
=== kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar
lordievaderGood morning06:30
lotus|artfulboxgood morning to all07:49
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lotuspsychjeupdating artful07:53
lotuspsychjebbl working day08:39
BluesKajHowdy folks11:23
ducasse\o BluesKaj - all well?11:30
BluesKajhey ducasse, yes, fine, how about you?11:30
ducasseall good, thanks. doing some maintenance at home, upgrading routeros on my mikrotik devices and fixing a disk problem in my fileserver.11:34
daftykinsnoooo not the disks!11:40
ducassehi, daftykins :)11:41
ducassejust a 250gb systemdisk - no biggie :)11:41
daftykinscor i forgot they made them that small ;)11:42
ducasseit's been in there a while :)11:42
lordievaderHahaha, 'just a systemdisk' :P11:43
lordievaderdaftykins: They do again (ssd's)11:44
lordievaderHow are all of you?11:44
ducasselordievader: part of a raid setup, easy to replace :)11:44
lordievaderOh, yeah. No biggie indeed.11:45
ducassei'd be a lot more worried if there was actual data on it11:45
lordievaderUnless it was raid0 :P11:45
daftykinsyeah SSD is obvious, and amusingly i do run some ghetto file servers on 250GB mechanicals XD11:45
ducassedaftykins: any progress on the insurance stuff?11:48
daftykinsonly just gotten back at it really, i was away for that wedding this weekend - thankfully the last of them now11:48
lordievaderdaftykins: How old are those boxes?11:49
daftykinsit's only the drives that are old, core 2 duo systems running as file servers mostly11:49
daftykinsplenty servicable11:49
lordievaderMy desktop machine is still an core2duo...11:50
daftykinsouch :)11:50
daftykinsi had a core 2 quad until last year, still sat beside my new one11:51
ducassei've got a spare core 2 duo here, just as a backup if the fileserver fails...11:52
ducasselol - "ubuntu genome" :D11:53
daftykinsif i had some spare cash i wouldn't mind mine being a bit more modern, but c2d/8GB/120GB SSD/10TB RAID5 is ok11:53
lordievaderHad some offer of an old University machine (i7), but havent heard anything about it yet.11:54
daftykinsah har11:54
daftykinsooh my RAID disks are out of warranty next June11:55
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oerheksgrinn, in the topic: Download: httNASA TV Public-Educationp://ubottu.com/y/dl21:26
oerheks( in #ubuntu )21:26
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon

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