
davmor2Morning all08:00
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:15
zmoylan-pishhhhhhh, if you stay very quiet and still, monday may not notice you are there....08:20
* brobostigon tip toes to get some coffee08:22
zmoylan-piuse a wooden spoon to stir.... :-P08:23
brobostigonthat may make the job abit difficult.08:26
ali1234currently bamboozling three live chat support with leftfield questions09:18
zmoylan-pithey're just been a font of wisdom... :-P09:27
ali1234so they gave me a 1GB data booster that lasts 1 month, and told me to try registering again in a month09:50
zmoylan-piyou may only download 1 distro.... which distro will it be.... :-)09:51
ali1234actually they told me 48 hours, then 30 minutes09:51
ali1234but given that the registration page has been broken since last week...09:54
foobarrysad that i wasn't able to go oggcamp.10:05
foobarrymaybe next year, if there is one10:06
foobarryhowever i am doing this today with my raspberry pi's http://imgur.com/a/xG0Fg10:06
zmoylan-pido the lights dim when you fire up the 4 pi? :-)10:12
foobarrythey are hanging off an anker USB station10:13
foobarrythere's a magic command i need to run to see if they are under voltage hold on10:13
foobarrytemperature jumped 10 degrees10:30
ali1234why tho10:33
foobarrywhy make a pi cluster?10:33
zmoylan-pito feel the power...10:34
zmoylan-pitill the vax you ordered off ebay for 1p arrives in the post...10:34
foobarryfor demonstration and teaching purposes. principles demonstrated on a small scale pi cluster are the same as on a 10,000 core cluster.10:35
foobarryits using the same job scheduler and submission scripts10:35
ali1234couldnt you achieve the same thing with some virtual machines?10:37
foobarryi have done that with vagrant but could only really do 1 master and 2 compute nodes10:38
foobarryuntil your machine gets sad.10:38
foobarry10 raspberry pi's are also a lot more tangible when teaching/demonstrating10:39
foobarrysubmit a task and then point to which one is running your job10:39
foobarryor submit an mpi job across multi-nodes10:39
qteyetrwrwgfwhat mixer is the default in Ubuntu for pulse?12:48
qteyetrwrwgflibmatemixer or pavucontrol?12:49
qteyetrwrwgfor any else?12:50
qteyetrwrwgfThe same problem and what do i don't know. But alsa not see microphone. Widespread problem? Quiet sound of the microphone. http://forum.ubuntu.ru/index.php?topic=246985.0 on ru irc 7 people are "sleeping" or busy with something. Need more tests, how the microphone works not only with Raltek sound chip. U-mate 17.04 64. Maybe i should open a bug report on the Ubuntu website about it? I think may be time to create a bug report. 3 years13:01
qteyetrwrwgfis not short time. Sound Creative13:01
qteyetrwrwgfin Ubuntu-Mate libmatemixer0 default mixer13:01
qteyetrwrwgfon ru website this not i write13:03
qteyetrwrwgfU-mate 17.04 6413:03
daftykinsgo to the main #ubuntu for support13:12
=== gargeh is now known as Gargoyle
=== gargeh is now known as Gargoyle
foobarrytell them the name of your laptop13:45
foobarryalsamixer usualyl shows my stuff alothugh i have to tab along to find it13:46
diddledanjust under 5 hours: https://www.android.com/eclipse/13:57
daftykinsi'm watching that too :>13:58
foobarryis github suffering today?14:09
foobarrycannot connect14:09
diddledanI had a timeout earlier14:09
foobarryconnecting to github.com...14:10
daftykinsheh i see a colossal flop14:11
foobarrysolar ellipsis14:11
foobarryhost command not resolving stuff in /etc/hosts. any ideas?15:31
foobarryhmm maybe not supposed to. might be red herring15:32
daftykinscheck the priority in /etc/nsswitch.conf , reopen the term and check you got the two params the right way around in it?15:33
foobarryreckons i need getent hosts instead15:39
foobarrytrying to solve a problem that occurred after a reboot :(15:40
daftykinscome to think i've never used 'host'15:41
arsenip'getent hosts xyz' will check as the system would, dictated by nsswitch16:46
* diddledan nips arsenip's arse17:34
diddledanI love that nickname for punniness17:34
diddledanjoe ressington discovered a weird thing in the loo at oggcamp (swearing ahead) : https://twitter.com/JoeRessington/status/89968731890202624017:40
diddledandaftykins: are you proud? I warned of the swearing and everything!17:42
daftykinsgood boy!17:43
diddledanand the sun was blocked by the moon today: https://twitter.com/make5calls/status/89968838161292493017:44
daftykinson the NASA livestream they keep emphasising that it's occuring over US soil... not quite sure why that's such a big deal to them17:44
diddledanof course you can't have a good eclipse without https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcOxhH8N3Bo17:46
diddledanit's important that it occurs over america because OMFGMURRICA!17:47
diddledanI still love this version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsgWUq0fdKk17:49
diddledangoogle stream url: https://youtu.be/PiW2k-80Ruo18:39
daftykinsinsta-hide chat :>18:40
daftykinsdiddledan: oreo!18:46
diddledanand that wasn't a surprise much18:46
diddledanmy stream died :-(18:48
daftykinsreal surprise will be if they say 'available today' on all the old devices, or make us wait18:48
daftykinsyeah same here18:48
daftykinsdid you see the statistic at all on the NASA livestream of the eclipse? :D18:49
daftykins"NASA traffic currently accounting for 87% of all federal internet traffic" XD18:50
daftykinsanywho yip stream is broken and just repeating the last few seconds18:51
daftykinsnow it says it's over18:51
daftykinsso that was it? :>18:52
diddledanapparently https://www.android.com/oreo is supposed to be up, but it 404s for me18:55
diddledanaah, there we go18:55
diddledanit's up now18:55
daftykinsso it is18:56
diddledanomg, they've invented a hyperlink thing: API that allows you to share files across the Internet via web links.19:00
diddledanlike totally next century19:00
diddledanso.. there's absolutely nothing on that oreo page that says when or how it is available19:02
daftykinsi'm currently going through the wikipedia article on Nougat to see what happened back then, but sounds like it'll be a slow trickle over the coming fortnight - unless you just jump on the developer preview now19:04
daftykinsi usually factory reset for a new major release, to avoid quirks19:04
daftykinsdiddledan: "The company also confirmed that builds for Pixel and Nexus 5X / 6P have entered carrier testing, meaning over-the-air rollout should be happening “soon,” including updates for Nexus Player and Pixel C devices."19:28
diddledanI'm fixing yo turds: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=78658121:42
lubotu3Gnome bug 786581 in general "libpeas builds loaders path incorrectly when using environment variable" [Normal,New]21:42
diddledanwtfrak: https://twitter.com/VeraMBergen/status/89974875771298201621:43
daftykinsdiddledan: they won't pay you!21:43
diddledannow this is a perfect recreation of the solar eclipse: http://68.media.tumblr.com/f2cee8213bfb6bf568238025bb02704e/tumblr_ouy6jpztsH1sshj5wo1_500.gif22:04
daftykinsuuuh, hrmmm22:05

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