
=== kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar
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IrcsomeBotsoumyajit_pal was removed by: soumyajit_pal02:25
IrcsomeBotHellhammer was removed by: Hellhammer02:48
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lordievaderGood morning06:30
proctraphi, my ls is listing UTF8 filenames as ?? (german umlauts), any ideas ?08:06
proctraptree -N works fine and my file explorer also displays everything correctly, but the ls command is only a symptom of git not being able to work with those files anymore08:06
GuySofthey all, I have a really strange bug going across packages! After upgrading to Kubuntu 17.04 both dhcpd, mariadb/mysql and cups seem to segfault! I opened bugs in individual projects, but it seems not to be a good way to figure out where its coming from! I managed to get dhclient working by recompiling myself it and checkinstall . What should I do?08:23
proctrapok, now I' on cannot set `LC_CTYPE` with en_DE.UTF-808:31
calcmandananyone know if citadel is still under development?09:00
soee             `ASDFGHJKL;'09:02
* OngTro`iCon về đi karaoke mấy thím ơi10:03
BluesKajHowdy folks11:23
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IrcsomeBot<Fabian3> Hello18:18
IrcsomeBot<PanTarai> there must be sth with 4.10 kernel or Kubuntu itself - compared to Arch Linux, Kubuntu gives my laptop 15-20 celsius degree lower temperature :D19:16
owgihello. any kubuntu developer here?19:23
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IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> #kubuntu-devel for them22:04
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest87092
Guest87092Hi everybody. I got an installation problem over an LUKS+LVM setup from another distro. The bootloader couldn't be installed. I'm probably missing something obviously23:21
Guest87092BRB I forgot to unlock the drive23:27
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest54101
Guest54101I have sda1 that is fat32 for EFI, sda2 that is ext2 for the bootloader, and sda3 that is having my encrypted lvm volumes23:32
Guest54101when I do manual partitioning, what do I need to do to make sure the bootloader installs?23:34
Guest54101should I make sda2 as 'biosgrub'? or as ext and make it /boot/ ?23:40
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=== utilisateur is now known as bullfrog

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