I've tried: python composure-compile.py '$(cat public/portal/assets/portal.annonated.js)' ... but it's not working03:06
kneeki$ python composure-compile.py '$(cat public/portal/assets/portal.annonated.js)'03:06
krytarikkneeki: "'$(foo)'" should work.03:08
krytarikcomet23: How exactly are you trying to use/set it btw?03:09
comet23alias cls="clear"03:10
kneekiIt's saying that the 'argument list is too long'. I'm trying to send a file to the Google Closure Compiler API. The python script they use gave me the impression that I could simply 'echo' my files out to the api. https://developers.google.com/closure/compiler/docs/api-tutorial1#how-to-communciate-with-the-api03:11
kneekiI'm sure it's something super simple03:11
nine_milliI KILL PPL DEAD03:15
krytariknine_milli: Plz.03:15
nine_milliask bazhang he know03:17
krytarikkneeki: ..Wait, you don't need to put it in single quotes, just use double quotes. :P03:40
kneekiI found a curl script that makes the process much easier. =) https://gist.github.com/gurdiga/414351603:41
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:00
nine_milliwhats the diff between ubuntu and debian?04:16
TuxThePenguinsecret sauce nine_milli04:20
TuxThePenguinits basically just mayo and ketchup04:20
AlwaysLearning11has anyone been able to get ubuntu working with a 1080ti?04:32
AlwaysLearning11I see all kinda of things on googlle saying its incompatable04:33
AlwaysLearning11is there another place i might ask if this is not the right area04:41
Bashing-omAlwaysLearning11: Full support for that card in 16.04 + / See: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/Find.aspx?lang=en-us .04:42
AlwaysLearning11Bashing-om: I tried installing ubuntu 16.04 it wouldnt even start without  enabling nomodeset then the res was all hell then found a hack using ppa drivers04:45
AlwaysLearning11that does not seem like it natively supports anything like the 108004:46
AlwaysLearning11this is this VERY LONG guide http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-installation-guide-linux/index.html#verify-driver to maybe get it running but it assumes you already know alot about things the commands are not given it just states to do thing like enable nomostate and boot into text mode etc04:47
AlwaysLearning11this directs  the user to using PP A drivers https://blog.nelsonliu.me/2017/04/29/installing-and-updating-gtx-1080-ti-cuda-drivers-on-ubuntu/ that are explcitly not nvidia backed04:48
AlwaysLearning11Bashing-om: so where are you seeing native support?04:49
Bashing-omAlwaysLearning11: Tou are making a driver install difficult whre it is not . Nvidia says " Note that many Linux distributions provide their own packages of the NVIDIA Linux Graphics Driver in the distribution's native package management format. This may interact better with the rest of your distribution's framework, and you may want to use this rather than NVIDIA's official package.04:49
AlwaysLearning11Bashing-om: ok so how do i get it to function with cuda ?04:50
AlwaysLearning11ill go get the install disc and wipe the os again04:50
krytarikAlwaysLearning11: You just got it working, but want to start over now?04:52
AlwaysLearning11krytarik: its not working04:52
AlwaysLearning11iat one point it says to run nvidia -smi04:52
AlwaysLearning11to verify things are working04:52
Bashing-omAlwaysLearning11: cuda is above my experience range, I have never run with cuda . But "libcuda1-375" is installed by default on the proprietary driver intall .04:53
TuxThePenguinhave you tried the "additional drivers" thing in the settings menu?04:53
AlwaysLearning11i run that ang get "nvidia command not found04:53
AlwaysLearning11TuxThePenguin: when it installs i cant even see that settings menue it took alot of pokeing and messing with it to even get the install disk to so much as show ubuntu and not just hang04:53
AlwaysLearning1116.04 will not natively boot under a 1080ti04:54
AlwaysLearning11even into its install menu04:54
Bashing-omAlwaysLearning11: Tather than a fresh new install at this time . Wnat to see wht ut will take to install the nvidia driver ?04:54
TuxThePenguindo you have a non 1080 video output you can use to get the drivers setup?04:55
AlwaysLearning11gave old 980 away04:55
AlwaysLearning11and the mobo doesnt have onboard04:55
TuxThePenguincan you get shell or something?04:56
AlwaysLearning11im on it now with gfx04:56
TuxThePenguinthen do it now?04:56
AlwaysLearning11but its a hack04:56
AlwaysLearning11and not functioning with cuda04:56
TuxThePenguinyou can probably forget cuda04:56
AlwaysLearning11that is the whole point04:57
AlwaysLearning11is gpgpu dev for neural net image classifiers04:57
AlwaysLearning11deving natively for port under the TX104:57
TuxThePenguinhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/799184/how-can-i-install-cuda-on-ubuntu-16-04<< this maybe04:57
AlwaysLearning11is there a list of FULLY supported gpus somewhere for ubuntu04:57
BUSYgot a 1050ti running without any trouble04:58
TuxThePenguinthe askubuntu link looks like it would work if you could get shell on it but i dont have any sort of fancy graphics card so i can't be much help04:59
TuxThePenguinalso if you haven't already putting ssh on that machine will make it a lot less frustrating to use05:00
AlwaysLearning11will do if i dont throw it out the window first05:00
TuxThePenguinhave you tried their fancy pants repos?05:01
nine_milliTuxThePenguin: keep it real g05:02
AlwaysLearning11TuxThePenguin: yes dint take had a conflict with something like couvou (i dont remember the name soemthing to do with ubuntu native gfx driver )05:04
TuxThePenguinAlwaysLearning11 have you ran  " sudo ubuntu-drivers devices" ?05:07
TuxThePenguini think you're thinking of nouveau and this walkthrough (go down to where it says advanced/expert) says you can remove it and install the correct nvida driver https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia05:09
TuxThePenguinfrom there you should be able to use the repo to apt-get the cuda driver05:09
AlwaysLearning11TuxThePenguin: it gives a list of various drivers for cpu and gpu05:13
TuxThePenguinand apt install <one of those drivers> fails cause of a conflict with an installed thing?05:15
TuxThePenguincause then you can uninstall that thing and install the nonfree nvidia driver05:15
TuxThePenguinalso i'd highly reccomend you put an ssh server on it so you can just manage it from whatever your on IRC from and not worry about completely breaking it's display05:16
