
tgm4883duzi: the internet shouldn't come into play here.00:28
tgm4883duzi: as for server/desktop. All the server edition is is ubuntu without a desktop environment. Anything on that tutorial will apply00:29
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duzithanks got it00:30
JohnSmallHow come windows 7 works faster and lighter than Ubuntu on a laptop? Is something wrong?00:42
bazhangJohnSmall, did you wish to get help with buntu being speedier00:43
JohnSmallbazhang: what do you mean?00:45
bazhangJohnSmall, this channel is for support, not supposition00:45
bazhangJohnSmall, if you wish to get support on getting your ubuntu installation speedier, then please ask00:46
JohnSmallbazhang: I just wondered if something is setted up wrong with my ubuntu cause my fan works after a couple of minutes when I am on ubuntu..00:47
bazhangJohnSmall, what have you tried, which version of ubuntu, what DE, ie unity, gnome-shell, kde, xfce, lxqt, how much ram00:49
JohnSmallLastest one but have no clue with the rest.00:50
JohnSmallAnyway thanks00:50
oerheksJohnSmall, what laptop hardware exactly?00:50
random_numbersHow did one install android-studio via umake again?00:51
oerheks!info umake00:52
ubottuPackage umake does not exist in zesty00:52
random_numbersThat'd be "ubuntu-make"00:52
random_numbersWhich packages the umake executable.00:52
oerheksnever heard of that, andorid studio is not in our repos, see their site? https://developer.android.com/studio/install.html00:53
random_numbersoerheks: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-make Basically the point is to avoid having to manually deal with the hell that is setting up Oracle JDK.00:54
oerheksthere is a ppa for the oracle blob.. ppa:webupd8team/java00:55
oerhekspositive: you would get updates too00:56
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.00:56
random_numbersI might bother if I wasn't isolating this inside a VM.00:56
random_numbersBut due to Oracle stuff being proprietary...00:57
oerheks.. do, or don't.00:57
OnkelTemHi all01:02
OnkelTemGuys, I'm installing Ubuntu 16.04 for the first time, ran hdd paritioning in the Guided mode, then stopped the installtion to review which partitions have been created...01:03
OnkelTemand saw some EFI partition of 512Mb size01:03
OnkelTemWhat is that beast? Do I need it?01:04
oerheksOnkelTem, yes, if you want to use UEFI boot01:05
OnkelTemIs it a replacement for boot?01:05
OnkelTemI mean where is it supposed to be mounted, /boot?01:05
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI01:05
OnkelTemknow a little about it01:06
oerheksYou need it, if you want to boot 'the other OS"01:06
OnkelTemthanks for the info01:06
OnkelTemI don't need to boot other OSes from this SSD01:06
OnkelTemI'll get another SSD for that01:06
OnkelTemI just don't get: if it's a replacement for BIOS, then why does it need my HDD space?01:07
OnkelTemAnd if I have N HDDs, should I expect it to infect all of them?01:08
AndrewGazelkaAnyone here know of a good VPN for security and which has fairly good DDoS mitigation?01:08
oerheksoke, but then you would have to switch UEFI/legacy when you do have that other OS ready01:08
oerheksthet 512 is needed to store some firmware01:08
OnkelTemBut is it Ubuntu who install staff there?01:09
oerheksOnkelTem, yes, and windows.01:10
OnkelTemBut if I don't plan to install windows on THIS ssd, do I need that EFI partition? Look, I want those to OSes to be isolated. I want to be able to replace any of SSD and have the system rnning01:11
OnkelTemI mean, I don't want a system where HDD1 has something without which HDD2 wouldn't boot :)01:11
oerhekswell, then disable UEFI in the bios, and reinstall.01:14
OnkelTemOk, so my (temporary) conclusion: EFI is a crap which makes life difficult and it's better to disable it and I won't regret01:16
strive^ I concur.01:17
oerhekswell, legacy bios is more.. vulnerable01:20
oerheksUEFI is certainly not trouble-free01:20
Pinkamena_DI copied all of the files (and hidden ones) from my user on ubuntu 14.04 to ubuntu 17.04 . Many things seem to work, but one thing I am missing is the keyboard shortcuts. Any way I can copy all of the old custom keyboard shortcuts over?01:30
AwesomeAshJordan U01:34
AwesomeAshJordan U AwesomeAsh is back ...01:34
AwesomeAshI had a sleep on my installation problem01:34
AwesomeAshwent into windows, changed the order of my boot drives (pen drive was already ahead of windows but i put the efi ahead of it too) and rebooted and it recognised i already had windows there so i have started installing ... i am desparately keen to prove to my skeptic girlfriend that my laptop is not going to turn into a brick as a consequence of installing ubuntu01:36
OnkelTemGuys, I have a question about using encypted homes02:35
OnkelTemNever used it before. If I create a bind mount from my home to a directory outside it (e.g. ~/project -> /var/projects), will the target be touched by the encryption? Or would I get some other problems with it?02:36
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OnkelTem(I don't want to encrypt /var/projects and don't want to have a major performance impact when working)02:37
OnkelTemThe same I'd like to do with other non-important stuff like Downloads, Photos, whatsoever...02:39
OnkelTemWould like to move them out from the encryption02:39
OnkelTemWhat do you think about this bind-mounts workaround?02:39
OnkelTemWait... Why do I ask about bind-mounds? I can use just symlinks02:40
OnkelTemDamnit, it's too late02:40
aloo_shuI admit I am intelligent-guessing, but probably both with symlinks and bindmounts, all will get encrypted, OnkelTem02:57
aloo_shuwhy, OnkelTem , it's *folder* encryption. If you used a separate home *partition* and encrypted/decrypted that, it could give you what you want03:00
aloo_shuOnkelTem even your approach could work if you can assure that mounts/links be removed before encryption and put in place only after decryption03:01
madmanonmedshi, I just tried to install a program, and now have this box on my launcher bar that says waiting to install, how do I get rid of it?03:12
demophobiaI've just purchased a 2007 Dell laptop. Should I run lubuntu for best performance, or will ubuntu also work without problem?03:18
Ben64depends on the graphics card03:19
demophobia> 14.1-Inch Screen, Intel GMA 900 -- https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001U5617K/03:25
demophobia* Dec 2008 first available on amazon03:25
demophobiai see "3D Acceleration Capable Videocard with at least 256 MB" at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements but i don't know whether ...03:27
demophobiai don't see mention of memory on the graphics card at https://www.intel.com/products/chipsets/gma900/index.htm03:27
_live_session_usIf I boot from another livecd it works fine.03:28
demophobiaoh: > Dynamic Video Memory Technology (DVMT) 3.0 supports up to 128MB of video memory;03:28
demophobiaso i should use lubuntu rather than ubuntu, right Ben64?03:28
demophobiasince they say "at least 256 MB" but this only has 128MB ...03:28
Ben64demophobia: well i wouldn't use unity if i were you03:31
demophobiahttps://unity3d.com ?03:33
demophobiano, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unity_%28user_interface%2903:33
Ben64thats the one03:34
Ben64unity3d works great in linux03:34
demophobiathere's an alternative way to use the latest ubuntu install? or do you mean i should use kubuntu or xubuntu instead? (i forget the names)03:34
Ben64you could use any of the flavors, or ubuntu and install gnome fallback, or mini iso and do whatever you like03:35
demophobiai'm a noob and busy with school so i'm hesitant to start researching ubuntu alternative-options instead of lubuntu03:35
_live_session_usHi Ben64 what is going on with you?03:44
_live_session_usdemophobia: Are you in the right school?03:45
_live_session_usIs it Wisdom school?03:46
demophobia_live_session_us: shall we talk in #ubuntu-offtopic?03:47
_live_session_usdemophobia: add the ? at the end of the channel and I'm there03:48
_live_session_usThere is not a lot of currency fortune with Wisdom school.03:49
