
jerichowasahoaxI can't start Dovecot because somehow it doesn't have permission to make /var/run/dovecot. Everything was fine before I restarted for a kernel update. What happened and how do I fix it?02:53
jerichowasahoaxAug 20 19:52:31 andariel dovecot[12222]: Fatal: mkdir(/var/run/dovecot) failed: Permission denied  <-- this is the only thing in the log02:56
cpaelzer_good morning06:00
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lordievaderGood morning06:29
calcmandananyone know if citadel is still under development?07:16
calcmandananyone know if citadel is still under development?09:42
lordievader!patience | calcmandan09:43
ubottucalcmandan: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/09:43
hehehewho here runs own server?09:55
heheheI am thinking here hmm do I really need aws for my say windows server09:56
heheheno I dont09:56
hehehethe only reason I use hosting is anonimity :)09:56
hehehehowever for none anon stuff I could self host09:56
calcmandanthanks lordievader, alot of people joined the channel in the 2 hours i waited for an answer.10:02
calcmandanhehehe: i host my own servers to control/own my data as well as the privacy.10:03
calcmandangoing to bed. gonight10:03
lordievadercalcmandan: It is probably better to look at git commits or alike.10:03
lordievaderhehehe: raises hand10:04
hehehe kl10:28
hehehewell likes of piratebay is pointless on home connection10:28
hehehehowever e commerce site if ping is good10:28
heheheas to privacy you could true crypt hd right?10:29
heheheor  I am missing something10:29
hehehefuck off silent people10:36
hehehefor real10:36
ikoniahehehe: please stop the language10:36
ikoniathere is no need for it, I've spoken to you about this before, please adjust your attitude if you wish to continue using the channel10:36
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madLyfehave 4 servers that i was able to ssh into last night, and this morning i cant but they are all running. not sure wtf happened.14:18
lordievadermadLyfe: Power outage?14:20
madLyfedont think so, and if so, i have it set to power back on as the default in bios. and they are in fact running14:20
madLyfei cant ping them14:21
madLyfehost unreachable14:21
lordievaderPerhaps a router in the middle failed?14:29
madLyfethey are behind a switch am able to ping a win machine that is behind that.14:30
madLyfethey are showing up under my wired table in my router admin panel. well 3 are and 1 isnt.14:31
lordievaderI suppose a port scan reports all ports as closed?14:31
madLyfesorry im pretty green. not sure what you mean14:32
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=== danpawlik_ is now known as dpawlik_
lordievadermadLyfe: Run nmap on your host to see if ports report to be open.14:44
madLyfeit cant be pinged so scan will do nothing?14:52
madLyfehmm i can ping them now15:01
madLyfewait, nvm15:01
madLyfestill getting Destination host unreachable.15:03
madLyfeok to just hard power them down?15:09
madLyfehmm wasnt able to get a connection to them unless i did a hard reboot.15:35
lordievadermadLyfe: About the no ping -> no ports, that is not necesarily true. A firewall could simply block icmp and allow all other traffic.18:10
madLyfei dunno what happened over night or why it didnt recover properly, it should be find after a power outage or loss of network but i rebooted all of them and they are good to go.18:12
Hexianit's too early for me to know for sure, but changing vm.swappiness to 1 actually seems to have made a big difference to IO and overall system performance, it just wasn't noticeable for a while because the system is slowly swapping in all swapped out memory, over the last day it went from about 2.5% to 1% swap usage18:32
Hexianwhat is interesting is that all processes which were doing infrequent reads are doing no reads at all now, only one of my read time processes does very infrequent reads of 8KB now, and the only other process that did a disk read very recently is SSH18:34
Hexianso all the chunks that were being read from disk were not even the processes themselves but just the kernel swapping18:34
naccHexian: if you know your working set size will fit into memory and you never overcommit, just turn off swap18:34
HexianIO wait times peak at 0.5% instead of like 20% now18:35
naccHexian: that's almost what you're doing by setting it to a near-zero value -- only swap when the kernel absolutely must18:35
Hexianif swapping really turns out to have been the cause of these major intermittent issues, the default swappiness is far too high for servers18:37
naccHexian: how well do you know your workload?18:38
naccHexian: as in, do you even need swap?18:38
HexianI don't need swap, but I'd rather not disable it completely just in case there is ever a memory leak on the box18:39
naccif there is a memory leak on the box, swap won't technically help you, it just delays the inevitable...18:39
naccbut in any case18:40
naccHexian: yes, it's assumed you'd tune the value based upon workload18:40
Hexianyeah I guess I'd rather have processes crash if there is a leak, than have performance issues18:40
naccright, so you don't want swap :)18:40
Hexianso maybe disabling swap is a good idea, though it's never been necessary in the past for any of my boxes18:40
Hexianit may be necessary with the newer kernel18:40
naccHexian: i'm not sure there is an distinction made between the default sysctl value on server and desktop, i think it's 60 everywhere?18:41
Hexianit seems to assume all servers have SSDs18:41
naccHexian: but it sounds like you do have some overcommit then, if you did hit swap at all?18:41
Hexianreducing swappiness to 0 has increased memory usage a bit, but there is still plenty free ram on the box at all times18:42
Hexianlike 50%18:42
Hexianthe free 16+GB is being used for IO caching18:42
naccHexian: i *believe* swappiness serves as a bit of toggle over the watermarks18:42
nacci'd need to go reread the code to be sure18:43
Hexianmy problem is that these major issues that I've had for months only happen severely at random times, the box can have no performance drops large enough to matter for a week or 2, and then 2 days of constant issues every few minutes or a few times an hour18:44
Hexianso I will have to monitor the box for weeks to be sure that it's even the swapping18:45
naccsounds like unstable workloads and pretty typical for untuned systmes18:45
naccHexian: as in, nothing you say is inherently surprising to me :)18:45
Hexianmy processes don't write to disk, they write to a ram disk to avoid IO overhead18:45
Hexianthey do little reads (now that I've reduced swappiness it seems they do virtually no reads at all)18:46
Hexianyet when the issue is severe, they can freeze for anywhere from 500ms to 20 seconds straight while waiting on IO18:46
naccwriting to a ram disk puts *more* pressure on memory18:47
Hexiansure, but the writes are small and infrequent, and more than 50% ram is free usually18:47
Hexianwriting to ram disk should be completely unnecessary, but it prevents ever blocking on the infrequent disk writes18:48
HexianI moved writes to a ram disk to try to solve the issue that I believe is swap related now18:48
Hexiandrab: netdata does support backends for historical stats these days - https://github.com/firehol/netdata/wiki/netdata-backends20:38
Epx998zesty is out now?22:00
naccEpx998-: it has been for a while (since april)22:10
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naccrbasak: i'm thinking we may want a wrapper around build's logic for just obtaining the orig tarballs (I might already ahve filed a bug for this), e.g. git ubuntu extract-orig. The reason being some commonly-used tools, e.g., dpkg-source, expect to find the orig tarball in the parent directory22:31
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Epx998nacc: i've been in channel since then ;P23:05
naccEpx998: :)23:10
nacccpaelzer: do you want me to sync the three packages from the pad? (irqbalance, mod-wsgi, pwgen)?23:28
naccahasenack: do yhou have room for another merge? net-snmp should be relatively straightforward, as several bits of delta seem to be cherry-picks from debian in the first place?23:33
naccteward: are you planning on updating nginx in artful? sorry if you answered before, my brain has already context-switched23:34
nacclamont: do you know why src:python-formencode's orig tarball is different in Ubuntu from Debian's?23:47
nacc(for 1.3.0)23:48

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