AlwaysLearning11will doand sorry for my frustrations in this05:17
AlwaysLearning11its certainly not directed at you all05:17
AlwaysLearning11just trying not to replace a monitor today05:17
AlwaysLearning11also anytime i try to install somethign with the ubuntu software manager gui if i click "install" on a .deb it says installign for a fraction of a second then goes back to just showing install ahving done nothing05:19
TuxThePenguini dunno i use dpkg on the command line05:20
AlwaysLearning11seeems its got dependency issues becaue of gpu driver hack05:23
BUSYthat actually sounds familiar.  i do have problems with sw mgr and i do have the 1050ti with some driver tweaking.  i wonder if there's a correlation there05:55
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lotuspsychjehey EriC^^07:48
EriC^^hey lotuspsychje07:48
Develordmake build-deps07:49
Develord   Unexpected compiler version (4.04.0)07:49
Develord   You should use ocaml-
Develordsomeone got a solution? just updated ocaml to 4.04.207:49
lotuspsychje!info ocaml07:50
ubottuocaml (source: ocaml): ML language implementation with a class-based object system. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.02.3-6ubuntu2 (zesty), package size 32 kB, installed size 157 kB07:50
lotuspsychjeDevelord: wich ubuntu version are you on?07:50
Develordnvm.. 'The OCaml toplevel, version 4.04.0', think something went wrong07:53
lotuspsychje!info ocaml xenial07:54
ubottuocaml (source: ocaml): ML language implementation with a class-based object system. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.02.3-5ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 32 kB, installed size 157 kB07:54
lotuspsychjethis is recommended version for you Develord07:55
Develordyes that is what is installed using apt-get, but it does not compile that way07:57
Develordso i manually installed version 4.04.2, but it still says top level version is 4.04.007:57
lotuspsychje!latest | Develord07:59
ubottuDevelord: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.07:59
brainwashartful has 4.0408:01
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* Carbon_Monoxide sent a long message: Carbon_Monoxide_2017-08-19_08:32:45.txt <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/VWDcICnbtMNZmRaVCKGttGLU>08:32
Carbon_MonoxideAnything else which I should do for the next?08:32
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tomreynCarbon_Monoxide: so does the system not boot currently?09:00
tomreynif so, boot from a live cd, mount the partitions you usually boot from to /mnt, bind-mount virtual file systems to /mnt/* and chroot to /mnt, then run update-grub and grub-install to the disk which you wish to boot from.09:03
tomreynif, however, the system still boots, you'll just need to update-grub and grub-install to the disk which you wish to boot from.09:04
Carbon_MonoxideYes, after that the system couldn't boot to OS. But GRUB loaded up. `update-grub` fixed it. I'm just not sure about if that is totally fine.09:04
Carbon_MonoxideAnd `sudo apt-get upgrade` got 28 packages kept back.09:05
tomreynwhat is "that"?09:05
Carbon_MonoxideInstalled Ubuntu system09:06
tomreynyou reinstalled ubuntu?09:06
Carbon_MonoxideAnd `apt-get`09:06
Carbon_MonoxideI performed `update-grub` and `install-grub`.09:06
tomreyndid you do any of the things i discussed above?09:07
tomreynokay, which of the two?09:07
Carbon_Monoxideupdate-grub and then install-grub09:07
Carbon_MonoxideAnd without error.09:07
tomreynso... your system was still booting and still boots now?09:07
Carbon_MonoxideIt boots properly now.09:08
tomreyni mean it still can boot fine now09:08
Carbon_MonoxideBut `apt-get upgrade` got some packages kept back.09:08
tomreynokay, but that's a separate issue from grub and booting.09:08
Carbon_MonoxideThat is after I ran `sudo dpkg --configure -a`.09:08
tomreynrun sudo "apt-get -f install" next09:09
Carbon_MonoxideAlright. Thanks!09:09
tomreynthen apt-get dist-upgrade09:09
tomreynsudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:09
Carbon_MonoxideMany thanks! But I'm on 16.04 LTS. Don't want to upgrade distro.09:12
Carbon_Monoxide`sudo apt-get -f install` didn't install new packages. But if that is only for new distro release. It's fine then.09:12
tomreynCarbon_Monoxide: dist-upgrade does not do a release upgrade.09:12
Carbon_MonoxideI see. Thanks!09:13
tomreynit just installs packages which involve slightly more complex dependency resolving.09:14
tomreyn(and you want that)09:14
Carbon_MonoxideAh, cool.09:14
Carbon_MonoxideYes. Thank you! :)09:14
SevenfoldHow can I route user 1 through ip 1 and user 2 through ip 2? The machine has multiple IPs already10:24
melissa_Hello. I have installed kubuntu-desktop and afterwards ubuntu-desktop, but now there are all kinds of conflicts and I end up with unity-scope-gdrive having unmet dependencies. apt-get install -f doesn't work, nor does removing a package. Does anyone know how I can resolve this?10:31
melissa_I would like to remove kubuntu-desktop and install ubuntu-desktop instead.10:32
SevenfoldWhat happens if you apt remove kubuntu-desktop?10:32
akikmelissa_: that's a known problem and the suggestion is not to do it (i.e. install another desktop)10:32
melissa_It tells me to do apt-get install -f. And doing that results in dpkg errors with processing the archive10:33
SevenfoldAre you in one of the text TTYs?10:33
melissa_I've tried it both from X11 and the TTY10:33
SevenfoldGo to the tty and stop the desktop from running10:34
melissa_https://p.teknik.io/AoGux here's the output for apt-get install -f. It conflicts with kde-config-telepathy-accounts, but if I remove that, I will get a conflict with another KDE package.10:34
melissa_How do I stop the desktop from running?10:35
Sevenfoldsudo service lightdm stop10:35
SevenfoldThink she was on irc in a gui10:35
akikwell that did it10:35
SevenfoldMy sides right now xD10:36
gartralok all, I'm running into an issue in 17.04 where firefox will not die if it crashes, it's in a zombie state that even sudo kill -n 9 [PID of firefox] can not kill.. this is very irritating10:50
gartralnormally I'd restart lightdm but I'm in the middle of compiling some stuff and it's going to take a while, and I really need my web browser to not be acting asinine while I'm researching10:53
SevenfoldMaybe switch to a tty and log in as actual root and try to kill it?10:58
SevenfoldSometimes being logged in as root is different from using sudo10:59
