
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
Superxubuntu is better system operating the world!!14:25
Supermy computer is fast alive14:25
SuperDrone I question to you14:28
SuperYou Flight?14:29
linuxr_hello, today my internet connectivity appeared to be broken (apt-get update did not work, connecting to irc failed); I noticed that the programs attempted to connect to a ipv6 address. However, I am not aware of having any ipv6 support. Can someone give advice? thanks16:10
diogenes_you can try disabling ipv616:12
flocculantlinuxr_: try #ubuntu - seems you're wandering around asking in random channels16:12
linuxr_yes that's what I did, diogenes_ . Then everything started working again16:12
diogenes_linuxr_, ipv6 is known to have issues in different areas, in some cases it's even interfering with graphics drivers16:13
linuxr_but I wonder why IPv6 was suddenly enabled at all16:13
diogenes_so dibabling it it best16:13
=== es1__ is now known as es1

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