
Justin`Hi team, trying to build a snap, is this the best place to get some on the spot support?00:54
naccJustin`: i think the forum is even more active (see /topic)01:48
Justin`OK thanks.01:52
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zyga-susegood morning06:31
* zyga-suse goes to get some breakfast06:31
zyga-susemvo: how are you doing?06:31
zyga-suseit is finally not hot around here, actually the reverse; from 35+ to 16 :-~)06:32
Son_Gokuzyga-suse: hey06:34
Son_Gokumvo, zyga-suse: snapd 2.27.2 has rolled out to stable updates06:35
zyga-suseSon_Goku: I got F25 and F26 installed, I was totally offline during weekend06:35
zyga-suseSon_Goku: oh, no .3?06:35
Son_Gokuwhat's the point?06:35
Son_Goku.3 only has AppArmor fixes06:35
zyga-suseSon_Goku: there was a regression in containers and I thought he's doing .3 to fix it06:35
zyga-susebut in any case, I'm now online again and I can test and review fedora updates06:36
Son_Gokuso 2.27.3 is this: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/commit/cfc44fa948cbd42ff636d2763099446768946e7106:36
Son_Gokubut snapd isn't going to run on lxd in Fedora anytime soon06:36
zyga-suseah, I see06:36
Son_Gokuunless you want to take charge and get lxd into Fedora so that it works, that's not going to be a thing06:37
Son_GokuI mean, I'd totally love it to be in Fedora06:37
Son_Goku(considering it's needed for snapcraft cleanbuild to work)06:37
zyga-suseSon_Goku: see you in 30 minutes, I've stated to pull updates06:38
zyga-susemy network is workable but slow06:38
zyga-susekids murderred my data plan06:38
Son_Gokudavidcalle: you can merge the snappy-docs PR now06:39
davidcalleGood morning Son_Goku, I will, thanks for the heads up06:39
Son_Gokugood night07:00
Son_Gokumust sleep07:00
Son_Gokuit's 3am07:00
zyga-susere :)07:19
zyga-susegood night!07:19
zyga-susemvo: hey, any plans to make the .3 tarball?07:30
zyga-susemvo: I was thinking, if you could commit the tarball maker script07:30
zyga-susemvo: we could modify it to include the version as gustavo requested last week07:30
mvozyga-suse: tarfile is available07:32
zyga-suseoh, I searched my history for the wget command and just did .3 instead of .2 and found 40407:32
* zyga-suse looks07:32
mvozyga-suse: re version> yes, no time for that yet, but will happen soon, reparis are the priority right now07:33
zyga-susewget https://launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/+archive/ubuntu/image/+files/snapd_2.27.3.tar.xz07:33
zyga-susemvo: shall I look at github instead?07:33
mvozyga-suse: yeah, please check gh07:33
mvozyga-suse: usually I upload to the image ppa too, but not this time as we do not need a new core07:33
mvozyga-suse: so your wget is right in 99% of the cases :)07:34
mvozyga-suse: but gh should be the place07:34
zyga-suseyep, and I also corrected the spec file to contain .vendor suffix07:35
mupPR snapd#3769 closed: many: sanitize NewStoreStack signature, have shared default store test private keys <Created by pedronis> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3769>07:36
zyga-susemvo: I see the layout of the tarball has changed again :D07:39
zyga-susemvo: may I just commit _a_ script and let you add the parts you care about later? (changelogs perhaps)07:39
mvozyga-suse: isn't the format of the tar what we want? snapd-$ver/... ?07:41
mvozyga-suse: or what am I missing?07:41
zyga-susemvo: it oscilates between snappy.upstream and snapd-$version07:41
mvozyga-suse: it should not, everytime its snappy.upstream in GH that is a bug07:42
zyga-susemvo: I'd honestly prefer the name-version07:42
mvozyga-suse: it is currently .upstream for the dpkg-buipdackage generated tarfiles, which is a bit of a problem with dpkg-buildpackage. I want to check if I can make gbp to generate nice dirs07:42
mvozyga-suse: name-version is what we want and what is in GH07:43
zyga-susemvo: aha07:43
zyga-susemvo: ok, so as long as it _stays_ this way then I'm very happy07:43
mvozyga-suse: its just not (yet) in lp because of dpkg-buildpackage07:43
mvozyga-suse: yeah, you can smack me everytime something is on GH where its not like this07:43
* zyga-suse sits outside at 15C07:43
zyga-susemvo: I'll hug you for each release, no less07:44
zyga-susehey pstolowski!08:17
pstolowskizyga-suse, hi!08:17
mupPR snapd#3765 closed: vendor: explode and make more precise our golang.go/x/crypto deps, use same version as Debian unstable <Created by pedronis> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3765>08:26
mupPR snapd#3773 opened: snap-repair: execute the repair and capture logs/status <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3773>08:38