Sevenfold9 sounds like quite a low pid10:59
brainwashthe pid comes after the 910:59
gartralSevenfold: you haven't been using ubuntu for very long, have you?11:00
brainwashfirefox refuses to start due to the zombie process?11:00
SevenfoldOh, Nvm, get it11:01
brainwashgartral: maybe try firefox -safe-mode11:01
SevenfoldSorry, I'm not quite advanced, but do know how to handle some stupid issues beginners tend to face11:01
gartralbrainwash: that's correct, it crashed on me and normally I just restart a crashed program, but this isn't dying to be able to be restarted11:01
SevenfoldI don't really use a gui for compiling :p. I just ssh from my phone11:02
gartralbrainwash: I get the same popup "Firefox is already running, but is not responding...."11:03
gartralbrainwash: it just happened with chromium, too, but before it did I managed to pull a link https://askubuntu.com/questions/919315/networked-programs-refuse-to-be-killed11:04
brainwashoh wow11:04
gartralbrainwash: that guy mentioned it happens with eclipse, so this isn't isolated to a single application11:04
gartralbrainwash: ok, moved over to my other machine, and it LOOKS like I'm running into https://stackoverflow.com/questions/223644/what-is-an-uninterruptable-process/223727#223727 but why would a process zombie in a syscall?11:10
brainwashgartral: sadly, no clue11:15
BluesKaj_Hiyas all11:16
SevenfoldTrying to attach dummy screens is such a pain in the arse11:21
alexacI have setting up cloud storage software namely yandex disk and my ubuntu 17 system freezed, what is the best way to debug the issue? inspecting syslog for a start, correct?11:26
EriC^^alexac: yes that's a good start11:26
alexacEriC^^: should I look at the last commands that are recorded there?11:27
EriC^^alexac: yes look for any segfaults as well11:27
alexacEriC^^: any special software that would mark important errors there exsist?11:27
alexacEriC^^: what is segfault?11:27
alexacprobably i should ask google about it =)11:27
EriC^^alexac: try sudo grep segfault /var/log/syslog11:27
alexacwill do11:28
EriC^^alexac: it's when a program crashes due to segmentation fault (memory problem, out of range stuff, etc)11:28
alexacEriC^^: Nothing happened, apparently. got a blank line input back11:28
EriC^^alexac: try to browse the log with "sudo less /var/log/syslog" and look around the time of the crash11:29
alexacAug 19 14:23:37 ThinkPad dbus-daemon[1253]: Activating via systemd: service name='org.gnome.Terminal' unit='gnome-terminal-server.service'11:30
alexacAug 19 14:23:37 ThinkPad systemd[1233]: Starting GNOME Terminal Server...11:30
alexacAug 19 14:23:37 ThinkPad dbus-daemon[1253]: Successfully activated service 'org.gnome.Terminal'11:30
alexacAug 19 14:23:37 ThinkPad systemd[1233]: Started GNOME Terminal Server.11:30
multifractalUbuntu is not detecting my ipod classic. It was able to detect it when it was Mac formatted, but when that was the case Rhythmbox was unable to copy songs to it (error ipod is read only). So I formatted it to Win mode. Now nothing is detected at all.13:33
multifractalAlthough on the ipod screen it says "connected"13:34
MonkeyDustmultifractal  is this useful https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPod?action=show&redirect=IPodHowto13:35
multifractalWhoops, I just noticed it appears in Nautilus, presumably it considers it a removable hard drive or something...13:36
multifractalMonkeyDust: Thanks, I actually just closed and reopened Rhythmbox and it appeared. Sorry for the false alarm. Horray music!!!13:39
MonkeyDustmultifractal  great, enjoy!13:40
Lihey guys, I donno why everytime I connect my phone to ubuntu box I get this popup http://imgur.com/a/TNq6413:56
Lican anyone tell how to fix it?13:57
Liok fixed .. thanks for nothing14:01
thyriaenCan someone help me setting up the dependencies for this ( https://github.com/marazmista/radeon-profile ) - i am having trouble getting qt-charts for example14:24
thyriaenAlternatively :: Can i set up a custom fan control curve in the command line as seen here : http://i.imgur.com/ooVckZP.png ?14:25
thyriaenI am using the open source amd gpu drivers ( not amdgpu pro )14:25
deadstareanyone available to assist with screen blanking issues in 17.04?14:28
brainwashthyriaen: https://github.com/marazmista/radeon-profile/issues/6614:31
thyriaenbrainwash, thanks - ill look into that; does it also apply to 16.04 ?14:33
brainwashthyriaen: I haven't read through it. that would be your job14:34
thyriaenbrainwash, alrighty :P14:34
brainwashdeadstare: you will have to find out14:35
brainwashdeadstare: just ask your actual question14:35
thyriaenbrainwash, it says in the dependencies i need libxrandr - does that refer to the ubuntu package libxrandr-dev or libxrandr2 ?14:35
brainwashthyriaen: both14:36
brainwashlibxrandr-dev pulls in libxrandr2 anyway14:37
thyriaenbrainwash, alright thanks14:37
deadstaremy screen goes blank after 20 seconds of inactivity. Turning dpms, screensaver and blanking off has no effect, blanking turns itself back on during the session every 20 seconds14:38
deadstarealso have disabled any powersaving features in ubuntu, on the monitor itself and within the bios14:39
deadstarealso disabled any idle-time events in dconf14:39
brainwashI would check the output from "xset q" in a terminal window14:39
brainwash20 seconds is rather very short14:40
deadstarei have, after i use it to turn everything off and set everything to 0, i verify the options. Then i let the system sit idle and after 0 ssecs screen blanks, upon movement i recheck the settings and blanking has turned back on14:41
deadstareliterally happening during the session for some reason, xset settings shouldnt revert unless rebooted14:41
brainwashcould it be some 3rd party application which is interfering?14:41
deadstarenot sure what else would be running other than apache2 but thats what im looking for14:42
deadstarewas hoping someone else had ran accross this14:42
brainwashI suggest testing with a new (or another) user account14:42
brainwashsee if it's affected also14:43
deadstaregood call, ive also tried purging xfce4-power-manager and something still overriding at the 20sec mark. But ill try the new account and be back shortly14:44
brainwashso it's Xfce?14:44
deadstarethats the default power manager for 17.0414:45
deadstarelemme post the current output14:45