_live_session_usBy the time you are a junior you may be required to pass up fortunes.03:50
_live_session_usOG don't be liking latinvulgate.com apparently.03:52
_live_session_usIt says resource unavailable from ubuntu.03:52
_live_session_usFrom another live cd it works fine.03:52
_live_session_usMost of the world is running on inverse wisdom schema.03:53
_live_session_usThey stare at a computer screen like a wheel of fortune waiting on credit rating reports.03:54
thechadoes an encrypted installation take up twice the space?04:00
jojobahey there04:05
jojobahow to change dconf profile on the fly?04:05
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bugaloohi all! I'm running Ubuntu 17.04 on my laptop and I'm trying to connect a TV via hdmi port, but I can't get it working. xrandr says hdmi is disconnected. I have another laptop working fine with same tv and same hdmi cable. Also, I used to have it working on debian 8 just a few days ago, when I changed from debian to ubuntu. Is there any chance this can be a software/conf problem?05:11
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karab44anyone using here chrome remote desktop?06:30
hateballkarab44: it happens, why?06:34
karab44want to set it right06:34
karab44and google instructions are 8 years old06:34
Asad2005Is ubuntu+1 dead?06:44
karab44ok I figured it out06:45
karab44thanks for help!06:45
tripelbI want to install cinnamon and the place add line I have includes    ppa:-embrosyn  ERROR: '-embrosyn' user or team does not exist06:53
tripelbNot place, extra word06:54
EriC^^tripelb: what command are you running?06:56
tripelbIs there another way to get a ppa? ... Let me see EriC^^06:57
tripelbsudo add-apt-repository PPA:~embrosyn/Ubuntu/cinnamon06:59
tripelbNow I notice another page omits the ~   EriC^^06:59
tripelbSorry.. I had no ~  that was in the ERROR07:00
EriC^^tripelb: aha07:04
tripelbSo I made no error. Did up arrow and the same exact command again and.. it seems to work, EriC^^07:15
tripelbGo figure.07:15
tripelbFailed  Error: retrieving gpg key timed out.07:16
tripelbSo EriC^^ this time it asks me to choose from three available PPAs:    (the use ~embrosyn has no place named  ubuntu/cinnamon07:20
EriC^^tripelb: try sudo add-apt-repository ppa:embrosyn/cinnamon07:24
tripelbThat is exactly the command I have been doing. EriC^^07:25
EriC^^didn't you say embrosyn/ubuntu/cinnamon?07:26
tripelbEriC^^: works. The connect symbol stayed but the wifi connect had failed.. and there error message did not pertain07:46
tripelbUbuntu -- 2 places to improve.07:47
tripelbThank you!07:47
lotuspsychjegood morning to all07:53
EriC^^tripelb: no problem08:09
lotuspsychjehey EriC^^08:09
EriC^^hey lotuspsychje08:09
lotuspsychjefor those who are interested, the new dash to dock fork is now active by default on ubuntu 17.10 join #ubuntu+1 for more info08:16
GuySofthey all, I have a really strange bug going across packages! After upgrading to Kubuntu 17.04 both dhcpd, mariadb/mysql and cups seem to segfault! I opened bugs in individual projects, but it seems not to be a good way to figure out where its coming from! I managed to get dhclient working by recompiling myself it and checkinstall . What should I do?08:22
lotuspsychjeGuySoft, did you install your packages the ubuntu repo way, or added ppa's?08:23
tomeaton17I am having some problems with setting up my proxy server. I can see that an https service is running which is probably conflicted with the proxy because it runs on 443. How do I stop the service using https?08:24
GuySoftlotuspsychje, I ran do-dist-upgrade and it went smoothly.08:24
GuySoftlotuspsychje, I have some ppa, but nothing basic to hit all distos08:24
lotuspsychjeGuySoft, one thing you could test is trying the same from 16.04 LTS to see if you can reproduce08:31
lotuspsychjeGuySoft, any of your apps mariadb or mysql installed with ppa?08:31
GuySoftno, nether are cups and dhclient08:40
GuySoftthe main question is - how can I bug report an error across multiple packages?08:44
Trackerhi, I have a problem with 4g usb dongle and raspberry pi 3 router with raspian strech.. 4g as ppp0 local lan eth0 everything works in normal ipv4 addresses routing iptables has nat on and fw rules for allowing packets and denying the rest but allowing multicast from all interfaces. i have igmpproxy on and it receives the multicast ip maddr show shows multicast addresses found eth0 and ppp0 but its not working for finnish watson iptv 08:54
Trackerunicast works when using that same watson service..08:55
* [Gollum] [gollum]09:10
arunkumar413is there a gui tool to verify the download09:19
arunkumar413on windows09:19
garuda15try idm09:21
AntagonistI've recently updated to nvidia-384 and I'm getting a login loop.  nvidia-381 works fine, is there a known issue with this?09:34
Antagonistcuda-runtime-8-0 insists on nvidia-384 so I'm a little stuck.09:36
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tomeaton17I am having a problem with scaling on dual monitors. I have a 3840x2160 on my laptop and the external monitor is 1920x1080. I saw there was a way to fix it with xrandr but I didn't understand how to setup the frames with the right resolution. Please help10:03
kosakHello guys10:14
kosakI have a problem with Ubuntu Gnome10:14
kosakwith my NVIDIA OPTIMUS10:15
kosaki can only switch GPU if I logout and then reboot10:15
kosakif I log out and try to log in again I get ask for password endless times10:15
kosakanything to be done here?10:15
kosakAlso, my Wifi stops working after sleep10:16
kosakonly works again if I turn airplane mode on and then off10:16
kosakI have switched to linux entirely10:16
kosakand if i could fix these annoyances10:16
kosakIt would be perfect10:16
tomeaton17Does anyone have experience with xrandr? The scale option does not seem to be working for me10:21
tomeaton17I finally fixed the problem by changing to nouveau drivers10:33
tomeaton17damn nvidia10:33
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tomeaton17I have a problem now tho, when the cursor is on the laptop screen it is really flickery10:36
socommhow do I set hostname in ubuntu 14? I run hostname -f and I get localhost10:48
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de-factosudo nano /etc/hostname /etc/hosts10:53
kosakI would really appreciate some help with two very different issues, here are the links in the forum, so as to not spam the IRC11:01
kosakThanks in advance11:02
oerhekskosak, better put it on askubuntu11:04
EriC^^... he expects an answer in less than a min11:08
oerheksjups, best chance on askubuntu, i guess.11:08
oerheksand for both i have no answer, ubuntu+sleep/hybernate can be terrible11:09
BluesKajHowdy folks11:23
jasonTRHi, I want to execute x times (1000+) the same command, and have the average execution time returned. How can I do this? I know there is 'time <command>', but that's just for one execution.11:32
jasonTR(without creating a script11:32
ikoniajasonTR: just use a while loop11:33
akikany ideas on how to paste into firefox always without formatting. i'm getting a headache of the different copy/paste shortcuts11:33
ikoniathere isn't a command that would do it in one hit that I'm aware of11:33
jasonTRikonia: ok, I hoped there was one :)11:33
danslojasonTR: I'11:33
ikoniajasonTR: not that I'm aware of11:34
danslojasonTR: I'd say just write a simple bash script that adds up the times and divides by 100011:34
danslowould probably take like 4-5 lines of bash11:34
jasonTRok, will do then11:34
jasonTRyeah, i know, but i wanted to avoid re-inventing the wheel11:34
ikoniajasonTR: nothing wrong with that11:34
danslojasonTR: or any other programming language for that matter. here is something using python https://superuser.com/a/92280811:35
jasonTRdanslo: ikonia: thanks11:36
jasonTRwill make a script :)11:36
geirhajasonTR: time for i in {1..1000}; do  cmd-to-be-timed; done >/dev/null11:38
geirhatime is part of bash's syntax, and can be put in front of any command, including compound commands like a for-loop11:38
ikoniageirha: thats an interesting idea, execute the 1000, and time the loop, rather than then commands11:39
