[00:37] @KMyers I'm getting ready to head down, want me to let you know when I head out? [00:37] Coffehaus should be open until 1 today [00:46] One sec [00:47] Give me 20 minutes to pick up something [00:50] No rush I haven't head out yet [01:25] @KMyers heading out now, sorry a little late, going to pick up a coffee from mcdonalds for the drive down! [01:26] No rush either way! [01:38] We must order The Judd [02:34] Here be in in a few minutes [02:34] Haha yes [02:45] We are here [14:08] @ahoneybun https://www.engadget.com/2017/08/19/amazon-cancels-free-echo-dot-orders/ [14:08] yep got the email [14:09] That kind of sucks, but on the other hand, did we really think that was going to happen? [14:10] some people were posting that theirs shipped already [14:10] Wow, sucks for Amazon, then [17:47] https://entertainment.slashdot.org/story/17/08/19/238212/jonathan-coultons-new-dystopian-album-becomes-a-graphic-novel [18:18] https://www.postmarketos.org/ [18:21] Yea the units are just booting right now