deadstareScreen Saver:   prefer blanking:  yes    allow exposures:  no   timeout:  30000    cycle:  0 Colors:   default colormap:  0x47    BlackPixel:  0x0    WhitePixel:  0xffffff Font Path:   /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc,/usr/share/fonts/X11/Type1,built-ins DPMS (Energy Star):   Standby: 0    Suspend: 0    Off: 0   DPMS is Disabled14:46
deadstarethe prefer blanking option is the one that keeps going back to yes. I set it and check it and its off, changes after it blanks lol14:47
brainwashbut the timeout value stays untouched?14:47
brainwash30000 seconds14:48
deadstarecorrect, its only set like that because i tried to override the 20 secs with a greater value14:48
deadstarethat doesnt work either14:48
deadstarenormally i have it set to 0 which turns it off14:49
deadstareits as if something else is signalling dpms to blank14:49
deadstarewhich is reactivating the setting14:50
brainwashI guess a closer look at your process list could help14:50
brainwashit does not happen while the login greeter is present, right?14:50
deadstareonly if i hit a key or move the mouse first and leave it idle14:51
deadstareif i boot and touch nothing the screen stays on forever14:51
brainwashalso 20 seconds?14:52
deadstareits crazy, ive been rippin my hair out for solutions for 3 days now, noone even touching the issue on the forums lol14:52
brainwashI would test with the live iso14:53
brainwashyou didn't tell yet since when this issue is affecting your system14:53
brainwashsince recent? since upgrading to 17.04? ...14:54
deadstarehard to say since i hadnt used it in a few months. Did a dist-upgrade from command-line on the first boot so didnt have time to notice if it predated that14:55
deadstareive seen issues with dpms and hdmi before also, so i may have to use a different monitor on a vga or display port to see if it persists but i dont have those options at the moment14:56
deadstarethats about the only other thing i havnt ruled out yet14:57
brainwashright. you gotta do some debugging, and test different scenarios14:58
brainwashso, maybe booting the 17.04 ISO and running the live session can trigger the problem also14:58
deadstareill give it a shot, at least ive got a few more ideas now, appreciate it14:59
brainwashif yes, I would test the 17.1014:59
brainwashgood luck :)14:59
kittykittyIve got an nvidia 660 on 17.04 that defaults to using gallium 0.4 on my system. It freezes whenever i do anything in chrome and i have to reboot the system. When i install the nvidia drivers from the software and updates > additional drivers they seem to install ok but then on reboot and try to log in, the desktop does not load and you end up back at the login page. Xauthority is ok. Xsession-errors says: no matching fbConfigs or visuals found15:09
kittykittyand failed to load swrast15:09
SevenfoldHow could I add a virtual display? Need to run the gpu headless for steam streaming15:12
oerheks!nomodeset | kittykitty15:25
ubottukittykitty: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:25
kittykittyoerheks, shows some graphics though? Thought nomodeset was bad to use?15:26
oerhekswell, try it or not..15:26
kittykittyill try it still, thanks oerheks15:26
antithesis_Hello. I switched to Upstart using the official instructions, but now I get a black screen even before I see grub. Does anyone know how to troubleshoot?15:27
antithesis_These instructions: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers#Permanent_switch_back_to_upstart15:28
oerhekskittykitty, what nvidia driver did you choose, exactly?15:28
kittykitty375 and the one above that from the ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa thats like 380 something. Trying 340 now15:30
kittykitty375 is supposed to have been tested oerheks15:31
oerhekswhy the 375 from ppa, it says the original repo has a newer version15:33
kittykittyim just choosing them from default ubuntu stuff. Removed the ppa now. Still cant login with nomodeset15:34
kittykittyshould i be using the ppa oerheks ?15:34
kittykittyused to have amdgpu pro installed, dont know if it blacklisted some stuff15:38
oerhekskittykitty, i was looking for simular issues, found none.15:45
kittykittysame when i looked15:46
oerheksi think you want the original 375, and amd= ATI .. not nvidia15:46
kittykittymaybe ldconfig being weird>15:46
kittykittyyeah i know, i used to have an ati card, now nvidia15:47
oerheksoh oke, uninstall that amd driver anyway15:47
kittykittyi think i did, dont know how to check now. Just did an initramfs15:47
kittykittyjust now i mean, think i got rid of the rest of the amd one15:48
warrshrikehey my c++ code with compiles on macOS won't compile on ubuntu15:50
warrshrikesame clang++ compiler with -std=c++1415:50
warrshrikeerror is leak.cpp:26:24: error: no matching function for call to 'min'             col[j+1] = std::min({ prevCol[1 + j] + 1, col[j] + 1, prevCol[j] + (s1[i]==s2[j] ? 0 : 1) });                        ^~~~~~~~ /usr/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5.4.0/../../../../include/c++/5.4.0/bits/stl_algobase.h:195:5: note: candidate function template not viable: requires 2 arguments, but 1 was provided     min(const _Tp& __a, const _Tp& _15:50
warrshrikeI think my ubuntu libs are outdated or sth?15:50
antithesis_Hello. I get a black screen after switching to Upstart. Does anyone know how to troubleshoot?15:51
brainwashantithesis_: why did you do that?15:52
antithesis_Because I am not brainwashed.15:52
brainwashstill waiting for a proper answer15:53
antithesis_Me too.15:54
warrshrikebrainwash: maybe you can help me?15:54
kittykittyoerheks, looks like it links some stuff in ldconf and theyre set correctly when theyre installed. Rebooting and checking again15:55
hosashow do I change Clrl +Alt + P to home-key+p or ctrl+alt +c to home-key +c . By the way I'm using ubuntu 16.0415:55
brainwashwarrshrike: I suggest that you use a pastebin service to share terminal output, makes it easier to read15:55
kittykittyhosas, ubuntu settings > keyboard > shortcuts15:56
axslayer33Question: If I've dual installed Kali and ubuntu mate, but didn't install the grub-pc boot manager during the second installation (kali)....how do I install it to access kali?15:56
axslayer33Do I do it from Mate, or a live run of Kali?15:56
MonkeyDustaxslayer33  firstly, kali is not supported here15:57
warrshrikebrainwash: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25347766/15:57
axslayer33Ok, sorry.15:57
axslayer33Asked since Ubuntumate also came into play.15:57