ikoniagood correction11:39
jasonTRgreat idea11:40
thyriaenI am looking to installed the AMDGPU-PRO Driver ( http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMDGPU-PRO-Driver-for-Linux-Release-Notes.aspx ) but as stated it needs the kernel provided in Ubuntu 16.04.3 - I got 16.04.2 though - How do i get the Ubuntu-Kernel to show up in ukuu ? [ I heard there are some kernel additions made to ubuntu ( so not just basic 4.10. )12:00
leftyfbthyriaen: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade12:02
leftyfbthen reboot12:03
ducassethyriaen: if you have 16.04.2 it should automagically upgrade to .3 on regular updates12:03
macsnowballHello.  Just after a bit of advice.  We're having an issue where 16.04 servers on VMware are locking out ssh after a time.  Machines need to be rebooted.  It happens to all the servers, seemingly at the same time, with nothing other than normal background operations happening.  I'm fairly certain the issue isn't with Ubuntu, as the same doesn't happen locally in virtualbox - more likely to be vmware, or config.  However, if the problem t12:09
macsnowballurns out to be an issue with the interactions between Ubuntu and VMware, any ideas where the best place to report would be?  I've googled but not found mention of the issue.  Any tips appreciated.12:09
ikoniacould you define "locking out ssh"12:10
macsnowballThe machines become inaccessible remotely.  Giving "ssh_exchange_identification: red: Connection reset by peer" to any attempt to ssh.12:12
thyriaenducasse: alright thanks12:12
macsnowballIn the logs auth logs, once the problem begins, one error and two warnings are repeated as the only items in the log until reboot.  Helpful if I post them here?12:14
ikoniamacsnowball: what does the auth log show for the connection12:15
macsnowballsshd[30099]: error: rexec of /usr/sbin/sshd failed: Operation not permitted12:15
macsnowballsshd[30099]: warning: cannot open /etc/hosts.allow: Operation not permitted12:15
macsnowballsshd[30099]: warning: cannot open /etc/hosts.deny: Operation not permitted12:15
ikoniamacsnowball: ok - so thats a pretty good hint about that's going on12:16
ikoniayour file system is having a problem most likley12:16
gabrielcmacsnowball: maybe the disks are lost ?12:19
macsnowballikonia: Thanks.  That was our suspicion, so good to have that corroborated.  We've attempted to replicate locally by maxing out open files etc. but no luck;  and appears to occur randomly on the remote servers.  So I'm thinking something vmware side.12:21
macsnowballgabrielc: the gear is new; I'm pretty confident of its condition.  Unless by 'lost' you meant something I misunderstood?12:21
gabrielcmacsnowball: perhaps the physical disks are turned off or connectivity is lost if they are mounted by nfs or iscsi12:23
gabrielcmacsnowball: i do not know. i'm saying problems i've seen12:25
ikoniamacsnowball: you often see that sort of thing with guests moving between hosts and the disk not migrating with them12:25
ikoniamacsnowball: there are many reasons it can happen like that12:25
macsnowballikonia, gabrielc:  thanks for your help.  I realise from the information I've given it's a big ask to diagnose the problem but your comments have definitely helped me.  I'll look down that line in more detail.  Thanks again.12:30
ioriamacsnowball,  what are the /etc permissions ?12:35
macsnowballioria: drwxr-xr-x12:36
ioriamacsnowball,  and /var/log ?12:37
macsnowballioria: drwxrwxr-x.  Works fine for a day or two.  Then, often overnight, it will stop accepting ssh requests and start logging the errors as above.12:37
ioriamacsnowball,  have you checked auth.log ?12:40
macsnowballioria: yea, once the problem kicks in, the logs just repeat the following pattern until reboot12:41
macsnowball(13:15:49) macsnowball: sshd[30099]: error: rexec of /usr/sbin/sshd failed: Operation not permitted12:41
macsnowball(13:15:49) macsnowball: sshd[30099]: warning: cannot open /etc/hosts.allow: Operation not permitted12:41
macsnowball(13:15:49) macsnowball: sshd[30099]: warning: cannot open /etc/hosts.deny: Operation not permitted12:41
macsnowballSome other users here have suggested an issue with the filesystem, possibly the drives not moving with the host12:42
ioriamacsnowball,  using keepalive ?12:43
gabrielcmacsnowball: can you login locally when the problem is happening?12:43
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cbauer|2I'm trying to use apt-get through a socks5 proxy which I created via an ssh tunnel, currently tring tsocks to proxy http requests to my socks5 proxy but not having much luck12:46
grauzikasHello, with centos and kickstart i can use kernel arguments (--apend) and get them from /proc/cmdline to kickstart arguments12:50
grauzikasis there anything similar with debian/ubuntu with preseed ?12:50
cbauer|2apt-get doesn't seem to work through tsocks: https://pastebin.com/raw/C4qq5e5D12:54
c06hi all ubuntu server session getting logout automatically..?12:58
c06pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user ubuntu12:58
c06any suggestion.??12:59
arunkumar413hi team, just installed the ubuntu13:07
arunkumar413the app store isn't responding13:08
arunkumar413plz help13:11
arunkumar413I'm unable to install any software from app store13:11
hateballarunkumar413: Did you install 16.04 or 17.04?13:16
arunkumar413hateball: 16.0413:17
hateballarunkumar413: Can you make sure you're fully updated first? Run in a terminal: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade13:17
arunkumar413hateball: i did apt-get udpate13:17
arunkumar413I dont want 17.0413:18
hateballarunkumar413: "apt full-upgrade" only updates your packages within 16.0413:18
BluesKajgotta run upgrade too, update just sets up the new changes13:18
hateballarunkumar413: "apt update" only looks if there's anything new, it doesnt upgrade packages13:18
arunkumar413hateball: won't it install the new 17.04 OS13:19
hateballarunkumar413: No, that would be "do-release-upgrade" command13:19
arunkumar4130 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.13:19
hateballThen you are fully updated, and something else is broken13:20
hateballarunkumar413: Can you launch the software center from a terminal and see if it gives you any feedback?13:21
arunkumar413hateball: how to launch13:21
hateballI dont use Unity/Gnome so I dont know what it's even called13:21
arunkumar413may be i should re install the ubuntu-software app13:25
arunkumar413hateball: I just ran the removed ubuntu-software and installed but cannot find the software app :(13:27
hateballarunkumar413: Like I said, I dont use it myself so I dont know what it would be called13:28
hateballarunkumar413: Be patient and someone else surely will know13:28
arunkumar413I feel that we should change the support format for Ubuntu13:29
arunkumar413it should be like a ticket system13:29
arunkumar413not forum and chat.13:29
scottjlarunkumar413: there is a ticket system, if you pay for support13:29
hateballarunkumar413: You are aware that this is community support, right? Pay for support and you get it in ticket form13:30
arunkumar413hateball: how much is the pay13:30
arunkumar413even community support should be in ticket form for better support13:30
scottjlarunkumar413: you going to set up and manage the tickets?13:31
arunkumar413I'd be happy  to build one13:31
arunkumar413scottjl: what is the price of paid support13:31
scottjlarunkumar413: https://www.ubuntu.com/support/plans-and-pricing13:32
arunkumar413scottjl: 150 per year13:35
arunkumar413I want to build one per ticket basis not whole year13:36
JoostI read that Ubuntu 17.10 enables PIE; does that mean it's compiling all packages with -pie, or that it's setting --enable-default-pie for GCC systemwide?13:39
Joostthe latter would mean breaking a lot of third party code.. and is what Arch Linux did last month https://joostrijneveld.nl/papers/ntrukem/20170628_ntrukem_auxmaterial.tar.gz13:39
Joostcrap, wrong URL13:39
akikJoost: what's pie?13:43
Joostposition independent executables13:43