morphismvo, zyga-suse: seeing snapd failing to boot inside LXD atm, https://paste.ubuntu.com/25361363/08:52
morphisthat is 2.6.1008:52
morphissorry, 2.26.10 which is currently in xenial08:52
pedronismvo: hi, should we reenable Fedora tests:  snapd#375508:55
mupPR snapd#3755: try to reenable fedora spread tests <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3755>08:55
zyga-susemorphis: this is fixed in 2.27.308:55
morphiszyga-suse: question is then, when will it be in xenail?08:56
zyga-susemorphis: via re-exec it should be very soon, not sure08:56
zyga-susemorphis: directly, no idea, that's a question for mvo08:56
morphiszyga-suse: isn't this coming from the Nice= value being set in the .service file?08:56
zyga-susemorphis: indeed08:56
zyga-susemorphis: please diff 2.27.2 and 2.27.308:57
morphishow can that then be fixed via re-exec?08:57
zyga-suseindeed, good point08:58
zyga-suseI think we need a real .deb release for htis08:58
* zyga-suse is freezing-ish at 15C outside08:59
zyga-suseI'll get indoors and make some warm tea08:59
morphiszyga-suse: but yeah, already fixed with https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/commit/afcf731aac5333edd444071a8f2a41f033be0edd08:59
* mwhudson waves09:18
mwhudsonwhat gyrations do i need to go through to be able to seed snaps that do not have store assertions?09:19
pedronismwhudson: seed as in ubuntu-image?09:19
mwhudsoni guess i need an account with a key and to sign both the model and the snaps' assertions ?09:19
mwhudsonpedronis: yes ish, this is for subiquity09:19
pedronismwhudson: there's no signing your own snap assertions atm09:19
pedronisthey just go in as --dangerous09:20
mwhudsonpedronis: hmm, so i can just list any old snaps in seed.yaml?09:20
pedronisatm yes, but they need to be flagged unasserted: true09:21
mwhudsonah ok09:21
mwhudsonthat's fine09:21
mwhudsonatm? is this going to change?09:21
pedronismwhudson: maybe not this, but in general we might move not to allow any snap that was not listed as required in the model assertion09:22
mwhudsonpedronis: so the context is subiquity, the server installer09:22
mwhudsonfor a "real" image we install subiquity from the store, fine09:23
pedronismwhudson: well to do seeding you need a model assertion09:23
mwhudsonbut i want to make test images out of subiquity branches09:23
mwhudsonyes, we have a self signed model assertion currently09:23
pedronisok, you'll want a real one at some point but you probably need to feed us your requirment because I see a tension here in terms of model assertion09:24
pedronisvs list of snaps09:24
pedronismwhudson: anyway what I said should be ok for tests09:24
mwhudsoni have no problem with everything in the test images being signed with a bogus, non-store, non-widely trusted key09:25
mwhudsonit would probably even be better for that to be the case09:25
mwhudsonbut for now, unasserted: true will do :)09:25
pedronismwhudson: as I said there's not plan to allow for signing the snaps on your own09:25
pedronisthere's snap-build but is not the full story09:25
mwhudsonpedronis: works, thanks09:32
pedronismvo: zyga-suse: can we do something about merging snapd#375309:38
mupPR snapd#3753: Make updateKeyValueStream reject unsupported options <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3753>09:38
zyga-suselet me look09:39
zyga-suseyes, I wish this was fixed too09:39
zyga-susemvo: can I just correct it ^ ?09:39
* zyga-suse does that09:40
mvozyga-suse: if you are on it already I leave it to you, otherwise I can fix it too09:44
zyga-suseI'm on it09:44
zyga-susemvo: when will 2.27.2 hit stable?10:06
mwhudsonis the code for mup available somewhere?10:09
mwhudsoni don't believe https://launchpad.net/mup is the right one any more10:09
mwhudsonah https://github.com/go-mup/mup/tree/master10:10
zyga-suseI don't know, I think this is something ogra restarted recently, maybe he knows?10:10
* ogra_ has never touched mup10:12
zyga-suseah, sorry, I recalled you restarted it or something10:18
pedronismvo:  snapd#3757  can be merged I think10:24
mupPR snapd#3757: snapstate: undo a daemon restart on classic if needed <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3757>10:24
mvopedronis: yes, I think so too, I can tweak the message still if you want10:26
mupPR snapd#3758 closed: spread: add mtr logs to diagnose linode issues <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3758>10:33
mupPR snapd#3725 closed: osutil: honor SNAPD_UNSAFE_IO for testing <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3725>11:03
mupPR snapd#3766 closed: cmd/snap-repair: test that redirects works during fetching <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3766>11:09