hosaskittykitty: I'm just from there and can't find anything like copy or paste command that I can change or do I define it myself-please would manually define it. thanks15:58
kittykittyhosas, you could if you knew the command for the clipboard etc15:59
brainwashwarrshrike: not sure. best to ask in the c++ or clang channel15:59
warrshrikeI did15:59
warrshrikebut its issue with ubuntu lib versions16:00
warrshrikemaybe someone else will know16:00
kittykittyoerheks, got 375 installed but still does not load the desktop. ldconf looks ok. Xsession errors says: failed to load driver: swrast and no matching fbConfigs or visuals found. All i can find on google is steam issues lol16:00
kittykittywarrshrike, try gcc from ppa?16:00
brainwashwarrshrike: maybe you need to set some additional compile flag16:01
brainwashwarrshrike: well, what issue exactly? are the libs too old?16:01
MonkeyDustantithesis_  anyone what?16:01
kittykittyoerheks, might be some weird mesa thing? Used to have mesa ppa too but did a purge so should be ok?16:02
antithesis_I get a black screen after switching to Upstart. Does anyone know how to troubleshoot?16:02
pavloswarrshrike: are you trying to get the min value of 3 parameters?16:02
kittykittyany way to search for non official packages?16:03
Dekkardgvfs issue: copied a 1gig folder no probs... is that adequate?16:06
hosaskittykitty: do you know the command to copy and paste from clipboard so that I can substitute them?16:06
Dekkardthan cut and pasted it to another folder16:07
kittykittyhosas, no idea sorry. Try xclip?16:07
hosasanyway thanks16:07
Dekkardhosas:  text?16:08
kittykittyhosas, terminal clipboard program16:09
kittykittyoerheks, reinstalled libgl1-mesa-glx and dri and reconfigured xserver-xorg and now the login hangs for AGES before going back to login16:11
kittykittyoerheks, i keep anding up on this page https://askubuntu.com/questions/541343/problems-with-libgl-fbconfigs-swrast-through-each-update but i dont think libs are even stored there16:14
blausandKann ich Debian-Anwendungen dazu zwingen, den .config-Ordner zu benutzen?16:24
blausandMit irgendwelchen mount/rebind tricks vielleicht?16:24
tgm4883!de | blausand16:25
ubottublausand: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!16:25
blausandtgm4883: thx.16:28
blausandCan i force debian packets to use the ./config folder? Maybe by applying any mount / rebind hacks to /etc/fstab?16:29
akikblausand: maybe if you described your problem a bit more16:34
dedo_anyone running 16.04 with surface pro 3?16:37
dedo_or rather has anyone gotten the ambient light sensor (surface pro 3) to work with 16.0416:38
blausandi want to keeo my home folder common to Linux and Windows. Having .* files hidden is not an option for me, because i work with hidden files displayed.This means, my homefolder is cluttered with a lot of config folders. They all should live in a subfolder.16:38
oerheksblausand, no solution to that, keep your .hidden files in a seperate folder?16:39
akikblausand: how does it become a problem?16:40
dedo_you could  use a symbolic link to link specific foldersd16:40
kittykittyoerheks, ldconfig shows libGL.so.1 in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libGL.so.1 first in the list before all of the nvidia ones. No idea if i can change the priority of those16:41
kittykittytheyre loaded alphabetically and fakeroot is first, dont know if that affects anything16:43
oerhekskittykitty, that is beyond my knowledge :-( your latest url is from 2014, it should be fixed by now?16:44
oerheksand disabling nouveau could help too ( same post), replace nomodeset with nouveau.modeset=0 and update grub16:45
kittykittynouveau doesnt look like its used anyway, is that the one that shows up as gallium?16:46
kittykittyi think it might be that /usr/lib/nvidia is way down the list if you do ldconfig -v | grep "^/"16:47
oerhekskittykitty, also not sure about that, or how to tell16:47
oerhekschanging from ati to nvidia, did you try sudo apt autoclean or autoremove ? that would wipe unnessasary packages16:48
kittykittyyeah i did that too16:49
kittykittyi think i have it down to ldconfig having libGL.so.1 as both mesa and nvidia but mesa higher16:49
kittykittycould be my multiatch16:50
oerheksubuntu is already multiarch .. maybe that is your culprit if you added architecture i38616:51
kittykittyyeah that could be it16:52
oerheksIn this case i would surely backup data and do a fresh install16:52
kittykittythe file in /etc/ld.so.conf.d/x86_64-linux-gnu.conf lists /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu first16:53
kittykittyill try making a link to a 0 prefixed file first, theyre loaded in alphabetical order16:53
kittykittyoerheks, guess i should file a bug>?17:06
kittykittybecause wow. thats a stupid problem17:06
kittykittyliterally had to just rename the multiarch file to be prefixed with ZZ. so that it loaded last17:06
fishcookeron the running box how to stop all services except ssh only?17:18
kittykittyfishcooker, youd stop networking too if you did that so you cant17:25
MonkeyDustkittykitty  good thinking17:27
ioriai think he meant 'all' apart that17:28
ioriafishcooker, you can in single user mode17:29
ioriafishcooker, but idk if it works with systemd17:30
swrennIs this the right place to be asking about opening device files?17:34
blausandoerheks: thx. akik. Under Windows, i don't want to really hide hidden files. if i configure my etx2fs driver to hide .-prefixed files, i can't see them at all because they are hidden on the fs-driver level. Good conditions to get crazy looking for config files...17:35
ioriaswrenn, details ?17:39
akikblausand: i tried to understand how the showing of the dot files becomes a problem or is it just an inconvenience?17:39
akikpersonally i always show all files everywhere17:40
swrennioria: I'm having trouble opening an input device file. The file is one of /dev/input/eventXX. It is owned by user root and group input with permissions 0660, so any user belonging to the input group should be able to read and write the device file. I have a program written in C that calls open(). The user that executes the program belongs to the input group, and I verified via /proc/X/status that the program17:42
swrennalso belongs to the input group. Why am I getting a 'Permission denied' (EACCES) error when I try to open this file? Something to do with cgroups?17:42
Allen_Can anyone tell me if there is a difference between a Xen install vs installing through repositories?17:49
ioriaswrenn, superuser works ?17:49
swrennioria: yes17:49