JoostI just used the Artful daily to verify, and the behaviour is the same as Arch; enabled by default14:01
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arunangshui want to install elementory os desktop environment and also want to delete the same later on if i want without creating problem on my system. how can i do so??14:21
ru_scosudo add-apt-repository ppa:elementary-os/daily14:22
ru_scosudo add-apt-repository ppa:elementary-os/os-patches14:22
ru_scosudo add-apt-repository ppa:elementary-os/testing14:22
ru_scosudo add-apt-repository ppa:mpstark/elementary-tweaks-daily14:22
ru_scosudo apt-get update14:22
ru_scosudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:22
ru_scosudo apt-get install elementary-theme elementary-icon-theme elementary-default-settings elementary-desktop14:22
ru_scois that what you're looking for arunangshu?14:27
arunangshuru_sco : earlier i did the same but could'nt get it right so i tried to delete it but messed up my computer14:30
ru_scoany reason why you don't want to just install ElementaryOS?14:33
ru_scoit is based on Ubuntu14:34
arunangshuru_sco: firstly  it is not as confortable as ubuntu is and it got very limited application also14:36
arunangshuand it consumes power a lot14:36
leftyfbit only has "limited applications" installed by default. It has just as many (if not more) applications available to install as stock Ubuntu14:37
leftyfbarunangshu: if you don't like it, then why bother installing it?14:37
ru_scoarunangshu you can always add the Ubuntu repo. The power usage is most likely from the Pantheon DE.14:38
ru_scoIt's pretty resource heavy.14:38
leftyfbarunangshu: https://launchpad.net/~elementary-os/+archive/ubuntu/stable14:41
timelesshi, does anyone know if canonical has considered creating a zfs-root google-cloud-compute image?14:50
Pinkamena_Dmy clock has gone missing in an update to 17.04 and all the suggestions of ending the unity panel service do not work14:57
Pinkamena_DThat just ends the service, all of the icons in the top panel vanish and do not come back14:57
ru_scopkill -f indicator-datetime-service14:58
Pinkamena_Dthat does not seem to make any change at all, but thanks for the suggestion.14:59
ru_scono problem. check this link out. https://askubuntu.com/questions/224400/unity-clock-missing14:59
ru_scodifferent version, but same circumstances.14:59
Pinkamena_DI notice that if I create a new user and log in as them, the panel and clock work fine, so it is some config I have in my profile14:59
ru_scoah could be.14:59
Pinkamena_DDoes anyone know in which if the ~/. folders the top panel / unity settings are stored?15:02
EriC^^Pinkamena_D: probably ~/.compiz15:03
ru_scoPinkamena_D I'm not sure where they are located, but if you want to reset unity I think it's this command. unity --reset15:03
Pinkamena_Dok going to be logging out a lot, thanks for the suggestions...15:04
nicomachusI'm trying to generate an SSL certicate for apache2, and ran this command from the Ubuntu wiki to do so: sudo apache2-ssl-certificate-days 36515:12
nicomachusbut I'm guessing there's a typo there, because it comes up as command not found.15:13
timelessnicomachus: any reason not to use letsencrypt instead?15:13
nicomachustimeless: just following the wiki's here.15:14
timeless(actually, there's probably a better page than that)15:15
timelesshttps://certbot.eff.org/all-instructions/#ubuntu-16-10-yakkety-apache perhaps15:15
ru_sconicomachus do you have a domain name?15:16
ru_scoif so just use certbot-auto15:16
timelesssorry, ru_sco started w/ the right question, i should have asked that first ...15:16
ru_scoyou can download it from https://dl.eff.org/certbot-auto15:16
ru_scochmod it to be executable.15:17
ru_scoand then run it    ./certbot-auto   . it will walk you through getting a Let's Encrypt cert.15:17
iorianicomachus, forum/server/apache2/SSL (last edited 2009-04-30 22:06:17 by fooka)15:20
ru_sconicomachus let us know how you work out.15:21
iorianicomachus, i think it's a bit old15:21
nicomachusru_sco: no, no domain. just using the address for now.15:21
ru_scoah okay. yeah you'll want to generate a self signed cert (as you're already trying to do)15:22
timelessnicomachus: any reason not to use a domain? it doesn't have to be a tld, you can assign a subdomain15:23
timelessweb browsers really really don't like ip addresses / snake-oil-certificates, and the process for setting up decent certificates really has improved in the last 2 years15:24
ru_scotimeless he may be setting up a server on a LAN?15:24
ru_sconot sure though.15:24
timelesshe said `for now` which argues against that :)15:24
ru_scoah true. my bad.15:25
nicomachustimeless: I just haven't registered one yet.15:25
ru_sconamecheap has some for like 89 cents15:25
nicomachusbut it is mostly just for my own use.15:25
timelessfwiw, even if you're setting up a server on a lan, as long as you have at least 1 public ip address w/ some dns control, you can use letsencrypt (certbot[-auto]) to provision the cert and then copy the cert over to the internal system15:25
* timeless does that for a dozen or so systems15:25
BluesKajru_sco, you're not bad, just mistaken15:26
ru_scohappens to the best of us.15:26
* timeless isn't a member of `the best of us` and makes plenty of mistakes15:26
ru_scowe're all the best of us!15:27
BluesKajheh, I sometimes wonder id readers can understand my posts, due to the number of typos15:27
ru_scoand timeless I wasn't aware you could do that. thanks for the knowledge!15:28
BluesKajid=if ;_015:28
ru_scohaha case in point!15:28
BluesKajthe typing teacher in 9th grade told me I would pass if i didn't elect to take her class the next yr :-)15:30
BluesKajkmaybe I should have15:30
xorpadis there a way to make a user not named root have full root privileges?15:31
xorpador should I say, a simple way with ubunutu that doesn't require kernel hacking15:32
ru_scoyou need to edit /etc/sudoers15:32
BluesKajadduser newuser  sudo15:32
xorpadwhat do I put in it... right now I have at the bottom will ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL15:32
oerheks"full root" is dangerous15:32
ru_scoor use usermod -aG sudo username15:32
xorpadBluesKaj: was that entire string the command I should use?15:32
oerheksprograms will go bonkers, as they all need to be root too15:33
ru_scoxorpad use "usermod -aG sudo username"15:33
xorpadoerheks: I'm away, it's not for anything that would be risky, and it's less risky if the username isn't root where people know the username they need to use15:33
xorpadLike, I am aware of hacking and exploits and vulnerabilities and all the dangers15:33
BluesKajxorpad, I think so, but ru_sco 's command might more official15:34
xorpadbut I just can't adjust to haivng to use sudo after 6 months being root in a chroot15:34
ru_scooh never mind for my command then15:34
EriC^^xorpad: just use "sudo -i" and then type away15:34
xorpadsudo -i?15:35
xorpadis that like sudo su?15:35
AndrewGazelkaIs there any way to easily combine drivers? Synaptics works great for my touchpad -- except for my physical buttons which can be used to drag / select, but not to click. When using libinput, this issue is fixed, but the accuracy of the touchpad is horrible along with acceleration.15:35
EriC^^xorpad: basically, yeah15:35
xorpadis there any advantage of one over the other?15:35
ioriaenv rariables15:35
EriC^^yes, sudo -i gives a login shell and it's more 'proper'15:35
xorpadOkay, sudo -i will be my new sudo su15:36
nicomachusoooh I can get nicomach.us for $0.88, good lookin out ru_sco15:36
octagoni can get my domains free15:37
xorpadI really don't use this computer for anything online, there is 0 ports forwarded, only ssh running and only with public key auth with a 4096bit rsa key... so having root so easily accessable isn't an issue15:37
octagonbut only if it ends in .tk, .ga, .ml or .gq15:37
xorpadif i was doing things on this perticular box that involved interacting outside my LAN i would care15:37
ru_scono problem nicomachus15:37
xorpadanyways thanks for the advice guys15:37
ru_scono problem xorpad15:38