mupPR snapd#3774 opened: spread: opt into unsafe IO during spread tests <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3774>11:10
zyga-susemvo: lots of errors on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/375311:13
mupPR snapd#3753: Make updateKeyValueStream reject unsupported options <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3753>11:13
zyga-suseI think your revert broke it more11:13
mvozyga-suse: meh, ok11:15
zyga-susemaybe we can land one then the other will become landable11:16
mvozyga-suse: I'll fix it11:16
mvozyga-suse: 3754 fixes it implicitely11:16
mvozyga-suse: but I canupdate 3753 too11:17
ogra_zyga-suse, i only used to block mup spam on IRC by quietening the mup user in the channel11:45
ogra_(only IRC stuff ... )11:45
* zyga-suse -> lunch12:00
ogra_popey, i'm starting to get desparate with the nanopi-air ... i literally spent my whole weekend on it but i cant reproduce any of your errors, nor can i make wlan0 show up at all ... i tried all possible firmware combos and devicetree changes ... funnily the armbian kernel just works13:36
ogra_(but indeed lacks any snap support)13:37
popeyogra_: thats a bummer!13:48
ogra_popey, well, not giving up yet ... after all there is a functioning kernel somewhere ... but it means patch by patch comparison (and armbian is full of them)13:50
pedronismmh, github is timing out for me atm13:50
ogra_GH in general works here13:51
ogra_hmm, or not13:51
* ogra_ takes that back13:51
popeyit ded13:52
ogra_yeah, the app-server availability curve is funny13:52
noise][i feel bad for the SREs that are going to have to be fixing that instead of eclipse viewing13:53
Son_Gokudamn it13:54
Son_Gokuthe world is exploding :(13:54
ogra_noise][, thats still a few hours out, isnt it ?13:55
ogra_so it depends how fast they are :)13:55
noise][yeah, they have 2 hrs, best get crackin'!13:56
noise][err…3.5 hrs13:56
noise][well, depends where you are, i guess 2 hrs until west-coast contact13:57
ogra_popey, ooooh ! actually armbian works ! i can actually install snapd and it seems to kind of work (hello world works)13:57
ogra_popey, https://www.armbian.com/nanopi-neo-air/ with that image (mainline kernel)13:59
popeyso can you do the diff and figure out what you need from it?13:59
ogra_ogra@nanopiair:~$ snap list13:59
ogra_Name   Version     Rev   Developer  Notes13:59
ogra_core   16-2.26.14  2466  canonical  -13:59
ogra_hello  2.10        24    canonical  -13:59
ogra_ogra@nanopiair:~$ hello13:59
ogra_Hello, world!13:59
ogra_and ...13:59
ogra_ogra@nanopiair:~$ snap version13:59
ogra_snap    2.26.1413:59
ogra_snapd   2.26.1413:59
ogra_series  1613:59
ogra_ubuntu  16.0413:59
ogra_kernel  4.11.7-sun8i13:59
* ogra_ checks syslog for denials14:00
ogra_ah, runs completely unconfined it seems14:01
ogra_(teh htop snap shows all processes even without connected interfaces)14:02
ogra_(and no complaints in syslog)14:02
ogra_popey, i surely can, but will need to actually build an armbina image i guess ... to get the patched kernel tree ... (this is assembled from different trees during build)14:03
* ogra_ installls the lxd snap on the nanopi for laughs14:04
ogra_heh, not working14:06
ogra_ah, installing the squashfuse deb helps14:11
pedronismvo: niemeyer:  we wrote this in London:  copy snap-repair to local disk, replace only when necessary after it reports one successful run   but I don't remember if we changed our mind on that or is it's a for later14:18
niemeyerpedronis: On a call, but will be with you shortly14:19
pedronismvo: I did the copying out of the points from London:  https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/repair-capability-emergency-fixes/311/4014:20
mvopedronis: great, I have a look in a little bit, pushing first round of review feedback, will look at the timeout for repairs next14:23
jdstranddavidcalle: hey, date corrected, reassigned to you14:30
pedronismvo: couple more small comments, looking good otherwise14:45
mupPR snapcraft#1498 opened: lxd: pass original CLI arguments down to container <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1498>14:50
mvopedronis: great, I check it out now14:50
niemeyerpedronis: I think that was the latest agreement indeed14:50
mvopedronis: excellent comments, thank you! I address them now14:50
niemeyerpedronis: We decided to not rebuild the binary every time, which removed most of the complexity in keeping things safe14:51
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niemeyerpedronis: And then made the replacement simpler, by just saying "If you can run it successfully, the binary (and disk) is not corrupted"14:51
niemeyerpedronis: So it's sort of the typical atomic write, with the exception that we run the .tmp before the mv just to be sure it looks good14:52