=== Allen_ is now known as zaya
swrennioria: I can also open the file /dev/input/eventXX on the command line as non-root, e.g. #xxd /dev/input/eventXX.17:50
oerheksAllen .. oh he is gone17:51
ioriaswrenn, maybe something wrong in the path17:52
ioriaswrenn, some dirs not readable ?17:53
zayaoerheks: I'm here. Not sure why chat started with a diff nick17:53
oerhekssmart move, asking a question and then change name..17:53
zayaoerheks: not intentionally17:53
oerheksanyway, our repo contains 4.7 and 4.8, so no difference17:54
zayaI'm starting to tamper with hypervisors and have had 2 inputs, 1 being install XenServer, another is to install within a distro17:54
zayaoerheks: thank you17:55
oerheksnot sure what 3.3.0 means for next release17:56
swrennioria: Good thinking to double-check the path, but it looks good: (gdb) p path17:56
swrenn$1 = 0x7fffffffdd80 "/dev/input/event13"17:56
swrennioria: /dev and /dev/input have permissions 0755, so I'm good there.17:57
zayaoerheks: thank you. I see what you mean. I will give this a look17:58
striveIs there an official Ubuntu release with GNOME2?17:59
akikstrive: in a way. it's called ubuntu mate18:00
striveakik: That's what I thought, thank you.18:01
Kelakik: What's the other one? Cinnamon? That doesn't have an official/semi-official pre-baked release yet does it?18:04
blausandakik: nautilus cluttered with dotted files is just inconvenient...18:05
oerheksmate is not cinnamon18:08
oerheksand no, there is no iso with cinnamon ready, but you can easily install it on top of any IDE, or if you want a clean cinnamon, use the mini iso and ( i think is contains the cinnamon-metapackage) select cinnamon from there18:09
blausandGParted sees /dev/sdc1 as linux-raid on /dev/md0, but `dmraid -r`says "no raid disks". How can i find out if sdc1 it is a mirror half? And if it is, how can i migrate the partition to single disc without moving the data?18:16
Keloerheks: hence "other one" xD Of course they're not the same.18:17
oerheksoh oke, i have mis-read18:17
mattflyhow can i enable mouse clicking on a terminal emulator on ubuntu 16.04 ?18:29
mattflylike if i want to use tmux18:29
gabrielcmattfly: like the old gpm?18:34
cloudbudon my ubuntu machine the inodes has been exhausted. can someone give me a permanent solution for a solution . This is a recurring issue i guess18:35
gabrielccloudbud: so many files have you?18:37
cloudbudgabrielc : its a jenkins server18:38
gabrielccloudbud: man mkfs.ext4 says -N . check the man for your filesystem18:39
cloudbudgabrielc : wait18:39
gabrielccloudbud: df -i //               list inode information instead of block usage18:40
cloudbudgabrielc : what is this18:42
cloudbudgabrielc : i deleted the temp now the root volume is 21%18:44
gabrielcwith df -i you can see the inodes used/free per filesystem18:44
cloudbudbut i have to manually do the deletion18:44
cloudbudits a jenkins slave server where a lot f files keep on incresing as a build process in /temp18:45
tgm4883cloudbud: sounds like you need to increase the number of inodes you can create on the filesystem and/or have jenkins clean up after itself18:45
cloudbudtgm4883 : how to increase the number of inodes  on file system ?18:46
tgm4883cloudbud: at filesystem creation18:47
tgm4883cloudbud:  <gabrielc> cloudbud: man mkfs.ext4 says -N . check the man for your filesystem18:47
cloudbudtgm4883 : i did not understand this18:48
jaithI am having trouble running apt upgrade on an Ubuntu 16 running as a virtual machine. The complaint is "/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf defines no arrays" -- can someone tell me how to fix this problem so that I may update/upgrade my system? Last lines of output here: https://paste.ubuntu.com/25349093/18:48
jaithi suspect, but am not sure, that the output is in some way related to the fact that this runs as a virtual machine18:49
gabrielccloudbud: maybe you can put a new disk only for /tmp o /temp and create a filesystem with the apropiate inode quantity. but you or the jenkins administrator must automate the deletion of the temporary files generated by jenkins18:51
tgm4883cloudbud: you'll need to recreate the filesystem that if filling up or create a new filesystem for /tmp. When creating it, you'll need to specify to allow more inodes. However, it seems that your issue keeps happening that the issue is that your jenkins job isn't cleaning up after itself. So increasing the inodes isn't a long term solution for you and you should instead fix your jenkins job18:51
=== kukacz is now known as kukacz_
gabrielcjaith: i think that message isnt error18:54
littlekittyhow come my second amd card is not recognized in ubuntu ?18:55
cloudbudhow to specify the large no of indoes gabrielc and tgm488318:55
littlekittyis there some configuration to do ?18:55
gabrielcjaith: investigates those message "cryptsetup: WARNING"18:56
tgm4883cloudbud: I really think you need to investigate the Jenkins issue first18:57
gabrielcjaith: perhaps https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Tmp+Cleaner+Plugin18:59
gabrielcjaith: or https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Delete+.tmp+files+left+in+workspace-files19:00
maxime__Hello, i have a network device problem. While fixing my bluetooth I removed something and reinstalled something else. It fixed the bluetooth and removed my wifi device. I can't find a fix. Thanks19:07
jaithgabrielc: you may be right...I just logged out & logged in again and packages appear to be updated...still, it's disconcerting19:08
maxime__Alright, i just need to go, i'll come back with this question :) Best regards19:09
jaithgabrielc: I don't understand how the tmp files relate to this issue?  seems to me that my machine's device names have changed ("failed to detect canonical device of /dev/xvda1") because it's on a virtual machine19:09
s10gopalanyone can please help me ?19:22
s10gopalDaGoaty ?19:24
MonkeyDusts10gopal  start with a question19:24
s10gopali am using ubuntu 16 lts on my laptop but itis giving very poop battery backup19:25
MonkeyDusts10gopal  https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/power.html19:27
s10gopali am using ubuntu 16 lts on my laptop but battery backup is very very less. SPEC hp ay008tx,i5 6gen 12gb ram , intel hd 520 + amd r5 m43019:27
MonkeyDust!info tlp | s10gopal19:28
ubottus10gopal: tlp (source: tlp): Save battery power on laptops. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-3 (zesty), package size 47 kB, installed size 257 kB19:28