timelessxorpad: fwiw, you can also add a /etc/passwd entry for another name that is uid=0/gid=015:38
octagonthat feeling when i use ubuntu MATE and its one of my favorites15:38
timelessthe fact that the id=0 user is called root is merely a convention15:38
timelesssome unixes have two id=0 users (root, toor)15:38
xorpadI'm gonna configure my system to sudo su at login15:38
octagonim actually one of those specimen that does not like ubuntu itself but some of the other flavors15:38
ru_scovery cool octagon... glad to know. :p15:39
xorpadwith NOPASSWD in sudoers that should just escalate to a root prompt when I log in15:39
EriC^^xorpad: you could add to your ~/.bashrc   "sudo -i" at the bottom :D15:39
xorpadEriC^^: that's exactly what I was going to do when I said I'm gonna make it sudo su on login, except i forgot sudo -i is better15:39
xorpadworks perfect:D15:40
timeless... why?15:40
xorpadnow I can be root. I'm going bare back boys wish me a good time15:40
EriC^^i wonder if the DE uses .bashrc somehow when logging in, ~/.profile is run when the DE logs in15:40
timelesswhy not just use toor or login as root?15:40
xorpadEriC^^: there is no DE15:40
xorpadit's a headless compiling box15:40
EriC^^xorpad: problem solved :D15:41
xorpadthanks again guys15:41
xorpadi know some of your suggestions didn't help but you lead me to the solution15:41
BluesKajalso bash_aliases is great for using shortened commands in the shell15:41
xorpadso thanks to all who tried to help15:41
octagonwhy even install something to get root access? sudo -i and su do the trick15:42
xorpadi didn't install something15:42
xorpadI put sudo -i into my .bashrc15:42
ru_scooctagon this has been gone over already.15:42
xorpadso at the end of the init phase of bash shell, it exectures sudo -i15:42
xorpadbut thanks for trying to help:D15:42
octagonno problem15:43
octagoni had a mate use su -c to run commands as root15:43
octagonthe one problem is if you run multiple commands you have to enter the root password every single time15:44
xorpadi have been in a chroot environment compiling packages for many months... I was root, so I got used to not needing sudo and now it's a PITA15:44
timelessxorpad: that part i understand, but what's wrong w/ ssh'ing directly to root?15:45
timeless(or to toor for that matter)15:45
BluesKajoctagon, not if you add 'User ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' just below sudo line in the sudoers file15:45
xorpadtimeless: Nothing... But not allowing root means the average skid attacker would assume they can't get root on that box and move on15:46
octagonwell he try telling him that15:46
timelessxorpad: ok, so, `toor` then?15:46
xorpadtimeless, no it's a alias i use for certain things15:46
timelessthe point is just because a user isn't named `root` doesn't mean it can't be god15:46
octagondon't tell him what to do, its his installation so he does what he wants.15:46
* timeless shrugs15:47
octagonif you did tell him what to do he would instant ignore you lol15:47
xorpadtimeless, unless you know who I am,  which would require you to break though my cloak of anonymity, you won't know the username to try15:47
xorpadand also, ssh is only allowed on lan15:48
EriC^^you could use pub key authentication with root15:48
xorpadbut if they get into my router or network another way they'll be mighty shut down when they keep trying to log in as root15:48
timelessanyway, the suggestion i'm trying to make is that instead of adding a sudo/su line to your login script, you can edit /etc/passwd to mark your user as uid=0/gid=015:48
xorpadtimeless, what does that do?15:49
timelessit simplifies how the system manages you, reducing layers of overhead15:49
xorpadI see...15:49
timelessit means that when someone authenticates as that user, they have uid=0/gid=015:49
timelessi.e. they're god15:49
xorpadWell what I got works perfectly15:49
timelessthat's the part of /etc/passwd that makes root remotely powerful15:49
timelessotherwise, it'd just a name15:49
timelessand linux mostly doesn't know about names, it knows about numbers15:49
xorpadyeah, I could change root to not be privileged I'm sure. I don't know how but I'm sure I can. but I just wanted a quick fix and I got one and now the conversation is dragging on when I'm happy with the solution i have15:50
xorpadyeah, I know15:50
xorpadbut I don't know how to configure it15:50
xorpadI know a lot about linux but for using it 20 years i should be ashamed15:51
timelessi'm telling you: it's two fields in `/etc/passwd`15:51
xorpadi believe you, and I even made a note of it in the file on my desktop called notes.txt15:51
xorpadincase i decide to go that direction later and don't have scrollback15:51
malinusxorpad: that's why you have at least 24months of scrollback15:52
EriC^^timeless: if i change a user's uid to 0 logging in doesn't work anymore15:53
xorpad24 months of scrollback?15:53
xorpadI don't store logs15:53
xorpadscrollback of that length is logging15:54
timelessEriC^^: ssh? https://askubuntu.com/questions/469143/how-to-enable-ssh-root-access-on-ubuntu-14-0415:54
timeless(one would set up root to not have an ssh authorized keys file...)15:54
EriC^^timeless: no, i mean if i edit /etc/passwd and change the uid for a user to "0" and then try to login it says login incorrect15:54
timelessEriC^^: i'm only looking at things from an ssh perspective15:55
timeless(but, of course to do that, one needs to make sure that the files are owned by the right user-id, ssh is fairly picky about that)15:56
* timeless rarely talks to `/bin/login`15:56
xorpadDoes anyone have one of the ryzen's affected by compile-time and other heavy multi-tasking from the gcc SMT issues?15:57
timelessxorpad: the gcc compile farm does15:58
EriC^^timeless: ssh isn't working either15:58
timelessEriC^^: hmm, lemme bring up a vm15:58
EriC^^timeless: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25363303/15:59
EriC^^the password is correct, but it keeps saying permission denied16:00
EriC^^changing it back to 1001 allows logging in via ssh, i've heard of people changing the uid of another user to 0, i guess it's more involved than changing /etc/passwd, at least on ubuntu16:01
timelessEriC^^: so...16:02
timelessi ran:16:02
timelessadduser toor16:02
timelessthen i ^C'd when it asked to confirm a password16:03
timelessthen i changed the toor user directory to be owned by 0:0 and copied an ssh directory that had an authorized_keys file https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/0fy0oIct/16:04
timelessand then i changed `toor:x:0:0::/home/toor:/bin/bash` in /etc/passwd16:04
timeless$ ssh toor@
timelessand ssh worked. https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/0JkcLrQ1/16:04
EriC^^if you set a password, does it work via ssh?16:05
timeless(just tested)16:05
EriC^^odd, it doesn't here, i just tried setting the permissions of the home dir to uid 0 recursively16:07
EriC^^it acts as if the password is wrong16:08
timelessso, for testing, /usr/sbin/ssh -p 5022 -d16:09
timelessso, for testing, /usr/sbin/sshd -p 5022 -d16:09
timelessand then ssh -p 5022 ... and read the output from the sshd16:09
timelessthis is what my output looks like:  https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/25PabxSf/16:10
EriC^^debug1: PAM: password authentication failed for xxxx: Authentication failure16:11
* timeless shrugs16:11
timelessdid it consider ssh keys at all?16:11
timelessyou might also use ssh -v -v -v to see if your client even considered offering them16:12
EriC^^yeah, i dont have any16:12
timelesswell err16:12
timelessthis whole suggestion was based on a premise of ssh keys :)16:12
timelessadding a second user account that has a crackable password that is 0:0 isn't a good idea :)16:12
timelessadding a second user account with an ssh key isn't any bigger risk than most things16:13
jerichowasahoaxDovecot can't write to /var/run. I tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it via aptitude, and now I can't reinstall Dovecot because it still can't write to /var/run. What do I do?16:13
* timeless goes off to lunch16:13
