
Unit193Debian #87268703:33
ubottuDebian bug 872687 in xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin "xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin: Unable to click or use volume slider" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/87268703:33
ubottuGnome bug 786029 in Widget: Other "clicking on gtk-slider makes the parent disappear" [Major,New]05:42
Unit193!info libgtk-3-dev artful06:16
ubottulibgtk-3-dev (source: gtk+3.0): development files for the GTK+ library. In component main, is optional. Version 3.22.18-1ubuntu1 (artful), package size 874 kB, installed size 10878 kB06:16
flocculantUnit193: doesn't appear to be all sliders here08:10
flocculantand I guess we'll need to point -desktop at that08:12
ochosioh dear, so it does seem to be a gtk3 problem then if its not just arch08:13
ochosii agree with flocculant, we should inform the desktop folks08:13
flocculantochosi: yea - definitely not just arch :)08:13
ochosialthough i'm not sure they'll care much, even if it affects their indicators, since they dont use them anymore...08:14
flocculantprobably ping jbicha in there with the bug #08:14
ochosisounds like a sane idea08:14
flocculantochosi: but - I've tried other sliders (panel for instance) and they appear to be ok08:15
ochosiyou mean xfpm is ok, only pa is nok?08:15
flocculantyup that works ok - though you can't click somewhere along the slider08:19
ochosithen it doesnt work08:27
ochosiat least not fully08:27
ochosiwhat about indicators, do those fully work?08:28
flocculantochosi: only got message indicator08:31
flocculantochosi: click on slider in volume indicator and it shuts it 08:37
ochosimhm, then its not just us08:40
ochosi(although the indicator widget and the ones in xfpm and pa are pretty much identical)08:41
flocculantochosi: grabbing the ubuntu iso now - I'll double check that - if it boots08:42
flocculantslider there works08:43
Unit193flocculant: Confirm the GTK3 version?  Xfpm is GTK2, so that's why that works.08:44
Unit193Also, yes it isn't just arch, first heard it from Debian.08:44
flocculantochosi: in fact for our vol slider it doesn't just shut down - it mutes it08:44
flocculantUnit193: aah ok08:44
Unit193flocculant: Did you fix it?09:20
flocculantno - did you think I would?09:20
flocculantI don't actually use the slider ... I have this big round knob on the amp I use :)09:21
Unit193Re-compiling GTK3 sounds right up your ally!09:24
flocculantha ha ha 09:24
Unit193....Wanna try?09:29
Unit193This is extra, not Xubuntu dev asking.  You don't have to.09:30
flocculantI could - though not right now - off out in a short while09:30
Unit193Well it's taking a while to build, but https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/xubuntu-staging/+packages09:55
flocculantUnit193: yea that works 13:24
Unit193Fantastic, thanks for checking flocculant!16:35
Unit193Just, uh..Don't read the changelog.16:36
flocculanttoo late :P16:39
Unit193Oh dear...In my defence, I couldn't sleep, was tired, and knew what time I had to get up. :316:42
flocculantwell ... personally don't think the changelog is that bad at all - especially when nano's changelog has the latest release named Interior Sewage :D16:51
Unit193debian/patches/dothestuff.patch ++16:51
flocculantanyway - re discussion earlier - just point -desktop at the gnome bug and say it breaks us and we've got ppa fix ?16:54
flocculantcos when it comes down to it - I suspect it'll be me doing the pinging ...16:54
flocculantsometimes they ask questions and I just lalalalalalalala 16:55
Unit193I thought ochosi might poke -desktop, and the PPA was to test https://bug786029.bugzilla-attachments.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=357334 since the author said it was untested.16:58
Unit193I think I'd refrain from poking jbicha directly though.16:58
flocculantworks for me16:59
Unit193ochosi has some background in -desktop, and might have more idea of the Xfce or GTK+3 side of things.17:00
flocculantyea for sure17:00
ochosiflocculant, Unit193: thanks for packaging and testing! i started by commenting on the upstream bug17:50
ochosiwhat we really need in the end is upstream to merge it17:50
ochosii'll go poking mlcasen and carlosg directly if needed17:50
Unit193Yes, though Ubuntu is a start.  Doesn't help Debian.17:51
ochosionly carrying the patch in ubuntu is a sort of last-resort if we don't get it merged/released upstream early enough for 17.1017:52
Unit193I was thinking of it as a first step, move it on upstream (and indeed, if Ubuntu throws it in, might have more weight behind the request.)  But yes that works too. :P17:53
Unit193Specifically if it's not just a random person that's never talked to the GTK+3 devs before.17:54
ochosiyeah, but i've talked to both of them before17:55
ochosiand not sure whether ubuntu really adds the right kind of weight here ;)17:55
Unit193Exactly, that's my point.17:55
Unit193Either way, thanks for doing it.17:55
ochosino worries really. the good thing is the patch is so minimal i don't think they won't merge it17:56
Unit193The last comment wasn't re-assuring, but the fact the patch was written by the same author as the breaking commit was.17:57
Unit193He linked the PPA, maybe I should have tried harder. :319:01
flocculantochosi: thanks19:07
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Unit193ninetls: If you want to know context. :P21:30
ninetlsyes, I know about regression with sliders21:31
ninetls(tfw you are considered as a person who will build any shit for you just because you're using arch)21:32
ninetls*for anybody21:32
Unit193Not really, just wondered if you had.  It's right up your ally to do so.  As stated, I already did.21:32
ninetlsI'm just kidding, don't worry!21:33
ninetlsI can test if you want21:33
Unit193All up to if you want the fix.21:37
Unit193From the Arch bug also saw the Xfce one: https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1377021:37
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 13770 in General "xfce4-power-manager panel plugin doesn't work with gtk-" [Normal,New]21:37
Unit193So, a GTK, Debian, Arch, and Xfce bug.  Nice fallout!21:38
ninetlsthe funnies thing is that they updated gtk21:39
ninetlsthey closed related bug report as "fixed" in arch21:39
ninetlsbug actually the bug still present21:40
ninetlsUnit193: yes, works with this patch21:48
ochosii guess i'll have a long and winding road ahead of me arguing to get the patch into gtk+, judging from ebassi's comment...21:57
Unit193Figured, based on the one guy.  But uncool for them to break this and not fix it in a "stable" release.21:58
ochosithat'll sort of be my argument..22:00
ninetls"works in gnome shell. RESOLVED WONTFIX"22:10
Unit193That's pretty much how I read it.22:10
ochosinah, don't be so pessimistic22:22
ochosithe report is not closed22:22

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