s10gopalon windows 10 i get 6hr+19:29
s10gopal@ubottu tried it19:29
MonkeyDusts10gopal  then start from the beginning, what have you tried so far19:30
s10gopalubuntu can give more battery backup than windows 10 ?19:31
Pinkamena_Dhave system with 32gb ram which I hibernate fairly often. I bought a small SSD just for sacrificial SWAP usage; plan to fill the whole thing with a swapfile. Which partition table type should I use, or does it even make a difference? Disk is 128gb19:34
s10gopali want to implement this https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/power-batterywindows.html , how can i ?19:34
emi71hello. Ubuntu 16.04. Problem: I've Canon Pixma mg5650 and I can't scan page. I've installed xsane scan but don't work. the same happen with default application "simple scan". error: "impossible to open device pixma:mg5600.... invalid argument". the print function work correctly.19:48
SimonNLemi71: might help installing a driver for it19:53
emi71SimonNL : I have installed official driver scangearmp2 from Canon site. the scanner is recognized19:54
emi71but when I doing scan command, hang and appear this error message19:55
SimonNLemi71: doesn't the website show some other things you have to do before installing the driver ?19:56
emi71SimonNL: no, and I've noticed that the same Brother multifunction customers have the same problem19:57
maxime__Hello, i have a network device problem. While fixing my bluetooth I removed something and reinstalled something else. It fixed the bluetooth and removed my wifi device. I can't find a fix. Thanks19:58
SimonNLemi71: you downloaded this file ?    scangearmp2-3.00-1-deb.tar.gz20:02
glitsj16emi71: you might want to try a PPA as mentioned in this bugreport --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sane-backends/+bug/151202720:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1512027 in sane-backends (Ubuntu) "open of device pixma:MX7600_... failed: invalid argument" [Low,Confirmed]20:03
emi71SimonNL: yes, but version 3.2020:04
s10gopalhow i can run ubuntu 16 on my hp ay008tx laptop , with good battery backup (i think i dont have  gfx driver , that is causing battery drain )20:04
emi71glitsj16: thanks, I try now20:05
SimonNLemi71: and what you done with it ?20:05
Nokajiemi71: there is also 'simple scan', not sure if it only does images (not text), maybe you can try it if you can't get anywhere20:07
emi71Nokaji: simple scan tested: don't work the same20:08
s10gopalhow i can run ubuntu 16 on my hp ay008tx laptop , with good battery backup (i think i dont have  gfx driver , that is causing battery drain )20:08
emi71SimonNL: install.sh procedure described in the file "readme"20:09
oerhekss10gopal, that laptop has  HD Graphics 520 ??20:10
SimonNLemi71:  and program ran without error20:10
oerheksshould be standard loaded, intel20:11
emi71SimonNL: yes, exactly20:11
bubbelyexiftool -b -ThumbnailImage test copy.cr2 > 2_0.jpg  <- how do i run this command when there is a space in the filename "test copy.cr2"20:11
oerheksor the 2nd AMD Radeonâ„¢ R5 M430 Graphics  ? https://support.hp.com/rs-en/document/c05221062 should also be loaded standard i guess20:11
SimonNLemi71: then I have no idea what causes the problem sorry20:11
bubbelyanyone ?20:12
SimonNLbubbely: "test copy.cr2"20:12
s10gopalhd 520 + amd r5 m43020:12
bubbelySimonNL: thanks20:12
SimonNLexiftool -b -ThumbnailImage "test copy.cr2" > 2_0.jpg20:13
s10gopalif i force turn off amd r5 m430 , then batter life will improve ?20:14
emi71glitsj16: I've done: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rolfbensch/sane-git and sudo apt-get update, appear error yet20:15
emi71SimonNL: ok, no problem, thanks20:16
s10gopalgood night20:19
emi71glitsj16: don't work20:33
glitsj16emi71: too bad, that was the only thing I could suggest.. The PPA mentions a mailinglist where you could ask to support for your specific hardware. I guess that's worth a shot..20:37
emi71glitsj16: can you describe me the step by step procedure? I'm a newcomer in ubuntu....20:38
emi71glitj16: I mean PPA procedure20:39
glitsj16emi71: you added it like you said above? That's the correct way to add a PPA yes. After running 'sudo apt-get update', did you run 'sudo apt upgrade' to get the new drivers?20:40
emi71I'm a beginner in ubuntu20:40
glitsj16emi71: I understand, no worries20:41
emi71glitsj16: yes...no error apparently20:41
emi71no one moment20:42
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
emi71glitsj16: I've done: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rolfbensch/sane-git and sudo apt-get update. nothing else20:43
glitsj16emi71: what those commands did was (1) add the PPA to your sources list and (2) refresh the sources .. a third step is needed to actually upgrade your libsane software with those from the PPA --> run 'sudo apt upgrade' to do that20:44
emi71ok I'm doing now third step: sudo apt upgrade20:45
glitsj16emi71: ok, let that finish and report if anything errored20:46
emi71glitsj16:  /var/cache/apt/archives/libsane_1.0.27+git20170819-xenial0_amd64.deb E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)20:48
glitsj16emi71: let me check what that package looks like, give me a few minutes, I'll report back here20:50
emi71glitsj16: ok thanks20:50
JonelethIrenicuswhy does the powerline package in the repos not have the bash bindings?20:54
Vanellopeso, I'm having trouble installing ubuntu. every time I boot from the installer I either end up with a never ending loading screen or it freezes on the loading screen21:07
jhutchinsVanellope: First thing to suspect is a bad image.  Did you checksum it?21:07
Vanellopechecksums match21:09
mrpanda@echo off21:10
mrpandaam thinking to buy a 3d printer21:10
mrpandato print a printer21:10
mrpandai could use one21:10
jhutchinsVanellope: You'll have to give us more to go on.  What release?  What hardware?  What kind of device are you installing from?  How did you prepare the device?21:10
Vanellope17.04 on a dell laptop with an amd a10 and radeon card. I'm installing from a usb I prepared with rufus21:11
SimonNLVanellope: I usually recommend people to burn DVD instead of using rufus to burn a start up stick.21:16
Vanellopelemme try a dvd and I'll report back21:17
kwaynehi! does anyone have experience with seemingly random I/O errors on a fuse-sshfs mount, and what one could do to avoid them?21:18
kwaynei don't need particularly high bandwidth or low latency, but i need my I/O not to fail21:18