jerichowasahoaxThis all "just worked" before I restarted this box for a kernel update. And now it doesn't.16:13
jerichowasahoaxIs there a bug in recent kernels that breaks /var/run?16:14
tmh1999Hi, I have a question and I hope some guru here could help me out :) I am wondering where is a source tree for development of a certain package in Ubuntu is stored. For Debian, for example initramfs-tools, it is located at https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/kernel/initramfs-tools.git/tree/16:18
tmh1999https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/ is actually a redirection from git.debian.org16:19
tmh1999git.ubuntu.com does not lead to any place16:20
yeatstmh1999: this may lead you to where you want to go?: https://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/initramfs-tools16:20
yeatstmh1999: also https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools16:21
tmh1999yeats : I tried the launchpad link, all of them looks pretty old16:22
jerichowasahoaxtmh1999: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools seems like the right first stop16:22
jerichowasahoaxI just ran "sudo chmod -R 777 /run" and Dovecot still does not have permission to write to that directory. Something is definitely wrong and I don't know what.16:24
tmh1999yeats, jerichowasahoax : indeed one of those launchpad links leads to the source tree browsing page (in Code tab, with very small 'Browse the code' link) : http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/trusty/initramfs-tools/trusty/files16:27
tmh1999Thank you very much !16:27
jerichowasahoaxtmh1999: you're welcome!16:28
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royal_screwup21I'm on ubuntu 16.04 and I have a radeons graphic built in and I want to switch to using that instead of my icore7. How do I accomplish this?17:01
fspkwoni actually figured out how to get irssi working17:03
mzazaI installed node via nvm, and it's installed in /home/user/.nvm and now I want the root user to see this bin so when I used sudo node, it would work. I switched to root using sudo -i then I edited the ~/.profile and then used "source ~/.profile" but nothing worked out, still node not found error17:03
fspkwonirssi = i dont like my computer but set up this old peice of shit to start up and type to people17:04
fspkwondo you know what kind of weird shit people are going to do with irc?17:04
lateniteHi folks, I use wpa_suppicant and dhclient to get my laptop online. Now when I change locations the running wpa_supplicant instance automatically connects to the new AP. But the dhclient instance does not renew its lease until the TTL is times out. That can be as long as a day. SO I have to manually restart dhclien to get a valid IP. Is there a way to make this happen automatically once the wifi SSID has changed?17:08
lateniteI read this but cannot make sense of it for ubuntu: http://lists.shmoo.com/pipermail/hostap/2008-May/017784.html17:08
gabrielclatenite: on what version of ubuntu?17:12
pavloslatenite: dhclient -r eth017:13
pavloslatenite: the -r forces dhclient to release and request a new IP lease for your interface17:14
DJoneslatenite: I think you'd be better explaining your issue here, rather than trying to use a how to for Fedora from 200817:14
DJoneslatenite: Two major issues, 1) different operating system, and 2) its 8 years out of date17:15
texlaI have a password manager named passate om sda6 I wish to move to sda7 can I do this and how17:18
teskois it possible to use apt-get to update to a snapshot image17:19
latenitegabrielc, Ubuntu 17.0417:21
swift110hey all17:23
teskoswift110, hey dude17:23
latenitepavlos, I don't want to manually release (-r) a lease... I want dhclient to dit my itself ONCE the wpa_supplicant is connected to a different network.17:23
teskoswift110 is it possible to use apt to update to a snapshot image17:23
lateniteDJones, my issue is explained in my inital text. I want dhclient to refresh the lease once wpa_supplicant has reconnected17:24
lateniteDJones, does that make sense?17:30
gabrielclatenite: maybe helps, man 5 dhclient.conf17:33
gabrielclatenite: /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf17:34
latenitegabrielc, what exactly do you mean when referring to the man page and config file of dhclient?17:38
ubottuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/17:43
nostalgiccloudis there a ubuntu hardened kernel?17:44
texlaI have a password manager named pasaffe on sda6 I wish to move to sda7 can I do this and how17:46
glitsj16tesko: are you referring to snap packages?17:47
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=== Spacy is now known as ASpacy
ducassetexla: you mean you want to move the program itself from one install to another? what are those two installs?17:55
texladucasse, sda6 is Ubuntu and sda7 is mint 1717:56
teskoglitsj16, whole thing17:57
teskowell yes but mostly packages and kernel17:58
ducassetexla: why copy - why not just install it where you want it?17:58
texladucasse, because it contains all my password for two distro's17:59
glitsj16texla: if you want to share your pasaffe database between ubuntu & mint, it might be handy to put it somewhere both systems can see it and use symlinks (iirc pasaffe uses $HOME/.local/share/pasaffe/)17:59
glitsj16tesko: not sure this is what you're looking for, but managing snap packages can't be done via apt --> https://www.howtogeek.com/252047/how-to-install-and-manage-snap-packages-on-ubuntu-16.04-lts/18:01
ducassetesko: are you trying to upgrade all packages to specific versions via apt?18:04
teskoim trying to upgrade to "testing" or "unstable"18:06
ducassetesko: no such thing18:06
ducassetesko: those are debian terms18:06
ducassetesko: if you want the development version, use 'sudo do-release-upgrade -d'18:08
teskothanks a bunch ducasse18:15
ducassetesko: np. for support for that version, visit #ubuntu+118:18
teskocan i still stay here?18:19
ducassetesko: sure, but we don't support development releases here18:19
=== ASpacy is now known as Spacy
teskoso ducasse what other os' have you tried?18:23
ducassetesko: this channel is mainly a support channel, social chat happens in #ubuntu-offtopic :)18:32
pavloslatenite: what do you mean, "to dit my itself"? once wpa connects to another network, it gets a lease of x seconds18:33
latenitepavlos, I have wpa_supplucant running and now it reconnected to SSID2...but the lease is still from the SSID1 network. Now I want the lease to be renewed18:34
latenitepavlos, you know what I mean?18:36
pavloslatenite: how do you know the lease is from ssd1 ?18:37
pavloslatenite: do ssd1,2 offer same lease ?18:37
pavloslatenite: my lease is 1800 seconds and gets renewed at half time ~ 900 sec18:38
pavloslatenite: your dhcpd.conf has default and max lease time regardless of ssid18:40
ru_scoanyone else experience webkitgtk taking forever to compile?18:40
latenitepavlos, I know the lease is from SSID1 because the IP is 192.168.4.x and the SSID lease IPs are 10.0.0.x18:42
latenitethe lease times are server dependent, I can not change them18:42
lateniteso what can I do to my local  dhcpd.conf?18:43
pavloslatenite: if the ip is 192, it got it from s1, if the ip is 10, it got it from s2, right?18:43
pavloslatenite: I'm not sure you can have diff leases for different networks (s1,2)18:44
tgm4883pavlos: it sounds like it didn't get an IP address on the new network18:44
tgm4883IIRC, that shouldn't be a lease length issue18:45
lateniteright it did NOT get an IP from SSID2 because the SSID lease is still valid for hours to go18:45
lateniteonly when the lease time of SSID1 is up...dhclient will renew and get an IP from SSID218:49
pavloslatenite: seems that in the dhcp.conf you can define different subnets with their own lease time18:49
lateniteBut I want this to happen right after SSID2 got connection18:49
latenitepavlos, predefining subnets is kind of counter DHCP18:50
lateniteIts a laptop...how will I know the subnets in advance?18:50
gabrielclatenite: can you test this? disconnect from SSID1 (ssid that works), and then check for ip address on wlan interface18:50