niemeyerpedronis: It doesn't look like a blocker to get the primary functionality in place, though14:54
niemeyerpedronis: The fact we're not rebuilding the binary every time is the safest net we have14:54
mupPR snapd#3775 opened: [IGNORE FOR NOW] make sure fakestore is running <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3775>14:58
ryebotAre there any reported bugs related to snap causing a soft cpu lockup? We're seeing this: http://i.imgur.com/jRYfjzz.png15:39
ryebotIt takes down our whole machine because it locks up all the cores.15:40
zyga-suse_thunderstorm here, networking super super slow15:43
ryebotTo get things started, I'd just like to know a) if there's an issue for this being tracked somewhere, and b) what information you guys would like to see in order to start working towards a resolution15:43
zyga-suse_ryebot: hey, I think starting a forum post about this is best as then more people will see it (timezones!)15:43
zyga-suse_ryebot: provide "snap version" information15:43
zyga-suse_ryebot: as well as other basic things, hardware, snap etc15:44
pedronisdon't think we heard of soft lock ups15:44
ryebotzyga-suse_: ack, will do15:44
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far-bluehi all :) Is there an interface I can connect to the docker snap to allow it access to a locally mounted filesystem?16:13
mupPR snapd#3775 closed: [IGNORE FOR NOW] make sure fakestore is running <Created by pedronis> <Closed by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3775>16:13
Soren_Hi Guys, apologies for asking for help in the developer channel.. But I'm looking for someone who can guide me through packaging our python project including dependency libraries like TensorFlow and OpenCV which has to be build from source to be CPU/GPU optimized. Anyone who got experience with this type of project?16:16
pedronismvo: zyga-suse: I tweaked sergio's PR16:27
zyga-susepedronis: thank you!16:30
zyga-suseSoren_: no, sorry, can you please start a forum thread about this, I bet you will get more feedback this way16:31
zyga-suseSoren_: just go to forum.snapcraft.io and create a new thread16:31
* zyga-suse -> supper16:33
mupPR snapd#3772 closed: tests: wait until the port is listening after start the fake store <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3772>17:18
mupPR snapd#3753 closed: Make updateKeyValueStream reject unsupported options <Created by mvo5> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3753>17:27
zyga-susepedronis: thank you for merging it17:41
ogra_GRRRR !17:45
ogra_ogra@nanopi-air:~$ sudo TMPDIR=. snap install linux-generic-allwinner_10.snap17:45
ogra_error: cannot copy request into temporary file: write17:45
ogra_       /tmp/snapd-sideload-pkg-112412374: no space left on device17:45
ogra_why the heck doo we use /tmp there17:45
ogra_(and why dont we respect TMPDIR at least17:45
zyga-suseogra_: note that TMPDIR is not seen by snapd here18:25
zyga-suseogra_: and snap just makes a RPC request18:25
ogra_hmm, yeah, i guess i'd need to hack the systemd unit18:25
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ogra_zyga-suse, in any case i thought we refrained from using /tmp a while ago ... pretty surprising there is still somethig using it18:28
zyga-susewe never did18:28
ogra_we never did what ? stop isung it ?18:28
zyga-suseI don't recall any such patches18:29
ogra_hmm, i thought that was the fix for the core install issues we had18:30
zyga-susewhich fix is that?18:31
zyga-susenot sure what you are talking about18:31
zyga-suseor which issue actually18:31
ogra_trying to find it ... there were a bunch of bugs18:31
ogra_zyga-suse, hmm, i thought there were at least three of them ... bug 1667865 is the only one i can find right now (and it isnt closed)18:43
mupBug #1667865: Unable to sideload large snap on DragonBoard <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1667865>18:43
ogra_ah bug 153686418:44
mupBug #1536864: Signature verification of large packages fails on embedded systems due to limited RAM <Snappy:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1536864>18:44
ogra_so the assertion side was fixed ... the snp side wasnt18:45
kyrofaogra_, yep, still a problem :)19:07
mupBug #1667865 changed: Unable to sideload large snap on DragonBoard <snapd:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1667865>20:24
diddledanthis one caught me today: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=78658121:41
diddledangreat. I can't override the path used by libpeas correctly, so usage in a snap is nogo for now21:41
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