Vanellopenevermind. Don't have any blank DVDs21:19
kwayneit seems like sshfs (with `reconnect` enabled) drops the connection sometimes, and from the point it does until it re-establishes the connection, I/O fails. can i specify somewhere that in case the filesystem temporarily fails, that I/O should just block until it becomes available again?21:22
SimonNLVanellope: on ubuntu now ?21:23
SimonNLthats what I thought21:23
jhutchinsVanellope: You can try booting with various switches like noacpi, noapic, nomodeset21:25
jhutchinskwayne: That's one of the reasons sshfs isn't used more, it's not that reliable.  Use something like scp or rsync instead.21:26
jhutchinskwayne: What kind of connection are you dealing with?  I take it it's not local net?21:27
SimonNLhttps://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-windows#0      does this help you out Vanellope21:27
Vanellopethat's exactly what I did simon21:28
SimonNLI see. well it's all I could think of right now21:28
SimonNLbeside the DVD21:28
kostkonVanellope, start with nomodeset. Also, if you end up again on a neverending loading screen try hitting the ESC key and see if you will get any output from the boot process.21:29
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:29
kwaynejhutchins: i need the directory i mount via sshfs to be visible to another process as if it was available locally. that's why i can't use scp or rsync (or can i?)21:29
kostkonVanellope, but you could also try burning the live usb again before attempting any of those solutions21:30
kwaynejhutchins: the connection is unfortunately not direct, but involves a few hops, including an SSH TCP forward. i know this is far from ideal, but it's beyond my control21:31
Vanellopewhat the actual... found an old natty DVD and I'm at the live desktop21:31
kostkonnatty, natty?21:31
kostkonVanellope, what version is that?21:32
Vanellope11.04 IIRC21:32
kostkonVanellope, too old to release upgrade from21:32
Vanellopeyeah I know21:34
Vanellopestill funny to see that had no problems21:34
SimonNLVanellope: is there a start up stick burning program in it21:39
Vanellopebut I did notice on 17.04 if I press esc I get spammed with completion-wait loop timed out21:40
SimonNLhave a look and if so use it to make yourself that stick21:41
VanellopeOK think I'm getting somewhere21:45
Vanellopejust refusing to boot now because windows is hibernated21:45
hehehehey hey21:55
hehehewho here uses evolution?21:55
hehehemail client21:55
Vanellopenow it's erroring at /dev/sr0 no medium found then initramfs says no medium found21:55
heheheat the times it gets stuck21:55
duziAny cool themes for ubuntu?22:00
tomreynVanellope: on the first screen there shozuld be an option to "check the media for ddefects" (or similar), have you tried this?22:02
Vanellopehold on22:02
Vanellopetrying again with 16.0422:02
tomreynthat's not the same approach as verifying the exact checksum of the ISO file against the checksum file which i think you said you already did?22:02
tomreyni.e. not the same as...22:03
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:03
tomreyngood luck with 16.04. in case it also fails you should see the same option on the first mmenu22:05
kostkonVanellope, that should have been the release version you are going for in the first place since it's LTS and with the latest hwe fairly up-to-date22:05
duziIs there any resource where I can find cool wallpapers for my ubuntu desktop?22:07
MonkeyDust!themes | duzi22:09
ubottuduzi: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy22:09
duziMonkeyDust: Thanks22:09
MonkeyDustduzi  http://www.digitalblasphemy.com/22:10
jakis there a way to get the touchpad on a macbook to work any better than the default?22:10
jakany guides i've found so far seem to be very out of date22:10
Vanellopeok so I seem to have 2 issues here, Firstly the installer doesn't seem to like something about the GPU setup in the laptop, and secondly for some reason it seems to be trying to use the dvd drive instead of the usb22:17
VanellopeI'm officially an idiot22:17
Vanellopeignored the one of the first pieces of advice I got and skipped past nomodeset22:18
Vanellopein a live env now22:18
oerheksVanellope, maybe blacklisting nouveau on grub is your fix, nouveau.modeset=022:36
Vanellopewill do once it installs22:36
oerheksyes, only if you keep graphical issues22:37
Vanellopeyep needed to blacklist it22:52
JonelethIrenicusevery time i run my termial i see this message "To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".22:56
JonelethIrenicusSee "man sudo_root" for details."22:56
oerheksVanellope, :-)23:07
brandon76aloha everyone23:41
ultrixxhi! why does ubuntu 16.04.3 come with kernel 4.10? this kernel version is end of life23:43
brandon76i'm new to ubuntu so idk ultrixx23:44
ultrixxbrandon76: thanks anyway23:44
oerheks4.10 end of life? where do you find that info|?23:46
oerheks16.04.3 comes with 4.8 iirc .. maybe you added HWE23:46
ultrixxno fresh install23:47
ultrixxand 4.10 is end of life according to slashdot and 150 other websites and is no longer listet on kernel.org23:48
oerheks''The updated hardware stack in Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS brings Linux 4.10 kernel' indeed, but is not EOL.23:48
oerheksmind that LTS goes for stable packages.23:49
oerheks according to slashdot and 150 other websites and is no longer listet on kernel.org ... fud.23:50
ultrixxoerheks: excuse me, but google "kernel 4.10 end of life" - i don't write that because i want to sound cool23:50
oerheks16.04.3 gets the same kernel as zesty 17.04.23:51
ultrixx"Greg Kroah-Hartman: 4.10 is now end of life"23:53
oerheksubuntu backports patches, though.23:54
oerheksbut if you want the latest and greatest, don't use lts23:54
ultrixxi don't need the latest and greatest, i just wondered why canonical chose this kernel version and thought someone here would know that's all23:55
tomreynultrixx: probably because it contains a nice set of patches an no kernel version providing a similar mix of stability a feature sets was available at the time.23:56
tomreynas a release based (non-rolling) distribution, you regularly need to make such choices - which kernel do we choose to maintain for the next few months or years (even after it's EOLd mainline)23:58
tomreynthat's actually the same for the very most other packages in ubuntu (and debian, which it still largely builds upon)23:59

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