latenitegabrielc, When I stop wpa_supplicant (disconnect from SSID)...the IP of SSID1-lease remains on the interface18:51
pavloslatenite: suggestion was on a corporate env ... if you go from coffee shop to coffee shop, you cannot control the lease time18:52
SimonNLlatenite: If you ask me you should just disconect from ssid1 and connect to ssid2 dhcp will take care of everything18:52
latenitewhat exactly means disconect to you?18:53
SimonNLchoose the other ssid from network manager disconnecting will be automatic18:53
SimonNLor disconnect using network settings18:56
SimonNLthats how it works on my system18:56
aaLexHi there! I'm having some trouble setting up a VPN connection. I'm following this guide: https://billing.vpn.ht/knowledgebase/16/Linux-Ubuntu-Network-Manger-OpenVPN.html , but when I open the Network Manager and unfold "VPN Connections" it is simply greyed out and I do not have the option to "Configure VPN..." or anything.19:00
aaLexI've installed openvpn and so forth, any suggestions please?19:00
ru_scohey aaLex19:02
ru_scodid you install networkmanager-openvpn?19:02
ru_scoyou need that too I think.19:02
aaLexYeah, did that @ru_sco19:02
gabrielclatenite: search for "Using wpa_cli to" on https://w1.fi/cgit/hostap/plain/wpa_supplicant/README19:03
ru_scohmm... are you importing an ovpn file?19:03
aaLexI want to do that eventually, yeah, but I do not even have the option to do so19:04
aaLexthat is, I can't configure a connection19:04
ru_scohmmm. is there a network settings button under your connection icon in the tray?19:04
ru_scothat's where I add mine.19:05
ru_sconetwork settings, then click the little + button19:05
ru_scoand it gives me an option to import19:05
aaLexIt looks like this: https://i1.wp.com/i.stack.imgur.com/7zw84.png19:05
ducasseaaLex: have you restarted network manager after installing the packages?19:05
ru_scohit edit connections19:05
aaLex@ducasse Yes, and restarted the machine as well19:06
ru_scoand it should allow you to add19:06
aaLex@ru_sco one second, trying that19:06
aaLexThank you19:06
ru_scothat worked?19:07
aaLexI think it did yeah, thanks a ton man!19:08
pavlosaaLex: https://askubuntu.com/questions/902930/ubuntu-16-04-lts-network-manager-cannot-add-vpn-greyed-out/902936#90293619:11
dcypherQuestion Ubuntu Gurus: I just used 'sudo deluser --remove-all-files user' to delete all traces of this user... although it seems to have worked I got a large number of warnings 'cannot handle special file.....". I assume this is deluser not being able to check those files?? this appears to be normal output, but not really needed as it makes it appear something went wrong... am I wrong!?19:11
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gabrielcto close the latenite question, wpa_cli can used to run external programs whenever wpa_supplicant19:16
gabrielcconnects or disconnects from a network [...] trigger DHCP client to update IP19:16
gabrielcaddresses, etc.19:16
gabrielcsorry the flood19:16
ioriadcypher, https://askubuntu.com/questions/627646/strange-output-when-deleting-user19:18
aaLexUnrelated to my question about VPN; anyone here with experience concerning self-hosted cloud solutions i.e. ownCloud and Nextcloud?19:19
pavlosdcypher: was the 'user' logged on? there is a --force option19:23
dcypherno, never logged in19:28
dcypherit appears to be just warnings, but causes my to quickly check what the hell just happened19:31
dcypherI scrolled back and yes, they are just all /dev /proc /run19:33
garydhello anyone on here?19:37
ru_scowhats up19:37
garydOk it works...19:37
garydI just wanted to to know if anyone has tried installing Ubuntu Touch on a Ruggear 702 mobile phone?19:38
garyd not looking positive in that regards so far19:39
ru_scoyeah I doubt it lol19:39
ru_scoI've never even heard of that model.19:39
garyd its german , made for trades p[eople , pretty topugh , runs android19:40
garydbut ive had enough of google and wanted to have more control , hence the above question19:40
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch19:49
nicomachusIs there any reason to get permission denied on `cd`?20:12
nicomachustrying to view /var/log/letsencrypt/, but getting: bash: cd: /var/log/letsencrypt/: Permission denied20:12
leftyfbnicomachus: yeah, you don't have permission to be in that directly20:14
nicomachusleftyfb: I have permission to be wherever I wanna be.20:14
leftyfbnicomachus: your user on that particular Ubuntu system does not have proper permissions (ACL's) to access that directory. Probably executable.20:18
nicomachusleftyfb: dropping to root fixed it, so I guess you're right.20:21
=== Spacy is now known as ASpacy
emxfor drives (sdd, hdd, usb) there is an icon in "Files". is there a way to have the same for samba shares?20:48
bodanglySo I recently blew out my /boot directory and had to force reinstall my kernel. Ever since then, bizarrely, Remmina is painfully slow when connected over RDP. Any ideas?20:57
bodanglyI thought maybe somehow hardware acceleration isn't working on my system, but unity_support_test is all green...20:58
nicomachusbodangly: what's the output of `lsb_release -a` and `uname -r`?20:59
bodanglyIts Ubuntu 17.04, and I am running the 4.10.0-32 kernel21:01
tgm4883bodangly: saying that you blew that directory out suggests that you deleted things in there manually21:13
lateniteSimonNL, I do not want to interact with anything...especilly not with networkmanager21:15
gabrielclatenite: you still have the problem of wpa_supplicant and dhclient?21:19
latenitegabrielc, yes21:20
lateniteSimonNL suggested: "choose the other ssid from network manager disconnecting will be automatic"21:21
gabrielclatenite: search for "Using wpa_cli to" https://w1.fi/cgit/hostap/plain/wpa_supplicant/README21:21
latenitebut he missed the idea that I want a "automatic" solution21:21
gabrielclatenite: it seems that you have to use wpa_cli21:22
latenitegabrielc, I read it...and it sound like THE solution21:22
latenitecool stuff21:22
gabrielclatenite: the manual :)21:23
lateniteas always :D21:23
latenitegabrielc, I will so try that out tomorrow. Its late here...21:24
s3w47m88Hello, I'm brand new to this IRC channel, and almost brand new to IRC in general. I understand that there is a Slack channel, does it sync this the IRC channels or is it a separate thing?21:24
gabrielclatenite: good luck then!21:24
latenitegabrielc, thank you tons. :D21:24
oerhekss3w47m88, ask them?21:24
gabrielclatenite: you are welcome21:24
s3w47m88@oerheks, okay, I didn't realize they were a separate entity than this. I'm awaiting approval to join that Slack Team so I thought I should start here.21:25
bodanglytgm4883: Yes I had a moment of stupidity in a rush and formatted /boot instead of a thumb drive.21:41
bodanglyThen force reinstalled the kernel image and headers21:41
bodanglyand my system works, seemingly fine, except for that one issue, where RDP is painfully slow where it worked quite well before. and it isn't just that RDP is slow, when its running my entire system crawls21:42
Rboreal_FripperyBeen struggling to get the clock to work after an upgrade to 17.04. All settings are greyed out in the settings like here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/161201/clock-settings-are-disabled-from-time-date-settings ; however killall unity-panel-service just removes the top panel - nothing ever regenerates.21:45
Rboreal_FripperyAlso when running " /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-datetime/indicator-datetime-service" I get "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-datetime/indicator-datetime-service: libssl.so.1.0.0: version `OPENSSL_1.0.2' not found (required by /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcurl.so.4)" - not sure how to go about fixing this.21:45
Rboreal_FripperyOR if that is even the right approach21:45
tomreynbodangly: unless you were using a different kernel image or different kernel parameters before, and unless you also overwrote other data but /sda, none of this can have caused the xrdp server to become slow.21:46
tomreyn* other data than /boot21:46
