
jpXcan anyone help me find some compatible video drivers for a 7950 on 17.04? i've been reading about oibaf and such but nothing seems to work18:31
windblowapport-gtk and gdb keeps running forever in the background, taking at least 80% of cpu time18:57
windblowLTS release18:57
windblowis this issue known? happened after updates18:58
windblowworkaround is to simply kill those processes as root18:58
windblowhappens right after a message saying an error occurred with appstream, gdb is running on appstream18:59
windblowsaid message pops up after startup18:59
sm0rux_Hi, after editing the menu (i changed an icon) newly installed software are not sorted but instead they are added at the bottom of each selection. Can this be fixed?20:04
ivoengl only?20:11
ivoi install xubuntu and try to load software. system ask for unbuntu acc? why?20:12
ivoiam testing distro for my old notebook i never use ubuntu or xubuntu20:13
diogenes_what software?20:14
ivohexchat for xsample20:17
ivoi load hexchat via terminal^^20:17
diogenes_try synaptic20:17
ivogood night thank you by20:22
diogenes_yw bye20:24
sm0rux_Hi, after editing the menu (i changed an icon) newly installed software are not sorted but instead they are added at the bottom of each selection. Can this be fixed?20:28
diogenes_each selection?20:29
sm0rux_Yes, like if I install a package that will be installed in the Internet selection it is not sorted alphabetical but will be added at the bottom of the Internet selection.20:30
=== sm0rux_ is now known as sm0rux
diogenes_sm0rux, right click on the menu and properties20:32
sm0rux??? Right click on the Internet selection? Nothing happens20:33
sm0ruxNot in favourites, but in the Internet selection.20:33
diogenes_sm0rux, right, click, o the menu icon (a mouse face)20:33
sm0ruxAha. Then?20:34
diogenes_uncheck both "show generic application names" and "Show menu hierarchy"20:34
sm0ruxI'll keep an eye next time I install a new package :)20:35
diogenes_ok try it,20:36
sm0ruxIt works! Thanks a zillion. Highly appreciated!20:38
diogenes_yw, be happy20:39
EvilappleawsdI'm a newb, how would I go about getting i3 working with xfce?21:37
Evilappleawsdapparently it's tricky21:37

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