tomreynRboreal_Frippery: can you show the output of: dpkg -l indicator-datetime libcurl3 libssl1.0.021:53
tomreynit might be that you're mixing packages of different releases21:53
tomreyndid you build any of these packages yourself?21:54
bodanglytomreyn: Well I reinstalled GRUB, but I never made any changes to the kernel cmdline that would be relevant here21:55
bodanglyIts not xrdp server though by the way, its clients21:55
bodanglySame issue in Remmina and Vinagre21:55
bodanglyI am baffled. Maybe its something else that got changed during an apt update / upgrade?21:56
tomreynbodangly: i see. but still  i dont see how it would be related to repopulating /boot21:56
tomreynbodangly: that's more along the lines of what i'd assume21:56
bodanglyIt just seemed to be correlated, but I suppose it may be a red herring21:56
tomreyncheck your logs21:56
Rboreal_Fripperytomreyn: https://bpaste.net/show/3ab14016da5f21:57
tomreynbodangly: check logs ~/.xsession-errors and /var/log/Xorg.*.log and run "dmesg -T | less"21:58
tomreynRboreal_Frippery: ah those versions are cut off (not your fault), can you run this instead? apt-cache policy indicator-datetime libcurl3 libssl1.0.0 | nc termbin.com 999922:00
Rboreal_Fripperytomreyn: sure...it returns "http://termbin.com/fd4p" ?22:02
tomreynRboreal_Frippery: hmm th9ose are all proper zesty package versions, then i'm afraid i don't know - to me it looks  as if either indicator-datetime or libcurl was built against an outdated libssl-dev package. but i'm not really into that.22:07
tomreynRboreal_Frippery: about the other question, check whether there is (just blind guessing here, i don't have unity installed) "unity-panel-service --replace" if or whether "unity --replace" help with bringing up the indicator again.22:09
bilb_onoI can’t run apt-get update. it stops at : 0% [Connecting to security.ubuntu.com22:17
bilb_onowhat could I check as for reasons that it can’t find that site?22:17
ru_scocan you ping it?22:19
ru_scoalso, can you ping other websites?22:19
bilb_onoru_sco: yep I can ping it22:20
bilb_onoI am remote logged into the computer that I am trying to run this on btw22:20
tgm4883bilb_ono: and you can ping it from that remote system?22:23
bilb_onotgm4883: yep22:24
bilb_onothats where Im doing everything22:24
bilb_onoIm on a mac so apt-get stuff doesn’t work for my local comp ofc22:24
pavlosbilb_ono: and sudo apt update is stuck at 0% ?22:24
bilb_onoyes: root@localhost:~# sudo apt-get update - > 0% [Connecting to security.ubuntu.com (2001:67c:1560:8001::11)]22:25
bilb_onoafter a few lines like Hit:2 http://mirrors.linode.com/ubuntu xenial-updates InRelease22:25
naccbilb_ono: do you actually have ipv6 configured?22:26
naccbilb_ono: my initial guess is ipv6 networking issue22:26
bilb_ononacc: no22:26
bilb_onoor at least I didn’t do anything specifically22:26
naccbilb_ono: well, that'd be your problem, then -- it appears to be trying to use the ipv6 address for security.ubuntu.com22:27
naccI should say, that *could* be your problem22:27
bilb_ononacc: so I should somehow change back to a different ip protocol? or is there some ubuntu setup for using ipv6?22:28
pavlosbilb_ono: maybe force ipv4 ... apt-get -o Acquire::ForceIPv4=true update22:28
naccpavlos: thanks, was just looking that up22:29
bilb_onopavlos: perfect that works22:29
pavlosbilb_ono: for upgrade ... apt-get -o Acquire::ForceIPv4=true upgrade22:30
bilb_onopavlos: apt-get upgrade alone worked for some reason22:31
pavlosbilb_ono: hmmm ... it remembers the current setting till reboot. Maybe you need to permanent set ipv422:32
bilb_onopavlos: is there a way to do that?22:32
pavlosbilb_ono: but why did it lose it?22:32
bilb_onoidk I just set this up a few minutes ago. Its a Linode server, maybe they do something differently?22:33
bilb_onohmm the video Im using is doing ubuntu 1404 and this is 160422:33
bilb_onomaybe thats the difference22:33
TheMontyChristsomeboy recommend a screen recorder?22:34
GumaIs it possible to install arm64 development packages on x64 machine to do cross compilation?22:35
nchambersGuma: what do you mean by install?22:36
pavlosbilb_ono: create /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99force-ipv4     add this: Acquire::ForceIPv4 "true";   from now on, apt should work on ipv422:38
kostkonTheMontyChrist, simplescreenrecorder22:40
nchambersI use asciinema :D22:42
Gumanchambers: I want to install arm64 dev packages so I an do cross compile my project. I know I could rebuild all needed packages that I need (arm64) but before I do this I want to see if I can install them first22:46
pavlosGuma: this might help ... https://askubuntu.com/questions/250696/cross-compile-for-arm22:55
Gumapavlos: Thank you. But this talks about installing tools only. Now what about development packages.23:01
naccGuma: you mean, e.g., some arm64 library?23:02
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Gumanacc: Yes. Looking in package manager there arm64 arch and packages23:06
GumaI can do this http://wiki.ros.org/kinetic/Installation/Ubuntu23:06
GumaAnd that works fine host23:06
Gumabut I need to install target libs for ros-kinetic-ros-base23:07
GumaI did dpkg --add-architecture arm6 then apt-get update23:08
leftyfbGuma: funny thing, that's prettymuch what I'm working on at the moment. But I'm installing ROS from packages onto a pi 323:08
GumaI can't build on target so I need to set up cross compilation23:08
leftyfbwhy do you need to build it? Why not use the packages?23:08
Gumaok how can I install arm64 packages on my Intel box? No to run it ofcourse but to build my project on Intel but for arm64 target23:09
leftyfbAre you trying to build ROS or are you compiling your own application?23:10
GumaI have my cmake project that works on my desktop. But I can't build on target so I have to cross compile and I need ROS arm64 for that23:10
GumaOk I have my own app that I can compile on Intel for Intel. But not I am trying to cross compile/link on Intel for arm64 output23:11
naccyou don't add another architecture to cross-compile it23:12
naccyou add another architecture to install packages for that architecture23:12
Gumaand then setup gdb remote debugging from Intel to Arm. The later I know how. From what I am reading you should be able to install ROS arm64 on my Intel23:12
Gumanacc: But I have to have arm64 package locally so I could compile and link against it23:13
Gumaand then run on target23:13
Gumanacc: I am not sure if I follow you23:16
naccGuma: the cross-compiler is just the toolchain. If you need to build something with it, you need an environemtn (e.g., chroot) that is of the appropriate architecture23:16
naccGuma: I don't think you want to populate your host with random arm packages23:17
Gumanacc: I am familiar with cross compilation when I set up and build everything. I download toochain, downloaud needed sources I build them with tool chain and install to sysroot/<arch>/ then build myapp and link with it.23:23
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=== OpenSores is now known as OpenSorce
GumaThis time since ROS is quite large I want to install such packages so I do not have to build it. It this possible>23:24
GumaI never did this and jsut from my reading this is possible but I might be wrong23:24
bilb_onoI want to make a website with ubuntu. I know how to make the website work but I can only serve it locally. I have heard that I need something like uswgi and nginx.. (but im not entirely sure). Are there any guides for how to serve a public website from flask ?23:30
locrian9NTP question. Running Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS and wondering since this version isn't running systemd, what ntp client can I use that stays in sync well?23:50
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locrian9Looks like I've got 'ntp' and 'ntpdate' on this system. Are both needed?23:52
nacclocrian9: they do different things -- ntp is from ntpd (I think) which is the daemon that runs to keep you ntp sync'd. ntpdate is a one-off sync now kind of command23:53
locrian9nacc: Ok, thanks.23:55

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